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1、第二章句 法 一、簡(jiǎn)單句(一)簡(jiǎn)單句的五種基本結(jié)構(gòu) 題1指出下列各句屬于哪種基本句型。1. They are students()2. The flowers turn redin spring()3. The boys laughed()4. We study English()5. The teacher asked metwo questions()6. We all call him XiaoLi.()題2同意句改寫。1. Please pass me a cup of tea Please pass a cup of tea 2. Yesterday my friend gave a

2、 nice present me.Yesterday my friend a nice present.3. Pingping lent Lucy his bike two hours ago.Pingping his biketwo hours ago.4.5.6.Uncle Liu showed us some pictures.Uncle LiuMy auntMy auntMum hasMum haspictures .made a cake for the children yesterday.madeyesterday.bought her a new skirt a new ski

3、rt.題3變成否定句,一般疑問(wèn)句,并作肯定和否定回答。This is a bike under the tree.1.2. There are some apple trees in front of the house.3. There was a football match yesterday afternoon.4. There were some people in the street5. There will be a sports meeting next week.6. There is going to be an English film this evening.7.

4、There is something wrong with my watch8. She has some story-books9. We have a TV set in our house.題4用存在有和所屬有的正確形式填空。1. a picture on the wall2. any maps on the back wall3. Rose any paper4. There some nice picture-books over there5. How many people in your family6. I some library books7. How much pape

5、r you I two pieces of paper8. You any sisters9. any tea in the cup Yes, there is some10. much rice in the bowl11. any people in the picture No, any.12. aballandtwo boxes under the bed13. afishandchips shop at theend oftheroad14. any kites in the sky.15. alittle ink left in his penat themoment16. The

6、 road iswet a heavy rainjust now.題5同意句改寫。1. I havenJ t any books in my handAny books in my hand2. They havenJ t any sistersTheysisters.Theysisters. (口 語(yǔ)中)Theysisters.3. Mary has no sisters and no brothersMary sisters brothers.4. There isn t any water in the glass Therewater in the glass.5. There isn

7、, t any water and air on the moon.Therewaterair on the moon.There is water air on the moon.題6英譯漢1. There seems to be a heavy snow this afternoon.f2 There must be many people in the room.3. There may be a mistake in your problems4. There can be a heavy rain here5. There stands a big tree over there6.

8、 There lived an old man in the village.題7漢譯英。1. 花園里有許多女學(xué)生。2. 你們班有多少名學(xué)生3. 這屋里只有一臺(tái)電視。S4. 我們有足夠的時(shí)間做作業(yè)。5. 一月份有多少天6. 動(dòng)物園有多少種動(dòng)物7. 月球上沒(méi)有空氣,上面怎能有生物呢8. 請(qǐng)別離開,會(huì)后有電影。9. 或許還剩下幾票。(三)陳述句 題8把下列各詞連成陳述句。1. see, a map, can, I, the, wall, on2. does, often, the, go, Lucy, park, not, to3. right, he, I, think, is, don t題9

9、漢譯英。1. 農(nóng)民們正在為來(lái)年作好準(zhǔn)備。2. 我和林濤是好朋友。3. 他們還沒(méi)有完成那項(xiàng)工作。4. 這個(gè)小男孩不擅長(zhǎng)游泳。5. 小明可能語(yǔ)文考試不及格。(四)一般疑問(wèn)句 題10將下列各句變成一般疑問(wèn)句,并作肯定或否定回答。1. They are playing basketball on the playground basketball on the playground2. They can borrow books from the library.borrow books from the library Yes,.3. He has many English novels in hi

10、s family English novels in his familyNo,.4. They go to school on foot every day.To school on foot every dayYes,5. His father went to France last year his father to Fra nee last year No,.6. We have made a lot of beautiful clothes these days you a lot of beautiful clothes daysYes,.7. He has finished h

11、is homeworkhis homework No,.8. I will pass on a message to herPass on a message to her Yes,.9. I would like a cup of milk, please Like a cup of milk, pleaseYes,10. We have many cakes for supper.(變?yōu)榉穸ㄒ蓡?wèn)句) Cakes for supper11. It is a wonderful skirt.(變?yōu)榉穸ㄒ蓡?wèn)句) a wonderful skirt12. I want to come with y

12、ou.(變?yōu)榉穸ㄒ蓡?wèn)句) want to come with 13. I told you to come earlier.(變?yōu)榉穸ㄒ蓡?wèn)句) You to come earlier14. I have been to Dalian three times.(變?yōu)榉穸ㄒ蓡?wèn)句) Been to Dalian three times15. I was hatching TV this time last night No, I (六)選擇疑問(wèn)句題11將下列各句變?yōu)檫x擇疑問(wèn)句并回答。1. He is teacher (a student) 2. This ruler is yours(his) 3.

