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1、廣東高考英語聽說考試備考策略時間:2013-02-04來源:高考直通車 點擊: 113 次第一部分Part A Reading Aloud 模仿朗讀一、考試目標 本題型的話題范圍多元化,涉及自然、地理、歷史、人文、文學與藝術、熱點話題等方面的內容。文段長度在110個單詞左右。文段中出現(xiàn)的超綱詞一般不超過3個,且超綱詞都是符合發(fā)音規(guī)律的詞匯,可通過模仿來正確朗讀。 (一)應試目標:對于該題型,新英語課程標準和廣東省高考英語考試大綱皆有相應的語言和技能要求:1、能使用恰當?shù)恼Z調和節(jié)奏;2、在口頭表達中逐步做到語音語調自然、得體、流暢。 (二)能力目標:具體而言,應對該題型,同學們必須培養(yǎng)以下的能力

2、:1、正確的語音語調;2、識別語音語調特征的能力(包括識別詞匯的輕重讀、詞匯的連讀、句子意群之間節(jié)奏的變化以及語調);3、模仿的能力。二、備考策略 同學們必須在平時的英語學習中,加強模仿朗讀,完善語音語調。必須逐個突破語音關,學會處理句子的語調、意群、停頓、爆破、連讀以及流利性等口語基本技能,追求“洋腔洋調”。以下兩種做法可供同學們參考:1、影子跟讀訓練法:選取現(xiàn)行教材中的重點段落錄音進行強化性的模仿。具體做法是:用遲于原錄音1秒鐘的速度跟讀,保證在先聽清原聲的語音語調的基礎上進行模仿,同時要緊跟朗讀者的語速,力求語速上也達到原聲的要求。模仿過程中,不僅要注意語調,還要特別注意原聲對于句子意群

3、、詞匯輕重讀的處理。2、錄音比較訓練法:持之以恒,可以使得自己的語音語調達到質的飛躍。先聽一遍標準朗讀,不斷模仿,力求語音、語調、節(jié)奏與原聲一致;然后對自己的朗讀進行錄音;最后把自己朗讀的錄音與原聲進行比較,琢磨出其中的差距。遵循“聽一模仿一錄音一比較”的步驟,多次重復,語音語調會越來越規(guī)范。Part B Role Play 角色扮演 一、考試目標 角色扮演部分的話題范圍一般界定在廣東省普通高考英語科考試說明附錄5話題項目表以內,貼近學生的實際生活,即涉及到個人情況、周圍環(huán)境、日?;顒印W校生活、興趣和愛好等的方面的內容語言材料大部分以對話形式出現(xiàn),但也可能是獨白,題目中有簡短的情景提示。語言

4、材料長度一般在280個單詞左右(包括提問部分的人機對話內容)。 (一) 應試目標:新課標及高考大綱對該題型相應的考察目標主要有以下幾點:1能聽懂有關熟悉話題的討論和談話并記住要點;2能抓住簡單語段中的觀點;3能在日常人際交往中有效地使用語言進行表達,如發(fā)表意見、進行判斷、責備、投訴等;4詢問或傳遞事實性信息,表達意思和想法;5根據語音辨別和書寫不太熟悉的單詞或簡單語句。 (二) 能力目標:具體而言,同學們應培養(yǎng):1宏觀了解長段話語,建立語境的能力;2聽懂重要細節(jié)的能力(人物、事物、行為、時間、對象、數(shù)字等信息以及信息之間的聯(lián)系);3口頭索取信息的能力;4正確理解問題的能力;5口頭傳達信息的能力

5、;6一定的要點記憶能力。 二、備考策略 本題信息來源于考生所觀看的有聲錄像及電腦對三個問題的回答。同學們要重點記錄這兩部分的重要信息。 (一) 提問部分備考策略:提問部分側重考查正確使用語言的能力。提問時,要注意確定用一般疑問句還是特殊疑問句,注意正確使用疑問詞。 例l:住學校宿舍是否較便宜? Is it cheaper to live in the school dormitory? 例2:天氣如何? What is the weather like? 例3:如何從學校到機場? How can we get to the airport from the school? 例4:最近的地鐵站在

