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1、Unit 4 Quality Control Unit 4 Quality Control Warming-up Reading A Listening Speaking 4 1 2 3 Reading B 5 Writing 6 Project 7 Vocabulary and Structure 8 Unit 4 Quality Control Wa rm- 1 Match each of the following situations with its corresponding picture. Warming-up 1. The man is certifying the car

2、seat safety. ( ) 2. The man is making an inspection of the auto parts clearance. ( ) 3. The experts are discussing the advanced inspection technologies. ( ) 4. The man is simulating the road test. ( ) C B D A Unit 4 Quality Control Wa rm- 1 Task 2 Some people think that small-sized cars are less saf

3、e than large-sized cars. Do you think so? Warming-up There is much controversy about the safety problem of small cars. Many statistic facts show that smaller, lighter cars are generally less safe than larger, heavier cars. However, there is still a lot you can do to drive a safe small car. For examp

4、le, you can invest in as many advanced safety features as you can afford. Furthermore, regardless of what you drive, though, many experts agree that how you drive is the most important safety factor. Unit 4 Quality Control Readi ng A Text Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 1 Reading A Unit 4 Quality C

5、ontrol Task 1 Before reading the passage, see how much you know about the quality control of autos. 1. Have you ever heard of vehicle recalls? And do you know some vehicle recall cases caused by quality problems? Reading A A vehicle recall is a request to return to the maker a batch or an entire pro

6、duction run of a vehicle, usually due to the discovery of safety issues. The recall is an effort to limit liability for corporate negligence (which can cause costly legal penalties) and to improve or avoid damage to publicity. The following are some cases. Unit 4 Quality Control Reading A 1998-1999:

7、 Chevrolet Malibu incidentfailure to recall resulted in multiple fatal occurrences. May 2000: Ford Motor Companys handling of the recall of the 6.5 million 15-inch Firestone tires fitted to the Ford Explorer SUVthis soon culminated in the resignation of Fords CEO at the time, Jacques Nasser. Septemb

8、er 2007: Honda Motor Company recalled 182,756 Honda Civic sedans and coupes. Unit 4 Quality Control 2. How much do you know about a road test? What items does a road test include? Reading A Here the road test is different from test drive for the potential customers or the test for getting a driving

9、license. It is a test to insure that a vehicle is roadworthy. A road test is the final audit in quality control system, which tests for properly fitting panels; dynamics; squeaks and rattles; functioning electrical components; engine; chassis and wheel alignment, to verify quality audits from the va

10、rious inspection points throughout the assembly process. Unit 4 Quality Control Text A-1 Quality Control of Automobiles Each year, nearly half a million car accidents take place in China, and more than 100,000 people die in those crashes. Given such sobering statistics, quality control and safety te

11、st should factor into the whole process of an automobile product lifecycle. As a car is to be driven by a person, quality control is of vital importance. Today quality is seen as a process built right into the design of the vehicle as well as the assembly process. Reading A Unit 4 Quality Control Te

12、xt A-2 To make components carry people and run, tests should start from parts providers. For automobile manufacturers, outside parts vendors should subject their component parts to testing and inspection audits similar to those used by the assembly plants. Only in this way can the assembly plants th

13、ink that the products arriving at their receiving docks are Statistical Process Control (SPC) approved and quality certified. Reading A Unit 4 Quality Control Text A-3 For new models, geometry inspection is also a critical activity throughout the development process. It guarantees that individual ve

14、hicle parts can be assembled correctly. Tactile probe measurements are traditional inspection tools for 3D geometry inspection. Tactile probes installed on Coordinate Measurement Machines (CMMs) are used to verify the 3D geometry of components. Reading A Unit 4 Quality Control Text A-4 Once the comp

15、onent parts of the automobile begin to be assembled at the automotive factory, they are monitored both by production control specialists and quality audit stations. Production control specialists can follow the progress of each embryonic automobile by means of its Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

