教育論文Cultural differences?。猓澹簦鳎澹澹睢。牛睿纾欤椋螅琛。幔睿洹。茫瑁椋睿澹螅濉。悖铮欤铮颉。鳎铮颍洌骭第3頁




1、 是小柯論文網(wǎng)通過網(wǎng)絡(luò)搜集,并由本站工作人員整理后發(fā)布的,是篇質(zhì)量較高的學(xué)術(shù)論文,供本站訪問者學(xué)習(xí)和學(xué)術(shù)交流參考之用,不可用于其他商業(yè)目的,的論文版權(quán)歸原作者所有,因網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理,有些文章作者不詳,敬請諒解,如需轉(zhuǎn)摘,請注明出處小柯論文網(wǎng),如果此論文無法滿足您的論文要求,您可以申請本站幫您代寫論文,以下是正文。 abstract:color words may show different cultural connotation of each language in some degree. while translating, we should handle color words app

2、ropriately according to cultural differences in both the original and target language. this paper brings a discussion of cultural differences between english and chinese color words.key words:color color words cultural difference.introductioncolor words is an essential part of the language and cultu

3、re implications. color words may show different cultural connotation of each language in some degree. there exist differences between each language in some degree. there exist differences between english and chinese people in habits and customs, religious belief, geographical conditions, mode of thi

4、nking, etc; so chinese and english color words have cultural differences in both the original and target language.the paper attempts to make a brief study of some typical cultural lorded color words expressions in both english and chinese, compare the perception of some cultural loaded words lacking

5、 in both languages, and analyze the differences in the associative meaning, cultural images of color words as well as finer distinctions in semantic meaning and words connotations with the aim to direct translation.the factors causing cultural differences between english and chinese color words1.nat

6、ural environments and historical backgroundswe know the weather of england is always warm and the wool spinning industry has developed rapidly in england from early time. thereby, english people often use sheep or wool as analogue. for example, there is wool so white but a dyer can make it black(羊毛雖

7、白,染之則黑).when westerners hold a wedding, the bride dresses white marriage ceremonial dress, which stands for chastity and pure, but chinese bride dress red clothes, which stands for happiness and auspice from ancient times. in china, festival couplets must be written in red paper; lanterns hanging un

8、der eaves must be made of red paper.in english, there exist many colors that are adopted from colors of some jewelry. that has its historical background. in medieval times, travels between europe and eastern world developed rapidly. a large number of jewelry flowed into england from arab and india,

9、so there appeared some color words from jewelry such as ruby, sapphire, amethyst, etc.2.living habbitsin english, white goods refer to some big and expensive electrical equipment such as fridges, washing machines, gas stoves and other kitchen facilities most of which atre in white paint. and televis

10、ions, stereos, recorders and some other electronic products are called brown goods is relevant to the living habits of english people. if say“白色家電”or“褐色家電”in chinese, no one can understand.3.political backgrounds and religious beliefcolors have been used to stand for political groups or social statu

11、s from ancient times. the color yellow in china is symbol of emperor for its nobility. for instance, there is a chinese saying“黃袍加身”.and in english spoken countries, purple is the color of religious authority, especially in the christendom. the imperial robes, the robes bishops and ministers are in

12、purple, so in english to be raised to the purple means to have ones ambition fulfilled. however, yellow is a derogatory term sometimes in modern chinese. see the following chinese idioms:“掃黃打非”;“黃色報(bào)刊”“黃”means pornographic coming from english words yellow journalism and yellow covered literature. but

13、 in english yellow does not really mean pornographic. yellow journalisms and yellow covered literatures are just some vulgar publications. this kind of usage began in 1895. new york world published picture story caricature yellow kids that was printed in yellow. .the differences between english and

14、chinese color words in conceptconceptual meaning is the basic meaning of words. owing to different cultural backgrounds, there always exist cultural conflicts in the communication between chinese and english. one reason is language itself. generally, the meanings of both english and chinese words ar

15、e very flexible. they sometimes have two or more than teo meaning, so it is difficult to correspond them word for word. the other is mainly the customs and cultural differences. we can see it from the following three aspects.1.the same or similar concepts but different color wordschinese phraseu”紅白喜

16、事” means joyous occasions and funerals, while in english black is connected with funerals such as in the phrase be dressed in black. in chinese,“紅了眼”means envy, but in english people say green with envy or green eyed. in chinese“紅人”means a favorite with somebody in power, it can not be translated in