6、哪里? Where is the nearest underground station from here? (二) 回答部分備考策略:回答部分側重考查正確傳達信息的能力?;卮饡r,要符合實際交際,問什么,答什么,不必多答,更不能答非所問。注意:可以簡略回答!例l: How long does a letter take to reach Japan? About ten days例2: What are they talking about? Environmental problems(三) 注意事項:1利用視頻信息幫助理解;2練習用最簡潔的符號記錄信息,例如字母、箭頭、筆劃、漢字、圖形等

7、;3準備提問時,可簡單寫下問句,特別是疑問詞使得真正錄音時能比較順暢;4第一輪提問后聽回答時,作簡單筆記,記錄必要的信息點,如:數(shù)量、時間等;5第二輪回答時,判斷問題所涉及的信息點,根據所記,做出恰當回答。 Part C Retelling the Story 復述故事 一、考試目標 本題型的故事體裁一般為敘事和簡單的夾敘夾議文章,長度在250個單詞左右。故事內容往往比較貼近生活,包括學校生活、家庭生活、人際交往等。文章結構比較完整,易于通過聽來理解內容,并進行口頭表述。 (一) 宏觀應試目標:復述故事對聽說方面的能力較模仿朗讀、角色扮演題型有更高的要求。除了要達到前兩個題型的基本要求之外,復

8、述故事更加強調對篇章的整體性理解和把握,同時考查能否恰當?shù)剡\用自己的語言組織要點信息,并正確而連貫表達的能力。 新課標和高考大綱對該題型的相應要求除了“能聽懂有關熟悉話題的討論和談話并記住要點”外,還有以下三個主要的要求:1使用適當?shù)恼Z言形式進行描述和表達觀點、態(tài)度、情感等;2學習、掌握基本語篇知識并根據特定目的有效地組織信息;3在學習中借助圖表等非語言信息進行理解或表達。 (二) 微觀能力目標:具體而言,同學們要具備:1宏觀獲取篇章脈絡的能力;2組織要點的能力;3連貫表達的能力;4正確使用語法、詞匯的能力。 二、備考策略(一) 聽取故事時,要注意:1宏觀把握,注意開頭句;2記錄關鍵詞。 (二

9、) 復述故事時,要注意:1明確復述時使用的人稱或稱謂;2代詞he、she要弄清,正確使用單復數(shù)、時態(tài)、句子轉承時的連詞;3復述要連貫,不要連續(xù)重復某個詞或某句話。 (三) 常規(guī)訓練建議:1課堂上大膽發(fā)言,把握一切可以鍛煉英語口語的機會提高口頭表達能力;2充分利用課堂教學素材,選取故事性較強的文章或段落進行復述訓練;3有意識地培養(yǎng)速記的能力,積累豐富有效的速記符號;4禮用舊題型的聽力材料,進行聽說訓練。忽略舊題型的選項部分,一邊聽一邊記錄要點,訓練聽取大意、獲取要點以及已記錄要點的能力,同時用自己的語言進行復述,強化故事復述能力的培養(yǎng)。 第二部分2012廣東省聽說考試學生訓練必備材料(1)1、個

10、人情況(personal information)(1)When were you born? I was born in May./June/march(2)Where were you born? I was born in Changsha.(3)Where do you live? I live in Changsha.(4)Which class are you in? I am in Class 11/13.1.What do you think of yourself? 2. Do you think you are able to take care of yourself?(

11、 1 ) How old are you?( 2 ) Do you enjoy your school life?( 3 ) When do you get up every day?( 4 ) Are you interested in English? Why? 話題:Personal information(個人情況) ( 1 ) Are you a happy boy/girl?( 2 ) How old are you?( 3 ) How many people are there in your family?( 4 ) Do you love your family? Why?2

12、.學校生活(School life)(1) Do you think you are a good student? Yes, I think so.(2) Are you interested in English? Yes, I am.(3) How many subjects do you have? Seven.(4) Do you like your school? Why? Yes, I do. Because its the best.How many days do you go to school every week? Five.Can you tell me five s

