1、Error Proofing 防錯 Topics - Error Proofing Training Duration 時間區(qū)間時間區(qū)間 Start 開始時間開始時間 Error Proofing 防錯防錯 Objective of the Training & Expectations0:158:00 AM 培訓的目標及預期目的0:158:00 AM What and Why or Error Proofing - Exercise 11:008:15 AM 什么是防錯,為什么進行防錯-練習11:008:15 AM Coffee Break中間休息中間休息0:159:15 AM Applic
2、ation of Error Proofing - Overview Exercise 2 1:009:30 AM 2 防錯應用-總體練習21:009:30 AM Identify Opportunities for Errors & PFEMA, Exercise 31:0010:30 AM 識別防錯及PFEMA良機,練習31:0010:30 AM Error Proofing Options0:3011:30 AM 防錯方案1:0010:30 AM Lunch Break 午休午休0:4512:00 PM Error Proofing Options (continue) Exercise
3、 41:0012:45 PM 防錯方案(續(xù))練習41:0012:45 PM Activities 措施措施 Topics主題 Objectives of the Training 培訓的目的 What and Why of Error Proofing 什么是防錯,怎樣進行防錯 Application of Error Proofing 防錯應用 Identify Opportunities for Errors 防錯時機的確定 Overview of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) 失效模式和效果分析總括 Error Proofing Opt
4、ions 防錯的選擇 Prevention & Detection Through Poka Yoke Devices 通過Poka Yoke進行預防與探測 Move to The Next Level 轉入下一級 A Benchmark Within Eaton 伊頓內部標準 Summary 概要 Objectives of the Training 培訓的目的 Understand What Is Error Proofing and What It Can Do 了解什么是防錯和防錯能做什么 Understand the Principles of Error Proofing 了解防錯
5、的原理 Learn How to Apply Error Proofing to Products and Processes 了解怎樣對產品及工藝過程應用防錯 Learn About the Poka Yoke Devices and Systems 了解Poka Yoke裝置和系統 Learn the Process of Implementation and Continuous Improvements 了解實施防錯的過程和持續(xù)改進的過程 What Are Your Expectations? 你們的期望是什么? What and Why of Error Proofing 什么是防錯
6、以及為什么要防錯 Definition 定義 Error Proofing Is a Systematic Approach for Anticipating and Detecting Potential Defects and Preventing Them From Reaching the Customer (Internal or External) 防錯是一種預測及探測潛在缺陷以及阻止缺陷影響客戶 的體系方法(內部防錯和外部防錯) Error Proofing by Other Names 以其他名稱進行防錯 Fool Proofing防止愚蠢行為 Idiot Proofing防止
7、白癡行為 Mistake Proofing防止錯誤行為 Fail Safing安全失效 Poka Yoke Zero Quality Control (Zero Defects) 零質量控制(零缺陷) Design for Manufacture and Assembly 制造和裝配的設計 Let Us Not Argue the Merits of These Names Let Us Decide What We Want to Achieve 我們不要爭論這些名稱,讓我們決定想要完成什么? Demoralizing Terms 防錯防錯 術語術語 Characteristics of E
8、rror Proofing 防錯的特點 Proactive Identification and Prevention前期識別及預防 Prevent First首先進行防錯 Do Not Allow Defect From Going Further 其次不準許缺陷進一步發(fā)展 Intentionally Designed, Not Happenstance 設計錯誤,非偶然錯誤. At the Source - Close to the Origination 錯誤的來源_接近發(fā)源地. Inexpensive First 首先成本不高 Transparent to the Operator 操
9、作者很容易發(fā)現 Absolutely Reliable 錯誤根源查找絕對準確 A Means to Achieve Zero Defect Product 一種達到0缺陷產品的方法 Defects and Errors 缺陷和錯誤 Defects in Products Are the Imperfections (or Faults, or Flaws, or Blemishes, or Shortcomings, or Failings, or Deficiencies) 缺陷缺陷是指產品里的不完整性(或者故障,或者裂紋,或者瑕疵,或者短處,或者過 失 ,或者不足) Resulting F
