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1、1 Grammar The Simple Past Tense 2 What did . do yesterday? played They They played basketball yesterday. 3 danced He What did . do just now? He danced just now. 4 Your brother studied What did . do at that time? My brother studied English at that time. 5 You shopped What did . do last Sunday? I shop

2、ped last Sunday. 6 The boys went What did . do ten minutes ago? The boys went to school ten minutes ago. 7 1. They played basketball yesterday. 2. He danced just now. 3. My brother studied English at that time. 4. I shopped last Sunday. 5. The boys went to school ten minutes ago. The Simple Past Ten

3、se 一般過去時一般過去時 8 變化規(guī)則 例詞 dance danced live lived like liked play played stay stayed study studied cry cried try tried shop shopped stop stopped plan planned (計劃) 動詞過去式構(gòu)成(規(guī)則變化)動詞過去式構(gòu)成(規(guī)則變化) workworked watch watched want wanted 一般情況,詞尾加-ed 以e結(jié)尾的詞加-d 以“元音字母元音字母+ y”結(jié)尾的 詞,直接加-ed 以“輔音字母輔音字母+ y”結(jié)尾的 詞,變y為i,再

4、加-ed 以“輔音字母輔音字母+元音字母元音字母+輔音輔音 字母字母”重讀閉音節(jié)重讀閉音節(jié)結(jié)尾的,雙 寫末尾輔音字母,再加-ed 9 動詞過去式構(gòu)成(不規(guī)則變化)動詞過去式構(gòu)成(不規(guī)則變化) 中文原形過去式中文原形過去式 是bewas/were吃eatate 開始beginbegan開車drivedrove 唱歌singsang騎riderode 奔跑runran找到findfound 感到feelfelt喂養(yǎng)feedfed 畫畫drawdrew飛flyflew 帶來bringbrought打架fightfought 買buybought忘記forgetforgot 抓住catchcaught

5、得到getgot 有have/hashad給givegave 來comecame成長growgrew 做do/doesdid帶走taketook 切,砍cutcut去gowent 保持keepkept聽見hearheard 睡覺sleepslept閱讀readread 丟失loselost看見seesaw 10 1.在以在以清輔音清輔音結(jié)尾的規(guī)則動詞后結(jié)尾的規(guī)則動詞后, -ed讀作讀作/ t / work /w3:k/ ed t/ 2.在以在以濁輔音或元音濁輔音或元音結(jié)尾的規(guī)則動詞后結(jié)尾的規(guī)則動詞后, -ed讀作讀作/d / play /pleI / live /lIv / ed d / ed

6、 d/ 3.在以在以/t/或或/d/結(jié)尾的規(guī)則動詞后結(jié)尾的規(guī)則動詞后, -ed讀作讀作/Id / visit /vIzIt / ed Id/ 11 翻譯下列句子。翻譯下列句子。 1. 我昨天吃了一個蘋果。 2. 他們上周觀看了籃球比賽。 3. 格林一家十年前居住在這兒。 4.Tom剛剛在家做了家庭作業(yè)。 I ate an apple yesterday. They watched basketball games last week. The Greens lived here ten years ago. Tom did homework at home just now. 肯定句結(jié)構(gòu):主語

7、肯定句結(jié)構(gòu):主語+動詞過去式動詞過去式+其他其他否定句結(jié)構(gòu):否定句結(jié)構(gòu): I didnt eat an apple yesterday. 助動詞:助動詞:do/doesdid dont/doesntdidnt They didnt watch basketball games last week. The Greens didnt live here ten years ago. 主語主語+didnt+V原形原形+其他其他 Tom didnt do homework at home just now. 12 一般疑問句結(jié)構(gòu):一般疑問句結(jié)構(gòu): 1. I ate an apple yesterda

8、y. 2. They watched basketball games last week. 3. The Greens lived here ten years ago. 4. Tom did homework at home just now. 助動詞:助動詞:do/doesdid Did you eat an apple yesterday? Yes, I did./No, I didnt. Did they watch basketball games last week? Yes, they did./No, they didnt. Did +主語主語+V原形原形+其他?其他? Di

9、d Tom do homework at home just now? Yes, he did./No, he didnt. 13 Tom did homework at home just now. What did Tom do at home just now? Tom did homework at home just now. Tom did homework at home just now. Where did Tom do homework just now? When did Tom do homework at home? 特殊疑問句結(jié)構(gòu):特殊疑問詞特殊疑問句結(jié)構(gòu):特殊疑問

10、詞+(不完整)一般疑問句?(不完整)一般疑問句? 14 I was in Chengdu ten years ago. Where were you ten years ago? I was in Chengdu ten years ago. Lily was 13 last year. When were you in Chengdu? How old was Lily last year? 15 Exercise: 一、用所給詞的正確形式填空。一、用所給詞的正確形式填空。 1. Julie_her clothes last night. (wash) 2. The singer_a bea

11、utiful song just now. (sing) 3. Many people_because of the illness in 2019.(die) 4. Ten minutes ago, a bird_in the sky. (fly) 5. We just_at home at that time. (stay) 6. There_many doctors many years ago.(be not) washed sang died flew stayed werent 16 1. I _ the number down on a piece of paper a moment ago. A. take B. taked C. took 2. He always _me last term. A. helped B. helps C. help 3. _ your friends _a good time in the park that day? A. Did;had B. Did;have C.Were;have 4. Lily_the door and went to school. A. closes B. c


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