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1、會(huì)計(jì)學(xué)1 綜合教程綜合教程Unit1Neversaygoodbye2 SFS, SCNU 第1頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU 第2頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU 第3頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU 第4頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU 1. When I was ten I was suddenly confronted with the anguish of moving from the only home I had ever known. My whole life, brief as it was, had been spent in that big old house, g

2、racefully touched with the laughter and tears of four generations. 2. When the final day came, I ran to the haven of the small back porch and sat alone, shuddering, as tears welled up from my heart. Suddenly I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I looked up to see my grandfather. “It isnt easy, is it,

3、Billy?” he said softly, sitting down on the steps beside me. Never Say Goodbye Detailed reading 第5頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Detailed reading 3. “Grandpa,” I replied through my tears, “how can I ever say goodbye to you and all my friends?” 4. For a moment he just stared off into the apple trees. “Goodbye is s

4、uch a sad word,” he said. “It seems too final, too cold, for friends to use. We seem to have so many ways of saying goodbye and they all have one thing in common: sadness.” 第6頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Detailed reading 5. I continued to look into his face. He gently took my hand in his. “Come with me, my frie

5、nd,” he whispered. 6. We walked, hand in hand, to his favorite place in the front yard, where a huge red rosebush sat conspicuously alone. 7. “What do you see here, Billy?” He asked. 8. I looked at the flowers, not knowing what to say, and then answered, “I see something soft and beautiful, Grandpa.

6、” 9. Kneeling, he pulled me close. “It isnt just the roses that are beautiful, Billy. Its that special place in your heart that makes them so.” 第7頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Detailed reading 10. His eyes met mine again. “Billy, I planted these roses a long, long time ago before your mother was even a dream. I

7、put them into the soil the day my first son was born. It was my way of saying thank you to God. That boys name was Billy, just like yours. I used to watch him pick roses for his mother.” 11. I saw my grandfathers tears. I had never seen him cry before. His voice became hoarse. 12. “One day a terribl

8、e war came, and my son, like so many sons, went away to fight a great evil. He and I walked to the train station together . Three months later a telegram came. My son had died in some tiny village in Italy. All I could think of was that the last thing I said to him in this life was goodbye.” 第8頁(yè)/共75

9、頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Detailed reading 13. Grandpa slowly stood up. “Dont ever say goodbye, Billy. Dont ever give in to the sadness and the loneliness of that word. I want you to remember instead the joy and the happiness of those times when you first said hello to a friend. Take that special hello and lock i

10、t away within you in that place in your heart where summer is an always time. When you and your friends must part, I want you to reach deep within you and bring back that first hello.” 第9頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU 14. A year and half later, my grandfather became gravely ill. When he returned from several week

11、s in the hospital, he wanted his bed next to the window, where he could see his beloved rosebush. 15. Then the family was summoned and I returned to the old house. It was decided that the oldest grandchildren would be allowed to say their goodbyes. Detailed reading 第10頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU 16. When it ca

12、me to my turn, I noted how tired he looked. His eyes were closed and his breathing was slow and hard. 17. I took his hand as gently as he had once taken mine. 18. “Hello, Grandpa,” I whispered. His eyes slowly opened. 19. “Hello, my friend,” he said, with a brief smile. His eyes closed again and I m

13、oved on. Detailed reading 第11頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Detailed reading 20. I was standing by his rosebush when an uncle came to tell me that my grandfather had died. Remembering Grandpas words, I reached deep within me for those special feelings that had made up our friendship. Suddenly, and truly, I knew w

14、hat he had meant about never saying goodbye about refusing to give in to the sadness. 第12頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Detailed reading1-2- The authors home was a large old house, in which four generations had lived in harmony and experienced both happiness and sadness. Detailed reading Paragraph 1 Question What

15、 do you know about the authors home? 第13頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Paragraph 2 Question Why did the author shudder and shed tears when the final day came? Detailed reading1-2- Because he was extremely reluctant to leave and could not bear to say goodbye to his grandfather and his friends as well as to his big

16、 old house. Detailed reading 第14頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU confront: vt. 1) be faced with and have to deal with Detailed reading e.g. The actress was confronted by a large group of reporters as she left the stage door. Whenever we are confronted with any difficulties, we shouldnt give up what we are doing. De

17、tailed reading 2) force to deal with or accept the truths of; bring face to face with e.g. When the police confronted her with the evidence, she confessed she was guilty. 第15頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Detailed reading Collocations: be confronted with confront sb. with sth. Detailed reading Synonyms: encounter