10、rom Errors 錯誤產生的結果 Errors Are Human Oversights (or Faults, or Blunders, or Boo-boos, or Slip-ups, or Inaccuracies or Miscalculations) That Cause Defects in Products 錯誤錯誤是人為疏忽(或者過錯,或者失誤,或者低級錯誤,或者失敗,或者精度失誤或者計 算 失誤),這些引起產品的缺陷。 SO, Errors Cause Defective Products! 所以,錯誤導致有缺陷的產品產生! Why Are Errors Made 為什
11、么會導致錯誤 Any Product Is a Result of Numerous Decisions Made and Actions Taken by Human Beings, During: 任何產品都可以在下述一系列人為行為中產生錯誤: Product Design 產品設計 Process Design 過程設計 Equipment Design 設備設計 Component Fabrication Processes 零件加工過程 Product Assembly Processes 產品裝配過程 Inspection Processes 檢驗過程 Paperwork Gene
12、ration 程序行程過程 Etc.等等 And Human Beings are Fallible or Imperfect 人是容易犯錯或不完美的 SOME Examples of Defects 屬于缺陷的一些例子 Wrong or Inappropriate Material 錯誤或不適合的材料 Wrong or Non-functioning Components 錯誤或者沒有功能的零件 Wrong Dimensions or Tolerances 尺寸或公差錯誤 Missing Components 零件漏裝 Foreign Matters, Contamination 雜質物質,
13、污穢物 Damaged Product or Components 受損產品或零件 Wrong Paperwork, or Wrong Product Shipped 程序錯誤或者運輸了錯誤的產品 Non-functioning or Malfunctioning Product 沒有功能的產品或者是故障產品 Wrong Shipping, or Wrong Billing 運輸錯誤或者是填單錯誤 SOME Examples of Causes of Defects 導致缺陷的一些例子 Poor Design Decisions 設計比較乏味 Omitted or Wrong Processi
14、ng 過程疏忽或過程錯誤 Missing / Extra Parts or Wrong Parts 漏裝/多裝了錯誤的零件 Omitted or Wrong Adjustment / Testing 遺漏調整/測試或調整/測試過程錯誤 Wrong Equipment Setup or Loss of Setup 設備設置錯誤或沒有進行設備設置 Wrong Material, Components or Assemblies 材料,零件或者裝配錯誤 Wrong Communication, Instructions, Procedures, or Methods 錯誤的信息,指令,程序,或者方法
15、 Inexperience, Lack of Training, Wrong Training, Lack of Retraining 缺乏經驗,缺乏培訓,培訓錯誤,缺少再培訓 SOME Examples of Results of Defects 缺陷導致的結果示例 Malfunction or Non-functioning Product 有故障或者缺乏機能的產品 Inconvenience, Discomfort, Injury, Death 麻煩,不便,傷害,死亡 Delays, Cancellations 延期,取消 Financial Losses 財政損失 Loss of Us
16、e or Productivity 效用或者生產力的缺乏 Damage to Customers Property 損害客戶的利益 Liabilities and Law Suites 負債和法律問題 Loss of Reputation and Business 名譽和業(yè)務受損 SOME Causes of Human Errors 導致人們犯錯誤的一些原因 Forgetfulness, Loss of Concentration, Lack of Attention or Diverted Attention 健忘,不集中,缺乏注意力或者轉移注意力 Misunderstanding or
17、Lack of Understanding 誤會或者缺乏理解 Lack of or Improper Experience / Training 缺乏經驗/培訓或者不正確的經驗/培訓 Lack of Standardization 缺乏標準 Intentional or Willful Error 有意圖的或者惡意的錯誤 Wrong or Delayed Decision 決定錯誤或拖延 Limited or Lack of Sensory Capability (e.g., Smell, Color, Touch) 有限的或者沒有感官能力(例如,嗅覺,色彩,觸覺) Lack of Appli
