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1、 Labour breeds our body, learning breads our soul. 勞動(dòng)教養(yǎng)了身體,勞動(dòng)教養(yǎng)了身體,學(xué)習(xí)學(xué)習(xí)教養(yǎng)了心靈。教養(yǎng)了心靈。 -史密斯史密斯 Work is the true source of human welfare. 勞動(dòng)是人類的勞動(dòng)是人類的幸福幸福之源。之源。 Labour is often the father of pleasure. 勞動(dòng)是快活的根源。勞動(dòng)是快活的根源。 - 伏爾泰伏爾泰 Work is the glorious duty of every able-bodied citizen. 勞動(dòng)是一切具有勞動(dòng)能力公民的光榮職責(zé)。

2、勞動(dòng)是一切具有勞動(dòng)能力公民的光榮職責(zé)。 Do you know any sayings about labour ? What housework do you often do at home? Do you often do these chores? housework 家務(wù)事家務(wù)事 Chore 家庭雜務(wù);日常的零星事務(wù);家庭雜務(wù);日常的零星事務(wù); 討厭的或累人的工作討厭的或累人的工作 chores wash clothes do the laundry fold the clothes chores cook meal do the dishes sweep the floor tak

3、e out the rubbish clean the living room make the bed Could you often do these things at home ? which do you like to do best ? Which do you dislike to do best? 1.wash clothes 2. fold clothes 3. cook meal 4.do the dishes 5. Sweep the floor 6. take out the rubbish 7. clean the living room 8. make the b

4、ed I often _. I like to _best. I dislike to _best. But I have to _every day. 1b Listen. who will do these chores? Check Peters mother or Peter. Chores Peters mother Peter do the dishes sweep the floor take out the rubbish make the bed fold the clothes clean the living room Important phrases come ove

5、r 順便來(lái)訪;過來(lái)順便來(lái)訪;過來(lái) clean up the kitchen 打掃干凈廚房打掃干凈廚房 do the dishes 洗餐具洗餐具 sweep the floor打掃地板打掃地板 take out the rubbish倒垃圾倒垃圾 make your bed 整理你的床鋪整理你的床鋪 fold your clothes 疊你的衣服疊你的衣服 all right 好的好的 clean the living room 打掃客廳打掃客廳 Retell the dialogue Peters grandma is _ at seven. So his mother needs to _

6、the house. She asks Peter to _ her. But Peter needs to _ first. Then after that Peter can _ the rubbish, _his bed and _ his clothes. His mother has to _ the dishes, _ the floor and _ the living room. They have to _ the house before Peters grandma _. coming over clean help finish his homework take ou

7、t makefold dosweep clean clean up arrive take out 帶出去帶出去,取出取出 Please take out a piece of paper. Please take it out. take 。out “把把帶出去帶出去” My father is taking me out to go for a drive. take 有關(guān)的短語(yǔ)有關(guān)的短語(yǔ) (1)take off 脫下;(飛機(jī))起飛脫下;(飛機(jī))起飛 -Please take off your coat, Its warm here. -The plane took off at 9:00

8、 am. (2)take to 把。帶到。把。帶到。 (3)take sb. for a walk 帶某人去散步帶某人去散步 (4)take exercise 運(yùn)動(dòng),鍛煉運(yùn)動(dòng),鍛煉 (5)take ones time 不用急,慢慢來(lái)不用急,慢慢來(lái) (6)take a bus(ship/train)乘坐公共汽車乘坐公共汽車 (7)take turns 輪流,替換輪流,替換 (8)It takes sb. sometimes to do sth. 做某事花做某事花 費(fèi)某人多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間費(fèi)某人多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間 look after baby brother, Cookmake dinner wash the ca

9、r wash the clothes go shopping What chore is Mrs Green doing? Shes sweeping the floor. 要插入圖片 What chore is Miss Li doing? Shes doing the dishes. What chore is she doing now She is cooking. What chore is Sally doing? She is taking out the trash. We Love our parents. We help do the chores. Period 2 Wh

10、at do you do on weekends? help with housework do homework I think you also do many things for fun. Do you? What things do you often do for fun? Can you say some? Can you say some? hang out with good friends watch TV go shopping play computer games play sports play cards No matter what you do , you s