16、, assigned at the start of the production line. Throughout the assembly process quality audit stations keep track of vital information concerning various functional components of the vehicle. Reading A Unit 4 Quality Control Text A-5 After the vehicle is assembled a validation process is conducted a

17、t the end of the assembly line. It may be only a final audit, or a road test. To verify quality audits from the various inspection points throughout the assembly process, this final audit tests for properly fitting panels, dynamics, functioning electrical components, and engine, chassis, and wheel a

18、lignment. Reading A Unit 4 Quality Control Text A-6 To give full functional tests, the vehicles will be pulled from the audit line and road-tested. A road test includes a prior visual inspection, a test over a range of speeds, acceleration/deceleration, engine rev/min sensitive, noise and vibration

19、while turning,etc. Reading A Unit 4 Quality Control Text A-7 As vehicle recalls are costly, manufacturers do everything possible to ensure the quality of the product before it is shipped to the customer. Therefore all efforts today are put forth to ensure that quality and reliability are built into

20、the assembled product. Reading A Unit 4 Quality Control A- Tra ns- 1 汽車質量控制汽車質量控制 中國境內每年約發(fā)生中國境內每年約發(fā)生50萬起交通事故,大約萬起交通事故,大約10 萬人死于撞車事故。鑒于如此令人痛心疾首的數(shù)字,萬人死于撞車事故。鑒于如此令人痛心疾首的數(shù)字, 質量控制和安全測試應成為汽車生產流程中不可或缺質量控制和安全測試應成為汽車生產流程中不可或缺 的一環(huán)。汽車是由人來駕駛的,因此質量控制至關重的一環(huán)。汽車是由人來駕駛的,因此質量控制至關重 要。今天,質量控制被認為是汽車設計和制造過程中要。今天,質量控制被認為是

21、汽車設計和制造過程中 的重要環(huán)節(jié)。的重要環(huán)節(jié)。 Reading A Unit 4 Quality Control A-Trans-2 為了確保汽車組裝后可以載人并且正常運轉,汽車的質為了確保汽車組裝后可以載人并且正常運轉,汽車的質 量測試應該從汽車零部件供應商這個環(huán)節(jié)就開始。汽車制量測試應該從汽車零部件供應商這個環(huán)節(jié)就開始。汽車制 造商要求外部零件供應商進行零部件的測試與檢驗,測試造商要求外部零件供應商進行零部件的測試與檢驗,測試 與檢驗的方法與汽車裝配工廠所采用的方法相似。只有通與檢驗的方法與汽車裝配工廠所采用的方法相似。只有通 過檢測,裝配工廠才能認為到達碼頭的汽車零部件是已通過檢測,裝配

22、工廠才能認為到達碼頭的汽車零部件是已通 過統(tǒng)計過程控制(過統(tǒng)計過程控制(SPC)檢驗合格的,沒有質量問題。)檢驗合格的,沒有質量問題。 Reading A Unit 4 Quality Control A-Trans-3 對于新款車型,幾何檢查也是汽車研發(fā)過程中的關鍵對于新款車型,幾何檢查也是汽車研發(fā)過程中的關鍵 步驟,用以保證各個部件能夠正確地裝配。接觸式探針測步驟,用以保證各個部件能夠正確地裝配。接觸式探針測 量是三維幾何檢查的傳統(tǒng)工具。接觸式探針安裝在坐標系量是三維幾何檢查的傳統(tǒng)工具。接觸式探針安裝在坐標系 測量機上(測量機上(CMMs),用來檢驗零部件的三維尺寸。),用來檢驗零部件的三

23、維尺寸。 Reading A Unit 4 Quality Control A-Trans-4 Reading A Unit 4 Quality Control A-Trans-5 Reading A Unit 4 Quality Control A-Trans-5 為提供完整的功能測試,汽車會在實驗路面上進行道路測試。道為提供完整的功能測試,汽車會在實驗路面上進行道路測試。道 路測試包括預先目測、一系列速度范圍的測試、加速、減速、發(fā)路測試包括預先目測、一系列速度范圍的測試、加速、減速、發(fā) 動機轉速敏感性以及轉向時的噪聲與振動等。動機轉速敏感性以及轉向時的噪聲與振動等。 Reading A U