18、cation of Common Sense 缺乏運用常識判斷的能力 Error Proofing in a Few Words 預防錯誤的一些方法 “ occurrence of defect was the result of some condition or action, and that it would be possible to eliminate defects entirely by pursuing the cause. The causes of defects lie in worker errors, and defects are the results of
19、neglecting those errors. It follows that mistakes will not turn into defects if worker errors are discovered and eliminated beforehand.” 缺陷的產生是一些環(huán)境或者行為導致的結果,但是完全有可能通過查 找原因排除缺陷。缺陷原因在于工人,缺陷是因為工人忽視錯誤而產 生的。如果工人能及時的發(fā)現錯誤并且消除錯誤,就不會導致缺陷的 產生。 Shigeo Shingo Why Error Proof? 為什么防錯? 99.9% Error Free Could Resul
20、t in 99.9%沒有錯誤導致什么結果 2,000,000 Documents Lost by IRS IRS缺少2,000,000檔案 16,000 Pieces of Mail Lost Every Day 每天丟失16,000郵件 22,000 Wrongly Debited / Credited Checks Per Hour 每個小時都會發(fā)生22,000寫錯借方和貸方的支票 1,314 Wrongly Connected Phone Calls Per Minute 每個小時都會發(fā)生1,314起電話占線 20,000 Incorrect Drug Prescriptions Per
21、 Year 每個小時都會發(fā)生20,000起用錯藥物的情況 12 Newborn Babies Given to Wrong Parents 12個小孩被父母抱錯 2 Unsafe Landings Every Day at OHare Airport 每天都會有2起飛機不安全著陸 32,000 Missed Heartbeats Per Person Each Year 每年每個人都會有32,000 Is 99.9% Good Enough? 99.9% 夠不夠好? The Errors That Became Headlines 錯誤變成頭條 Titanic Sinking 泰坦尼克號的沉沒
22、 Challenger Booster Rocket Seal Failure 挑戰(zhàn)者號火箭發(fā)射失敗 Mars Landing Module Crash 火星升空失敗墜毀 Hubbell Telescope Reflector Error Hubbell望遠鏡反射誤差 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Exxon Valdez 石油泄露 Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Meltdown Chernobyl Nuclear Power 設備報廢 Release of Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) From Union Carbide Pl
23、ant in Bhopal, India 甲基異丙酮從Bhopal, India ,MIC碳化物廠房泄露 Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant 三英里小島的核廠房 Firestone Tires on Ford Explorer 福特車上的耐火石探測器 Error Proofing and Lean防錯及精益生 產 Lean Insists on One Piece Flow 精益生產強調單件流 If That One Piece Is Defective, Flow Is Disrupte 如果單件流有缺陷,流向就會被打斷 Lean Insists on Limit
24、ed Inventory 精益生產強調有限庫存 If That Inventory Is Defective, the Lines Can Sto 如果庫存有缺陷,線路就會停止 Lean Means Eliminating Waste 精益是指消除浪費 Defects and Corrective Actions Are Wast 缺陷以及糾正措施是針對浪費 Lean Requires That Equipment Is Ready When Needed and Functions Well As Long As Necessary 精益生產要求當需要設備時,設備馬上可以用,且功能完好 Er
25、ror Proofing the Tools, Fixtures, Setups, Methods and Documents Ensures Equipment Effectiveness 刀具,卡具,啟動,方法以及文件等防錯以確保設備的有效性 Error Proofing Examples in Everyday Life 在每天生活中防錯的一些例子 Home家里 Automatic Shutoff Irons 全自動熨斗 Ground Fault Circuit Breakers for Bathroom or Outdoor Electric Circuits 浴室或室外電氣線路的接地
26、保護 Pilotless Gas Ranges and Hot Water Heaters 油量表以及熱水器 Child-Proof Caps on Medicine Bottles 藥瓶上保護小孩安全的瓶蓋 Retail零售 Tamper-Proof Packaging 錐型防錯包裝 Bar Coding at Checkou 檢驗時的條碼 Office辦公室 Spell Check in Word Processing Software在 Word word處理軟件中進行拼寫檢查 Verifying “Do you want to delete?” When Press the “Dele
