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1、高中英語必修3、4課后答案 Keys Module 3Unit 1I. 1. the Spring Festival 2. the Mid-Autumn Festival 3. the Dragon Boat Festival 4. the Lantern Festival 5. Thanksgiving Day 6. the Day of the Dead 7. Halloween 8. Easter 9. Obon 10. Labour Day 11. April FoolsDay 12. Valentines DayII. 1. celebrate, celebration 2. dep

2、ends, Independence 3. clothes, clothing, cloth 4. energy, energetic 5. arrived, arrival(s) 6. religion, religiousII1. 1. the Spring Festival 2. Halloween 3. Thanksgiving Day 4. Ramadan( 齋月)IV. 1. the 2. a 3. / 4. the 5. / 6. the 7. / 8. / 9. the 10. /Unit 1 I. 1. ancestors 2. gather 3. starve 4. fea

3、st 5. Social 6. custom 7. take 8. admire 9. awarded 10. dailyII. 1. funniest 2. fun 3. have taken place 4. take the place 5. as though 6. even though 7. satisfy 8. satisfied 9. satisfactions 10. satisfyingIII. 1. Im looking forward to seeing you this summer vacation. 2. When his mother was seriously

4、 ill, he stayed by her bedside day and night. 3. The children played a trick on Li Ping on April Fools Day. 4. On Halloween, some people will dress up and try to frighten people. 5. The museum was built in memory of the famous scientist. 6. Did the storm do any harm to the crops? OR: Has the storm d

5、one any harm to the crops? 7. People love to get together to eat, drink and have fun with each other. 8. The mother was proud of what her son had achieved at school. 9. She treats him as thoughas if he were a stranger.IV. One possible version: Christmas Day, which celebrates the birth of Jesus Chris

6、t, is on December 25th all over the world. As soon as the season is coming, the shopping is on all day long. The Christmas tree with coloured lights and the brightly wrapped packages is very popular in every home because people think it can bring good luck. Most people exchange presents and send Christmas cards to their friends and relatives. Many families go to church on Christmas Eve or Christmas morn- ing. Then they come home to enjoy a traditional Christmas dinner. Their favourite courses are Keys Module 4Unit 1 1welfare 2condition 3specialist 4devote 5insti


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