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1、畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文) 外文文獻翻譯文獻、資料中文題目:網(wǎng)站建設(shè)技術(shù)文獻、資料英文題目:Website construction technology文獻、資料來源:文獻、資料發(fā)表(出版)日期:院(部):專業(yè):班級:姓名:學(xué)號:指導(dǎo)教師:翻譯日期:2017.02.14Website con structi on tech no logy1 In troducti onThe developme nt of n etwork tech no logy for todays global in formatio n excha nge and shari ng funding source in the

2、 establishme nt of con tacts and provide more cha nn els and possible. Homes will be known world affairs, accord ing few keyboard or a few mouse clicks can be dista nt friends thousa nds of miles away excha nges, and on li ne com muni cati ons, Internet brows ing, on-li ne in teractive,e-commerce ha

3、s becomea moder npart of peoples lives.In ternet era, has created the new peoples workand lifestyle,the In ter net,ope nn ess and shari ng of in formati onmodel,breaking the traditionalmode of information dissemination manybarriers for people with new opportunities. With computers and the advent of

4、the informationage, the pace of the advanee of humansocietyin gradually accelerated.In recent years the development of webdesign,fast people occupied.With the development of web design, a colorfulonlinewebsitetogether one scenic beauty. To design aesthetic and practical web site should be thoroughly

5、 master the building techniques. In building site, we analyzed the websites of objectives,contents, functions, structure,the applicati on of more web desig n tech no logy. 2 the defi niti on of websit 2.1 How definition of websitesWeb site identified the tasks and objectives, the building site is th

6、e most important issue. Whypeople will cometo your website? You have a unique service? The first people to your website is to what? They will come back? All these issues must be take n into acco unt whe n the site definitionof the problem. Definition site to, firstof all, the entiresite must have a

7、clearunderstanding of what the design shouldun dersta nd in the end, the main purpose of the missi on, how to carry out the task of orga ni zati on and pla nning. Second, to maintain the high-quality Website.Many websites in the face of strong competitionfrom high-quality product is the greatestlon

8、g-termcompetitiveadva ntage. An excelle nt Web site should have the followi ng:(1) users visit Web site is faster.(2) atte nti on to the feedback and updates. To update the content of the website and timely feedback the users requireme nts;(3) Home design to be reasonable. Home to the first impressi

9、on left by visitors is important, the design must be attractive in order to have a good visual effect. 2.2 The contents of the website and functionThe content of the web site is to be a new, fast, all three sides. The content of the website, including the type of static, dynamic, functional and thin

10、gs to deal with. Website content is determined in accordance with the nature of the site, in the design of the site, commercial websites, popular science site, company websites, teaching and exchange websites, the content and style are different. We have established websites with the nature of these

11、 types of sites are not the same. 2.3 The structure website(1) site structure;(2) definition of navigation; (3) Visual Design;(4) framework and design pages. 3 Site Design and ImplementationWith increasing demandson design, high style, high-grade design work before gaining popularity. This also to t

12、he designers have put forward higher requirements, from this point of view, the plate design is to meet the requirements of the people should be and Health. The rapid development of science and technology, the Internet into millions of households, also produced a new design space, and a new web desi

13、gn an important part of the field of design. Excellent web design, we must have good creative, so that the audience can be difficult to shift attention long time, produce power. Layout is very important, through text, graphics space portfolio, can best express harmony with the United States. If you

14、want to further understand website design, made separately from other web sites homepage, you need to have more like CSS, javascript, CGI, and other web design technology. In building on the site of the CSS, javascript and other web design technology. 3.1 Application Design website CSS(1) What is CS

15、S? CSS is a style sheet (stylesheet) technology. Some of them called CSS (Cascading Stylesheet).(2) the combination of CSS and HTML form. Mode 1: The CSS content, as defined in the writing between the labels. Mode 2: CSS will be preserved as a separate text file, and then from labels to call.(3) CSS

16、 the web site of examples. The web site pages, and increase the following definition so that the pages show with special effects. 3.2 Application Design website javascriptjavascript and the emergence of making information between users is not only a display and browse the relationship, but to achiev

17、e a real-time, dynamic, cross-expression. Thus based on the CGI static HTML pages will be to provide dynamic real-time information, and customer response to the operation of the Web pages replaced. javascript scripting is satisfy this demandarising from the language. Its loved by extensive user. Man

