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1、分子美食菜譜REVERSE SPHERICAL CURED HAM CROQUETTE西班牙火腿丸子INGREDIENTS 四人用 ELABORATION 做法Croquette basic without flour450g. Spanish cured ham (Serra no)100g Butter2 teaspo ons fin ely minced onions250 ml MilkA pinch of ground pepperSalt to taste丸子粉團(tuán)制法西班牙風(fēng)干火腿450克牛油100克切碎洋蔥2茶匙牛奶250毫升黑胡椒少量鹽少量1. Grind cured ham

2、in a food processor.2. In a pan, fry onion with butter. Once tur ned tran sluce nt, add in min ced curedham.3. Pour in milk, stir well.4. Add salt to taste. Remove from heat and cool.1. 用攪拌器攪碎火腿2. 用牛油炒香洋蔥,待洋蔥炒至透明后,加入火腿茸,略炒3. 加入牛奶攪均4. 加黑胡椒和鹽調(diào)味.離火,待涼,備用1,000g water5g ALGIN250g chose n croquette base6g

3、 GLUCO0,8g XANTANA西班牙火腿丸子水1000克ALGIN 5 克丸子粉團(tuán)250克GLUCO 6 克XANTANA 0,8 克1. Blend the ALGIN into the water until it dissolves.2. Leave the fridge 12 hours to elim in ate excess air.3. Dilute the GLUCO in the croquette base, mix in the XANTANA with a ha nd ble nder to avoid lumps.4. Reserve in the fridg

4、e.5. Heat the croquette base un til it rega ins a more liquid texture.6. Fill a 2.5cm- diameter dos ing spo on with the croquette base and pour it into the ALGIN and water solution.7. Give the result ing sphere an elon gated shape with the aid of 2 spo ons so thatit looks like a traditi onal croquet

5、te.8. Leave the croquettes in the ALGIN solution for 3 min.9. Turn them over and cook for a further 1 min.10. Strain with a drai ning spo on and place them in hot water 60cC for 3 min.11. Remove from the water tak ing care not to break them.12. Dry the croquette thoroughly and coat them in fried bre

6、adcrumb powderServe hot1. 用水溶解ALGIN2. 放入雪柜冷藏12小時(shí)3. 把GLUCO加入丸子粉團(tuán),再加入XANTANA,用手動(dòng)攪拌器攪均4. 放入雪柜5. 將丸子粉團(tuán)加熱,直至粉團(tuán)變稀6. 將粉團(tuán)放入直徑為3.5厘米的特制湯匙,及后,把湯匙放入 ALGIN溶液中,粉團(tuán)會(huì)自動(dòng) 凝固成丸子7. 輕輕用湯匙把丸子拉長(zhǎng)8. 三分鐘后,把丸子翻轉(zhuǎn),再浸一分鐘9. 拿起丸子,用60(C溫水浸三分鐘10. 弄干丸子,鋪上炸脆面包糠即成BASIC SPHERIFICATION: SPHERICAL TEA RAVIOLI WITH LEMON ICE CUBE 茶香云吞配香檸冰塊

7、INGREDIENTS SERVES 4 四人用 ELABORATION 做法Earl Grey Tea in fusio n:400 g Water16 g Earl Grey te20 g Sugar伯爵茶水400克伯爵茶葉16克糖20克1. Mix the three in gredie nts in a bowl,cool the mixture in the refrigerator at4 oC for 24 hours2. Strain and reserve at 4 C.1.先將材料混合,加水,放入4 0C雪柜存放24小時(shí)2隔去茶葉,把茶保持于4 CLem on Ice Cu

8、bes50 g Lem on Juice5 g Sugar香檸冰塊檸檬汁50克糖5克1. Mix lem on juice and sugar, freeze it in a mould to obta in ice cubes of 1 cmwidth.檸檬汁和糖混合后,倒進(jìn)1厘米闊的模子,放入冰格,做成1厘米的香檸冰塊ALGIN Mix:75 g min eral water1,5 g ALGINALGIN溶液礦泉水75克ALGIN 1,5 克1. Mix algin with mineral water, with a mixer , blend until a mixed homoge

