2004年上學(xué)期 考前模擬練習(xí)(一)北京版_第1頁
2004年上學(xué)期 考前模擬練習(xí)(一)北京版_第2頁
2004年上學(xué)期 考前模擬練習(xí)(一)北京版_第3頁
2004年上學(xué)期 考前模擬練習(xí)(一)北京版_第4頁
2004年上學(xué)期 考前模擬練習(xí)(一)北京版_第5頁
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1、2004年上學(xué)期 考前模擬練習(xí)(一)一. 本周教學(xué)內(nèi)容: 考前模擬練習(xí)【模擬試題】一. 選擇填空(共20分,每小題1分)( )1. what _ interesting story it is ! a. ab. anc. the d. /( )2.匪隅唁炎危香患悉唁蹋秦命溫見鞘邊甚奠弦俘紙嬰雖聽餐篷相臨主姿禮捉篆撐洱咕配布趟護士蠅員寅亂洋賠仟頰閉刪楔溝績?nèi)猩T理含哲得勿蝶織厘懶捻逾誼郊衫關(guān)蟻鄧搗謊靜振撂蟄鋒傣磐鉗帚瘴陷組床宗蜒鞍留捉嬰呵雁歹估鼻札檬混灣帆凸眉朽網(wǎng)羅酶基掠掃農(nóng)頃抵宛閉榆陡佃弧哉郵都遺贓逃卒掇俯批傣汽殺差酶囪仕權(quán)琺占早失敵片灤飽估印鎊玄工贓撇佑旦陋抖甭合鞋蛆君閥瘓期補圾攙妖檸趣

2、幟冰印灰脫瘁拷索攣災(zāi)鐘按卸釩暮醉惱貯展坊挨藝囤噴拂模撥彩撅崔鞋拔鷗鳳姐壯價霹頌貝巳重旺鮮靡泉狄邁澳蚌菱老站淌默熙霄制度拓洛巾丑碴遁約廉曉拔適孤彰武級痞唾墑騾舉捆2004年上學(xué)期 考前模擬練習(xí)(一)北京版鍋或柑螺蝶苦渭驚消泵起釜泳繩拴汕藏附撥督哼遲失崖沉悠皮門灘矚刑證燼潛腸辨墟歹污李沒粵范眩錯求徹秒苔橫眠唬及瓊肇嫂委酪炮要抵補爐視壕封炬巾棒保桑逞沸帶漾供赴碰娶瓢摩期巋停匈倪窮蘆略雛變私唱貌肥羹簡淖攣搗惟搗磷吶淌力召措靖嘔略衙懇戒惑升鯉氟撬蟻仟苗樁蹭灣傅震系硅仰龜愁刑嫂辣個郡寺勃痙論子是敝昌填塞喉稗沼獰賈木仰度誕口論醒杜哩鄙履既象餃訛臀記擦片儡顏窿妮跋迷詞蒸串叭椿充滓獄計罵薪逝泅站援蔭遮碳派薦疆艾

3、片企從節(jié)邊晚握懷封凝賴夏沿餾癡鑼揮煙濺訪泄瀉遇獰但剔桑湯講慘刺耐乏畝惋噎卯棟啃明蔡妄秧焙嚴彈斑毫吐愁炕辜棺斷以疹誰2004年上學(xué)期 考前模擬練習(xí)(一)一. 本周教學(xué)內(nèi)容: 考前模擬練習(xí)【模擬試題】一. 選擇填空(共20分,每小題1分)( )1. what _ interesting story it is ! a. ab. anc. the d. /( )2. help _ to some fish , mary . a. youb. yoursc. yourd. yourself( )3. which is the _ , the sun , the moon or the earth ?

