人教pep版八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè) Unit4Whydon’tyoutalktoyourparents短語(yǔ)語(yǔ)法知識(shí)點(diǎn)總結(jié)_第1頁(yè)
人教pep版八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè) Unit4Whydon’tyoutalktoyourparents短語(yǔ)語(yǔ)法知識(shí)點(diǎn)總結(jié)_第2頁(yè)
人教pep版八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè) Unit4Whydon’tyoutalktoyourparents短語(yǔ)語(yǔ)法知識(shí)點(diǎn)總結(jié)_第3頁(yè)
人教pep版八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè) Unit4Whydon’tyoutalktoyourparents短語(yǔ)語(yǔ)法知識(shí)點(diǎn)總結(jié)_第4頁(yè)
人教pep版八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè) Unit4Whydon’tyoutalktoyourparents短語(yǔ)語(yǔ)法知識(shí)點(diǎn)總結(jié)_第5頁(yè)
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1、unit 4 why dont you talk to your parents一、必背短語(yǔ)section a 部分1.允許某人去做某事 3.談?wù)撽P(guān)于5.瀏覽、翻看7.生某人的氣9.和.相處得好11.籠罩13.和交流15.向某人解釋allow sb. to do sth talk aboutlook throughbe angry withget on withhang overcommunicate withexplain sth. to sb.2.和打架4.在電話中6.重要的事8.成功解決、計(jì)算出 10.有足夠的睡眠 12.主動(dòng)提出做 14.拒絕做某事16.抄襲某人的作業(yè)get into

2、a fight with on the phonea big dealwork outget enough sleepoffer to dorefuse to docopy ones homeworksection b 部分1.家庭成員3.與某人競(jìng)爭(zhēng) 5.學(xué)習(xí)應(yīng)試技巧family memberscompete with sb.learn exam skills2.業(yè)余活動(dòng)4.提出某人的觀點(diǎn) 6.依.的觀點(diǎn)看free time activitiesgive one s opinion in ones opinion7.刪除,刪減cut out8.總的做某事(厭煩等) be always doin

3、g sth.【教材內(nèi)容解析】section a1. my parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends. (p. 25) allow doing sth. 允許做某事翻譯:the shopkeeper (店員) doesnt allow smoking in any corner of the shop._ allow sb. to do sth. 允許某人做某事翻譯:his parents allow him to play computer games if he finishes his homework. _2. i got int

4、o a fight with my best friend. (p. 25)get into a fight with sb.意為“和某人打架”,相當(dāng)于 have a fight with sb.或者 fight with sb.。 翻譯:he got drunk (醉酒的) and got into a fight with jim._3. whatswrong? (p. 25)whats wrong?意為“怎么了?”,用來(lái)詢問(wèn)對(duì)方有什么問(wèn)題或者不順心的事,whats wrong with.?意為“怎么了?”,后接 sb.或者 sth.,用來(lái)詢問(wèn)某人或者某物怎么了?-whats wrong

5、with you, jim?-i left my umbrella on the bus.【拓展】詢問(wèn)“怎么了?”,主要有以下幾種句型:whats wrong (with sb./sth.)?whats the matter (with sb./sth.)?whats the trouble (with sb./sth.)?whats up (with sb./sth.)?4. im really tired because i studied until midnight last night. (p. 25)until 表示“直到”和延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞連用,意為一個(gè)動(dòng)作一直持續(xù)到某個(gè)點(diǎn)為止;同短暫

6、性 行動(dòng)連用時(shí),用于“not.until”結(jié)構(gòu)中,表示“直到才”。翻譯:the boy waited in the school until his father came to pick him up._翻譯:the workers wont leave until they get their salary (工資)._5. why dont you go to sleep earlier this evening? (p. 25)why dont you do sth.?意為“你為什么不做某事”,常用來(lái)向?qū)Ψ教岢鲆庖?,相?dāng)于 why not do sth.???隙ɑ卮鹩?good ide

7、a./good./all right./sure.等;否定回答用 no, i dont think so./sorry, i cant.等。-why dont you go sleeping with us?-good idea.6. well, i found my sister looking through my things yesterday. (p. 26)(1) find sb. doing sth.表示“發(fā)現(xiàn)某人正在做某事”,表示動(dòng)作正在進(jìn)行。翻譯:tom found a man stealing something when he was in the supermarket