13、 Kate wants this red apple(that pear) 4. I m looking for my pen. (Betty s) 5. The students visited the farm, (the factory) j6. We re going to the Great Wall this week(next week) Factory.7. My teacher often has lunch at school(at home)8. Which is bigger, the sun or the moon The sun is.9. Who studies

14、(the) hardest, Tom, Jim or Lucy Jim doesf10. Whose handwriting is better, Li Lei s Wei Fang s Wei Fang s is.11. Lin Tao, s father goes to work on foot(by bus) 12. I can say it in English(in Chinese) 13. We will read these words(write) 14. We 11 watch TV. (go to the cinema) 15. He will be here at eig

15、ht(at nine)16. Is Lily going to the shop (Lucy)17. Do you draw the picture for Kate (for me)f(七)反意疑問(wèn)句題12完成下列反意疑問(wèn)句。1. Everything is ready, 2. Somebody came here just now, 3. This isn, t your book, 4. There are ten boys here, 5. I9 m a student, 6. He was really unhappy, 7 He has a nice picture, 8. He

16、had breakfast at seven o clock, 9. I must do it,10. He is at the cinema now, 11. She had to go there, 12. You had better go home, 13. There is litter water in the glass, 14. Listen to me carefully, 15. Don t look out of the window, 16. Let s go to the park, 17. Let us look at your new book, 18. She

17、thinks you are right, 19. I don t think you are right, 20 Learning English well is hard, 21. He is going to the football match, 22. Liu Ying does well in English, 23. She hasn, t got a ticket for the examinat ion, 24. There was a picture on the wall last term, 25. Xiao Li had made good progress, 26

18、The plane leaves at ten, 27. I m late, 28. Nobody is waiting for you, 29. This is a lovely city, Saturday afternoon, lot since 1987,30. Lend me your bike, 31.32.33.You have no lessons onOur city has changed aHe doesn, t talk much,34. There is a ball in his hand, 35. They were singing when you got th

19、ere, 36. Mike will be late for school today, 37. They aren, t going to be teachers in the future, 38. He, s never been to the Great Wall, 39. There were few people in this place hundreds of years ago, _40. There is little ink in the pen, 41 Let s have a rest, 42. I think he will come soon. 43. Pass

20、me that book, 44. Tom didn, t go to the park yesterday, did he (肯定回答并翻譯)45. Lucy is a Chinese girl, isn t she (否定回答并翻譯)(A)否定疑問(wèn)句 題13把下列否定的一般疑問(wèn)句譯成漢語(yǔ)。1. Aren, t they beautiful Yes, they are2. Can t you see IJ m a bird No, I can匕3. Don t you know him Yes, I do.4. Won t you have more rice No, I won 匕5. H

21、avenJ t you done it Yes, I have題14把下列否定的特殊疑問(wèn)句譯成漢語(yǔ)。1. Why don t do your homework (Why not do your homework)2. Who is not here Who isn t here感嘆句題15把下列各句變?yōu)楦袊@句。1. It is a nice box. .2. The man is very old. .3. The watches are quite new 4. Take are beautiful flowers 5. The workers are working hard 6. The

22、 factory is so big 7 The child is very clever 8. The sum shines so brightly. 9. We are having a fine day. 10. She looks pretty in red dress 11. We had a gook time last week. .12. He was foolish to think like that 13. Your classroom is clean and bright 14. This is a very difficult quest io n 15. They

23、 were living a happy life 用what ,how填空。1.a big horse it is !2.big the horse is !3.new the books ate!4.lovely the boy is !5.well he studies !6.delicious moon cades!6.fat the pigs are !7.good students they are !用兩種方法變成感嘆句。1. She is a beautiful girl.she is !the girlis2 There are big treesthe trees are

24、!they are!(十)祈使句用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. Please (open) the door2. (look)at the picture ,please !3. (nor be)careless4. (be)quiet , please5. Please (not watch )TV so much , Jim!6. (let)me (have)a look at the photo.7. let the boy (go)out at night8. Let the boy (not go)out at night根據(jù)要求變化。1. Tom is sitting on the