27、te” Buttonon Your Computer 當按刪除按鈕時電腦會詢問你“要 刪除嗎”? Factory工廠 Dual Palm Buttons and Other Guards on Machinery 設備上使用兩個按扭及其他保護裝 置 Bar Coding 條碼 Lock-Out / Tag-Out 鎖緊/打開標簽 Error Proofing Exercise No. 1 防錯練習的第一部分 Form Teams of Two 兩個一組 List As Many Examples of Error Proofing As You Can, From Everyday Life
28、從你每天的生活中,列出你能作到的關于防 錯的許多例子 10 Minutes 10分鐘 Application of Error Proofing 防錯的應用 Essential Steps for Error Proofing 防錯的基本步驟 Identify Opportunities for Errors (Critical Factors) 識別防錯的時機(關鍵因素) Prioritize Potential Errors for Error Proofing 對潛在的錯誤加以,區(qū)分進行防錯 Absolutely Must Prevent the Defects 必須完全的防止錯誤 Pr
29、ovide Containment and Study Further 預防錯誤和深入研究 May Be Tolerated, Within Predefined Limits 在計劃的范圍內進行防錯 Identify Root Causes of the Errors 識別錯誤根源 Develop and Evaluate Error Proofing Options 開發(fā)和評估防錯方案 Select and “Design” the Error Proofing System 選擇和設計防錯系統 Implement - Plan, Install, Document, Train, Mon
30、itor 實施防錯設計反錯,安裝防錯,編制防錯文件,培訓,監(jiān)控 Periodically Assess the Performance and Improve 對防錯情況進行定期評審及改進 Manufacturing Processes 制造過程制造過程 Product Quality 產品質量產品質量 Process Design 過程設計過程設計 Product Design 產品設計產品設計 What is the Right Time to Error Proof? 正確的防錯時間是什么時間? 100:1 10:1 1:1 As Early As Possible 及早發(fā)現及早發(fā)現 W
31、hy Error Proof Early During New Product Development 為什么在新產品開發(fā)期間防錯 Cost of “Fixing” the Defects “修理修理”缺陷的成本缺陷的成本 Concept Development 觀念開發(fā)觀念開發(fā) Preliminary Design 初步設計初步設計 Detailed Product Design 詳細的產品詳細的產品 設計設計 Customer Support 客戶支持客戶支持 Industrialization 產業(yè)化產業(yè)化 Production 生產生產 Process Design 過程設計過程設計
32、Cost of “Fixing” 設備的花費設備的花費 Multiplies With Life Cycle Stages 整個過程當中的多項防錯整個過程當中的多項防錯 Stages of Product Life Cycle 產品生命周期中各個階段產品生命周期中各個階段 Why Error Proof Early During Processing 在處理期間為什么要盡早防錯 Cost of “Fixing” the Defects設備成本失效設備成本失效 Incoming Parts 外協件外協件 After Completing the Process 過程完成之后過程完成之后 At t
33、he End of the Line 產品最終離產品最終離 開生產線開生產線 After Delivery to Customer 交付給客戶之交付給客戶之 后后 Final Test 最后檢驗最后檢驗 Cost of “Fixing” Increases With Process Steps 隨著程序步驟增長修復錯誤成隨著程序步驟增長修復錯誤成 本增長本增長 Steps of Product Processing 產品處理的步驟產品處理的步驟 Reject & Return 廢棄件廢棄件 No Delay 沒有拖延沒有拖延 Reject & Scrap 廢棄件廢棄件&廢品廢品 Minor D
34、elay 稍微拖延稍微拖延 Reject & Scrap / Rework 廢棄件廢棄件&廢品廢品/返工返工 Reschedule Some Delay進度稍有進度稍有 拖延拖延 Significant Rework / Scrap Add to the Production Schedule Delayed Deliveries 重要的返工重要的返工/廢品影響生產進度廢品影響生產進度 及產品交付及產品交付 Warranty Costs Administrative Costs Liabilities Reputation Market Share Loss擔保擔保 成本及管理成本增加成本及管
