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1、第1講 七年級上冊 模塊一 1. 早上好。_ 2. 見到你非常高興。 _ 3. 歡迎到中國。 _ 4. 對不起,請原諒_ 5. 來自_ 6. 電話號碼_ 7. 非常感謝。 _ 8. 不用謝。 _ 9. 姓_ 10. 名_ Good morning Nice to meet / see you. Welcome to China. Excuse me. be from/come from telephone number /phone number Thank you very much. Thats OK./Youre welcome. family name given name |重點詞組

2、| 11. 英文名字_ 12. 用英語_ 13. 歲_ 14. 在同一班級_ 15. 好朋友 _ 16. 五個箱子_ 17.讓我來幫你。 _ 18. 再試一次_ English name in English years old in the same class good friends five boxes Let me help you. try again |重點詞組| 1. Nice to meet you. 意思是“見到你很高興?!?_說:How do you do?“你好?!?回答: _“你好?!?How do you do? 初次見面 Nice to meet you. Nic

3、e to meet you, too. How are you? _“很高興見到您?!?回答是_ 或 Me, too. “我也很高興見到您?!?相互問候句子還有: _ “你好嗎?” 回答是Fine, thank you. 我很好,謝謝。 |考點解析| 2. Welcome to China. “歡迎到中國?!?Welcome to + 地點名詞或場所 Welcome + home/here 表示“歡迎到, 歡迎光臨” e.g. _ 歡臨光臨我校。 Welcome to my school. |考點解析| 3. How are you? 問候語。詢問對方身體狀況。 答語: _ _ _ e.g.

4、How are you? “你好嗎?” Fine, thank you. And you? “很好,謝謝。你呢?” Im fine, too./Im very well. “我也很好?!?|考點解析| Im fine, thank you. Im OK, thank you. Not bad, thank you. 4. Thank you. 意思是“謝謝你。” Thank you. / Thanks. 正式場合、非正式場合都適用。 e.g. Jim, please sit down. “吉姆,請坐?!?Thank you, Miss Gao. “謝謝你,高老師?!?Youre welcome

5、. Thats OK. Thats all right. Not at all. 別人致謝時,可以回答: |考點解析| 5. _? “你來自哪里?” _. “我來自加拿大。” where 是對地點提問,答語常含地點的詞或詞組。 e.g. _? “她/他來自哪里?” _. “她/他來自英格蘭?!?Where are you from Im from Canada Where is she/he from She/He is from England 詞組 :be from come from e.g. I _China. = I _China. “我來自中國?!?am from come fro

6、m |考點解析| 6. Im in Class Four, Grade Seven. “我在七年(4)班?!?通常_在前,_在后。 e.g. 七年(2)班_ 注意: 名詞的第一個字母要大寫,數(shù)詞也可以用阿拉伯數(shù)字 如果數(shù)字用英文書寫,第一個字母也要大寫。 e.g. Grade 7 = _ “七年級” |考點解析| 班級年級 Class 2, Grade 7 Grade Seven 7. Whats this/that in English? 這/那個用英語怎么說? 此句是特殊疑問句;what是特殊疑問詞,要放在句 首,回答時用it 代替this 或that。 回答一般用:Its a/an 短語

7、:_“用英語/漢語/日語(說)” e.g. Whats this/that in English? “這/那個用英語怎么說?” _. “它是一支鉛筆?!?in English/Chinese/Japanese Its a pencil |考點解析| 8. Its a car. 意思是“它是一輛汽車。 Its an orange.意思是“它是一個橘子?!?a, an 是不定冠詞,意為“一個(件,張) a 用在以_開頭的詞前 an 用在以_開頭的詞前 e.g. _apple/orange/egg/eraser “一個蘋果/橘子/雞蛋/一塊橡皮擦” _“一本英語書” _“一個舊書包” 輔音音素 元音

8、音素 an English book an old bag an |考點解析| 1. 問候: (1) Hello! / Hi! / Good morning (afternoon, evening). Hello! / Hi! / Good morning (afternoon, evening). (2) Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. (3) How are you? Fine, thank you. And you? Im fine, too. |功能意念| 2. 介紹某人: (1) How do you do? How do you d

9、o? (2) Whos she/he ? Shes Deng Yaping./Hes Stephen Hawking. (3) Where are you/is she (he) from? Im / Shes / Hes from China / Canada / England. (4) Where do you/does he (she) come from? I come / He (She) comes from Japan / the USA. |功能意念| (6) How old are you/is he (she)? Im/Hes/Shes year(s) old. (7)

10、What class (grade) are you/is he (she) in ? Im/Hes/Shes in Class(Grade) . (8) Whats your/his/her telephone number? My/His / Her telephone number is / Its (9) What does he/she look like? He/She has short hair, a round face and big ears. (5) Whats your/his/her name? My/His/Her name is Lin Ping/Li Lei/

11、Han Mei. |功能意念| 3. 告別: Good bye! bye! 4. 感謝: Thank you. / Thanks. / Thank you very much. / Thanks a lot. Thats OK. / Youre welcome. |功能意念| 5. 介紹某物: (1) Whats this/that/it? Its a(n) (2) What are these/those / they? They are (some) books/knives/tomatoes/babies. (3) What color is/are the ? Its/Theyre r