11、hould ask your parents if they can agree with you first . Especially, do the following things. stay out late 在外面呆到很晚在外面呆到很晚 go to the movies 去看電影去看電影 go out for dinner 去外面吃飯去外面吃飯 Now, we will listen to a conversation about Peter and his father. Listen carefully and check yes or no. Peter wants to Pe

12、ters father says His fathers reasons go out for dinner _yes _no I have to do some Work. go to the movies _yes _no You have to clean your room. stay out late _yes _no I need to eat breakfast. get a ride _yes _no You have a basketball game. Important phrases about 2b. go out for dinner外出吃飯外出吃飯 go to t

13、he movies去看電影去看電影 the new action movie新的動(dòng)作片新的動(dòng)作片 stay out late在外面呆很晚在外面呆很晚 get something to drink買一些喝的東西買一些喝的東西 have a good rest休息休息 give sb. a ride搭乘某人搭乘某人 No problem沒問題沒問題 1 work on 從事,忙于 He has worked on his company for ten years. 2d help out with sth. 幫助解決某事幫助解決某事 at least 至少至少 finish doing sth.

14、完成做某事完成做某事 be enough for sb.對(duì)某人足夠?qū)δ橙俗銐?be back from. 從從.回來(lái)回來(lái) any minute now 隨時(shí),馬上隨時(shí),馬上 pretty clean and tidy 相當(dāng)干凈和整潔相當(dāng)干凈和整潔 “mother clean” 媽媽所要的干凈媽媽所要的干凈 a few 少數(shù);幾個(gè)少數(shù);幾個(gè) 修飾可數(shù)名詞修飾可數(shù)名詞 表肯定表肯定 few 幾乎沒有的;很少的幾乎沒有的;很少的 修飾可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)修飾可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù) 表否定表否定 a little 一點(diǎn);少許一點(diǎn);少許 修飾不可數(shù)名詞,表肯定修飾不可數(shù)名詞,表肯定 little 幾乎沒有的;很少的幾乎沒

15、有的;很少的 修飾不可數(shù)名詞,表否定修飾不可數(shù)名詞,表否定 help out with sth 給予幫助給予幫助 You always watch TV and never help out around the house. any minute now 隨時(shí)隨時(shí) 馬上馬上 The guests are arriving any time now but we are still not ready. Period 3 come home from school 從學(xué)校回來(lái)從學(xué)?;貋?lái) threw (throw) down 扔下扔下 the minute 一一就就 in front of st

16、h. 在在前面前面 come over 過來(lái)過來(lái) take the dog for a walk帶狗去散步帶狗去散步 reply angrily 生氣地回復(fù)到生氣地回復(fù)到 all the time一直一直 around the house整個(gè)家整個(gè)家 all day一整天一整天 all evening一整夜一整夜 Im just as tired as you are. 我也和你一樣累我也和你一樣累 as +adj. as 與與一樣一樣 shout back 反駁反駁 walk away 走開了走開了 neither did I 我也沒有我也沒有 in surprise 驚訝地驚訝地 shar

17、e the housework分擔(dān)家務(wù)分擔(dān)家務(wù) a clean and comfortable home 一個(gè)干凈舒服的家一個(gè)干凈舒服的家 question 強(qiáng)調(diào)于學(xué)習(xí)上的問題和科學(xué)方面問題強(qiáng)調(diào)于學(xué)習(xí)上的問題和科學(xué)方面問題 eg:answer the question problem 強(qiáng)調(diào)于生活上的強(qiáng)調(diào)于生活上的問題,比如借東西,對(duì)問題,比如借東西,對(duì) 方說:方說:NO problem as.as. 與與.一樣一樣 同級(jí)比較同級(jí)比較 neither conj. 也不也不 neither+助動(dòng)詞助動(dòng)詞+主語(yǔ)主語(yǔ) He isnt coming here, neither am I . pron.

18、兩者都不兩者都不 Neither of us did any housework for a week. Neither of them knows English. Nor/neither +be/助動(dòng)詞助動(dòng)詞/情態(tài)動(dòng)詞情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+主語(yǔ)主語(yǔ) 某人也不是如此某人也不是如此 So +主語(yǔ)主語(yǔ)+be/助動(dòng)詞助動(dòng)詞/情態(tài)動(dòng)詞情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 某人確實(shí)如此某人確實(shí)如此 Betty is a nice girl. So she is . So +be/助動(dòng)詞助動(dòng)詞/情態(tài)動(dòng)詞情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+主語(yǔ)主語(yǔ) 某人也是如此某人也是如此 neither.nor. 既不.也不 eg:Neither you nor I am right

