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1、游泳池溺水及安全處理預(yù)案游泳池應(yīng)急處理預(yù)案、負(fù)責(zé)內(nèi)容 Properties為了提高酒店室內(nèi)泳池的安全生產(chǎn)工作, 并且有效預(yù)防及時(shí)控制和消除突發(fā)安全事 故及其危害,指導(dǎo)和規(guī)范各類突發(fā)事件的應(yīng)急處理工作,最大程度的減少突發(fā)事件 對游客健康造成的危害,保障客人身心健康與生命安全,制定以下應(yīng)急預(yù)案。In order to enhance the security production work of the indoor swimming pool, effectively prevent in time, control efficiently, as well as eliminate the s

2、ecurity accidents. We set up the urgent emergency plan of guidance and standards to reduce the damage for people. To ensure the safety and security of the guests.二、步驟 Procedure一) 試用范圍 (Applicable Scope)本預(yù)案試用于突然發(fā)生, 造成或者可能造成客人身心健康一般和嚴(yán)重?fù)p害的安全事 故。Applicable for incident happened abruptly which brings or

3、may brings damage to the guests.二)分級標(biāo)準(zhǔn) (outline standards) 根據(jù)突發(fā)事件性質(zhì)、危害程度、涉及范圍,突發(fā)公共衛(wèi)生事件劃分為特別重大( 級)、重大(級)、較大(級)和一般(級)四級。According to the emergency properties /damage degree/ range , emergencyincidents can be divided into four levels: extremely serious (LI) 、 serious (LII) 、larger (LIII)、general ( LIV

4、).三)危險(xiǎn)源辨識 (identify dangers) 對泳池及周圍可能引起突發(fā)安全事件的行為、人員、物質(zhì)、設(shè)備設(shè)施進(jìn)行辨識,列 出危險(xiǎn)源清單,并有針對性的制訂預(yù)防措施,責(zé)任落實(shí)到人。Identify the dangers surround the swimming pour such as the dangerous behaviors / person /matters/ facilities/etc. List and make preventive measures targeted. Responsibility could be operated to everybody危險(xiǎn)源

5、預(yù)防措施責(zé)任人備注Dangerous sourcePrevention measuresDuty officercomments游泳池溺水人員 Drowning person加強(qiáng)監(jiān)控及預(yù)防措施 Strengthen the monitoring and preventive measures救生員Lifeguard業(yè)主財(cái)物 Property owner加強(qiáng)監(jiān)控及人員巡視Strengthen the monitoring and patrolling安管人員 Security staffs四) 預(yù)警處置 ( precautions handling ) 游泳池管理人、救生員按照突發(fā)安全事件的發(fā)生

6、、發(fā)展規(guī)律和特點(diǎn),及時(shí)分析其對游客身 心健康的危害程度、可能的發(fā)展趨勢,及時(shí)做出預(yù)警。Swimming pool manager and lifeguard must make early precautions according to the laws and characteristics of an incident security. Analysis the damage degree for the guests as well as the trend of the development.五) 常見突發(fā)事件的應(yīng)急處置 (commonly emergency disposals

7、)(一) 溺水處理 (drowning handlings)步驟: 1、發(fā)生事故后,救生員、服務(wù)員必須在第一時(shí)間到達(dá)現(xiàn)場,迅速將溺水者救起。1. Lifeguard、 team members must arrived in the first time. Rescuedthe drowning guy immediately.2 、救生員、服務(wù)員第一時(shí)間通知健身房經(jīng)理及上級領(lǐng)導(dǎo)立即與醫(yī)務(wù)室、醫(yī)院聯(lián)系派救護(hù) 車,要說清楚地點(diǎn)、發(fā)生事故的情況并提出要求。2. Lifeguard and team members must inform the health center manager as w

8、ell asthe leaderships immediately. Meanwhile contact the hospital to send the ambulance. Do remember speaking clearly about the place 、 case and set the requirements here.3、救生員立即啟動(dòng)評估溺水程度, 根據(jù)情況做 CPR操作。 如需送醫(yī)院救治救生員必 須跟隨。3. Lifeguard must immediately start CPR to evaluate the drowning degree, operateCPR