9、neousmixture is formed.2. Strain and let sta nd for 30 minu tes.1. 用攪拌器把礦泉水和ALGIN混合好2. 用細(xì)紋棉布隔去渣滓,放三十分鐘Earl Grey tea spherical ravioli base:190 g Earl Grey tea in fusi on63 g ALGIN Mix伯爵茶云吞片伯爵茶190克ALGIN 溶液63克1. Mix the two comp onents with the help of a beater and let it sta nd for 30 mi nu tes.2. Pu

10、t into the freezer to cool.將伯爵茶和ALGIN 溶液用攪拌器攪均,放三十分鐘 放入冰箱冷藏但不要結(jié)冰CALCIC Mix:500 g min eral water .3,25 g CALCICCALCIC溶液礦泉水500 克CALCIC 3,25 克1. Dilute calcium in the mi neral water with the help of a beater2. Put into the freezer to cool.1. CALCIC 溶液和礦泉水混合,一邊加入溶液,一邊攪拌器攪均2. 放入冰箱冷藏但不要結(jié)冰Lem on peel chopp

11、ed1 lim cn de 80 g檸檬1個(gè)1. Remove skin of the lem on with the help of a peeler.2. Clea n the rema ining white tissue.3. Julienne the rind into 0.2 cm-wide strips.4. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator at 4 C.1. 用削皮器削去檸檬皮2. 刮去檸檬皮的白色部分3. 把檸檬皮切成0,2厘米闊4. 做密實(shí)袋包好,放入雪柜泠藏至4 C.1. Put a lem on ic

12、e-cube in a dos ing spo on of 3 cm in diameter.2. Fill the spo on with Earl Grey mix.3. Put the spoon into a bath of CALCIC solution for 1 minute to obtain ravioli.4. Remove ravioli from CALCIC solution and rinse it in a bath of iced mineral water .5. Drain the raviolis and place them in Chinese spo

13、ons.6. To serve, garnish with a strip of lemon rind.1. 把香檸冰塊圓周為3厘米的特制湯匙,把伯爵茶倒進(jìn)湯匙,直至填滿湯匙2. 把CALCIC 溶液倒進(jìn)大碗內(nèi),將湯匙放入的大碗內(nèi),放一分鐘,伯爵茶會(huì)自動(dòng)凝固成云 吞3. 取出湯匙,將湯匙放入盛有冰凍礦泉水的大碗內(nèi)以去除CALCIC溶液4. 云吞隔水后,放在中式湯匙5. 以檸檬皮制飾即可BASIC SPHERIFICATION: MELON CANTALOUPE CAVIAR 甜瓜魚子INGREDIENTS 四人用 ELABORATION 做法Can taloupe Melon Juice:50

14、0g Can taloupe Mel on羅馬甜瓜汁羅馬甜瓜500克*可用蜜瓜取代1. Peel and remove pips of the melon.2. Crush the flesh of the melon in ble nder3. Obta in the juice by pass ing through a musli n cloth.4. Reserve in refrigerator at 4cC.1. 羅馬甜瓜去皮去核2. 把羅馬甜瓜攪碎,用細(xì)紋棉布渣出果汁3. 把果汁冷藏至4(CCan teloup Mel on spherical caviar juice:250

15、g Can teloup Melon juice2 g ALGIN魚子溶液羅馬甜瓜汁200克ALGIN 2 克1. Mix algin with 1 / 3 of melo n juice.2. Crush with a mixer un til well ble nded and without lumps.3. Mix with the remai ning 2 / 3 of melo n juice.4. Strain and keep at room temperature for 30 minu tes.1. 把ALGIN混入1 / 3羅馬甜瓜汁2. 用攪拌器攪均3. 加入余下1 /

16、 3羅馬甜瓜汁4. 用細(xì)紋棉布隔去渣滓,存放在室溫二十分鐘CALCIC Mix:500 g min eral water2,5 g CALCICCALCIC溶液礦泉水500克CALCIC 2,5 克1. Dissolve calcium into mineral water with the help of a beater, reserve at 4 Cun til use.把CALCIC加入礦泉水用攪拌器攪均,冷藏至4 C,備用Passi on fruit seeds:60 g Passion Fruit (1 piece)熱情果籽熱情果1個(gè)約60克1. Cut passi on frui