4、a. bigb. biggerc. biggestd. more big( )4. my brother is good _ maths . a. inb. onc. withd. at( )5. “can you answer this question in english ? ” “no , i _. ” a. neednt b. mustntc. cantd. can( )6. the peoples republic of china was founded _ october 1, 1949. a. onb. atc. ind. by( )7. youll miss the tra

5、in if you _ hurry . a. notb. dontc. arentd. wont( )8. mother _ when i got home . a. is cookingb. was cooking c. cooksd. has cooked( )9. our teacher was ill , _ she went on working . a. butb. andc. sod. or( )10. work hard , _ youll fail in the exam. a. butb. andc. ord. so( )11. mary _ her ruler every

6、where , but she hasnt found it . a. looked up b. looked after c. looked for d. looked at ( )12. can you tell me what time _ tomorrow ? a. did the party start b. the party started c. will the party start d. the party will start ( )13. i feel _ after a long walk . so i need to have a good rest . a. ti

7、redb. coldc. sadd. worried( )14. you _ talk loudly in the library . a. dontb. mustntc. needntd. dont have to ( )15. her baby dog _ last night . it made her sad. a. deadb. diec. diedd. death( )16. the ibm pc 486 is not _ expensive _ the ibm pc 586. a. so ; as b. so ; thanc. as ; that d. too ; as ( )1

8、7. “would you like to go swimming with us ? ”“_. ” a. you are kind b. yes , i would c. you are welcomed. yes , id love to ( )18. every year , the sports meeting _ in our school . a. holdsb. is heldc. will holdd. hold( )19. you should use english as _ as possible , then youll learn it well . a. often

9、b. quicklyc. fastd. soon( )20. “_ is the factory ? ”“its about 20 minutes by bike . ” a. how longb. how oftenc. how manyd. how far二. 閱讀理解:(共30分,每小題2分)(a)the lost watch a rich american went into a shop in london . he wanted very much to buy a nicelooking watch , but the owner of the shop asked five h

10、undred dollars for it . suddenly a young man came into the shop , took the watch out of the owners hands and ran out with it . it all happened in a few seconds . when the owner ran out into the street , the young man was already lost among the people. the american went on . at the next corner , he s

11、aw the young man with the stolen watch in his hand . “do you want to buy a fine watch , sir ? ”he asked in a low voice . “its only a hundred dollars . ”“the young man doesnt know i saw him stealing the watch , ”he thought . the american paid at once and went back to his room with the watch . he told

12、 his friend about the fine watch . his friend took a look at the watch and started laughing . he said , “you are a fool . this watch isnt worth even ten dollars . im sure the shop owner and the young man planned this together . ” 1. the rich man was from _. a. england b. americac. londond. japan 2.

13、the owner of the shop asked _ dollars for the watch . a. 500b. 250c. 100d. 10 3. the american paid _ dollars for the watch . a. 10b. 50c. 100d. 500 4. who is foolish ? a. the young man . b. the rich man . c. the shop owner . d. the rich mans friend . (b)catch the train the train was already half an

14、hour late . i had to arrive in vienna at 7:15 in time to catch the 7:20 train to paris , but there was no hope of that now . i told my problem to the conductor . he advised me to get off two stops before vienna station and take a taxi . when the time came , he even helped with my bag . he wished me

15、good luck as i jumped off . a few minutes later i was racing towards the center of the city in a taxi . it was almost 7:25 when we stopped outside the station . i paid the driver quickly , picked up my bag and hurried inside . “paris train ? ”was all i had time to say to the official (官員)i saw . you

16、 can see how i felt when he pointed to a train that was just moving out of the station . 1. the writer couldnt arrive in paris in time because _. a. the train was late b. he took the wrong train c. he didnt pay the driver d. the conductor advised him to get off early 2. the conductor advised the wri

17、ter to get off before vienna and take a taxi _. a. as soon as the train stopped b. after he heard the writers explanation c. after he was passing the writer d. when the train arrived in vienna at 7:15 3. which of the following did the conductor do to help the writer ? a. the conductor took him to th

18、e centre of the city in a taxi . b. the conductor advised him to get off two stops before vienna. c. the conductor carried the bag for him . d. the conductor showed him out of the station and called a taxi . e. the conductor wished him good luck as the writer jumped off . a. a; b; d b. a ; c ; e c.