18、y scripting language it is in a relatively good. WWW and effectively achieve the combination of the computer network computing and network blueprint.4 Construction on the site ExperienceWith the popularity of the Internet, more and more government departments, companies and individuals aware of the

19、need to have their own independent Web site. Below on the design and production sites on someof their own experience. After conducting systematic analysis End, we should carry out system design. Web page design similar to the development of software design, top-down, bottom-up and continuous updatin

20、g, and other design methods. The main task is to design the content of the sites, including the website information organization structure, appearance, content block, navigation and links, directory structure design. System design is the site ready before the concrete realization of the website to f

21、urther the realization of more specific requirements, the overall effect on the website, local details have a clearer idea. This entire process is the key site planning.Next is how to achieve their own Web site design issues. The realization of the site, I think the need to be considered in two part

22、s: the realization website; Web servers can be achieved. In the process of achieving website, technology selection is very important. Former major use HTML language, the stronger the interactive website, the proposed use of ASP, JSP, PHPand other programming to help achieve,the more complex Website

23、mayalso have its owndatabase. The latter is based on all kinds of different operating systems used Web server software installationand debugging. This stage is the whole process of the mostimportant and most time-consuming part.When we completed the work, the need for website released. At this stage

24、 of the production on the website drawing to a close, the main task is to do a good job in the website release to the network, the web site for final modifications, testing, homepage can guarantee normal operation of the network.Published in the website after website to deal with various aspects of

25、the tests, including the possibility of any different web browsers, different visitors have shown normal, ASP, JSP, PHP normal procedure can work, and so on. This stage is the website of trial operation period, the website at this time should be to make up for various shortcomings, the website will

26、be more perfected.After a period of operation, the site entered the normal operation period, the main task is to update outdated information website, the visitors message timely feedback to further improve the website, the introduction of new technologies constantly update website, visit web pages m

27、ore quickly, more aesthetic appearance, Information Resources richer.Above is the establishment of the station to roughly follow the seven steps, seven steps are complementary, but can be the basis of ease of website and complexity of a weakening or strengthening appropriate link. In short, building

28、 a successful web site is not an easy task, it needs all-round consideration, the Composite various factors.5 concluding remarksWith the rapid development of Internet technology, in all walks of life have joined the industry to the Internet. Whether from the management side, or from a commercial poi

29、nt of view, the Internet can bring immense vitality.Internet to becomea talented designer Shi newworld. People will continue to explore, will be the site of the building in the application of new technologies in the web site.網(wǎng)站建設(shè)技術(shù)1 介紹網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)的發(fā)展 , 為今天全球性的信息交流與資源共享和交往提供了更多 的途徑和可能。足不出戶便可以知曉天下大事 , 按幾下鍵盤或點

30、幾下鼠標(biāo)可以 與遠(yuǎn)在千里之外的朋友交流 , 網(wǎng)上通信、網(wǎng)上瀏覽、網(wǎng)上交互、網(wǎng)上電子商務(wù) 已成為現(xiàn)代人們生活的一部分。 Internet 時代 , 造就了人們新的工作和生活 方式,其互聯(lián)性、開放性和共享信息的模式 , 打破了傳統(tǒng)信息傳播方式的重重壁 壘, 為人們帶來了新的機遇。 隨著計算機和信息時代的到來 , 人類社會前進的腳 步在逐漸加快。近幾年網(wǎng)頁設(shè)計發(fā)展 , 快得讓人目不暇接。隨著網(wǎng)頁設(shè)計技術(shù)的發(fā)展 , 豐富多彩的網(wǎng)頁成為網(wǎng)上一道亮麗的風(fēng)景線。 要 想設(shè)計美觀實用的網(wǎng)頁就應(yīng)該深入掌握網(wǎng)站建設(shè)技術(shù)。在建立網(wǎng)站時 , 我們分 析了網(wǎng)站建立的目的、內(nèi)容、功能、結(jié)構(gòu) , 應(yīng)用了更多的網(wǎng)頁設(shè)計技術(shù)。

