1、長(zhǎng)春工業(yè)大學(xué)畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(論文)外文資料翻譯學(xué) 院 電氣與電子工程學(xué)院專業(yè)班級(jí) 110310指導(dǎo)教師 姓 名夕卜文出處 International journal ofelectrical power and energy systems2015年5月10日General Requirements to Construction of SubstationCarpe ntier J; Optimal Power FlowsInternational journal of electrical power and energy systems , ei sci 2011 FebSubstati on
2、s are a vital eleme nt in a power supply system of in dustrial enterprises They serve to receive , convert and distribute electric energy .Depending on power and purpose ,the substati ons are divided in to cen tral distributi on substati ons for a voltage of 110-500kV;ma in step-dow n substatio ns f
3、or110-220/6-10-35kV;deep entrance substations for 110-330/6-10kV;distribution substations for 6-10kV;shop tran sformer substatio ns for 6-10/0.38-0.66kV.At the main step-dow n substati ons, the en ergy received from the power source is tran sformed from 110-220kV usually to 6-10kV(sometimes 35kV) wh
4、ich is distributed among substations of the enterprise and is fed to high-voltage services.Central distribution substations receive energy from power systems and distribute it (without or with partial transformation) via aerial and cable lines of deep entran ces at a voltage of 110-220kV over the en
5、 terprise territory .Ce ntral distributio n substation differs from the main distribution substation in a higher power and in that bulk of its power is at a voltage of 110-220kV;it features simplified switching circuits at primary voltage; it is fed from the power to an in dividual object or regi on
6、 .Low-a nd medium-power shop substati ons tran sform en ergy from 6-10kV to a sec on dary voltage of 380/220 or 660/380.Step-up tran sformer substati ons are used at power pla nts for tran sformati on of en ergy produced by the gen erators to a higher voltage which decreaseslosses at a Ion g-dista n
7、ee tran smissi on .Conv erter substati ons are inten ded to convert AC to DC (sometimes vice versa) and to convert en ergy of one freque ncy to ano ther .C on verter substati ons with semic on ductor rectifiers are con vert en ergy of one freque ncy to ano ther .Conv erter substati ons with semic on
8、 ductor rectifiers are most econo mic. Distribution substations for 6-10kV are fed primarily from main distribution substations (sometimes from central distribution substations).With a system of dividing substations for 110-220kV, the functions of a switch-gear are accomplished by switch-gears for 6
9、-10kV at deep entrance substations.Depending on location of substations their switch-gear may be outdoor or indoor. The feed and output lines at 6-10kV substations are mainly of the cable type .at 35-220kV substations of the aerial type .When erecting and wiring the substations, major attention is g
10、iven to reliable and economic power supply of a given production.Substations are erected by industrial methods with the use of large blocks and assemblies prepared at the site shops of electric engineering organizations and factories of electrical engineering industry .Substations are usually design
11、ed for operation without continuous attendanceof the duty personnel but with the use of elementary automatic and signaling devices.When constructing the structural part of a substation .it is advisable to use light-weight industrial structures and elements (panels ,floors ,etc.) made of bent section
12、s .These elements are pre-made outside the erection zone and are only assembled at site .This considerably cuts the terms and cost of construction.Basic circuitry concepts of substations are chosen when designing a power supply system of the enterprise .Substations feature primary voltage entrances