18、, face 第16頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU anguish: n. very great pain and suffering, esp. of the mind Detailed reading e.g.Lear, a broken, confused old man, died in anguish. 李爾王,這位身心交瘁、精神恍惚的老人在痛苦中死去。 Derivations: anguished: adj. anguish: vt. Synonyms: pain, suffering Detailed reading 第17頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Detailed r

19、eading Detailed reading Exercise: Choose the proper word to fill in each blank in the following sentences. anguish anguished Outsiders will find it hard to imagine the mental we had to go through. An look appeared on her face. She was in over her missing child. (1) (2) (3) anguish _ anguished _ _ an

20、guish _ 第18頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU gracefully: adv. 1)in an attractively and effortlessly fine and smooth manner Detailed reading e.g. Already in her fifties, she danced gracefully on the stage last night, attracting a large audience. The figure skater glided gracefully on the ice. 花樣滑冰者在冰上優(yōu)雅地滑行。 Detailed

21、reading 2) in a way that shows willingness to behave fairly and honorably e.g. The request was gracefully refused. 這個(gè)請(qǐng)求被有禮貌地回絕了。 第19頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Detailed reading Derivations: graceful: adj. grace n. Detailed reading Comparison: gracious, graceful graceful: moving in a smooth and attractive way,

22、or having an attractive shape or form gracious: behaving in a polite, kind, and generous way, especially to people of a lower rank. Thank you for your hospitality. The lady of small waist is elegant and . gracious _ graceful _ 第20頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU touch: vt. cause one to feel pity, sympathy, etc. e.g

23、. Her plight has touched the hearts of people around the world. 她所處的困境牽動(dòng)著全世界人民的心。 The environmental problems touch us all. 這些環(huán)境問(wèn)題與我們所有人都有關(guān)。 第21頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Collocation: be touched with e.g. Her hair is touched with grey. 她有些灰發(fā)了。 Derivations: touched: adj. touching: adj. Detailed reading 第22頁(yè)/共75

24、頁(yè) SFS, SCNU shudder: vi. shake uncontrollably for a moment, esp. from fear, cold, or dislike shudder at/with Detailed reading- e.g. She shuddered at the sight of the dead body. 她一看到那具尸體就不寒而栗。 Detailed reading Comparison: shudder, shake shudder: vi. It suggests a more intense shaking, which is less n

25、oticeable to an onlooker. shake: vt. to be supported by e.g. She sat down and rested her feet on the chair. Detailed reading e.g.His hopes rest on the leader. 他的希望全寄托在領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者的身上。 2)(esp. of a proof, argument, etc.) be based on; be grounded on; depend on e.g. Our policy should rest on the basis of self-r

26、eliance. 我們的政策要建立在自力更生的基礎(chǔ)之上。 第26頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Paragraph 4 Question Why did his grandfather advise him not to use the word “goodbye” to friends? Detailed reading4 Because the word “goodbye” seemed too final, too cold, for friends to use and it implied sadness. His grandfather wanted him to recall

27、the joy and happy events of the life instead of feeling sad and miserable. Detailed reading 第27頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU through: prep. (1) in at one side, end, or surface of something and out at the other e.g. We couldnt see through the mist. Is it quicker to drive straight through the center? Detailed read

28、ing e.g. The monkeys swung through the trees. I searched through my papers for the missing documents. (2) among or between the parts or members of 第28頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU stare: vi. (1) look steadily for a long time, e.g. in great surprise or shock e.g. The child stared the stranger up and down. 這個(gè)孩子上上下

29、下地打量著這個(gè)陌生人。 He was staring, thinking. Detailed reading e.g. The lies in the report stared out at us from every paragraph. (2) be very plain to see; be obvious 第29頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Detailed reading Collocations: stare sb. down/out 盯得某人局促不安 stare sb. into silence 瞪得某人啞口無(wú)言 stare sb. up and down 上下打量某人 s

30、tare sb. in the face 近在眼前 第30頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU My whole life, brief as it was, had been spent in that big old house, gracefully touched with the laughter and tears of four generations. Detailed reading-S My Explanation: “brief as it was”: In a formal style, as can be used in a special word order to m

31、ean although. The construction suggests a very emphatic contrast. Paraphrase: I spent my whole life, although it was so brief, in that big old house, in which four generations of our family had lived harmoniously and experienced both happiness and sadness. Detailed reading 第31頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Detail

