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1、靈通少兒英語第一冊UNIT6教學案例教學案例與評析_教學案例匯總篇一:UNit6教學設計篇二:英語第一冊unit6英語基礎模塊第一冊Unit 6 Would you like to order?(第一課時 教學設計)一、教材分析1教學內容本課時系教材英語1(基礎模塊 高教版)第六單元的第一課時,包括Lead-in Listening and speaking中的Dialogue A兩部分,具體內容為:餐廳英語的部分詞匯和短語、有關描述餐廳的對話。通過詞匯學習讓學生熟悉與餐廳有關職業(yè)和食物的詞匯。在描述餐廳的對話學習中讓學生初步接觸形容詞的比較級。這部分內容為整個單元的學習活動做語言上的必要準備

2、,為單元任務做好語言鋪墊。2教學重點、難點(1)教學重點通過部分餐廳英語的詞匯學習,學生能夠掌握相關詞匯。通過有關描述餐廳的對話,學生能夠初步理解和運用形容詞比較級。(2)教學難點學生根據提供的有關餐廳圖片,口頭上簡單用形容詞比較級介紹飯店的基本情況,如路程遠近,飯菜價格等二、教學目標1. 知識目標(1)學生能掌握部分與餐廳有關的詞匯和短語,如order, restaurant , menu, juice, waiter, waitress, delicious, eat out, be far away等。(2)學生能掌握描述餐廳所使用的句型,如:Do you want to eat out

3、 ?Do you like Chinese food or Western food ?I think .Restaurant is better.restaurant is father away thanrestaurant.The food is more delicious.2. 能力目標學生能聽懂有關描述餐廳的對話。學生能用簡單的比較級句式口頭描述餐廳。3. 情感目標學生通過對餐廳的初步了解能喜歡上自己的專業(yè)。培養(yǎng)學生大膽開口、勇于實踐的良好學習習慣。四、教學步驟Step One Preparatoin- Lead-in (2min)1. Guess the meaning of t

4、he wordTeacher writes the topic on the board and let students guess the meaning of the sentences, focusing on the word order. Meanwhile, teacher shows some pictures about ordering foot in restaurants to help students guess the meaning.(設計意圖: 利用猜詞義,解決了單元標題中的重要詞匯order的意思。并自然引入到本單元的關于飯店的主題學習及下一環(huán)節(jié)詞匯的學習。

5、)Step 2 PresentatoinPresent learning Aims and Tasks(1m)Step 3 Practice1.Vocabulary study2.Read and tick ( Activity 1)Teacher lets one or two students read the words to see if how many words they can read correctly. If they cant, teacher helps them read the words. Then students read the words and tic

6、k out the words related to the restaurant.3.Look and complete ( Activity 2 )Students look at the pictures and choose the proper words from Activity 1 to complete the dialogues.(設計意圖:引導學生聯想餐廳的情景,選出與餐廳有關的詞,并在讀圖中再讓學生在情景中運用單詞,鞏固單詞學習。通過這兩個活動,讓學生輕松學習單詞。)Step 4 Production (18min)1. Pre-listeningTeacher: in

7、troduce two girls, Sara and Tanghua, who are talking about the restaurant. First, let students look at the pictures and ask the following questions :(1)How many restaurants are there in the picture ?(2)Which restaurant is father from the school ?(3)Do you think the food in Yueguang Restaurant is del

8、icious or more delicious ?Students: look at the picture and answer the questions, then work in pairs to describe the picture in simplesentences.2. While-listening(1)Listen and choose ( Activity 3 )Students listen to the tape and tick the answer. After that, teacher asks one or two students to check

9、the answer.(2) Listen and tick ( Activity 4 )Teacher : ask students to read the sentences to get the meaning of them and play the tape.Students: Listen to the tape and find out whether the sentences are true or not. If they cant get the right answers,teacher can play the tape for several times.3. Po

10、st-listeningStudents correct the sentences of Activity 4 and read them together to understand better the listening material. If students cant understand some of words or phrases, teacher can explain again.(設計意圖:pre-listening部分旨在通過老師的簡單提問和對圖片的描述,訓練學生根據圖片中提供的信息預測聽力內容的能力。while-listening部分通過Activity 3培養(yǎng)

11、學生在聽的過程中把握大意并捕捉主要信息的能力,通過Activity 4培養(yǎng)學生在聽過程中捕捉細節(jié)的能力。post-listening部分讓學生在改正陳述句子和朗讀句子中更深刻理解聽力內容。并對描述餐廳的詞匯和句型有個基本的了解。)4.Read and underlineStudents read the dialogue after the tape and underline the words and sentences used to describe restaurant. The teacher writes the following words and sentences on