35、理成本增加,導導 致市場份額損失致市場份額損失 Error Proofing Exercise No. 2 防錯訓練的第二部分 Form Teams of Two 兩個一組 Discuss and Agree on One Example of Product Design or Manufacturing Process to Analyze 討論一個產品設計或制造工藝的例子,并進行分析 Identify 鑒別 Error Proofing Implemented防錯實施 Estimate Cost / Quality Impact消除成本/質量影響 OR或者 Error Proofing
36、Opportunities Missed喪失防錯良機 Estimate the Cost / Quality Impact消除成本/質量影響 List Lessons Learned學到的教訓清單 Prepare to Present to the Class準備到課堂上展示 20 Minutes 20分鐘 Identify Opportunities for Errors 識別防錯的時機 Methods for Identifying Potential Errors 識別潛在的防錯方法 Customer Demanded - Good Start 消費者的需求-良好的開始 Internal
37、 Quality Results Reactive 內部質量成效-反應 Past Experience - Not Completely Reliable 以往經驗-不完全可靠 Customer 反饋 - Too Late 消費者的反饋-太遲 Systematic Analyses to Identify Potential Errors 識別潛在的錯誤需進行系統分析 Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) 潛在的失效模式及效果分析(FMEA) Product FMEA 產品FMEA Process FMEA 過程FMEA Pote
38、ntial Failure Mode and Effects Analyses PFMEA 潛在的失效模式和 效果分析 Overview 總攬 Key Points of FMEA FMEA的關鍵部分 FMEA Analyses Potential Failures FMEA分析潛在失效 Fleas Have to Be Done by Multi-functional Teams Fleas應由多功能組執(zhí)行 Design FMEA Should Be Initiated Before or at the Concept Stage 設計設計FMEA是在開始之前或者概念形成階段 Process
39、 FMEA Should Be Initiated Before or at the Feasibility Stage, Prior to Tooling or Equipment Finalization 過程過程FMEA是在工裝及設備調整好開始生產之前或者可研階段 FMEAs Should Be Continuously Updated, As Changes in Product & Process Designs Take Place 應該不斷更新,比如FMEAs中的產品&過程設計 FMEAs Are Living Documents FMEAs 是活的文件 FMEAs Are Ne
40、ver Ending Processes FMEAs 是永遠都不會結束的工藝 FMEA Type and Levels FMEA的類型和水平 Design FMEA 設計設計FMEA Process FMEA 過程過程FMEA Subsystem 子系統子系統 Critical Features 關鍵特性關鍵特性 Components / Parts零件零件 Subassemblies 分裝分裝 Workstations 工作臺工作臺 Operations 加工操作加工操作 FMEA No. Item / ProcessProcess responsibilityPage Part No. /
41、 Drg. No.Key DatePrepared By Core Team: FMEA Date (Orig) Item or Process Function Requirement Potential Failure Mode Potential Effect(s) of Failure Se ver ity Cla ss Potential Cause(s)/ Mechanism(s) of Failure Occ ur Current Process Controls Det ect R. P. N. Recommended Action Responsibility & Targe
42、t Completion Date Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) General Information (1)總說明總說明 2 3 4 5 6 7 810 11 9 12 FMEA Steps FMEA 的步驟 Design FMEA 設計設計FMEA General Information - Details of the Product & FMEA 信息總說明-產品及FMEA的詳情 Item Function / Requirement 項目的功能/要求 Enter All Functions of a Produ
43、ct Item 鍵入所有產品的功能 Potential Failure Mode 潛在的故障模式 Describe How a Product Item Could Fail 描述產品怎樣失效 Use Physical Terms, Not Symptoms 使用專用描述詞語,不是癥狀 Process FMEA 過程過程FMEA General Information - Details of the Product & FMEA 信息總說明- -產品的詳細資料和FMEA Process Function 過程功能 Enter Description & Purpose of the Proc