13、.transformers and output cable lines or current conductors of secondary voltage .Substations are mounted from equipment and elements described below .The number of possible combinations of equipment and elements is very great .When elaborating a substation circuitry ,it is necessary to strive for ma
14、ximum simplification and minimizing the number of switching devices .Such substations are more reliable and economic .Circuitry is simplified by using automatic enclosure or automatic change over to reserve facility which allows rapid and faultless redundancy of individual elements and using equipme
15、nt.When designing transformer substations of industrial enterprises for all voltages, the following basic considerations are taken into account:1. Preferable employment of a single-bus system with using two-bus systems only to ensure a reliable and economic power supply;2. Wide use of unitized const
16、ructions and bustles substations;3.Substantiated employment of automatics and telemetry ;if the substation design does not envisage the use of automatics or telemetry ,the circuitry is so arranged as to allow for adding such equipment in future without excessive investments and re-work.4.Use of simp
17、le and cheap devices-isolating switches ,short-circuiting switches ,load-breaking isolators ,fuses ,with due regard for their switching capacity may drastically cut the need for expensive and critical oil ,vacuum ,solenoid and air switches .Substation and switch-gear circuitries are so made that usi
18、ng the equipment of each production line is fed from individual transformers ,assemblies ,the lines to allow their disconnection simultaneously with mechanisms without disrupting operation of adjacent production flows.When elaborating circuitry of a substation, the most vital task is to properly cho
19、ose and arrange switching devices (switches, isolators, current limiters, arresters, high-voltage fuses).The decision depends on the purpose, power and significance of the substation.Power System Substation is an important and indispensable component of the power it assumed the task of conversion an
20、d distribution of grid security and the economy play a decisive role in running is to contact the user psower plants and intermediate links. With economic development, expanding grid capacity, reliability of operation of the power grid is getting higher and higher requirements. Development of scienc
21、e and technology, intelligent switches, photoelectric current and voltage transformer, a run-line state detection, training simulation Substation Operation matures, such as high-tech, as well as fiber-optic technology, computer high-speed network system in the development of real-time applications,
22、bound to the existing substation automation technology have a profound impact, all-digital substation automation system development trend.Power system is operated by the production, transmission, distribution and consumption of a variety of power linked to the composition of electrical equipment. As
23、 a result of a large number of powers can not be stored, we must ensure that the production of electricity and energy balance. With the scientific and technological advances in the technological development of our country has reached a certain level. Intelligent switches, photoelectric current and v
24、oltage transformer, a run-line state detection, training simulation Substation Operation matures, such as high-tech, as well as fiber-optic technology, computer high-speed network system in the development of real-time applications, significantly increase the transformation degree of automation.Desi
25、gn of our substation cable programs tend to be simple, many of the recent domestic new 220 k V substation and 110kV voltage levels of wiring without the use of dual-bus bypass bus. The use of GIS, the priority sub-bus single wire. Terminal Substation, the line as far as possible, such as transformer