24、nit 4 Quality Control A-Trans-6 Reading A Unit 4 Quality Control a. making you feel very serious e.g. Her illness had a sobering effect on her. The news had a sobering effect. sobering Reading A a. 使清醒的,使冷靜的使清醒的,使冷靜的 Unit 4 Quality Control v. to officially accept a plan, proposal, etc. e.g. to appro

25、ve the contract The Senate approved a plan for federal funding of local housing programs. approve Reading A v. 核準,證實核準,證實 Unit 4 Quality Control to endorse or guarantee (that certain required standards have been met) e.g. Ask the manager to certify this check. Remember that gas boiler we had that wa

26、s certified dangerous? certify Reading A v. 證明,證明合格證明,證明合格 Unit 4 Quality Control v. to make it certain that sth. will happen e.g. minimum wage guarantee system She soon learned that marriage doesnt guarantee happiness. guarantee Reading A v. 保證,擔保保證,擔保 Unit 4 Quality Control a. relating to, affecti

27、ng, or having a sense of touch e.g. Touch each object you want to touch as if tomorrow your tactile sense would fail. tactile Reading A a. a. 觸覺的,有觸覺的觸覺的,有觸覺的 Unit 4 Quality Control v. to check or determine the correctness or truth of sth. by investigation, reference, etc. e.g. The bank will have to

28、 verify that you are the owner of the property. verify Reading A v. 查證,核實查證,核實 Unit 4 Quality Control monitor v. to observe or record (the activity or performance) of (an engine or other device) e.g. How do you monitor its progress? Reading A v. 監(jiān)視,監(jiān)控監(jiān)視,監(jiān)控 Unit 4 Quality Control a. of or relating to

29、 an embryo or in an early stage; rudimentary; undeveloped e.g. embryonic development The scheme is still in its embryonic stage. embryonic Reading A a. 萌發(fā)期的,初期的萌發(fā)期的,初期的 Unit 4 Quality Control v. to name or fix (a time, place, etc. for sth.) e.g. Its impossible to assign an exact date to this buildin

30、g. assign Reading A vt. 確定,選定確定,選定 Unit 4 Quality Control v. to do or carry out sth. e.g. conduct a survey He should learn how to conduct a survey. conduct Reading A v. 進行進行 Unit 4 Quality Control a. able to measure or react to very small changes in heat, light, etc. e.g. a sensitive instrument We n

31、eed a more sensitive thermometer for this. sensitive Reading A a. 敏感的,儀器靈敏敏感的,儀器靈敏 Unit 4 Quality Control ( ) a. a. 汽車身份號碼汽車身份號碼 ( ) b. b. 汽車召回汽車召回 ( ) c. c. 質量檢驗部門質量檢驗部門 ( ) d. d. 坐標系測量機坐標系測量機 ( ) e. e. 接觸式探針測量接觸式探針測量 ( ) f. f. 零部件的三維尺寸零部件的三維尺寸 ( ) g. g. 統(tǒng)計過程控制統(tǒng)計過程控制 ( ) h. h. 驗證過程驗證過程 A-Task 1 Mat

32、ch the English expressions with their Chinese meanings. 7 1 8 3 4 6 2 5 1. vehicle recall 2.Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) 3. Statistical Process Control (SPC) 4. tactile probe measurements 5. 3D geometry of components 6. Coordinate Measurement Machines (CMMs) 7. quality audit station 8. valida

33、tion process Reading A Unit 4 Quality Control A- Tas k 2- 1 Read the passage and match each question in Column A with its answer in Column B. Reading A 1. How do people view quality today? 2. Where does quality control begin? 3. Whats special in quality control for new models? 4. How is quality cont