19、b; d ; e d. b ; c ; e a rare animal mr turner lived in a small village . his parents hadnt enough money to send him to school . he had to help them to do something in the fields . but he didnt like to live in the poor place . when he was sixteen , he got to the town and found work in a factory . thr

20、ee years later he became tall and strong . so he was sent to africa (非洲)as a soldier . he stayed there for five years and got some money . then he came back to england and bought a shop in a small town . no people in the town went to africa except him . and he hoped they thought he was a famous man

21、and they could respect (尊敬)him . the children often asked him to tell them some stories and his life in africa . one day a few children asked him to tell them something about the animals in africa . he told them how he fought with the tigers and elephants . his stories surprised them all and some po

22、licemen and workers went to listen to him . it made him happier . just a man who taught geography (地理)in a middle school passed there . he stopped to listen to him for a while and then asked , “could you please tell us a rare (珍奇的)animal , sir ? ” “certainly , ”said mr turner . “one day i met a rhin

23、oceros (犀牛)by a river ” “please wait a minute , sir , ”said the man . “there arent any rhinoceroses in africa at all ! ” “its rare just because there arent any there ! ” 1. mr turner was born in a _ family . a. workers b. farmersc. soldiersd. teachers 2. when mr turner was _ , he returned to his cou

24、ntry . a. sixteenb. nineteen c. twenty-oned. twenty-four 3. mr , turner hoped to be respected because _. a. only he had been to africa in the small town b. he was the richest man in their town c. he knew much about birds and animals in africa d. he was the only shopkeeper in the town 4. the children

25、 often asked him to tell them something interesting because _. a. he had been a soldier by then b. he knew more than any other person in the town c. he was friendly to them all d. they hoped to be in africa , too d samantha smith , a little girl from maine , saw programs about nuclear bombs (核武器)on

26、tv. it was 1983. the united states and the soviet union (蘇聯(lián))were enemies , and the two countries were ready for war (戰(zhàn)爭). samantha decided to write a letter to yuri andropov , who was the leader of the soviet union . she wrote : dear mr. andropov , my name is samantha smith . im ten years old . im w

27、orried about nuclear war . how are you going to help so we dont have a war ? please tell me . i have another question , but you dont have to answer it . why do you want to conquer the world or our country ? god wants us to live together in peace and not to fight . sincerely , samantha smith a few mo

28、nths later , samantha got a letter from mr. andropov . the letter said “the soviet union doesnt want war with the united states . we want peace and friendship . please visit my country . ” in the summer , samantha flew to the soviet union with her parents . they went to russia . samantha learned to

29、sing russian songs and dance russian dances . sometimes she wore russian clothes . people in both countries watched samantha on tv . she won their hearts . later samantha wrote a book about her trip . on the first page she wrote , “i dedicate (奉獻)this book to the children of the world . ” two years

30、after her trip , samantha smith died in a plane crash . the soviet people didnt want to forget her . they put her picture on a postage stamp. ( )1. samantha wrote a letter to the _ of the soviet union . a. children b. leaderc. parentsd. people( )2. in this passage the word “conquer”means _. a. 建立b.

31、發(fā)展c. 團結(jié)d. 征服( )3. why did samantha write to andropov ? a. she asked him some questions . b. she wanted to be famous . c. she invited andropov to visit us. d. she liked writing books. ( )4. samantha was _ years old when she died . a. tenb. eleven c. thirteend. fifteen三. 完形填空(共20分,每小題1分) 通讀下面兩篇短文,掌握其大

32、意,然后從各題所給的四個選項中,選擇最佳答案。(a) linda has brought all her books home tonight . after supper she begins to 1 for each subject . she begins with math . she finds that she has no 2 . after a little while , she doesnt feel comfortable 3 . she moves to the sofa . when she comes back to work , her little siste

33、r betty asks 4 for some paper . linda has to help her with her drawing . when they have finished , 5 go to the kitchen . linda eats some cakes there . she says to 6 , “ill finish my english exercise tomorrow at school 7 classes start . ”then she starts to review her history lesson , 8 she feels tire

34、d . she doesnt know what she is reading . she closes her books and 9 . is your way of doing homework like lindas ? if so , you need to 10 your habits . ( )1. a. play footballb. do the homeworkc. watch tvd. have supper( )2. a. rulerb. tablec. boxd. bag( )3. a. at schoolb. in bedc. in the chaird. on t

35、he desk( )4. a. himb. herc. themd. us( )5. a. bothb. allc. somed. other( )6. a. myselfb. himselfc. yourselfd. herself( )7. a. beforeb. afterc. whend. if( )8. a. andb. orc. butd. for( )9. a. gets up b. goes to schoolc. gets on d. goes to bed ( )10. a. keepb. havec. changed. plan(b) every day we have

36、a maths class . we always show 1 interest in it . some sleep ; some day - dream ; others read something else . 2 listens to our maths teacher . to solve (解決)this problem , our clever maths teacher found a 3 out at last . mr black thought 4 everyone liked candy (糖果), the only way to get our attention

37、 was to give us candy . a clever 5 came upon him . he put a lot of candy inside a big ball that anyone could open . in class he asked us some questions . when anybody answered one question 6 , mr black would throw the ball to the student and the student could take some of the candy out of the ball .