26、 unit wiring. A large number of the introduction of new technology, transformer substation rising level of electrical equipment, power distribution devices from the traditional form of moving toward oil-free, vacuum switches, SF6 switches and mechanical, electrical equipment combination of the devel
27、opment of small-scale integration. In recent years the world famous high-voltage electrical equipment companies have been developing, the development of the various types of 145-550 kV outdoor high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure combination of electrical appliances, some high-voltage switchgear pla
28、nt has also started production of 145 k V compact outdoor portfolio electrical appliances. Smart plug-in type outdoor switchgear is a more complete high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure switch system, which includes electrical first and second equipment, as well as the associated fiber optic cable, s
29、uch as plug-type compound. The entire distributed substation automation system; the introduction of advanced network technology; substation and the construction area covers an area of reduced substation program to simplify wiring, switchgear, bus and steel pipes, such as the use of stents to substat
30、ion layout is more simple, the abolition of the former station area and optimize the layout to make a substantial decline in an area substation.With technological advances, the traditional relay protection devices are gradually being replaced by microprocessor-basedprotection. Microprocessor-based p
31、rotection is referred to as the protection of PC computer, a digital relay protection, is based on the programmable digital circuit technology and real-time digital signal processing technology of the Power System Protection. At present, both at home and abroad have been developed to 32-bit digital
32、signal processor for hardware-based protection, control, measurement, and data communications integration of microprocessor-based protection control devices, and artificial intelligence technology into a number of relay protection, such as artificial neural networks, fuzzy theory to determine the re
33、alization of fault type, fault location, the direction of protection, the main equipment and other new methods of protection. By means of wavelet analysis of the theory of digital signal failure of the entire frequency band information and to achieve fault detection. These artificial intelligence te
34、chnologies to improve the accuracy of failure to provide a means of identification, but also some single-frequency signal based on the traditional method difficult to identify the problems to be resolved. At present, the microprocessor-based relay protection is along the microprocessor-based protect
35、ion network, and intelligent, adaptive and protection, control, measurement, signal, data communications integration direction.The most basic request that charged barbed wire net in the city circulates is safe and stable. The core problem of charged barbed wire net safety in the city stability wants
36、 to build up to be a with the city mutually accommodative of, reasonable of charged barbed wire net structure. This text passes and programs to the charged barbed wire net with electric power and designs the technique principle of the aspect analysis. Elaborated the standard concerning electric volt
37、age grade, power supply credibility, power supply ability and charged barbed wire net safe power supply requests etc. some problems that should notice in the charged barbed wire net safety; And have already aimed at sexs elaborating request to the concrete design principle opposite charged barbed wi
