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1、*pimsleurs speak and read essential spanish i* numbers were omitted from each lesson highlight because the full list is near the top of these notes, under the alphabet.-spanish alphabet concentrate mostly on memorizing the vowels. unlike english, in spanish they only make 1 sound, even if they have

2、marks above them.-a, ah (makes the ah sound from car) b, beh (mostly normal b but sometimes makes a v sound)c, ceh (always makes a k sound or the c in cat unless it comes before an e or i. then it makes a s sound.ch, cheh d, deh e, eh (e from bed)f, ehfeh g, heh h, ahcheh (always silent)i, ee (makes

3、 a upper case e sound like in the word bee) j, hotah (makes a h sound, but not as pronounced)k, kah l, ehleh ll, ehyeh (becomes a y sound) (castellano sounds like casteyano)m, ehmeh n, ehneh , ehnyeh (sounds like a y is added after the n) (caon would sound like canyon)o, oh (makes a upper case o sou

4、nd) (o from bone)p, peh q, coo (makes a k sound, same as in english)r, ehreh (makes kind of a d sound and sometimes a dl sound)r, ehrreh (r that starts a word or double rr in middle of word is the famous r-r-r-rroll sound called trill.s, ehsey t, teh u, oo (makes a ooh sound) (take the y off you = o

5、oh)v, veh (sounds like a low case b, but not always as clear as a b)w, doble oo x, ekis y, ee griega z, zetah (makes a s sound)spanish numbersconcentrate on 1-19, know them by heart, and the rest come easy.-0 cero see-doe1 uno ooh-no2 dos dose3 tres tdace, said fast.4 cuatro qua-tdoe5 cinco seen-ko6

6、 seis say-ss7 siete sea-et-e8 ocho oh-choe9 nueve new-wevey10 diez dee-s11 once own-see12 doce doe-see13 trece tday-see14 catorce cuh-tore-see15 quince keen-say16 diecisies dee-s-e-say-ss (meaning 10 and 6, the e means and - see lesson 3)17 diecisiete dee-s-e-sea-etty18 dieciocho dee-s-e-oh-choe19 d

7、iecinueve dee-s-e-new-wevey20 veinte ben-tay22 ben-tee-dosenote that the 20s are the only ones thru 100 that you say tee in the middle of the number, the rest will sound like tie)30 treinta tdenta32 tden-tie-dose40 cuarenta qua-denta42 qua-den-tie-dose50 cincuenta seen-quenta52 seen-quen-tie-dose60

8、sesenta se-sen-tah62 sesen-tie-dose70 setenta se-ten-tah72 se-ten-tie-dose80 ochenta oh-chen-tah82 oh-chen-tie-dose90 noventa no-ven-tah92 no-ven-tie-dose100 cien see-n only for 100 exactly. 101 cientouno see-n-toe ooh-no and ciento for all others. 200 doscientos dose see-n-tose the rest are obvious

9、.300 trescientos400 cuatrocientos500 quinientos600 seiscientos700 sietecientos800 ochocientos900 nuevecientos, etc etc1,000 mil meel (not quite like the word meal, but shorter and faster)2,000 dos mil3,000 tres mil, etc etc-lesson notes:a capitol letter = in the brackets means you actually say that

10、letter.it is not telling you to accent or place stress on the word.ah = whenever you see ah together in brackets, it is ahhh, like the sound you make when you learn something new or you are impressed, same as the a in car, not the a in cat. say caaaaar and caaaaaat very slow and youll notice a big d

11、ifference.o = whenever you see the letter o in a spanish word, it always makes a upper case o sound, like saying oh, i see, same as in the word bone. = seeing a on a word in brackets means (to me) to use a sort of studdered sound which leads to the next letter. hard to explain but lets say, for the

12、very common spanish word gracious, meaning thanks, which you should know and have heard pronounced before, youll see gdah-see-us. practice on that and where i placed the to learn this way of pronouncing some of the words. it should be said fast, so in using gdah-see-us you go from the g to the d qui