9、 according to the circumstances. If send to hospital is needed, lifeguard must be followed.4、其他服務(wù)人員維持現(xiàn)場秩序疏散圍觀客人,并協(xié)助救生員工作為救護(hù)創(chuàng)造條件4. Other team members must maintain the order, evacuate viewers and helped to create conditions for the rescue.5、保護(hù)現(xiàn)場并作事故報(bào)告并配合政府相關(guān)部門及酒店的調(diào)查。5. Protect the scene, make the acc

10、ident report. Besides cooperate with the hotel and government department survey.(2)在泄漏液體的流動(dòng)前端,拋灑 Ensorb 超強(qiáng)吸附劑,并用掃帚等工具翻動(dòng)攪拌,液體 逐漸變成粘稠直至固體,油品和化學(xué)品毒性大大降低;(2)In the front of the liquid flow, throwing Ensorb super adsorbent, using brooms or other tools to agitate, make sure the liquid became sticky until s

11、olid. Then oil and chemical toxicity can be greatly reduced.(3)同時(shí)快速取出吸附條, 依次相連將漏油或化學(xué)品圍攔阻住, 以防進(jìn)一步擴(kuò)散污染大面 積環(huán)境;(3)Meanwhile take out the adsorption quickly, put them connected in turn to let the oil leakage or chemicals blocked in case of the further spread pollution.(4)取出吸附墊, 放置到圍住的油面和化學(xué)品液體表面上, 依靠吸附墊的超

12、強(qiáng)吸附力對油 和化學(xué)品進(jìn)行快速吸收,以減少大量油污和化學(xué)品長時(shí)間的暴露在工作環(huán)境中,產(chǎn)生揮發(fā) 而引起危險(xiǎn);(4)Take out the adsorption pad; put it on the surface of the oil and chemicals.Oil and chemicals can be easily absorbed by the super adsorption force.(5)取出擦拭紙,將吸附墊、吸附條粗吸收處理后殘留油污進(jìn)行最后完全吸收處理;(5)Take out the wipe paper, completely absorb the residual

13、oil.(6)最后,取出防化垃圾袋, 將所有用過吸附片、 吸附條、 粘稠的液體或固體及其它雜質(zhì), 一起清理到垃圾袋里,扎好袋口,貼上有害廢物標(biāo)簽。標(biāo)簽中必須注明有害廢物的名稱、 產(chǎn)生區(qū)域和產(chǎn)生日期,放到泄漏應(yīng)急處理桶(有毒物質(zhì)密封桶套裝)內(nèi)運(yùn)走,交由專業(yè)的 廢棄物處理公司來處理。(6)Finally, take out the chemical garbage bags , put all used adsorption slice, slips , all the sticky liquid together with solid and other impurities cleaned u

14、p to the garbage bag.(二)抽筋處理 (cramps processing)1 、客人出現(xiàn)抽筋后救生員第一時(shí)間趕到現(xiàn)場,如果客人在水中迅速將其撈起。1. Lifeguard must arrive in the first time. If the guests still in the water, we must pick him/her up rapidly.2 、安撫客人,救生員視抽筋部位進(jìn)行反向牽拉并對肌肉進(jìn)行按摩,緩解痙攣帶來反 應(yīng)并通知醫(yī)務(wù)室做進(jìn)一步處理。2. Console the guest. For the apparent cramps parts,

15、lifeguard can gives a backward pull, and massages the muscle .Relieve the reaction brings from spasm and notify the infirmary for further processing3 、服務(wù)員維持現(xiàn)場秩序,并對客人心理進(jìn)行安撫。3. Team members must maintain the scene order, and appease the guest.4 、客人抽筋恢復(fù)后,如果還想下水游泳救生員要給與一些自救建議。4. After the guest recover,

16、 if he/she wants to swim again, the lifeguard must give some self-help advice.5 、做好記錄。5. Recorded.(三) 水中生物叮咬后處理 ( Aquatic bite handling )1 、聽到客人求助后,救生員與服務(wù)員迅速到場。1. Lifeguard and team members must arrive in the first time after the guests ask for help.2 、提示客人保持冷靜,避免慌張。2. Keep the guests stay calm, avo

17、id fluster.3 、救生員或服務(wù)員立即進(jìn)行處理并同時(shí)通知上級領(lǐng)導(dǎo)。3. Lifeguard or team membersm ust handle things immediately meanwhile inform superior leadership.4 、如叮咬較為嚴(yán)重,聯(lián)系醫(yī)務(wù)室或醫(yī)院進(jìn)行處理。4. If it bites seriously, contact the clinic or hospital for further treatment.5 、做好記錄,并查明原因,給客人解釋。5. Record. Ascertain the reason and explain