19、. 他喜歡讀書,我也是他喜歡讀書,我也是 He likes reading very much. So do I . 我從來(lái)沒有去過廣州大學(xué),他也是我從來(lái)沒有去過廣州大學(xué),他也是 I have never been to Guangzhou University, neither has he. the minute =as soon as 一一.就就.,引導(dǎo)時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句。引導(dǎo)時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句。 這個(gè)短語(yǔ)用的比較常用,口語(yǔ)和書面語(yǔ)都這個(gè)短語(yǔ)用的比較常用,口語(yǔ)和書面語(yǔ)都 可以。它的特點(diǎn)是,在句子中的位置比較可以。它的特點(diǎn)是,在句子中的位置比較 靈活,而且可以用于各種時(shí)態(tài)。例如:靈活,而且可以用于各種

20、時(shí)態(tài)。例如: Ill write you as soon as(the minute)I get there. 我一到那兒就給你來(lái)信。(一般現(xiàn)在時(shí))我一到那兒就給你來(lái)信。(一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)) As soon as(the minute) I went in, Kate cried out with pleasure. 我一進(jìn)門,我一進(jìn)門,Kate 就高興的叫起來(lái)。(一般就高興的叫起來(lái)。(一般 過去時(shí))過去時(shí)) in surprise 吃驚地吃驚地 surprise un. 驚奇;驚訝驚奇;驚訝 cn.令人驚奇的事物令人驚奇的事物 I looked at him in great surprise b

21、ecause he changed so much. I have a surprise for you. in front of就是指在某物的前方。就是指在某物的前方。 in the front of是指在某物的內(nèi)部靠是指在某物的內(nèi)部靠 前的地方。前的地方。 比如比如Sit in the front of the classroom. 指坐在教室前排的。指坐在教室前排的。 Sit in front of the classroom指坐在指坐在 教室前面(教室外面的前面。)教室前面(教室外面的前面。) 1Because she never helps out around the house.

22、 2Yes, they did. Nancy said sorry to her mother ,and she understood to share the housework with her mother. 1 For a week , she did not do any housework and neither did I . 2 The minute I sat down in front of the TV, my mom come over. 3 I m just as tired as you are. d a c e b 4a hang out 閑逛閑逛 here yo

23、u are 給你給你 pass sb. sth.=pass sth. to sb. 把某物遞給某人把某物遞給某人 borrow sth. from sb. 從某人處借(進(jìn))某物從某人處借(進(jìn))某物 lend sth. to sb.把某物借(出)給某人把某物借(出)給某人 lend “借給;借出借給;借出” 表示表示“把某物借給某人把某物借給某人”,lend sth to sb borrow“借進(jìn);借入借進(jìn);借入” 表示表示“向某人借某物向某人借某物”,borrow sth from sb keep 做做“借借”講時(shí),是延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞,通常講時(shí),是延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞,通常 表示借了某物多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間,常與表示一段

24、時(shí)表示借了某物多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間,常與表示一段時(shí) 間的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)連用間的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)連用 do Could help Could fold Could please can 1. Could you please clean your room? Yes, sure./ Of course/ Certainly. 2.Could you please do the dishes? Sorry/ No, I cant. Could youCould you(pleaseplease)+ + V V- -原形原形? 表示委婉地提出表示委婉地提出請(qǐng)求請(qǐng)求 I have a headache. Im very bus

25、y. I have to do my homework. 2) Would you like to do sth? 3 ) Shall I/we do sth? 4 ) Lets do sth. 也可表示請(qǐng)求。也可表示請(qǐng)求。 1) Would you mind cleaning your room ? Could I stay out late? Could I please use the car? Sorry, you cant. I have to go to a meeting. Could I please get a ride? No, you have a test tomorr

26、ow. Yes, you can. 3. could與與can的區(qū)別的區(qū)別 could與與can都是情態(tài)動(dòng)詞,都是情態(tài)動(dòng)詞,could是是can的過去的過去 式。二者都可用于式。二者都可用于 表示請(qǐng)求。但是用法稍有表示請(qǐng)求。但是用法稍有 不同。不同。 can表示一般性的請(qǐng)求,語(yǔ)氣隨便,常用于熟表示一般性的請(qǐng)求,語(yǔ)氣隨便,常用于熟 人之間或長(zhǎng)輩對(duì)輩,上級(jí)對(duì)下級(jí)的場(chǎng)合;人之間或長(zhǎng)輩對(duì)輩,上級(jí)對(duì)下級(jí)的場(chǎng)合; Can you tell us your story , Tony ? could表示有禮貌的請(qǐng)求,語(yǔ)氣委婉,常用于表示有禮貌的請(qǐng)求,語(yǔ)氣委婉,常用于 非熟人之間或晚輩對(duì)長(zhǎng)輩,下級(jí)對(duì)上級(jí)的場(chǎng)合。