31、2 網(wǎng)站的定義2.1 如何定義網(wǎng)站確定網(wǎng)站的任務(wù)和目標(biāo) , 是建設(shè)網(wǎng)站所面臨的最重要的問題。 為什么人們會 來到你的網(wǎng)站 ? 你有獨特的服務(wù)嗎 ? 人們第一次到你的網(wǎng)站是為了什么 ? 他 們還會再來嗎 ? 這些問題都是定義網(wǎng)站時必須考慮的問題。 要定義網(wǎng)站 , 首先, 必須對整個網(wǎng)站有一個清晰認(rèn)識 , 弄清到底要設(shè)計什么、主要的目的與任務(wù)、 如何對任務(wù)進行組織與規(guī)劃。其次 , 保持網(wǎng)站的高品質(zhì)。在眾多網(wǎng)站的激烈競 爭中, 高品質(zhì)的產(chǎn)品是長期競爭的最大優(yōu)勢。一個優(yōu)秀的網(wǎng)站應(yīng)具備:(1)用戶訪問網(wǎng)站的速度要快;(2)注意反饋與更新。及時更新網(wǎng)站內(nèi)容、及時反饋用戶的要求;(3)首頁設(shè)計要合理。首頁給

32、訪問者留下的第一印象很重要 ,設(shè)計務(wù)必精美 , 以求產(chǎn) 生良好的視覺效果。2.2 網(wǎng)站的內(nèi)容和功能在網(wǎng)站的內(nèi)容方面 , 就是要做到新、快、全三面。網(wǎng)站內(nèi)容的類型包括靜態(tài) 的、動態(tài)的、功能的和事物處理的。 確定網(wǎng)站的內(nèi)容是根據(jù)網(wǎng)站的性質(zhì)決定的 , 在設(shè)計政府網(wǎng)站、商業(yè)網(wǎng)站、科普性網(wǎng)站、公司介紹網(wǎng)站、教學(xué)交流網(wǎng)站等的 內(nèi)容和風(fēng)格時各有不同。我們建立的網(wǎng)站同這些類型的網(wǎng)站性質(zhì)均不相同。2.3 網(wǎng)站的結(jié)構(gòu)(1)網(wǎng)站的結(jié)構(gòu); (2)定義導(dǎo)航; (3)可視化設(shè)計; (4)設(shè)計框架 和頁面。3 網(wǎng)站的設(shè)計與實現(xiàn)隨著人們對設(shè)計的要求越來越高 ,高格調(diào), 高品位的設(shè)計作品 ,才深受人們 的歡迎。這也就給設(shè)計者們

33、提出了更高的要求 ,從這個角度說 , 板式設(shè)計正是滿 足了人們的要求應(yīng)需而生??萍嫉娘w躍發(fā)展 , 讓 Internet 走進了千家萬戶 , 也產(chǎn)生出新的設(shè)計領(lǐng)域空間 , 而網(wǎng)頁設(shè)計成為新的設(shè)計領(lǐng)域的重要內(nèi)容。優(yōu)秀 的網(wǎng)頁設(shè)計 , 必須有好的創(chuàng)意 , 才能使觀者視線久久難移 , 產(chǎn)生震撼力。版面設(shè) 計是很重要的 ,通過文字、圖形的空間組合 , 能最佳的表達出和諧與美。 如果想 進一步認(rèn)識網(wǎng)頁設(shè)計 , 做出有別于一般網(wǎng)站的網(wǎng)頁 ,就需要掌握更多像 CSS 、 javascript、 CGI 等網(wǎng)頁設(shè)計技術(shù)。在網(wǎng)站的建設(shè)中就應(yīng)用了CSS 、Javascript 等網(wǎng)頁設(shè)計技術(shù)。3.1 應(yīng)用 CSS

34、設(shè)計網(wǎng)頁(1) 什么是 CSS ? CSS 是一種樣式表 (stylesheet) 技術(shù)。也有的人稱之為 層疊樣式表 ( Cascading Stylesheet)。(2) CSS與HTM啲結(jié)合方式。方式一:將所定義的 CSS內(nèi)容書寫在這一對 標(biāo)簽之間。方式二:將 CSS內(nèi)容單獨保存為一個文本文件,再由標(biāo)簽來調(diào)用。(3) CSS 在網(wǎng)站中的應(yīng)用事例。在網(wǎng)站中的頁面 , 增加了以下的定義 , 使頁 面有特殊的顯示效果。3.2 應(yīng)用 Javascript 設(shè)計網(wǎng)頁Javascript 的出現(xiàn)使得信息和用戶之間不僅只是一種顯示和瀏覽的關(guān)系 , 而是實現(xiàn)了一種實時的、動態(tài)的、可交式的表達能力。從而基于 CGI 靜態(tài)的 HTML頁面將被可提供動態(tài)實時信息


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