17、to a red person, but a fair haired girl in english and a white headed boy in irish. when david hawks translated the dream of the red chamber, he translated red which stands for happiness into green,“怡紅院”and“怡紅公子” into green delights and green boy, because the color red is often connected with blood

18、or war in the minds of westerners, and green symbolizes life and hope in their eyes.the main colors of english and chinese are same or similar, but some color words in one language can refer to more one color in other language. so the english and chinese color words are not always corresponding word

19、. chinese“碧”can correspond with blue and green .“碧空” is the blue sky, and“碧玉”is green jade.english and chinese reflect different cultures. both languages express their own color concepts in thir own ways according to their conventional habits. sometimes the color word is different from the color of

20、the thing thy describe. for example, brown bread is a kind of bread baked in black, but not in brown. chinese “紅茶” is called black tea in english. we should pay special attention to these distinctive expressions while translating.2.the same color word with the same 是小柯論文網(wǎng)通過網(wǎng)絡(luò)搜集,并由本站工作人員整理后發(fā)布的,是篇質(zhì)量較高

21、的學(xué)術(shù)論文,供本站訪問者學(xué)習(xí)和學(xué)術(shù)交流參考之用,不可用于其他商業(yè)目的,的論文版權(quán)歸原作者所有,因網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理,有些文章作者不詳,敬請諒解,如需轉(zhuǎn)摘,請注明出處小柯論文網(wǎng),如果此論文無法滿足您的論文要求,您可以申請本站幫您代寫論文,以下是正文。 meaning.english and chinese use some same color words, and their meanings are the same. for example,藍(lán)圖blue print;藍(lán)領(lǐng)blue collar;藍(lán)帶blue ribbon;白領(lǐng)white collar;紅燈區(qū)red light distinct.3.

22、the same color word but different meaningsenglish and chinese use some color words, but with different meanings there is an expression re guard in english and“紅衛(wèi)兵”in chinese, but their meanings are different. in chinese, it is a derogatory term. in english red guard refers to imperial guard; it is a

23、 commendatory term. 4.the color words used in english but not in chinesesome color words used in english cannot be translated color words in chinese. for example, red letter day (重要的會或值得紀(jì)念的日子);red ensigh(英國皇家商船旗);yellow bellied(膽小懦弱的);yellowalert(空襲預(yù)備警);a bolt from the blue(晴天霹靂); out the blue(爆出冷門)

24、;a blue stocking(女才女),etc.english word green comes from grass. its usage is wide and can not be translated into chinese“綠”literally. the following are some examples: green or green born(新手,缺乏經(jīng)驗(yàn)者);green eyed(嫉妒); and greenroom refers to“演員休息室”,not“綠色房間”. whole is also a complicated word word. we cann

25、ot simply translate it into chinese literally. we will discuss it in the third chapter in length.5.the color words used in chinese but not in english.similarly, some color words used in chinese such as“白”and“黃”sometimes cannot be translated into english color words white or yellow. here are some exa

26、mples:白癡(idiot);白開水(boiled water);白天(day time);黃道吉日(luck day);黃歷(almanac);黃瓜(cucumber).conclusionon the basis of the above discussion, we know that under the influences of historical backgrounds and cultural customs of eastern and western word, english and chinese color words have their cultural con

27、notations respectively. just as wang zuoliang said: “a word has not only literal meaning, but also associative meaning.” on many occasions, color words stand for the cultural connotation of a nation. so while translating, we cannot simply translate one color word into another literally. handling col

28、or words appropriately according to cultural differences is of great importance.references:1mary to meadow. is god purple in: gary goshgarian exploring language scott, foresman and companyglenview2鄧炎昌.語言與文化m.北京:教學(xué)與研究出版社,1997.3馮少芬.英漢顏色詞的語用意義對比j.洛陽師范學(xué)院學(xué)報(bào),2002,(1).4胡文仲.跨文化交際不概論m.北京:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社,1999.(作者單位:湖南常德市第五中學(xué))其他參考文獻(xiàn)baker, sheridan. the practical stylist. 6th ed. new york: harper & row, 1985.flesch, rudolf. the art of plain talk. new york: harper & brothers, 1946.gowers, ernest. the complete plain words. london: penguin books,


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