34、rol done along the assembly line? 5. Whats the final step of quality control? Column A Column B c a b e d Unit 4 Quality Control A- Tas k 2- 1 Read the passage again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). ( ) 1. The component parts from outside vendors are also subjec

35、ted to testing and inspection audits of the assembly plants. ( ) 2. Tactile probe measurements are recently used for 3D geometry inspection. ( ) 3. Each embryonic automobile gets its VIN at the beginning of its assembling. F F T Reading A Unit 4 Quality Control A- Tas k 2- 1 ( ) 4. At the end of eac

36、h assembly process, a vehicle will be given a final audit and a road test. ( ) 5. A road test does not include noise and vibration while turning. T F Reading A Unit 4 Quality Control A- Tas k 2- 1 List the hidden troubles during the process of auto production according to the passage or in your own

37、opinion. Reading A Quality control and safety test should factor into the whole process of an automobile product lifecycle. 1. For automobile manufacturers, outside parts vendors should subject their component parts to testing and inspection audits to make sure that their products are Statistical Pr

38、ocess Control (SPC) approved and quality-certified. Unit 4 Quality Control 2. For new models, geometry inspection is also a critical activity which guarantees that individual vehicle parts can be assembled correctly. 3. A validation process is conducted at the end of the assembly line. It may be a f

39、inal audit in order to find problems in panels, dynamics, functioning electrical components, engine, chassis, and wheel alignment. It may also be a road test including a prior visual inspection, a test over a range of speeds, acceleration/deceleration, engine rev/min sensitive, noise and vibration w

40、hile turning, etc. Unit 4 Quality Control List enin g Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Listening Unit 4 Quality Control L- Tas k 1 Susan, the secretary of the Purchase Department of TAC, is calling a parts provider. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Listening 1.

41、 dock 2. conducted 3. air-mailed 4. certified 5. disappointed Unit 4 Quality Control L-4- Script Susan: Hello, is that Mr. Armstrong speaking? Mr. Armstrong: Yes. Can I help you? Susan: Im Susan, the secretary of the Purchase Department of TAC. Im calling to ask whether the new batch of wheels is al

42、ready on board. And when can they arrive at our receiving dock? Mr. Armstrong: Dont worry, Susan, shipment is already conducted. Arrival time is on the bill of lading, and it will, together with other documents, Listening Unit 4 Quality Control L- Task 4 Listen to the conversation between Mr. Bird a

43、nd Alice and tick the items mentioned in the talk. Listening ( )when the quality inspection is performed ( ) how the quality inspection is performed ( ) which stage the quality control starts from ( ) the responsibilities of outside parts suppliers Unit 4 Quality Control ( )the responsibilities of q

44、uality inspectors ( ) the jobs of the quality audit stations ( ) the abbreviation of Vehicle Identification Number ( ) member lists of the quality audit stations L- Task 4 Listening Unit 4 Quality Control L-4- Script Alice: Mr. Bird, is a quality inspection only done after an auto is manufactured? M

45、r. Bird: No, actually, quality control starts from parts production. If the parts are defected, there is no way to fix them up. Alice: So we should make quality inspections on parts during their producing. Mr. Bird: Yes, but thats not all. Were also responsible for tests and inspections on parts fro

46、m Listening Unit 4 Quality Control L- Task 3 Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to each question. Listening 1. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. Not mentioned. D. Occasionally. 2. A. the worker. B. the car shell. C. the door. D. the body 3. A. Asking the workers. B. Checking the V

47、IN. C. No way. D. Not mentioned. 4. A. Door panels shrinking B. Poor material C. Improper handling D. Bad components Unit 4 Quality Control L- Task 3 Listening 5. A. Alice is interviewing Mr. Bird. B. Mr. Bird is a veteran inspector. C. Mr. Bird is Alices teacher. D. Mr. Bird is an old man. Unit 4 Q