18、 to the guest.四)對水中消毒劑過敏處理Water disinfectant allergy handling1 、聽到客人求助后,救生員與服務(wù)員迅速到場。1. Lifeguard and team members must arrive in the first time.2 、第一時(shí)間通知上級領(lǐng)導(dǎo),聯(lián)系醫(yī)務(wù)室迅速到場判斷過敏程度。2. Notify the supervisor leadership; contact the clinic to quickly judge the allergy degree.3 、提示客人保持冷靜,避免慌張。就近進(jìn)行淋浴沖洗。3. Promp

19、t guests stay calm and avoid panic. Take a shower wash nearby.4 、維持現(xiàn)場秩序、勸疏圍觀人員,做好安撫,減輕帶來的不利影響。4. Maintain the order, evacuate viewers, appease the guest, and reduce the bad influence.5 、詳細(xì)做好記錄,協(xié)助有關(guān)部門調(diào)查。5. Keep a detail record, cooperate the related department with the investigations.(五)滑到、跌倒后較重傷害處理

20、handlings for heavy injury after slipping or falling1 、看到、聽到客人滑到、跌倒、求助后救生員、服務(wù)員迅速到場。1. Lifeguard and team members must arrive at the first time after the guest calls for help.2 、第一時(shí)間通知上級領(lǐng)導(dǎo),聯(lián)系醫(yī)務(wù)室或醫(yī)院。2. Notify the supervisor leadership immediately, meanwhile contact to the clinic or hospital.3 、視情況而定,如

21、果感到傷勢過重應(yīng)立即啟動(dòng)進(jìn)行評估,在醫(yī)生未到來時(shí)不 要隨意搬動(dòng)、處理以免造成二次傷害。3. If injuries are serious, it shall immediately start CPR evaluation, before the doctors come, don t move so as to avoid secondary damage.4 、維持現(xiàn)場秩序、勸疏圍觀人員,做好安撫,減輕帶來的不利影響。4. Maintain the order, evacuate viewers, appease the guest, and reduce the bad influen

22、ce.5 、詳細(xì)做好記錄,協(xié)助有關(guān)部門調(diào)查。5. Keep a detail record, cooperate the related department with the investigations.六)應(yīng)急資源保障 Emergency resouces guarantee 突發(fā)安全事故應(yīng)急處理應(yīng)堅(jiān)持預(yù)防為主,平戰(zhàn)結(jié)合,上級領(lǐng)導(dǎo)應(yīng)加強(qiáng)突發(fā)溺水事故的組織 建設(shè),組織開展突發(fā)安全事故的監(jiān)測和預(yù)警工作,保證突發(fā)安全事故應(yīng)急處理工作的順利 開展。Security emergency handling should be insisted on prevention, superior lead

23、ership should strengthen organization constructions for emergency drowning accident, organize the monitoring and early warning work, to ensure that emergency accidents work can be handled smoothly1、監(jiān)控系統(tǒng) monitoring system 負(fù)責(zé)監(jiān)控游泳池及周邊環(huán)境,對可能發(fā)生的事故進(jìn)行及時(shí)的跟蹤及處理 .Responsible for monitoring the swimming pool a

24、nd surroundings, process the emergency accidents that may happen.2、應(yīng)急救治隊(duì)伍 emergency rescue teams 上級領(lǐng)導(dǎo)按照“平戰(zhàn)結(jié)合、因地制宜,分類管理、分級負(fù)責(zé),統(tǒng)一管理、協(xié)調(diào)運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)”的原 則建立突發(fā)事件應(yīng)急救治隊(duì)伍,并加強(qiáng)管理和培訓(xùn)。Superior leadership establish emergency treatment team according to combining together, adjust measures to local conditions, classification

25、management and responsible, unify management, coordination operation principles and strengthen management and training3、演練 drill 上級領(lǐng)導(dǎo)按照“統(tǒng)一規(guī)劃、分類實(shí)施、分級負(fù)責(zé)、突出重點(diǎn)、適應(yīng)需求”的原則,采取定 期和不定期相結(jié)合的形式,組織開展突發(fā)事件的應(yīng)急演練。Superior leadership, in accordance with the principle unified planning, classified implementation and hierarchical responsible, highlight key points, adapt to demand, take regular and irregular combination of form, organize the emergency drill4、通信與交通保障 Communication


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