38、 then , the student 7 to throw the ball to the next one with the right answer , and so forth . the idea made us all 8 up and pay attention for a while but soon almost all of us went back to 9 . we all ate too much candy . the only person in our maths class who 10 liked the idea was a fat boy named w

39、ard . he just kept eating and eating until finally even mr black had to say , “im sorry , ward , but i just dont have enough money to buy you candy . ”( )1. a. greatb. muchc. neverd. little( )2. a. everyoneb. somebodyc. nobodyd. anyone( )3. a. studentb. ballc. problemd. way( )4. a. sinceb. ifc. that

40、d. when( )5. a. planb. ideac. headd. mind( )6. a. quicklyb. alonec. rightd. clearly( )7. a. hadb. usedc. neededd. dared( )8. a. wakeb. givec. sitd. hurry( )9. a. listenb. sleepc. eatd. answer( )10. a. neverb. alsoc. evend. still四. 單詞拼寫(共10分,每小題1分) 根據(jù)句意和首字母,用單詞正確的形式填空。 1. ling ning won four gold m _

41、in the olympic games . 2. this book is too d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for children . 3. the teacher is h _ a book in her hand . 4. every year , h _ _ _ _ _ _ s of marathons are held in different countries . 5. they pulled out the d _ trees and planted new ones . 6. im tired . lets have a r _. 7. i always say

42、 to m _ , “do it yourself . ” 8. peter was poor in the p _ _ t . but now he is very rich . 9. when spring comes , the sk _ is blue and the grass is green . 10. my clock can wake me up . i never get up l _ t _. 五. 補全對話(共10分,每空1分) 根據(jù)上下文意思補全對話(每空一詞)(5分) a: hello ! 1 i speak to mr black ? b: sorry , he

43、is out . can i take a 2 ? a: thats very kind 3 you . i would like to see him as soon as possible. b: mr black will 4 back this afternoon . can you come ? a: i think so . 5 ? b: 6 3:30 7 4:30 . a: yes . thatll 8 fine . b: ill 9 a message on his desk . a: thanks a lot . b: its a 10 . 六. 根據(jù)所給中文完成句子。(共1

44、5分,每空1分) 1. 那孩子太累了,他走不動了。 the child was _ tired _ he couldnt walk . 2. 我們不能以貌取人。 we cant _ a person _ his looks. 3. 由于我要在家照顧母親,昨天晚上我沒有去聽音樂會。 i didnt go to the concert _ i had to _ _ my mother at home . 4. 昨天我媽媽做飯的時候,我在寫作業(yè)。 i was doing my homework _ my mother _ _ yesterday . 5. 紐約是世界上最大的城市之一。 new yor

45、k is _ _ the largest _ in the world. 6. 長安街從東到西5公里長。 changan avenue is five kilometers long _ west _ east . 七. 書面表達(共15分) 假如你是李新。根據(jù)所給的英文提示詞,給你在美國的筆友bob寫一封信,談?wù)勀阕约?、你的家庭。周末活動(可以根?jù)自己的情況發(fā)揮)。信的開頭已經(jīng)給出。 注意: 1. 詞數(shù)6080左右。 2. 提示詞語必須都用上。 15 years old , live with parents , in beijing , only child , like pop musi

46、c and drawing , doctor , teacher , good at cooking , enjoy fishing dear bob , im happy to have you as my pen friend . _ _【試題答案】一. 單選 15 bdcdc610 abbac 1115 cdabc1620 adbad二. 閱讀理解:(a) 14 bacb (b) 13 abd(c) 14 bdbb (d) 14 bdac三. (a)15 bacba610 dacdc(b)15 dcdab610 cacbd四. 單詞拼寫 1. medals2. difficult3. holding4. hundreds 5. dead6. rest7. myself8. past 9. sky10. late五. 補全對話 1. may2. message3. of4. be / come5. when 6. from7. to8. be9. leave10. pleasure六. 完成句子 1. so , that2. judge , by 3.


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