38、re net safe power supply of the 220 kV transformer substation and 110kV transformer substation.How to promise power supply credibility1) Satisfy charged barbed wire net power supply safe standard. The power supply network satisfies the request of power supply credibility. The standard that all satis
39、fies N-l, city area center high burden density important customer in the district satisfies the standard of N-2.Disallow transformer over carry. Help a southern city net power supply credibility rate index sign programming target is 99.99%.2) Press to go together with charged barbed wire net burden
40、to transfer ability in the city satisfies following request: The transformer substation loses any once enter line or one set lord transformer but lower power supply ability, win press to go together with charged barbed wire net to have to transfer burden to ensure the ability of power supply. When a
41、 female line of transformer substation stops luck becauseof putting, winning to press to go together with charged barbed wire net should have the ability that transfer all burden. When the 10kV goes together with electric wire road any check to fix or breaks down, going together with the charged bar
42、bed wire net should have non- check of transfer to fix, non- breakdown segment ability for carrying. The non- check fixes,The non- breakdown segment carries to the power is off time only for go together with to give or get an electric shock an equipments to pour a Zia operation for time.3) Ask to sa
43、tisfy a following principle while allowing the capacity of the power outage and the target of the instauration power supply while going together with charged barbed wire net breakdown to make the customer the power is off: The customer of two back track power supplies, after losing a back track, sho
44、uld be unlimited to give or get an electric shock. The customer of three back track power supplies , after losing a back track, should be unlimited to give or get an electric shock, again after losing a back track, should satisfy power supply capacity 50-70% is used an electricity. When all of a bac
45、k track or much customers the power of back track power supplies stopped, resume target time of power supply broke down to handle for a back track restored of ask. At wreath net power supply method in for open the customer in the wreath network, the lowest instauration power supply request for break
46、ing down wreath net is to need to pass charged barbed wire net operation instaurationPower supply of time, its target time need for operating of asks; it is the power supply that passes to go together with net automation restriction to resume an intact block in the lain to go together with net autom
47、ation circuit.(3)Power supply ability and safety1) Of each electric voltage layer net capacity in the city net, press definitely change the electric capacity carry to compare an allocation, the all levels electric voltage net changes the electric capacity carry compare satisfy the upper limit reques
48、t that current electric power net in the city programming design lead stipulates.According to 2001 national economy trade committee promulgation of electric power profession standard electric power system safety stability lead middle finger:N.a standard is under the normal movement method of the any
49、 component(is like circuit, generator, and transformer.etc.) In the electric power system have no break down or because of break down break to open, electric power system shouldCan keep stable to circulate with normal power supply, other components however carry, electric voltage and frequency all a
50、re allowing inside the scope. This is usually called N. one standard.The charged barbed wire net power supply safe standard has-l standard and quasi- N one 2 standards and Ns is one 2 standards.Citys going together with the power supply safety of charged barbed wire net to usually request is to adop