48、uality Control L-4- Script Alice: Mr. Bird, I found the door doesnt seem to fit well here. Mr. Bird: Yes, I see. No surprise. Ive seen such cases before. Alice: So you know the problem? Is it with the body or the door? Mr. Bird: From my experience, its usually with the door. Maybe the doors geometri

49、cal dimensions are defected. Its very uncommon to see a defected Listening Unit 4 Quality Control L- Task 3 Listen to the conversation and judge whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Listening ( )1. Mr. Bird found some rust-like spots on the roof panel. ( ) 2. Rusting is due to

50、 the improper paint spray. ( ) 3. The rusted panel is found after the road test. ( ) 4. After the water test, the front guest seat is dampened. ( ) 5. Alice would not like to proceed the inspection because she hated the defects of the cars. F T F T T Unit 4 Quality Control L-4- Script Alice: Mr. Bir

51、d, I see some rust-like spots on the roof panel near the windshield. Can you confirm it? Mr. Bird: Oh, you ask the right person. Let me see. Yes, they are rust. Its probably due to the paint spray. Alice: You mean the paint was not well done, and after water test, the panel was rusted? Mr. Bird: May

52、be. Some of the panels are steel, and steel rusts if the coating is not well done. Listening Unit 4 Quality Control Notes Seat:_ Handling: good except for _ Windshield: a little _ Steering wheel: _ at quick acceleration, but _ keeping normal speed Engine vibration at high speed: _ Turning: _noise L-

53、 Task 5-1 Alice and Mr. Bird are talking when road- testing the car. Take notes with the information you hear. Listening noisy shakes shakes the unpleasant noise no vibration comfortable grinding Unit 4 Quality Control L-4- Script Alice: Do you know, Mr. Bird, its my first road testing. Mr. Bird: Re

54、ally? You will have a fantastic experience. Alice: I cant wait. Lets go! The seat is comfortable. Handling is good, except for the unpleasant noise. Where is the noise? The windshield? Mr. Bird: Quite right. The windshield is a little noisy, huh? Listening Unit 4 Quality Control Task 1 Task 2 Task 3

55、 Task 4 Speaking Unit 4 Quality Control Work in pairs. Practice making short phone calls with the words provided according to the example below. Example: A: Hello, is that Mr. Armstrong speaking? B: Yes. Can I help you? A: Im Susan, the secretary of the Purchase Department of TAC. Im calling to ask

56、whether the new batch of left weather strips is already on board? B: Dont worry, Susan, shipment is already conducted. A: When will they arrive at our port? B: They are supposed to arrive tomorrow afternoon. A: Do you have the quality inspection certificate? B: Yes. Take it easy, Susan. The quality

57、of our product is always reliable. A: I just hope everything goes on well. Speaking Unit 4 Quality Control Speaking 1.the new engines / on Monday next week / are imported from Germany 2.front windshield glass / in a week / is carefully handled in transit / in good condition. 3. the new chassis / on

58、June 15th / are carefully examined Unit 4 Quality Control A: Hello, is that Mr. Armstrong speaking? B: Yes. Can I help you? A: This is Susan, the secretary of the Purchase Department of TAC. Im calling to ask whether the new engines are already on board? B: Dont worry, Susan, shipment is already con

59、ducted. A: When will they arrive at our port? Speaking Unit 4 Quality Control A: Hello, is that Mr. Armstrong speaking? B: Yes. Can I help you? A: This is Susan, the secretary of the Purchase Department of TAC. Im calling to ask whether the front windshield glass is already on board? B: Dont worry,

60、Susan, shipment is already conducted. Speaking Unit 4 Quality Control A: Hello, is that Mr. Armstrong speaking? B: Yes. Can I help you? A:This is Susan, the secretary of the Purchase Department of TAC. Im calling to ask whether the new chassis are already on board? B: Dont worry, Susan, shipment is


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