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1、標(biāo)語大全 希望對您有幫助,謝謝英文環(huán)保宣傳標(biāo)語導(dǎo)讀:本文是關(guān)于英文環(huán)保宣傳標(biāo)語的文章, 如果覺得很不錯, 歡迎點(diǎn)評和分享!1、愛護(hù)小草吧,它是春天的信使。Take care of the grass. It is the messenger of spring.2、讓校園充滿綠色,讓心靈充滿希望。Let the campus be full of green, let the heart be full of hope.3、環(huán)境保護(hù)重在自主探究,實(shí)踐體驗(yàn)。Environmental protection focuses on independentexploration and practic

2、al experience.4、少一個腳印,多一個生命,不銹鋼水箱。Less footprint, more life, stainless steel water tank.5、破壞環(huán)境,禍及千古,保護(hù)環(huán)境,功蓋千秋。Destroy the environment, endanger the past, protect the environment, and make contributions to the future.6、環(huán)境與人類共存,開發(fā)與保護(hù)同步。Environment coexists with human beings, and development and protec

3、tion are synchronized.7、環(huán)境你我他,綠色靠大家。Environment you, me and him, green depends on標(biāo)語大全 希望對您有幫助,謝謝everyone.8、校園美如畫,受益你我他。The campus is picturesque, benefiting from you, me and him.9、水是生命之源,樹是生命之根。Water is the source of life, and trees are the root of life.10、康人人有份,節(jié)約人人有責(zé)。Every Kang has his share and e

4、veryone has a responsibility to save.11、每天節(jié)約一滴水,難時擁有太平洋。Save a drop of water every day and have the Pacific Ocean in hard times.12、陸地,天空,大海,我們都要保護(hù)。Land, sky, sea, we all have to protect.13 、請您愛護(hù)綠色,綠是生命之源。Please love green, green is the source of life.14 、貫徹環(huán)保教育,宣導(dǎo)環(huán)保資訊。andCarry out environmental prot

5、ection education publicize environmental protection information.15、沒有綠色,生命就沒有希望。Without green, life has no hope.16、垃圾回收,保護(hù)地球,舉手之勞,參與環(huán)保。標(biāo)語大全 希望對您有幫助,謝謝Garbage recycling, protection of the earth, hands up, participate in environmental protection.17、使用綠色產(chǎn)品,節(jié)約地球資源。Use green products to save the earths r

6、esources.18、水資源是有限的,生命之河是無限的。Water resources are limited and the river of life is infinite.19、鮮花還需綠葉扶,學(xué)校更需同學(xué)護(hù)。Flowers need to be supported by green leaves, and schools need to be protected by their classmates.20 、建設(shè)美麗的邊疆,愛護(hù)我們的家園。Build beautiful frontier and cherish our homeland.21、揀回垃圾分類老傳統(tǒng),倡導(dǎo)綠色文明新時

7、尚。Reclaim the old tradition of garbage sorting and advocate the new fashion of green civilization.22、判天地之美,析萬物之理。Judging the beauty of heaven and earth, analyzing the reason of all things.23 、當(dāng)綠色褪去,就意味著人類走向命運(yùn)的低谷。When the green fades away, it means that mankind is heading for the low ebb of fate.24、勸

8、君多走幾步路,莫把草坪當(dāng)馬路。I advise you to take more steps instead of using the lawn標(biāo)語大全 希望對您有幫助,謝謝as a road.25、樹環(huán)保之風(fēng),迎美好明天。Tree the wind of environmental protection and welcome a better tomorrow.26、人人參與環(huán)境保護(hù),個個爭當(dāng)綠色天使。andEveryone participates in environmental protection strives to be green angels.27 、追求美好生活,應(yīng)先擁抱

9、綠色。In order to pursue a better life, we should embrace green first.28、別在綠色消失時,我們才去后悔。Dont regret when the green disappears.29、保障飲水安全,維護(hù)生命健康。Safeguard drinking water and maintain life and health.30 、保護(hù)環(huán)境從我做起,愛護(hù)學(xué)校從學(xué)生做起。Protecting the environment starts with me and caring for the school starts with the

10、 students.31 、給我一片綠,還你一片蔭。Give me a piece of green and give you a shade. 32、請您足下繞一繞,草兒向您笑一笑。Please walk around your feet and grass will smile at you. 33 、拒絕白色污染,從環(huán)保意識不再蒼白開始。標(biāo)語大全 希望對您有幫助,謝謝Refuse white pollution, from the environmental awareness is no longer pale.34 、綠色的祖國,綠色的家,綠色的環(huán)境人人夸。Green motherl

11、and, green home and green environment are praised by everyone.35、人人都來愛護(hù)它,世界才會更美妙。Everyone will love it, and the world will be better. 36、小草微微笑,請你繞一繞。Grass smiles, please go around.37 、追求綠色時尚,走向綠色文明。Pursuing green fashion and moving towards green civilization.38、花木有情報春暉,同學(xué)愛護(hù)喜心扉。Flowers and trees have

12、 information about Chunhui. Students love and love their hearts.39、迎綠色資源,送廢氣污染。Greening green resources, sending waste gas pollution.40 、美好的校園環(huán)境,需要大家共同建設(shè)和創(chuàng)造。A good campus environment needs to be built and created by all of us.41、同花兒一起開放,和小樹一起成長。Blossom with flowers and grow with trees.標(biāo)語大全 希望對您有幫助,謝

13、謝42 、保護(hù)生態(tài)環(huán)境,就是愛護(hù)自己。Protecting the ecological environment means taking care of oneself.43 、邁步留意地下草,撣指莫折枝頭花。Pay attention to the underground grass step by step, do not fold branches and flowers.44、地球清潔一點(diǎn),我們生活舒適一點(diǎn)。The earth is cleaner and we live more comfortably.45、地球是我們的母親,我們要愛護(hù)她。The earth is our mot

14、her, we should love her.46、愛護(hù)身邊的綠化,重建美好家園。yourTake care of the greening around you and rebuild beautiful home.47、保護(hù)地球,就從美化校園開始吧。To protect the earth, start with beautifying the campus.48、生命如此短暫,請不要將我傷害。Life is so short, please dont hurt me.49 、愛花,愛草,愛樹,愛校園。Love flowers, love grass, love trees, love

15、campus.50、垃圾混置是垃圾,垃圾分類是資源。Garbage mixing is garbage, and garbage classification is resource.標(biāo)語大全 希望對您有幫助,謝謝51、花兒以花香回報我們,我們只需腳下留情。Flowers reward us with their fragrance. We just need to show mercy at our feet.52、呼喚綠色文明,創(chuàng)建綠色學(xué)校。Call for green civilization and create green schools.53、見垃圾,彎個腰,爭做綠色小使者。See

16、 the garbage, bend over and strive to be a little green messenger.54、水光山色與人親,說不盡,無窮好。Water, scenery and relatives are endless and infinitely good.55 、有限的資源,無限的循環(huán)。Limited resources, unlimited cycle.56 、累積點(diǎn)滴改進(jìn),邁向完美品質(zhì)。Cumulative drip improvement, towards perfect quality.57 、保護(hù)環(huán)境系各人,美化校園靠大家。Everyone in the Department of Environmental Protection relies on everyone to beautify the campus.58 、保護(hù)綠化,愛護(hù)公物,從我做起。Protect greening, protect public property, from me.59、促綠色消費(fèi),做綠


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