51、t N one standard. It is one 2 standards to have already adopted quasi- N as well at the power supply safety especially important place one 2 standards or Ns.2) Medium press and go together with charged barbed wire net and have certain back up capacity, generally should have 50% Yu degrees, while bei
52、ng any component check and fixing and breaking down and stopping and carrying should pass and pour a Zia operation can keep a segment the customer continue toward the customer or nontrouble power supply, go together with each component of charged barbed wire net while transferring burden however car
53、ry, unlimited electricity. When two set lords happen that the power is off at the same time, that is used circuit should adjust above 60% burden.變電站建設(shè)的一般要求Carpentier J雜志 SCI,EI 2011 年 2月變電所在電源系統(tǒng)和工業(yè)企業(yè)中至關(guān)重要。他們接收,轉(zhuǎn)換和輸送電能 ,根據(jù)能 源 需 求 , 變 電 站 分 為 電 壓 為 110-500kV 的 中 央 樞 紐 變 電 站 ; 電 壓 為 110-220/6-10-35kV的主
54、降壓變電站;110-330/6-10kV區(qū)域變電站;電壓為6-10kV 的地方變電站;電壓為6-10/0.38-0.66kV的車間變電所。在主要的降壓變電所中, 電源轉(zhuǎn)化為110-220kV電壓,通常使用6-10kV變電所(有時(shí)為35kV變電所)將電 壓分配給企業(yè)和滿足某些高壓服務(wù)。中央樞紐變電站從電力系統(tǒng)接收能量 ,并通過電壓為 110-220kV 的空中電纜 和地下電纜線路分發(fā) (不包括或者包括部分變換 ) 給不同區(qū)域。 中央樞紐變電站 不同于主配電變電站,它是一個(gè)更強(qiáng)大的電力設(shè)施,它的電壓大部分在 110-220kV。它可以簡(jiǎn)化初級(jí)電壓、中級(jí)電壓或地區(qū)的開關(guān)電路。中低級(jí)別變電 站改造的能
55、量來自6-10kV的電壓,它的二次側(cè)電壓為380/220kV或660/380kV。升壓變電站用于將電廠電機(jī)產(chǎn)生的電壓升高,從而有效地減少在遠(yuǎn)距離輸電過程中的能量損失。變電站的能量轉(zhuǎn)換是用半導(dǎo)體整流器來變頻,目的是將直流轉(zhuǎn)換成交流 (有時(shí)相反)以及改變頻率。帶半導(dǎo)體整流器的變電站最經(jīng)濟(jì)。6-10kV的變電站主要是配電變電站 (有時(shí)為中央配電變電站 )。 110-220kV 變電站出線根 據(jù) 6-10kV 變電站的容量進(jìn)行分配。根據(jù)變電站的地理位置,電站設(shè)備有露天的和室內(nèi)的。 6-10kV 變電站的電 纜主要是輸出線。 在 35-220kV 變電站中 ,空中線路的排布架設(shè) ,主要注重供電的可 靠性
56、和經(jīng)濟(jì)性。變電站依據(jù)大量塊積組織的和工業(yè)電氣行業(yè)編寫的程序集來搭建。 變電站中 通常為無連續(xù)出勤值班人員操作的基本自動(dòng)信號(hào)設(shè)備。 變電站中的一部分結(jié)構(gòu)應(yīng) 當(dāng)采用薄型建造材料和由彎段組成的組件 (板材、地板等 )。這些元件是在安裝區(qū) 外面建造 ,然后在這個(gè)位置組裝的,這樣可以有效的削減變電所建造成本。變電站基本電路的設(shè)計(jì) ,是根據(jù)企業(yè)的供電系統(tǒng)特征選擇的。變電站電壓的主 接線,變壓器和輸出電纜線路 ,當(dāng)前導(dǎo)體的二次電壓 ,變電站安裝的設(shè)備和元件等 多種設(shè)備的組合要非常合理。變電站的電路設(shè)計(jì)要爭(zhēng)取切換裝置的最簡(jiǎn)化,和數(shù)目的最少化。 這樣的變電站更可靠、更經(jīng)濟(jì)。 電路簡(jiǎn)化是采用自動(dòng)接入或自動(dòng)轉(zhuǎn) 入儲(chǔ)
57、備的方法 ,允許快速和無錯(cuò)誤的自動(dòng)接入每一個(gè)元件和用電設(shè)備。當(dāng)設(shè)計(jì)工業(yè)用變電站時(shí) ,下面的基本因素都要考慮在;1. 優(yōu)先采用兩編組的單總線系統(tǒng) ,可以確??煽亢徒?jīng)濟(jì)的供應(yīng)電力;2. 配套建設(shè)和廣泛使用;3. 變電站使用自動(dòng)化設(shè)備并且支持遙測(cè)技術(shù),如果變電站的設(shè)計(jì)并不支持自 動(dòng)化或遙測(cè)、線路要安全而且不允許添加設(shè)備,確保以后沒有過度投資和返工;4. 使用簡(jiǎn)單、便宜的裝置,有絕緣裝置的斷路器、斷路開關(guān)、過載保護(hù)隔離 器、保險(xiǎn)絲 ,預(yù)估計(jì)他們的交換容量 ,可考慮大幅度削減昂貴的器件需要和臨界油、 真空管、螺線管和空氣開關(guān)的使用。變電站中開關(guān)電路的使用,要采用合理的流程來裝配 ,允許它們同時(shí)斷開而不破
58、壞斷開連接的生產(chǎn)流程;變電站線路的架設(shè)過程中最重要的一點(diǎn)是要妥善安排與選擇轉(zhuǎn)換器件(開關(guān)、隔離器、電流限制器、避雷器、高低壓熔斷器等 ),這決定了變電站的用途、 功能和意義。變電站是電力系統(tǒng)中不可缺少的重要組成部分, 它擔(dān)負(fù)著電能轉(zhuǎn)換和分配的 任務(wù),對(duì)電網(wǎng)的安全和經(jīng)濟(jì)運(yùn)行起著舉足輕重的作用, 是聯(lián)系發(fā)電廠和用戶的中 間環(huán)節(jié)。隨著經(jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展,電網(wǎng)容量不斷擴(kuò)大,對(duì)電網(wǎng)運(yùn)行的可靠性要求也越來 越高。科學(xué)技術(shù)的發(fā)展、智能化開關(guān) ,光電式電流電壓互感器 ,一次運(yùn)行設(shè)備 ,在線 狀態(tài)檢測(cè) ,變電站運(yùn)行操作培訓(xùn)仿真等高新技術(shù)日趨成熟 ,以及光纖技術(shù)、計(jì)算機(jī) 高速網(wǎng)絡(luò)在實(shí)時(shí)系統(tǒng)中的開發(fā)應(yīng)用 ,勢(shì)必對(duì)現(xiàn)有的變電站自動(dòng)化技術(shù)產(chǎn)生深刻的 影響,全數(shù)字化的變電站自動(dòng)化系統(tǒng)成為發(fā)展的趨勢(shì)。電力系統(tǒng)是由生產(chǎn)、 輸送、分配和消費(fèi)電能的各種電氣設(shè)備連接在一起組成。 由于電能無法大量?jī)?chǔ)存, 必須保證用電和電能生產(chǎn)的平衡。 隨著科學(xué)技術(shù)的不斷 進(jìn)步,我們國(guó)家的電力技術(shù)發(fā)展已經(jīng)達(dá)到一定的水平。智能化開關(guān),光電式電流電壓互感器 ,一次運(yùn)行設(shè)備在線狀態(tài)檢測(cè) ,變電站運(yùn)行操作培訓(xùn)仿真等高新技術(shù)日 趨成熟 ,光纖技術(shù)、計(jì)算機(jī)高速網(wǎng)絡(luò)在實(shí)時(shí)系統(tǒng)中的開發(fā)應(yīng)用 ,大大的提高了變電 自動(dòng)化程度。我國(guó)變電站的設(shè)計(jì)開始向接線方案簡(jiǎn)單方面趨近
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