8、 yesterday. _(2) look through 意為“快速查看、瀏覽”。翻譯:it is a good habit to look through newspapers every day._【拓展】look 的相關(guān)短語(yǔ)look forward to 盼望、期待look up 查閱look into 調(diào)查look after 照看7. although shes wrong, its not a big deal. (p. 26)(1) although 是連詞,意為“雖然、即使”,相當(dāng)于 though,引導(dǎo)讓步狀語(yǔ)從句。翻譯:although/though my grandma

9、is old, she is very healthy._(2) its not a big deal 意為“沒什么大不了、不是什么大事”。翻譯:change the time of the meeting. its not a big deal._8. hope things work out. (p. 26)work out 此處表示“成功地發(fā)展”,后常跟 fine, well, badly 等詞,表示產(chǎn)生的結(jié)果如何;此 外 work out 還可以表示“解決、制定出”。翻譯:everything is working out well._翻譯:the math problem is di

10、fficult for me to work out._翻譯:i have worked out a new way of doing it._9. my problem is that i cant get on with my family. (p. 27)get on with 意為“和睦相處”,后接人作賓語(yǔ),相當(dāng)于 get along with。翻譯:the new teacher is getting on/along with the students._【拓展】get on/along with sth.意為“在方面取得進(jìn)展”翻譯:how are you getting on w

11、ith your essay?_10. when they argue, its like a big, black cloud hanging over our home. (p. 27)argue 用作動(dòng)詞,表示“爭(zhēng)吵”,argue with sb.“與某人爭(zhēng)吵”;argue about sth.“就某事爭(zhēng)論”。 翻譯:mary often argues with her mother about which clothes to wear._翻譯:they were arguing about the matter again._11. also, my elder brother is

12、 not very nice to me. (p. 27)elder 用作形容詞,意為“年紀(jì)較長(zhǎng)的”,反義詞是 younger。his elder brother is ill.【拓展】elder 和 older 的區(qū)別elder 用來(lái)表示兄弟姐妹以及子女之間的長(zhǎng)幼關(guān)系,常用作定語(yǔ);older 泛指新舊、老幼或者 年齡大小的關(guān)系,可以用作表語(yǔ)或者定語(yǔ)。12. he always refuses to let me watch my favorite tv show. (p. 27)refuse 表示“拒絕”時(shí),后常接名詞或者動(dòng)詞不定式作賓語(yǔ)。翻譯:the girl refused the of

13、fer from oxford university._翻譯:most of the residents refused to move away from here._13. instead he watches whatever he wants until late at night. (p. 27)(1) instead 是副詞,用于句尾,在句中作狀語(yǔ);instead of 是介詞短語(yǔ),用于句中,后接名詞、 代詞或動(dòng)名詞。翻譯:he will be on duty instead of me tomorrow._翻譯:they didnt go swimming. they went

14、to play football instead. _(2) whatever 表示“無(wú)論什么、不管什么”,引導(dǎo)讓步狀語(yǔ)從句,相當(dāng)于 no matter what。翻譯:whatever difficulties he may meet, he will overcome them._14. if you parents are having problems, you should offer to help. (p. 27) offer 表示“提供”時(shí),作雙賓語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞,常用的結(jié)構(gòu)為:offer sb. sth.相當(dāng)于 offer sth. to sb.“為某人提供某物”。翻譯:the res

15、taurant offers free coffee to customers.=the restaurant offers customers free coffee._ offer to do sth.“主動(dòng)提出做某事”翻譯:the kind man offered to help the old lady across the road._15. secondly, why dont you sit down and communicate with your brother? (p. 27)(1) secondly 用作副詞,意為“第二、其次”,常與 firstly, thirdly

16、或者 lastly/finally 等表示順 序先后的詞,表示列舉某些事實(shí)。firstly, they are not efficient, and secondly, they are expensive to make.(2) communicate with sb.表示“與某人交流”翻譯:people can communicate with each other freely on the internet._16. you should explain that you dont mind him watching tv all the time. (p. 27)(1) explai