44、ess 鍵入過程描述和過程功能 Potential Failure Mode 潛在失效模式 Describe How Process Could Fail to Meet Requirements of Subsequent Operations 描述工藝為什么不能滿足分序要求 Describe Non-conformance 描述不一致性 FMEA Steps FMEA的步驟 Design FMEA 設計設計FMEA Potential Effect(s) of Failure 潛在失效效果 Perceived by Customer 客戶需要 Severity (Chart) 嚴肅性(圖表
45、) Seriousness of the Effect of Potential Failure 潛在失效效果的嚴肅性 Severity Ranking Reduced Only by Design Change 只有設計更改時嚴肅性級別降低 Classification分類 Safety / Regulation or Function / Appearance Based 安全/規(guī)定或功能/基本表象 Employ Customers Criteria 采用客戶標準 Process FMEA 過程過程FMEA Potential Effect(s) of Failure 潛在失效效果 Per
46、ceived by Customer, Including Subsequent Operations 客戶需要,包括下述操作 Severity (Chart) 嚴肅性(圖表) Seriousness of the Effect of Potential Failure 潛在失效效果的嚴肅性 Classification分類 Safety / Regulation or Function / Appearance Based 安全/規(guī)定或功能/基本表象 Employ Customers Criteria 采用客戶標準 Severity Rating Chart 嚴肅性級別表格 Descript
47、ion 描述描述 Definition定義定義 Rating 等級等級 Dangerously High最高Failure could injure the customer or an employee.失效可以傷害客戶或員工 10 Extremely High 極高 Failure would create noncompliance with federal regulations.可以通過失效創(chuàng) 建不一致的規(guī)定 9 Very High 非常高 Failure renders the unit inoperable or unfit for use.失效是由于非正常操作或非 正常使用所導
48、致的 8 High高 Failure causes a high degree of customer dissatisfaction.失效導致客戶高度 不滿 7 Moderate一般 Failure results in a subsystem or partial malfunction of the product.失效導致分 系統或產品部分功能失效. 6 Low低 Failure creates enough of a performance loss to cause the customer to complain.失效導致績效損失,造成客戶抱怨 5 Very Low非常 低 Fa
49、ilure can be overcome with modifications to the customers process or product, but there is minor performance loss.可以通過對客戶工藝或產品進行 修改來克服失效,但會有少量績效損失. 4 Minor次要的 Failure would create a minor nuisance to the customer, but the customer can overcome it in the process or product without performance loss.失效
50、可能會導 致對客戶有少量影響,但是客戶可以在產品或工藝中進行克服,且沒有績效損失 3 Very Minor極次 要的 Failure may not be readily apparent to the customer, but would have minor effects on the customers process or product.失效不會很容易轉移到客戶,對 客戶的產品或工藝會有稍微影響. 2 None無 Failure would not be noticeable to the customer and would not affect the customers p
51、rocess or product.客戶不會發(fā)現失效,也不會影響客戶的工藝及 產品. 1 FMEA Steps FMEA步驟 Design FMEA 設計設計FMEA Potential Cause(s) 潛在原因 List All the Causes (Design Weaknesses)列出 所有原因(設計弱點) Occurrence (Chart) 頻率(圖表) Likelihood of the Failure to Occur by the Specific Cause 特殊原因導致失效的可能性 Occurrence Ranking Reduced Only by Design C
52、hange 僅當設計更改時才考慮降低發(fā)生頻率. Design Control 設計控制 Validation / Verification Activities Which Will Assure Adequacy of Design 驗證/確認活動應確保設計的準確性 Process FMEA 過程過程FMEA Potential Cause(s) 潛在原因 Identify Root Cause, and Identify What Can Be Corrected 確定原因,確定可以采取什么糾正措施 Occurrence (Chart) 頻率(圖表) Expected Frequency