27、非熟人之間或晚輩對(duì)長(zhǎng)輩,下級(jí)對(duì)上級(jí)的場(chǎng)合。 Could you tell us if it snows in winter in Australia ? Sure . tent bring a tent Section B Period 1 permit v.允許允許 permission n. 許可許可 permit doing sth. Time doesnt permit my waiting longer. 時(shí)間時(shí)間 不允許我等得太久。不允許我等得太久。 The rules of the club do not permit smoking. 這個(gè)俱樂部規(guī)定不準(zhǔn)吸煙。這個(gè)俱樂部規(guī)定不準(zhǔn)

28、吸煙。 permit sb. to do sth. His health does not permit him to come. 他的他的 健康健康(狀況狀況)不允許他來(lái)。不允許他來(lái)。 Her father would not permit her to eat sweets. 她父親不允許她吃糖果。她父親不允許她吃糖果。 1a 1.buy some drinks and snacks_ 2.borrow some money_ 3.clean your room_ 4.invite my friends to a party_ 5.go to the store._ 6. use your

29、 CD player_ 7.take out the rubbish_ 8.make your bed_ 1b use the phrases in 1a to make conversation. Parent: could you _? Child: Yes, I can. Child: Could I _? Parent: No, you _. 1c 1.buy some drinks and snacks_ 2.borrow some money_ 3.clean your room_ 4.invite my friends to a party_ 5.go to the store.

30、_ 6. use your CD player_ 7.take out the rubbish_ 8.make your bed_ 1d Listen again. Fill in the chart. Sandy wants to have a party. She wants to _her friends to the party on Saturday. She needs to buy some _and _. So she wants to _ some money _her mother. However, her mother will buy these _ her. Alt

31、hough Sandy _her room last week, she needs to clean it again for the party. She wants to use CD_. But she should be _ with it. And one more thing she could _ the big chairs _ the bedroom and clean the living room. Sandy s good friend Dave is _early on Saturday to _her. invite from borrow snacksdrink

32、s cominghelp player for cleaned careful moveto invite sb. to do sth.邀請(qǐng)某人做某事邀請(qǐng)某人做某事 sounds like fun 聽上去有趣聽上去有趣 What for? 為什么呢?為什么呢? be careful with sth. 對(duì)對(duì)小心小心 move sth. to 把把搬到搬到 on Saturday 在星期六在星期六 Period 2 Passage 1 make sb . do sth. 使某人做某事使某人做某事 have enough stress有十足的壓力有十足的壓力 have time to do sth

33、. 有時(shí)間做某事有時(shí)間做某事 a waste of their time他們時(shí)間的浪費(fèi)他們時(shí)間的浪費(fèi) spend time on sth.花時(shí)間在某方面上花時(shí)間在某方面上 in order to do sth.為為做做 get into a good university 進(jìn)入好大學(xué)進(jìn)入好大學(xué) provide sth. for sb.=provide sb. With sth. 給某人提供某物給某人提供某物 mind (not) doing sth. 介意做某事介意做某事 Passage 2 Its +adj. +(for sb.)+to do sth. 對(duì)于某人來(lái)說做某事是對(duì)于某人來(lái)說做某事

34、是 how to do chores 怎么做家務(wù)活怎么做家務(wù)活 depend on sth. 依靠依靠 look after themselves 照顧他們自己照顧他們自己 the idea of fairness 公平的觀點(diǎn)公平的觀點(diǎn) do ones part in doing sth.盡自己的職責(zé)做盡自己的職責(zé)做 as a result 結(jié)果結(jié)果 fall ill 生病生病 The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future. pros贊成贊成cons反對(duì)反對(duì) 1.Doing chores helps to develop childrens independence 2.Doing chores teaches them how to look after themselves. 3.It also helps them to understand the idea of fairness. 1.Housework is a waste of childrens time. 2.The


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