13、ckly so that it does not sound like you are saying *guh*-dah-see-us or g*dah*-see -us. learn to say things with the kind of fast and listen to the speaker. you almost combine the two letters into one. this always appears when there is a r in the middle of a word. it is not telling you to place stres

14、s on that part of the word.im also too lazy to add on english words like im, dont, cant etc. its a pet peeve of mine. but this way you wont see so many of them that you pass the important ones. :)fem is short for feminine.masc is short for masculine. -*some words during the lessons that are not expl

15、ained*escuche = es-skoo-chae = listenescuche la = es-skoo-chee-lah = listen to it (actually la or el depending on fem/masc subject)repeata = re-peat-ah = repeatdice = dee-say = you say diga = dee-gah = say cmo usted dice? = coe-moe-steh dee-say? = how do you say? contesta = cone-tess-tay = answerpal

16、abra = pah-lah-bdah = wordpregunte = pdey-goon-tae = ask (actually means question)-the conversations at the start of each lesson are sometimes worded the way it is being said instead of the way we would say it in english. sometimes i put the way it was worded in (parenthesis) if i felt it was confus

17、ing.-the end of lessons 10, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 26, and 28 have a prep and recap section. try to fill in the blanks in english if you can. you will notice in the first few that you cannot fill all of them in because some words have not been taught yet. thats why it has prepping in the title. it is e

18、asiest to go back and do these excercises after finishing all 30 lessons.-lesson 1-pardon me miss. do you understand english?no sir, i dont understand.i speak spanish a little.are you north american?yes miss.perdn = pell-done = pardon me, excuse me (remember long o only so done rhymes with bone, and

19、 not with bun)seor = seen-your = sirseorita = seen-your-e-tuh = miss or unmarried womans = see = yesno = no, negative, i dont, not, etc. (covers most negative words and starts most negative sentences)entiendo = intiendo = i understandentiende = intienday = do you understand?, you understandingleses

20、= een-gliss = englishcastellano = castayano = spanish hablo = ah-blow = i speak (can also sound like ahv-low, the spanish b/v is confusing, see alphabet)habla = ah-blah = you speak, do you speak? (or ahv-lah)hablamos = ah-blah-mose = we speak (from lesson 17)poco = littlees = s = are usted = oosted

21、= youusted es = oosted es = you are (should be said to clearly sound like 2 words or else you will say ustedes which is the plural form of you. see lesson 17.)est usted = es oosted = are youes stou sted = are you (for some reason it sounds this way sometimes at the end of a question like how are you

22、?)norteamerican = nor-tee ah-meh-dee-cah-no = north americanamericana = ah-meh-dee-cah-nah = american woman (and speaking to fem)americano = ah-meh-dee-cah-no = american man (and speaking to masc)you - usted, is not always used in sentences when talking to someone directly. its optional.lesson 2-sir

23、, sir!yes?do you speak spanish sir?no miss, excuse me, i dont speak spanish.do you understand spanish a little?yes, a little.do you speak english?yes i speak english.ahh you are from north america.yes miss.seora = senyoda = maam, madam (married woman)buenos das = good day, good morning, (actually go

24、od days)da = diah = daycmo? = how?, hows that?, etc (a famous question starter)comb-wes stou sted? = how are you feeling?comb-es-sta? = how are you? (most famous greeting question, very formal)gracias = gdah-see-us = thank you (said fast, gdahseeus)muy = moo-e = verybein = be-in = well, fine, good,

25、etc.lesson 3-good morning sir.good morning.how are you? well?no maam, not very well. i dont understand spanish.yes, yes you understand well sir. you speak very well.thank you maam.y = e = and soy = soyee = i am de = dey = fromdonde = done-dey = where (remember long o sound only, so done rhymes with

26、bone, and does not rhyme with bun.)bueno = good, alright, ok, etc.buenos tarde = buenos tardace = good afternoon (actually good afternoons)buenos noche = buenos no-chess = good evening, good night (actually good nights)la = the (feminine)el = the (masculine)las = the (feminine plural)los = the (masc

27、uline plural)dey done-dey es oosted? = where are you from? (but asked, from where are you?)lesson 4-good evening miss. how are you? miss? do you understand? i am a north american, but i speak spanish a little. i am mr jones from chicago. do you understand?no i dont understand. i am a north american

