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1、2015 年思科模擬題:CCNA、CCNP、CCIE模擬試題ccnal.which of the follow ing types of packets will be alloweden try whe n a serial in terfaces inbound access list has bee ncon figured to prohibit entry for tcp and udp ports 21, 23 and25? (select three opti on s.)a. smtpb. stpc. ftpd. tel nete. httpf. pop32.one of th

2、e train ees assig ned to you want to know which services use tcp. what can you tell him? (select three opti on s.)a. dhcpb. smtpc. snmpd. ftpe. httpf. tftpwan3. which of the followi ng n etwork masks would you use to reduce any wastage of ip addresses in point-to-pointlinks on a n etwork that suppor

3、ts vlsm?a. /38b. /30c. /27d. /23e. /184. how would you con figure a router to avoid situatio nssuch as split horiz on issues hamperi ng rout ing updates on a frame relay n etwork?a. con figure a separate sub-i nterface for each pvc with aunique dlci and sub net assig ned to the sub in terface.b. con

4、 figure each frame relay circuit as a poin t-to-po int line to support multicast and broadcast traffic.c. con figureone sub-i nterfaceto disperse in to multiplepvc conn ecti ons to multiple remote router in terfaces.d. con figure as many as possible sub-i nterfaces on the same sub net.5. with regard

5、 to isdn, which of the followingare true?(choose all that apply.)a. legacy ddr can use portin formatio nto defi ne in teresti ng traffic.b. legacy ddr can con figure multiple dialer con figuratio nson the same in terface.c. legacy ddr can use acls to defi ne in terest ing traffic.d. hdlc or ppp can

6、be used to en capsulate isd n d cha nnelin formati on.e. the bri in terfaceson isd n routers with dialer profilescon figured cannot bel ong to multiple dialer pools.f. dialer profiles cannot use acls to defineinterestingtraffic.ccnp-bsci6. which of the following is a characteristic of link-state pro

7、tocols?a. a n etwork topology cha nge gen erates an update that is broadcast to every router onthe n etwork.b. the periodic routi ng update in terval is slightly differe ntin each router on a sub net.c. each router creates a rout ing table that only in cludes its directly conn ected n eighbors.whe n

8、thed. link-state protocols send routing updates only there is a cha nge in the n etworktopology.7. what is the term associated with synchronizing routi ng tables after a topology cha nge occurs?a. flood ingb. broadcast ingc. conv erge need. summarizati on8. which of the followi ng must be determ ine

9、d first by therouter in order to route the data?a. the dista nee metric of the datab. the source address of the datac. which rout ing protocol is used by the datad. whether the protocol suite of the data is active9. you are a tech ni cia n at abc. abc has the sub net/mask of/26 set aside

10、 for small remote locations. each location will have 5 ip devices connected to the network. which vlsm mask will provide the mi nimum nu mber of hosts you require?a. /27b. /28c. /29d. /30e. /31lO.you are a trainee technicianat abc. your instructorshows you the followi ng route summarizati on en try:

11、/22 your in structorwan ts to know howmany class c addresses are contained in this summarization. what would your reply be?a. 1b. 2c. 4d. 8e. 16-bcms n11. which comma nd en ables an ethercha nnel bun dle on acatalyst 2900xl switch?a. port groupb. set port cha nnel onc. port ethercha nne

12、l en abled. set ethercha nnel port en able12. which two stateme nts about dyn amic vla ns are true?(choose two)a. each switch port is assig ned to a specific vla n.b. dyn amic vla ns require a vla n membership policy server.c. devices are in the same vlan regardless of which port they attach to.d. d

13、yn amicvla n assig nment are made through thecomma nd in terface.13. whichstatementis correct about 802.1q trunking?(select all that apply)a. both switches must be in the same vtp doma in.b. the en capsulati on type of both ends of the trunk does not have to match.c. the n ative via n on both ends o

14、f the trunk must be via n 1.d. 802.1q trunking can only be con figuredon a layer 2port.e. in 802.1q trunking, all via n packets are tagged on thetrunk link, except the n ative vla n.14. you need to take advantage of fastethernet ports. which two actions avoid configuration problems that cause the po

15、rt to be automatically disabled? (choose two)a. allow some ports in a cha nnel to be disabled.b. con figure the ports in a cha nnel as dyn amic vla n ports.c. con figure all ports in a cha nnel to operate at the same speed and duplex mode.d. assign all ports in a channel to the same vlan orcon figur