13、ubjects you study at school? English, Chinese, maths, history, P.E.Which is more popular in your school, football or basketball? Football/Basketball.Do you have a lot of homework to do everyday? Yes, I do./No, I dontCan you say something about your class? Yes. My class is a good one.All my classmate

14、s are very friendly. 話題:School life(學校生活) ( 1 ) Do you go to school every day?( 2 ) When do you usually get to school?( 3 ) What do you usually do after school?( 4 ) Do you like your school? Why? 3、家庭、朋友與周圍的人(Family, friends and people around)(1) Do you love your family? Yes, I do.(2) How many peopl

15、e are there in your family? There.(3) What does your father do? He is a teacher. /a driver./an officer.(4) Do you have many friends? Yes, I do.(5) Who is your best friend? _.What do you often do when you get together? We often play football./chat with each other.(1) Are you happy at home? Why? Yes,

16、I am. Because I love my family.(2) Do you prefer big families or small families? Small families./Big families.(3) Could you tell me something about your family? My family is a big one.(WORES:grandparents, parents, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, schoolmate, classmate, teacher etc.) 話題:Family, friends

17、and people around(家庭、朋友與周圍的人) ( 1 ) Is your mother a doctor?( 2 ) How old is your father?( 3 ) What do you often do when you stay at home?( 4 ) Do you love your family? Why? 4、日?;顒樱―aily routines)(1) Are you busy these days? Yes, I am.(2) Do you have classes from Monday to Friday? Yes, I do.(3) How

18、do you usually go to school? By bus./ On foot./By bike.(4) Where do you have your lunch? At home./ At school.(5) How do you spend your free time? I watch TV./Play games./ play basketball.What time do you usually go to school in the morning? At:7:00Is your school for from your home? Yes, it is./No, i

19、t isntWhat do you usually do on Sundays? I do some sports./I have a good rest.What do you do in the morning? I do morning exercises./I have breakfast.1、Do you do exercise every day? 2、What time do you usually get up?3、What do you usually do after school? 4、What time do you go to bed?5、When do you us

20、ually have supper? 6、How far is it from your home to your school?7、Do you watch TV every day? 8、How do you get to school? 話題:Daily routines(日?;顒樱?( 1 ) Do you play basketball every day?( 2 ) What time do you usually get up?( 3 ) What do you usually do after supper?( 4 ) Do you like watching TV? Why?

21、5、周圍的環(huán)境(personal environments)(1) Is there a supermarket near here? Yes, there is.(2) Where did you buy your schoolbag? In the supermarket.(3) How much is your bag? 50 yuan.(4) DO you like the bag? Why? Yes, I do.Where is your hometown? Changsha.Is there any river near your home? Yes, there is.Do yo

22、u live in the city or in the country? In the city.Which do you prefer, living in the city or living in the country? Why?I prefer living in the country. Because the country is quite and the air is fresh.話題:Personal environments(周圍的環(huán)境) (1)Is there a river near your home?(2)How often do you clean your

23、classroom?(3)What can we do to keep our school nice and clean?(4)Do you think Changsha is a beautiful city? Why? 2012廣東省聽說考試學生訓練必備材料(2)6、興趣與愛好(1) Do you like playing football? Yes, I do.(2) Are you interested in watching TV? Yes, I am.(3) What is your favorite color? Red./Blue.(4) Which subject do y

24、ou like best? English./Maths./P.E.(5) What do you usually do in your free time? I watch. TVDO you like sports? Yes, I do.Do you have much time on sports? Yes, I do.What is the most popular sport in China? Table tennis.When will the next Olympic Games be held in Beijing? In 2008.How do you spend your

25、 free time? I listen to music./read some books.1、What kind of music do you like? 2、Do you like pop singers/music?3、What kind of singers do you like best? 4、What kind of movies do you like?5、Do you like watching TV? Why or why not?(WORDS:music, dance, do sports, computer games, collect stamps, collec

26、t coins, collect dolls, read books, newspapers, comics, listen to radio, watch TV, have parties, go for picnics)話題:Interests and hobbies (興趣與愛好) (1)Do you like playing basketball?(2)Who is the best basketball player in your class?(3)Whats your hobby?(4)Is playing computer games too much good or bad?