17、t i nto half.2. With the help of a spo on, extract seeds.3. Store in the refrigerator at 4C.1. 熱情果切開一半,用湯匙刮出熱情果籽2. 冷藏至4 C備用Other in gredie nts:其它用具和材料10 Fresh mint hearts薄荷葉10片4 50 ml Syringes, external diameter5cm tip450毫升,5厘米圓周針筒 1枝10 Caviar Box of 30 g capacity魚子醬盒1. Fill 4 syri nges with the mel

18、on and ALGIN mixture.2. Expel it drop by drop into the CALCIC base.3. Remove after 1 mi nute, strain and rinse the result ing caviar in cold water.4. To serve, put the finishing caviar into the caviar box1. 將魚子溶液注入針筒2. 將魚子溶液滴進(jìn) CALCIC溶液內(nèi),做成魚子3. 待1分鐘,取出魚子,放入冰水中清洗4. 把魚子放入魚子醬盒即可INVERSE SPHERIFICATION: S

19、PHERICAL RASPBERRIES WITH YOGURT 覆盆子伴奶酪INGREDIENTS 四人用 ELABORATION 做法ALGIN MIX1.500 g min eral water7,5 g ALGINALGIN溶液礦泉水1,500克ALGIN 7,5 克1. Mix water with algin, with the help of a mixer, blend until a smooth mixture isformed.2. Let it sta nd in the refrigerator for 48 hours so that the air is in c

20、orporated intothe mixture disappears and algi n is rehydrated altogether.1. 用攪拌器把礦泉水和ALGIN混合好2. 放入雪柜冷藏48小時(shí)10 Raspberries.覆盆子10顆Half raspberries覆盆子切開一半Sweete ned Yogurt:150 g Greek yogurt15 g Sugar甜奶酪希臘奶酪150克糖15克1. Mix both in gredie nts in a bowl un til sugar dissolves.2. Leave in the fridge.1. 將糖和奶

21、酪混合,攪拌至糖完全融化2. 放入雪柜備用1. Immerse the raspberries in sweete ned yogurt.2. Put a raspberry into a dos ing spo on, fill the spo on with yogurt.3. Pour the content of the spo on in the mixture of algi n and water.4. Every 2 minu tes to move the spheres very smoothly, repeat this operati on toa total of 1

22、0 minu tes.5. After that drain smoothly and rinse well with clea n water.6. Store in a container with a little sugary syrup in the refrigerator to use.1. 將覆盆子放入奶酪中2. 將奶酪倒入特制湯匙3. 將湯匙放入ALGIN溶液,奶酪會(huì)自動(dòng)凝固成丸子4. 每2分鐘翻轉(zhuǎn)丸子一次,一共浸10分鐘5. 把丸子拿起,過清水6. 把丸子放在糖水中,雪凍即可SPAGHETTI MANCHEGOMANCHEGO羊奶芝士面條INGREDIENTS 四人用 EL

23、ABORATION 做法Man chego Serum:1 kg Man chego grated1 L Still waterMan chego 芝士汁Man chego 芝士 1 公斤水1公升面條500 g Man chego Serum5g AGARManchego 芝士汁 500 克AGAR 5 克Man chego Serum1. In a pan, heat water up to 90oC.2. Add grated Man chego3. Blend to obtain a lump-free mixture.4. Remove from the heat. Cover and

24、 leave for 30 min.5. Strain in a musli n cloth and leave to cool.Man chego 芝士汁制法1. 將水煮至90 oC,加入 Manchego 芝士2. 不停攪拌,防止起粒3. 待芝士溶后,離火,蓋好,放30分鐘4. 用細(xì)紋棉布隔去渣滓,待涼Man chego Spaghetti1. Dissolve AGAR Man chego with at 35oC.2. Bring to a boil while stir continuously.3. Once boiled, remove form the heat. Let it could dow n to 55-60oC.4. Use a syri nge to fill the serum into the tubes. Place the tube


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