28、from los angeles. goodbye sir.good night missencantado = in-con-tah-doe = glad to meet you (masc)means delightedencantada = in-con-tah-dah = glad to meet you (fem) (ok, for the last time, ah together is always ahhh like the a in car and tardy, and not the a from cat or master. say them slow to under

29、stand better and remember it)pero = pey-doh = butdone-day stou sted = where are you? (ok, for the last time. done rhymes with bone!) aqu = ah-kee = here, its hereall = ah-yee = there, its thereest aqu = estah-kee = its here, its over here est all = estah-yee = its there, its over therelesson 5-excus

30、e/pardon me maam.yes sir?where is the hotel colone? (actually hotel columbus but it sounds too different so its colone to me, haha)the hotel colone is over here sir.and the boliva restaurant, where is it?its over there.where?over there, over there.ahhh yes, i understand. thank you maam.goodbye sir.s

31、abe? = sah-vey = do you know?sabemos = sah-vey-mose = we know (from lesson 17)no sah-vey-mose = we dont know (from lesson 17)s say = know, i knowno say = i dont knowpor favor = poor-fahvor = pleasetiene = you have, do you have, has (sounds like tna)tengo - i have, got, owntenemos = day-nay=mose = we

32、 have, we own (from lesson 16)dlare = dough-la = dollardlares = dough-la-diss = dollarslesson 6-hi juan.ahh good afternoon maria. how are you?not very well juan. please. do you have a peso?no i dont have. (any)but you have dollars, no?excuse me maria. i have no pesos and no dollars.you are north ame

33、rican, no?yes i am north american but i have no dollars.goodbye, juan.mucho = moocho = much, alotcunto? = quanto? = how much? how many?pero = peydo = butquiero = key-yay-do = i wantquiere? = kee-yedae? = do you want?queremos = kay-day-mose = we want (from lesson 16)est bein = esta-vee-n = thats fine

34、, ok, alright, etc.inny or n-eh = in a (said fast and sounds almost the same as in a in english)lesson 7-maria, how many pesos do you have?not much juan. 2 pesos.but i have dollars.but how many?i dont know. 2, 3 do you want a dollar?yes please. no i want 2.here, i have 2 o? or coe-moe? =

35、hows that? (really just means how but is said in question form to mean things like hows that or please repeat type of questions.yo = i, me (optional)y yo = e-yo = and iqu? = kay? = what? kay kee-yedae? -and- kay kee-yed-oosted? = what do you want?comer = coe-mell = eat comemos = coe-may-mose = we ea

36、t from lesson 17nada = nah-dah = nothing (and in sentences describing no possesion)no tengo nada = i dont have anything. algo = ahl-go = something (kind of like ill go but more of a ahhh sound to start)vamos = bah-mos = lets go/leave, (you and 1 other leaving)(actually we go)nos vamos = no-ss bah-mo

37、s = we are going/leaving (you and others leaving) from lesson 20. nos is short for nosotros, meaning we/us. see lesson 16.lesson 8-hi carlos.good morning louisa. what do you want?what do i want? i want to eat. how many pesos do you have?me? i have 3 pesos. its very little. and you?i have 5 pesos and

38、 2 dollars.thats ok. lets go eat.a = ah = toal = ahl = to thebeber = bay-vel = drink, to drinkcerveza = sel-vase-ah = beercuesta = quay-stah = cost (singular object) cuestan = ques-stun = cost (plural objects) from lesson 13cunto cuesta? = quanto quay-stah? = how much does it cost? cunto cuestan? =

39、quanto ques-stun? = how much do they cost? note: the 2 words quanto quay-stah/quay-stun, meaning how much does it/they cost? are almost always used together regardless of how it is said in english. examples:how much does 1 beer cost? = quanto quay-stah uno sel-vase-ah?how much do 8 beers cost? = qua

40、nto quay-stun ocho sel-vase-ahs?notice how you are saying, how much does it cost, 1 beer? and how much do they cost, 8 beers? u = o or oh = or bao = bon-yo = bathroom lesson 9 -good afternoon maria.i want to eat something. and you?no i dont want to eat. but i want to drink something.a beer?yes pleas