27、 Why? 7、個人感情(Emotions)(1) Are you happy today? Yes, I am.(2) Do you like pop music? Yes, I do.(3) Who is the most popular teacher in your school? Miss-.Mr-.(4) Will you get angry if your friend hit you? Why?No. I wont. Because I think friendship is the most important.(WORDS:Happy, sad, angry, upset,

28、 pleased, proud, lonely, worried, nervous, afraid, smile cry) 話題:Emotions (個人感情) ( 1 ) Are you happy today?( 2 ) How are you getting on with your family members?( 3 ) Who is your favorite teacher?( 4 ) Do you love your father? Why?8、人際關系(Interpersonal relationships)(1) Do you have any brothers or si

29、sters? Yes, I do.(2) Who do you usually ask for help? My friends./My mother./My sister.(3) Do you have any good friends? Yes, I do.(4) Are you getting on well with your friends? Yes, I am.(5) Can you say something about your best friend? My best friend is He is tall. 話題:Interpersonal relationships (

30、人際關系) ( 1 ) Do you have any friends?( 2 ) Who is your best friend?( 3 ) What do you often do when youre with your friends?( 4 ) Can your parents be your friends? Why? 2012廣東省聽說考試學生訓練必備材料(3)9、計劃與愿望(Plans and intentions)(1) What are you going to be when you grow up? I want to be a teacher/a doctor/ an

31、 actor.(2) How are you going to do that? I will study hard/take acting lessons.(3) What are you doing for summer vacation? I am going camping/ I am going to visit Shanghai.(4) Where would you like to spend your holiday? Why?I would like to go to Hainan. Because its beautiful and I can swim in the se

32、a.(5) What would you do if you had a million dollars? I would give it to the poor/ charity. 話題:Plans and intentions (計劃與愿望) (1 ) Are you going to play football this afternoon?( 2 ) Where are you going to study next year?( 3 ) What do you want to be when you grow up?( 4 ) Are you going to visit Beiji

33、ng someday? Why? 10、節(jié)假日活動(Festivals,holidays and celebrations)(2) What are you going to do on May Day? Go shopping./Go traveling.(3) Do you go to school on Saturday? Yes, I do.(4) What do you often do on Sundays? Play games./Have a good rest.(5) When is Childrens day? Its June the first.Can you tell

34、 me three traditional festivals in China? Spring Festival, Mid-autumn DayDragon boat festival.Whats your favorite English festival? Christmas./Thanks-giving Day.What food do Chinese people often have in Spring Festival? Dumplings.Do you like Mid-autumn Day? Why? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Because my fami

35、ly can get together enjoy the mooncakes.1、Whats your favorite festival in China? 2、When is National Day?/May Day?話題:Festivals, holidays and celebrations(節(jié)假日活動) (1) Do you do some housework on Sunday?(2) When is Christmas Day? (3) What do you often do during Spring Festival ?(4) Do you like New Years

36、 Day? Why? 11、購物(Shopping)(1) Do you like going shopping? Yes, I do.(2) Who do you usually go shopping with? My friends./My mother.(3) Where do you buy your school things? In the supermarkes.(4) How much do you spend on the school things every term? 100 yuan.(5) How often do you go shopping? Once a

37、week.話題:Shopping (購物) (1) Do you often go shopping? 2)Where did you buy your school things?(3) How much is your backpack?(4) Do you like supermarket? Why?12、飲食(Food and drink)(1) Do you have your breakfast at home? Yes, I do.(2) Who cooks the meals in your family? My mother.(3) Do you often have som

38、ething to drink when you have a big meal? Yes, I do.(4) What is your favorite food? Why? Fish Because its delicious.How many meals do you have every day? Three.What do you like for breakfast? Bread and milk./ Noodles.Where do you usually have lunch? At school./At home.Do you often cook at home? Yes,

39、 I do.What food do you like and what do you dislike? I like fish but I dont like meat.1、Whats your favorite drink? 2、Who cooks for you?3、Do you know how to cook? 4、What do you think of junk food?5、What do you think of vegetables? 6、What do you have for lunch?(WORDS:beef, chicken, pork, fish, chicken