25、desk.(變成否定祈使句)2. Open the window , please(同 上)3. Be standing in the rain.(同上)4. Please don t take down the picture.(變成肯定祈使句)5. Please read the text.(變成否定祈使句)1. 訂要在課堂上說(shuō)話。3請(qǐng)不要喝臟水。5.不要在墻上畫。2. 下次請(qǐng)別遲到了。4 請(qǐng)不要像這樣說(shuō)。6. 我們?nèi)ス珗@吧!(十一)倒裝句 將下列倒裝句譯成漢語(yǔ),并注意其含意。1. There comes the bus2. There goes the bel1.3. She s hun

26、gry . ” SO am I. ”4. He can drive a car SO can I.5. Lilei studies well SO does Wei Hua Green.6. Hr. Black isn, t good at swimming Neither (Nor)is Mr.7. Yesterday we didn, t go there Neither (Nor)did they.8. What a fine day today ! So it is.9. My brother hasn, t been to Dalian. Neither (Nor)he he10.

27、My mother always thinks of others So she does(十二)主謂語(yǔ)的一致用適當(dāng)?shù)闹^語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞填空。1. Grass always green in the south.2. Not only you but also I wrongs3. Neither Bill nor his parents at home4. The football team having bath (洗澡)now5. Maths the language of science6. Neither of the sentences correct7. When each person

28、(come) in, they must show their tickets.8. Nothing in the world difficult for one who is careful9. Ten thousand pounds a lot of money.10. Fifty miles not a great distance)11. It Comrade Li and Comrade Wang who did it.12. Nobody but John and Jim (be) asked to go.13. What two and two14. None of us (ha

29、ve) got a camera (照相機(jī))15. There (be) some pens and a pencil in my bag16. Reading in bed (be) bad a for your eyes17. Vegetables sold at this shop (be) usually cheap18. All that can be done (do)19. Between the two buildings (stand) a theatre (劇院)20. A large number of boys and girls (play) in the park2

30、1 Swimming here (need) great courage.(勇氣)。22. A teacher with two students (come) to us23. No one except me (know) about it.24. Mary like many other (like) dancing25. My father and mother teachers of English26. Physics a very important subject27 What the news from London28. Much needed to solve (解決)t

31、he problem.29 everybody ready30. People (like) to swim in summer31 The Chinese people a great people32. The police (try) to catch the thief33. Class Five (be) to go to the Summer Palace next Sunday.34. Class Five (be) all out on the playground&35. My family (not be) large36. My family (be) music lov

32、ers37 Each of us (have) a frisby.38. Each of the dictionaries very useful39. there anything I can do for you題23改錯(cuò)。1. What we want are milk.AC DM2. Which is your exercise-booksABCD3. None of this money are mine.A B C D4. Everything are quiet here,A BCD5. There are some orange in the bottle.A B C Ds6.

33、 Lots of paper have been used by the students.ABCD7. Either you or I are able to do it.A BCD8. Neither he nor you j_s right.A B C D9. There i_s two bowls of rice on the table.A BC D?10. The bag of apples 日re very heavy,AB CD11. We are Chinese. You two are German,A BC D12. Her blue trousers is very l

34、ong,B D13. This pair of trousers are Ming Ming s.ABCD)14. Two pieces of paper is on the table.A B C D15. Those fishistenyuan.A B-CD16. Who have donetheworkABCD17. Where was you lost nightA B C D)18. Li Hing and I am in the middle school.AB CD19. The sin日nd dancer book very young,ABCD20. The singer a

35、nd the dancer looks very young,ABCD題24選擇填空。1. Nobody but Jane the secret.A.knowsB knowC.have knowD.is known2.There-fourths ofthe surface of the earthseaA.isB areC. wereD. has been3.All but onehere just nowA.isB wasc.has beenD.were4.Afork and knifeon the tableA.isB areC has beenD havebeen5.Each boy a

36、nd girla new bookA. are givenB. was givenC. being givenD weregiven6.My clothesmade to orderA. isB areC. hasD.have7.The oldtaken good care ofinour country.A. isB hasC areD.have8.More than one personmadethesuggest ion.A. wasB. hasC. whereD. have9.Half of the studentsmadethe same mistakeA. hasB haveCis

37、D.are10.Somethingwring with my TV setA. wasB. wereC. hasD. are11.good exerciseA. Climbing hillsisB. Climbing the hillisC The climbing hill areD. The climbing of hill are12.Either Tom or Ito blameA. to beBamC areD.is13.The first two questions were easy, but the rest of themnotA. wasB. wereC. beingD. tobe14.Twenty dollarsenough forthecoat A. isB areC. hasD.have15.Five minus threetwo.A. isB areCamD.were16.My old friend andschoolmatein BeijingA. liveB. livingC. are livingD lives17.Neither my sisternor Igoing to the


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