12、ed/green/ (4) Whose cap(s) is it/are they? Its/Theyre mine/yours/hers / his / theirs. |功能意念| 6. 喜好: Whats your/his/her favorite ? My/His/Her favorite is |功能意念| 一、be的使用。 口訣1: 我用am,你用are;is用在他、她、它; 單數(shù)is復(fù)數(shù)are;你們、我們、他們也用are。 口訣2: (我I)用am,(你you)用are, is跟著(他he)(她she)(它it), is跟著單數(shù)走, 復(fù)數(shù)永遠連著are。 |語法梳理| 1. be

13、 動詞 肯定句中,常放在主語后。 e.g. I am from Canada. “我來自加拿大?!?He is Mike. “他是邁克。” |語法梳理| 2. be 動詞 用于否定句中,其后加not,也可用縮寫形式nt e.g. I am not=Im not is not = isnt are not =arent Im not from Canada. “我不是來自加拿大?!?She isnt Maria. “她不是瑪麗亞?!?|語法梳理| 3. be動詞 用于一般疑問句中 在一般問句中,動詞be 位于句首,其答語常用yes或no 簡略回答為肯定回答時,動詞be 不能用縮寫形式 e.g.

14、Is he /she from Japan? “他/她來自日本嗎?” Yes, he/she is. “是,他/她是?!?No, he/she isnt. “不,他/她不是?!?|語法梳理| 4. be 動詞 用于特殊疑問句中。 疑問詞+一般疑問句? e.g. Is he Li Ming ? “他是李明嗎?” Where are you from? “你來自哪里?” |語法梳理| 5. 縮寫形式。 notnt: is not = isnt are not =arent iss: what is=whats he is=hes its =it is thats =that is name is

15、= names arere: they are=theyre we are=were you are = youre |語法梳理| 二、名詞 名詞分為_名詞和_名詞。 可數(shù)名詞又分為_和_兩種形式。 單數(shù)名詞前用a/ an, 復(fù)數(shù)名詞前可用數(shù)詞或some, any, many, a lot of, few, a few, plenty of等詞。 |語法梳理| 可數(shù)不可數(shù) 單數(shù)復(fù)數(shù) 1. 以s, x, ch, sh結(jié)尾的詞后加-es。 e.g. busbuses boxboxes watchwatches 名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式構(gòu)成如下: |語法梳理| 2. 以f, fe結(jié)尾的詞,應(yīng)去f,fe后再加v

16、es。 e.g. leafleaves knifeknives 3. 以輔音字母加y結(jié)尾的詞,先去y再加ies。 e.g. babybabies 口訣: (妻子wife)持(刀knife)去宰(狼wolf), (小偷thief)嚇得發(fā)了慌; 躲在(架shelf)后保(己self)(命life), (半half)片(樹葉leaf)遮目光。 |語法梳理| 4. 以輔音字母加o結(jié)尾的詞,有兩種: 一種是詞尾后加es; e.g. heroheroes, tomatotomatoes, potatopotatoes; 另一種是詞尾后直接加s。 e.g. photophotos, pianopianos,

17、 kilokilos 口訣: (英雄hero)愛吃(西紅柿tomato)和(土豆potato) |語法梳理| 5. 特殊變化的詞。 e.g. man_ woman _ foot _ tooth _ child _ mouse _ Englishman _ Englishwoman _ men women feet teeth children mice Englishmen Englishwomen |語法梳理| 6. 單、復(fù)數(shù)同形的詞。 e.g. _ Chinese,Japanese,sheep, deer,fish |語法梳理| 7. 有man,woman修飾后面名詞的單詞變?yōu)閺?fù)數(shù)形式時,

18、 要兩個同時變?yōu)閺?fù)數(shù)。 e.g. man teacher_, woman doctor _ men teachers women doctors 看圖寫句子是根據(jù)一幅或一組圖畫,以及若干英語 提示語; 要求考生根據(jù)圖畫內(nèi)容,寫出若干句內(nèi)容符合語 境、意思連貫、語法正確的句子。 看圖寫句子答題技巧 認真觀察每幅圖畫所提供的信息,把握各圖中關(guān)鍵 情節(jié)及其相互關(guān)系,如人物、地點、時間、動作等; (1)認真審圖,把握主題。 將圖畫所要表達的主題與相應(yīng)的提示語聯(lián)系起來, 構(gòu)思出一個完整的語段。 看圖寫話題的解題思路 在寫句子時,要注意盡量運用自己熟悉的句型來進 行表達; (2)確定句型,逐圖描述。 運用語法知識連詞成句,逐圖進行描述。 最后結(jié)合各圖,檢查所寫句子: 表達是否準確清楚,句子結(jié)構(gòu)是否正確; 時態(tài)構(gòu)成是否完整,檢查單詞的大小寫; 標點符號是否有錯。 (3)圖文對照,檢查修改。 nose,


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