40、, tofu, vegetable, rice, bread, noodles, cake,/drinks, milk, water, juice, soft drink, coke,/ fast foods sandwiches, noodles, dumplings, hot dogs, hamburgers, chips.)話題:Food and drink (飲食) ( 1 ) How many meals do you have every day?( 2 ) Who cooks the meals in your family?( 3 ) Is there a fast food

41、restaurant near your home?( 4 ) Do you like fast food? Why? 2012廣東省聽說考試學生訓練必備材料(4)13、體育與健康(Sports and Health)(1) Do you have breakfast every day? Yes, I do.(2) Is smoking good or bad for your health? Its bad for my health.(3) What is your favorite good? Fruit./Vegetables.(4) Do you have fruit every

42、day? Why? Yes, I do. Because its fresh.What do you think of pop music? Its wonderful.What is your favorite sport? Swimming./ Table tennis.Can you sing an English song? Yes, I can.What sports do you like best? Football.Where will the 2008 Olympic Games be held? In Beijing.1、Can you play basketball? 2

43、、How often do you do exercise?話題:Sports and health (體育與健康) (1) Do you have sports every day?(2) What is your favorite sport?(3) Who is the best football player in your class?(4) Do you like ball games? Why? 14、天氣(Weather)(2) Do you like rainy day? Yes, I do.(3) How many seasons are there in a year?

44、Four seasons.(4) Whats your favorite season/Why? Spring.Because its warm and all the trees turn green.is it fine today? Yes, it is.Whats the weather like here in spring? Its often rainy.What sports do you usually do in summer? I often go swimming.Does it often snow here in winter? Yes, it does.How c

45、an you know the weather? By watching weather forecast./By listening to the radioWhats the weather like today? /Hows the weather todayIts sunny. /rainy./ cloudy./ hot/ cool.1、Whats your favorite weather? 2、What was the weather like yesterday?話題:Weather (天氣)( 1 ) Is it cold today?( 2 ) Whats the weath

46、er like here in spring?( 3 ) Which is your favorite season?( 4 ) Do you like rainy days? Why? 15、旅游和交通(Travel and transport)(1) DO you like traveling by train or by bus? I like traveling by train./ by bus.(2) Where have you ever been to? Beijing, Shanghai, Hongkong(3) How did you get to By train./ B

47、y car./ By air./ By plane.(4) Did you take a lot of photos? Yes, I did.(5) What do you need to take with you when you go traveling? Money, camera and suitcase(6) Where do you want to travel to this year? Why? I want to travel to Hongkong.Because I want to go to the Disneyland.1、Have you ever been to

48、 the Great Wall? 2、Have you ever been to another country?(WORDS:walk, take buses, by train, by boat, by plane/ maps, camera, umbrellas)話題:Travel and transport (旅游和交通) (1) Do you usually go to school by bus?(2) Have you ever been to Beijing?(3) Which is faster, by plane or by bus?(4) Where do you wan

49、t to visit if youre free? Why? 2012廣東省聽說考試學生訓練必備材料(5)16、語言學習(Language learning)(1) Do you like learning English? Yes, I do.(2) How long have you learned English? Five/ Four/ Three years.(3) Do you find it difficult to learn English? Yes, I do.(4) Do you have a foreign teacher in your school? Yes, we

50、 do.(5) Have you ever talked with a foreigner? Yes, I have.(6) How do you learn English? By reading aloud./ By listening to the radio./ By watching videos.話題:Language learning (語言學習) (1) Is it easy for you to learn English?(2) Who is your English teacher?(3) How to study English well?(4) Do you like

51、 Chinese? Why? 17、自然(Nature)(1) Is there a garden in your school? Yes, there is.(2) What can you see in a garden? I can see flowers and grass.(3) How often do you go to the zoo? Once a year.(4) Whats your favorite animal? Cats.Why do you like the animal? Because they are cute and lovely.(5) Do you think its good to keep the animals in the zoo? Why or why not?No, I dont think so. Because the animals are not free and they(WORDS:trees, bushes, grass, flowers/ dogs, cats, tigers, lions, sheep, endangered animals, pets, zoo) 話題:Nature (自然) (1) Do you love the natu


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