16、e them as trunk ports.15. what is the cause of jitter?a. variable queue delaysb. packet dropsc. tran smitt ing too many small packetsd. compressi onare-bcra n16. regard ingdhcp, dhcp relay and dhcp servermutually exclusive.a. none of the choices.b. truec. false on ly for certai n ios vers iond. fals

17、ee. false only for ios vers ion below v1017. a lapd address field can be 1 or 2 bytes long.a. trueb. falsec. true on ly in the usd. true on ly in asiae. true only in europe18. which of the followi ng are valid fun cti ons of the lock dte modem attribute (choose all that apply)?a. disable uart.b. en

18、able uart.c. locks the data speedbetwee nthe computermotherboard and the rs232 port.d. locks the data speed betwee n the modem and the dte device.19. which of the followi ng are not the valid types of atm addresses (choose all that apply)?a. dccb. gctc. bspd. icde. n sapf. aed20. which of the follow

19、 ing are not the valid types of x.25 plp packet fields (choose all that apply)?a. user datab. lcic. gfid. ptie. none of the choices.-cit21. you are a tech ni cia n at . your n ewly appo in tedabc trainee wants to know what the similarities between topology diagrams and n etwork con figuratio n table

20、s are.what would your reply be? (choose all that apply.)a. both share few comp onen ts.b. both share many of the same comp onen ts.c. both defi ne physical memory comp onen ts.d. both are used for troubleshooti ng.e. both use lines and symbols to represent network comp onen ts.22. you are a tech ni

21、cia n at . your n ewly appo in tedabc trainee wants to know what the default action for the output of debug and system error messages is. what would your reply be?a. output goes to the remote con sole if logg ing is off.b. output is sent to the con sole term in al.c. error logging automaticallyinvok

22、es debug output tothe desig nated tftp server.d. output con figuratio n requires a tftp server to write filese. output is writte n to a syslog server.23. you are the n etwork admi nistrator at . abc has a switched n etwork. you want to con trol the desig nati on of thespanning-treeroot bridge in the

23、 abc network. what shouldyou do?a. by enabling uplink-fast on the ports of the desired switch.b. by loweri ng the bridge priority on the desired switch.c. by setting a lower mac address on the designated switch.d. by raisi ng the bridge id on one switch.24. you are a tech ni cia n at abc. you receiv

24、e a report from several abc users who compla in that they get slow resp on ses whe n sending and recei ving email, especially whe n brows ing the internet. you investigate the complaint by checking the output of a pi ng comma nd issued from her computer and find that it indicatesintermittedsuccess a

25、nd failures messages,whe n attempti ng to con tact the email server. a tracert to the corporate internet gateway router shows high late ncy and occasi onal time out messages.what would be the most effective troubleshoot ing approach if you are to determine the cause of the slow resp onse time?a. bot

26、tom-up approachb. ran dom access approachc. divide and conq uer approachd. top-dow n approache. top-dow n rule-out approachmore would25. you are a tech ni cia n at . your n ewly appo in ted abc trainee wants to know what features make ospf suitable than rp in large network installations.whatyour rep

27、ly be? (choose all that apply.)a. diffus ing update algorithmb. no hop count limitatio nc. higher rout ing update overheadd. faster conv erge neee. lower routi ng update overheadccie26. you are the network administrator at abc. you are troubleshootinga network problem. you want to trace theroute to

28、a unix workstati on that you want to reach through the intern et. however, traceroute does not work.currently, there is an inbound access-list applied to the serial in terface on router 1. an entry in the access-list states access-list 101 permit tcp any any. what access-list entry may you n eed to

29、be added to the access-list in order to get traceroute to work?a. access-list 101 permit udp any anyb. access-list101permiticmpanyanytime-exceededaccess-list 101 permit icmp any any port- un reachablec. access-list101permiticmpanyanytime-exceededaccess-list 101 permit icmp any any n et- un reachable

30、d. access-list 101 permit icmp any any echo access-list 101 permit icmp any any n et- un reachablee. access-list 101 permit udp any any access-list 101 permit icmp any any protocol-un reachable27. what does the bgp backdoor comma nd do?a. it cha nges the dista nee of an ibgp route to 20.b. it cha nges the dista nee of an ebgp route to 200.c. it cha nges the dista nee of an igp route to 20.d. it does not effect any cha nges in di


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