53、of Failure to Occur by Specific Cause 具體原因導致失效發(fā)生的頻率 Classification (Chart)類別 Process Controls That Prevent or Detect the Failure 預防或探測缺陷的過程控制 Occurrence Rating Chart 頻率等級表格 Description描述描述Potential Failure Rate 潛在的失效等級潛在的失效等級Rating等級等級 More than one occurrence per day or a probability of more than t
54、hree occurrences in 10 events (Cpk 2.00).每5年或5年以上發(fā)生一次或每10萬個事件 (Cpk 2.00)中發(fā)生的 頻率低于2次1 Very High: Failure is almost inevitable非常 高:失效是不可避免 的 High: Repeated Failures 高:重復故障 Low: Relatively Few Failures低:相對少的 故障 Moderate: Occasional Failures 中等:偶發(fā)故障 FMEA Steps FMEA 的步驟 Design FMEA 設計設計FMEA Detection (Ch
55、art) 檢測(圖表) Ability of a Current Design Control to Identify a Potential Cause 現行控制設計能力,以識別潛在的原因 當前設計的能力 Process FMEA 過程過程FMEA Detection (Chart) 檢測(圖表) Assuming Failure Has Occurred, Assess Detection Capability of All the Process Controls 假設發(fā)生失效,應檢測所有工藝控制的能力 4 RPN (Risk Priority No.) 4 RPN(風險優(yōu)先號) 4Pr
56、oduct of S (Severity), O (Occurrence) & D (Detection) 4產品的S(嚴重性),O(發(fā)生頻率)&D(檢測) 4Used As a Guide to Help Rank Design / Process Concerns 4為進行設計及過程等級等提供向導 4No Threshold Value 4無界限值 4Pay Special Attention If Severity Is High 4如果嚴重級別高的話,應提高警惕 4 Corrective Action, Responsibility, and Monitoring Results 4
57、實施糾正措施,確定責任人,監(jiān)控結果 11 12 Detection Rating Chart 檢測等級表 Description描描 述述 Definition定義定義 Rating 等級等級 Absolute Uncertainty 完全 不確定 The product is not inspected or the defect caused by failure is not detectable. 產 品沒有檢驗或失效導致的缺陷不可以檢測 10 Very Remote 比 較不確定 Product is sampled, inspected, and released based on
58、 Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) sampling plans. 根據接收質量水平樣件計劃產品已經進行了樣件選擇,檢測 以及發(fā)放 9 Remote不確定 Product is accepted based on no defectives in a sample.根據樣件沒有缺陷,據此 接收了產品 8 Very Low 比較 確定 Product is 100% manually inspected in the process.在工藝上100對件進行了手 動檢驗 7 Low一般確定 Product is 100% manually inspected using
59、 go/no-go or other error-proofing gauges.通過通/止規(guī)或其他防錯量具對產品進行了手動檢驗 6 Moderate確定 Some Statistical Process Control (SPC) is used in process and product is final inspected off-line. 工藝上使用了一些統計過程控制,產品最終下線時進行了最終檢 驗 5 Moderately High 很確定 SPC is used and there is immediate reaction to out-of-control conditio
60、ns.使用了統 計技術控制,對于不符合條件的件進行了立即處理 4 High非常確定 An effective SPC program is in place with process capabilities (Cpk) greater than 1.33.實施了有效的統計技術控制項目,工藝能力(Cpk) 大于1.33. 3 Very High 極為 確定All product is 100% automatically inspected. 所有的產品進行100自動檢驗 2 Summarized Rating Chart 總結等級表 Rating 等級等級 Severity of Effec
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