41、e.how much does it cost for a beer, do you know?yes i know. a beer costs 3 dollars. 2 beers cost 6 dollars.6 dollars? but i dont have 6 dollars.how much do you have?5 dollars.thats ok juan, i have 1 dollar.very well, lets go to the restaurant.voy = boy-uh = im going (said fast and the uh part is bar

42、ely heard)va = bah = you are going, are you going, etcvayamos = bah-mos = lets go, we are going, (you and company leaving) from lesson 7van = bah-n = they are going (plural leaving, but not you) from lesson 18k bah bay-vel oosted? = what are you going to drink? (note no ah for the word to and you at

43、 the end of the sentence is optional.) paga = pah-gah = you pay pago = pah-go = i pay dinero = de-nedo = moneyslo = only, alone, solo, etc. (masc) sla = only, alone, solo, etc. (fem) (from lesson 15, explained in lesson 16)tiempo = time (used when refering to not enough time, or too much time, etc.

44、but not about the actual time of day.) minuto = me-new-toe = minutelesson 10-good morning miss. how are you?very well, to where are you going sir?im going to the restaurant, and you?i dont know where im going.do you want to eat something?yes please.good. lets go to eat and drink a beer.ah done-dey b

45、ah? = where are you going? (said to where are you going)ah done-dey bah oosted? = where are you going? (actually saying to where are you going, you?gusta = goose-stah = likeme gusta = may-goosta = i like no may-goosta = i dont likele gusta? = lay-goosta? = do you like? (from lesson 11)te gusta? = ta

46、y-goosta? = dont you like? (from lesson 30)agua = ah-gwah = water fro = fdee-oh = coldpor qu? = poor-kay? = why? (has more of the d sounding r)porque = por-kay = because (the r has that d sound but only a little) (they both sound the same but the way you say it is how it is understood.) de nada = yo

47、ure welcome (actually means its nothing)prepping and recapping-1)2)3)4)5)6)7)8)9)10)11)12)13)14)15)16)17)18)19)20)21)lesson 11-do you want to drink something mr smith?yes. do you have beer please?yes, i have. do you want 1?is it cold?no, its not cold.if its not cold, i dont like (it). do you have so

48、mething cold?water sir, i have very cold water.good. im going to drink water, thank you maam.lay-goostah = do you like? you likemay-goostah = i like (from lesson 10)comprar = cum-plahr = buy, to buy (hard to say)compro = cum-plo = i buy, i am buying, etc compra cum-plah = you buycosas = coe-suss = t

49、hings (plural)cosa = coe-sah = thing (singular) from lesson 19puedo = pway-doe = can, i canpuede = pway-day = can, you can, can you, etcpodemos = poe-day-mose = we can (from lesson 17) si = c = ifhay = i = there, there are, there is, is there? are there? etc.lesson 12-do you like coffee louisa?yes j

50、uan, it is very good. and i pay for the coffees juan.no, no. you cannot pay, i pay.please, i like to pay.good. if you like to pay, you can pay, and much thanks.your welcome juan.but tomorrow, i pay.maana = mon-yana = tomorrowhora = oda = hour, time (used when refering to actual time/watch/clock)ah-l

51、as quatro = at 4 oclockah-las sink-o = at 5 oclockmedia = med-ia = half (also used for 30 minutes past the hour) ah-las dos med-ia = its 2:30hoy = oi = todaylesson 13-hello maria. how are you?hello carlos. im very fine. and you?fine, fine. i want to eat. you? can you eat today at 2 o clock?today at

52、2 o clock? no, i cant.at what hour do/would you like to eat? at what hour can you?well, at 3 o clock, if you can.well, at 3 o clock i only have 15 minutes. but i can eat in 14 minutes.not me, if i have no time, i cant eat.good. and tomorrow? tomorrow at 2:30?yes. tomorrow. thats ok. tomorrow i can.la & el = it (it is same as the, you say whatever the subject is. fem or masc, even when ending a sentence)boy-uh bay-vel-la = im going to drink it. (when holding a


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