12、the board. If necessary, teacher can explain the difficult words and sentences .(1)Do you want to eat out ?(2)Chinese food and Western food(3)What about restaurant ?(4)I think Restaurant is better. Its farther away than , but the food is more delicious.(設計意圖:學生閱讀對話,并劃出描述餐廳的詞匯和句子。讓學生對描述餐廳的詞匯和句型有進一步的理

13、解。)5. Listen and repeatRead the dialogue after the tape again and learn to say the underlined words and sentences.(設計意圖:通過跟讀對話,讓學生對描述餐廳的句型能以口頭形式進行表達。為下面的圖片描述和對話練習做好語言準備。)6. Practice and talkTeacher shows another picture which is similar to the one of Activity 3.Students work in the group to describe

14、 the picture in simple several sentences, which is similar to those of Activity7. then make a dialogue with the partner according to the picture.(設計意圖:提供與課文中相似的關于當地餐廳的圖片,聯系到學生的具體的生活環(huán)境,在圖片描述和對話操練中運用所學句型。)Step 5 Progress (2min)Talk with the partner about the restaurants near your home, using the sente

15、nces patterns learned in the class. (設計意圖:運用課堂內所學句型,談論自己家附近的餐廳,學以致用來鞏固課堂知識。)板書設計英語基礎模塊第一冊Unit 6 Would you like to order?(第二課時 教學設計)一、教材分析1教學內容本課時系教材英語1(基礎模塊 高教版)第六單元的第二課時,即Dialogue B部分。本部分內容是上一課時內容的深入,從去餐廳前的對餐廳的描述過渡到餐廳的點餐活動,帶領學生一步步進入貼近其生活的場景,讓學生在真實的情景中掌握餐廳點餐的習慣用語。2教學重點、難點(1)教學重點通過有關餐廳點菜的聽力活動,學生能聽懂關于

16、餐廳點餐的對話。通過與餐廳點餐對話的學習,學生能熟練運用點餐的習慣用語。(2)教學難點學生能聽懂菜單并寫下菜名學生能在真實的情景中口頭表達餐廳點餐的習慣用語。二、教學目標4. 知識目標(1)學生掌握菜單上的食品詞匯,如dish, burger, cheese, steak, chicken, coffee, salad等。(2)學生能掌握餐廳點餐的習慣用語,如:Would you like to order now ?Id likeWell done or medium ?Would you like something to drink ?5. 能力目標學生能聽懂關于餐廳點餐中菜名極其習慣用

17、語。學生就餐廳點餐能進行熟練的對話活動。6. 情感目標學生能夠了解和掌握餐廳服務員及就餐者的基本禮儀。三、教學步驟Step 1: Preparatoin- Lead-in ( 4min)Teacher says: in the last lesson we have known that there are two restaurants. Now Sara want to go Meiwei Restaurant. Lets step into Meiwei restaurants with her together to order something to eat or drink to

18、day. But do you knowHow should have behavior as a customer?How should a waiter/waitree should behavior?Students work in the groups to discuss to get the right answers to the above two questions.(設計意圖: 教師從上一節(jié)課內容直接過渡到本節(jié)課,開門見山。跟隨課文的主人公想象與其一起到餐廳就餐,自然引入到本節(jié)課內容。并通過討論讓學生了解和掌握餐廳服務員及就餐者的基本禮儀,實現情感目標。)Step 2: P

19、resentatoinPresent learning Aims and Tasks(1m)Step 3: Practice1.Vocabulary study (6min)2.Pre-listening ( Activity 7 )(1) Read the menuteacher says we have our favorite foods when we eat out . Now lets look at the menu of Meiwei Restaurant to find out if there are any foods you like. Students read th

20、e menu individually to get main idea of the menu.(2) Look and tickTeacher leads students to look at the two pictures and let them guess what the waiter might say, then tick the right answers.3.While-listening ( Activity 8, 9 )(1)Listen and checkStudents listen to the tape and check the answers to Ac

21、tivity 7.(2)Listen and completeStudents listen to the dialogue again and help the waiter finish the notes he makes about what Sara and Tang Hua order. If students cant get the answers, teacher should play the tape for several times to help them to get the right answers.4.post-listeningTeacher divide

22、s the whole class into three groups to act as waiter, Sara and Tang Hua . The students acting as the waiter read the sentences of Activity 7. The students acting as Sara read the food she ordered. The students acting as Tang Hua read the food she ordered. Then all students take turns to act as diffe