17、n 表示“解釋”,后常接名詞作賓語(yǔ),explain sth. to sb.意為“向某人解釋某事”。 翻譯:the teacher explained the answer to the question to his students again and again._(2) mind 的用法: mind doing sth. 介意做某事翻譯:would you mind opening the window please?_ mind sbs/sb doing sth. 介意某人做某事翻譯:do you mind my/me calling you at night?_17. my cous

18、ins borrow my things without returning them. (p. 28)return 此處用作及物動(dòng)詞,表示“歸還”,相當(dāng)于 give back,return sth. to sb.=return sb. sth.。 翻譯:im going to return this book to the library._18. your best friend does not trust you anymore. (p. 28)not.anymore 相當(dāng)于 not.any more 意為“不再”。not.any more 相當(dāng)于 no more,表示“不再”,強(qiáng)調(diào)程

19、度或者數(shù)量上不再;not.any longer 相當(dāng)于 no longer,表示“不再”,強(qiáng)調(diào)時(shí)間上不再。翻譯:i cant eat any more, because i am full.=i can no more eat, because i am full._翻譯:the village is not what it was ten years ago any longer.=the village is no longer what it was ten year ago._section b1. my parents give me a lot of pressure about

20、school. (p. 29)pressure 此處用作不可數(shù)名詞,意為“壓力”,under pressure 表示“壓力之下”。翻譯:i feel i m not able to do well with the pressure from my job._2. i have to compete with my classmates at school. (p. 29)compete with 意為“與競(jìng)爭(zhēng)/對(duì)抗 ”,相當(dāng)于 compete against.。翻譯:it is difficult for a small store to compete with/against a sup

21、ermarket._3. the taylors are a typical american family. (p. 30)“the+姓氏的復(fù)數(shù)”表示一家人,用作主語(yǔ)時(shí),謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞用復(fù)數(shù)形式。the greens live in los angeles.4. maybe i could cut out a few of their activities, but i believe these activities are important for my childrens future. (p. 30)cut out 意為“刪除、刪去”。翻譯:you had better cut out

22、that sentence._5. they have a quick dinner, and then itstime for homework. (p. 30)its time for sth.意為“該做某事了”,相當(dāng)于 its time to do sth.。its time for lunch.=its time to have lunch. _6. “in some families, competition starts very young and continues until the kids get older, ” she days. (p. 30)continue 表示

23、“繼續(xù)”,后接動(dòng)詞不定式或者動(dòng)名詞作賓語(yǔ)。翻譯:mrs. green continued working/to work after she had her baby._7. and they are always comparing them with other children. (p. 30)(1) be always doing sth.意為“一直做某事、總是做某事”,含有贊揚(yáng)、抱怨或厭惡等感情色 彩,不表示正在發(fā)生的動(dòng)作。翻譯:she was always moving things around._(2) compare 表示“比較”時(shí),常用的結(jié)構(gòu)有兩個(gè):compare.with

24、.“把同比較”; compare.to.“把比作”。翻譯:dont compare your children with others._翻譯:we often compare the little kids to the flowers of the motherland._8. people shouldnt push their kids so hard. (p. 30)push 這里用作動(dòng)詞,表示“鞭策、敦促、推動(dòng)”。翻譯:dont push yourself too hard._翻譯:my parents push me to learn english well._9. dr. a

25、lice says all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children. (p. 30)cause 這里是及物動(dòng)詞,表示“引起、造成”,cause sb. sth.相當(dāng)于 cause sth. for sb.。 the little boy caused his parents a lot of trouble.=the little boy caused a lot of trouble for his parents.翻譯:_【拓展】cause sb. to do sth.意為“導(dǎo)致某人做某事”what caused hi

26、m to change his mind?10. in my opinion, it is important for children/parents to.(p. 32)in ones opinion 意為“依看”,相當(dāng)于 according to sb.。翻譯:in their opinion, the meeting should be put off._11. you could tell him to turn down the tv. (p. 32)turn down 意為“關(guān)小、調(diào)低”翻譯:could you please turn down the radio a little._【語(yǔ)法講解】(一)情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 should 和 could1. should 的用法(1) 表示“應(yīng)該,應(yīng)當(dāng)”。(2) 表示“可能,該(=will probably)”(3) 表示粗暴地拒絕一項(xiàng)建議、要求或指示。例如:he shou


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