23、rent characters to.(設計意圖: Pre-listening部分通過讀菜單和猜測服務員所說的話,訓練學生根據圖片中提供的信息對聽力內容進行預測。While-listening讓學生幫助服務員寫出菜單,訓練學生在聽的過程中抓住細節(jié)信息的能力,并將聽到并理解的內容以另一種直觀的方式呈現出來。post-listening部分通過學生扮演不同的角色朗讀詞匯和句子,鞏固聽力部分的重要內容,并為口語表達奠定基礎。)Step 4:Production (18min)1. Read and underline (Activity 10)Students read the dialogue a

24、fter the tape and underline the words and sentences used to order in a restaurant. Teacher asks several students to give the answers and write the words or sentences on the board. If necessary, teacher should explain the key words and sentences.(1) Would you like to order now?(2) Yes, Id like(3) Wel

25、l done or medium篇三:牛津小學英語5A Unit6教學案例設計牛津小學英語5A Unit6教學案例設計一設計說明:1.話題:談論正在進行的動作2.課題說明: 牛津小學英語5A Unit 6 D Look and say3.設計思路:1)學生口頭英語能力的訓練應分步進行,讓孩子在游戲、唱歌、表演、看圖說話等多種形式訓練中,逐步學會說話,不知不覺,積少成多,在教師的有效指導下,把話說地道。2)借助圖片,訓練學生運用現在進行時,敘述正在發(fā)生的事情, 使學生知道什么情況下使用現在進行時,現在進行時如何構成,在動詞加上詞尾ing后,發(fā)音有什么變化。3)從學生的生活經驗和興趣出發(fā),創(chuàng)設與完

26、成任務相關的情景進行語言訓練,使學生在真實的情景和方式中學習英語知識,發(fā)展語言技能5.學生情況說明: 我所任教五年級的學生,上課比較活躍,上課比較愿意開口,但對基礎知識的掌握情況不同,部分學生敢于運用所學的語言進行交際,有些學生缺乏自信心,需要老師多鼓勵,創(chuàng)造較多的機會給他們。盡量讓他們在課堂上發(fā)揮自主、合作精神。二教學詳案:Unit 6 Doing housework D Look and say(一)Teaching aims:(教學目標與要求)1. Enable the students to use the following sentence patterns to talk abo

27、ut the things happening:(學生能用以下句型表述他人正在進行的動作)What is he doing?What is she doing?Hes Shes2.Learn to say the following phrases and spell them:(能夠聽、說、寫動詞短語的ing形式)3.read books reading bookswatch TV watching TVsleep sleepingrun running(二)Important points:(教學重點)重點掌握進行時的表達方式和四個短語動詞的ing 形式。(三)Difficult poin

28、ts:(教學難點)重讀閉音節(jié)動詞現在分詞形式的變化。(四)Teaching aids:(教學設備)CIA, tape recorder, pictures(五)Teaching procedures:(教學步驟及說明)Step 1: Warm up1. Lets chant:(通過說唱、唱歌等形式,引入課堂)2. Sing a song: What are you doing?(唱一首歌引入主題)Step 2: Revision1. Show students some photos, ask and answer:-What are you doing?(學生通過句型復習四個已學過的動作)-

29、Im drawing pictures, reading a book, washingclothes, cleaning the dolls.2. Students write down the phrases on the blackboard and read.(學生書寫詞組于黑板上,檢查書寫、記憶情況)Step 3. Presentation1. T: What do you usually do at the weekend?S: I usually?(通過對話,直接引出詞組)T: But I usually read books at home. I like reading bo

30、oks very much.2. Learn to say and spell read books.(學生跟讀詞 組,并拼寫詞組)3. Show the photos, ask and answer: (從What are you doing 句型引出What is he doing?句型)-Whats he doing?-Hes reading books.4. Learn to say the following three phrases and write down the phrases on the blackboard:(繼續(xù)引出其余三個詞組,并將詞組寫在黑板上,為學生以后的活

31、動做準備)watch TV watching TVsleep sleepingrun runningStep4. Drill and practice:1. Look at the photos, ask and answer:(通過模糊畫面,讓 學生猜一猜他們在干什么,鞏固詞組)What is he/she doing?Hes/Shes2. Look and guess: (每幅圖片上三個動作,看誰記得最快)There are three actions in the pictures, guess:Whats he/she doing?3. Showing the pictures of page 48.Practise the sentence patterns.(呈現書中D部分的圖片,操練句型)4. Do an action: Students are divided into several groups. One acts teacher and says Everybody


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