32、ed reading-SMy Frosty as it was, they still went out. (Although it was very extremely cold, they still went out.) Bravely as they fought, they had no chance of winning. (Although they fought so bravely, they had no chance of winning.) Detailed reading Translation: 我生命中所有的時(shí)光,雖然很短暫,卻都是在那座古老 的大房子里度過(guò)的,那

33、里留下了我們四代人的歡樂和悲 傷。 第32頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. Detailed reading S_I felt Question: Do you know some other words which can be followed by the “object + infinitive (without to )” structure? Hear, listen, let, make, have, notice, watch, etc. Explanation: The word feel can be f

34、ollowed by the “object + infinitive (without to )” structure. Did you feel the earth move? He felt her hand tense up in his. Detailed reading 第33頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Detailed readingS_ I Translation: 我感到有只手搭在我的肩上。 Detailed reading 第34頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Paragraphs 5-13 Question Why did the authors grandfat

35、her take him to see the rosebush in the front yard? Detailed reading5-9- The authors grandfather wanted to tell him the story about the planting of the roses and explain to him the reason not to say goodbye to ones relatives and friends. Detailed reading 第35頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Paragraph 10 Question Why

36、 did the authors grandfather plant those roses? Detailed reading10 To thank God for his good fortune of having his first son by planting those roses. Detailed reading 第36頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Paragraph 13 Question What kind of advice did the authors grandfather offer in Paragraph 13? Detailed reading13 N

37、ever give in to the sadness and the loneliness evoked by that word goodbye and remember instead the joy and the happiness of those times sharing with a friend. Detailed reading 第37頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU pick: vt. vi. 1) take what one likes or considers best, or most suitable from a group e.g. One of my si

38、sters has been picked for the Olympic team. The police asked him if he could pick (out) the killer from a series of photos. e.g. Machines pick the fruit from/off the trees. They spent the summer picking strawberries. Detailed reading 2) gather; pull or break off (part of a plant) from a tree or plan

39、t 第38頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU 3) take up or remove sth. separately or bit by bit using the fingers, a beak, a pointed instrument, etc. e.g. He was on his knees picking crumbs off the carpet. Detailed reading Comparison: choose, select, pick choose: It stresses a choice of the best suited between or among th

40、ings under consideration, which is the result of ones judgment. e.g. She said she had chosen the skirt because its color was just right for the season. 第39頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU e.g. You may select whatever you like as the birthday gift. Detailed reading select: It stresses a choice of sth. best to ones l

41、iking or desire among many things present through careful examination and discrimination, with a view to a given purpose. e.g. Mary picked a red skirt because she liked red. pick: It is an informal word and a synonym to select. 第40頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Detailed reading Exercise: Choose the proper word to

42、 fill each blank in the following sentences. choose select pick I a piece of fluff off my shiny black suit. After careful comparison, Beijing was as the city where the 2008 Olympic Games were to be held. Mr. Johnson was to participate in the project because of his being a fully qualified engineer. (

43、1) (2) (3) picked _ selecte d _ chosen_ _ 第41頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU hoarse adj. (of a voice) rough-sounding, as though the surface of the throat is rougher than usual, e.g. when the speaker has a sore throat e.g. Youll make yourself hoarse if you keep shouting like that! Detailed reading Comparison:husky,

44、 harsh, thick e.g.Shes got a nice husky voice very sexy. You sound husky do you have a cold? husky: (of a persons voice) low and rough, often in an attractive way, or because of illness 第42頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Detailed reading e.g. “There is no alternative,” she said in a harsh voice. Harsh(刺耳的)(刺耳的): u

45、npleasant to listen to e.g. Bills voice was thick and gruff(粗魯?shù)模? Thick (聲音粗、厚)(聲音粗、厚): not as clear or high as usual, for example because someone has been crying 第43頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU evil 1) n. a great wickedness or misfortune e.g. Drug-addiction is one of todays great social evils. Theres always a

46、conflict between good and evil in his plays. Detailed reading 2) adj. immoral, cruel, or very unpleasant e.g.Its a battle against the countrys most evil terrorists. Synonyms: corrupt, vicious, wicked, malicious Antonyms: good, honest, moral, sinless 第44頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Detailed reading tiny adj. ext

47、remely small; very small e.g. Though she was tiny, she had a very loud voice. Synonyms: mini, small, little, puny, slight Antonyms: big, enormous, great, huge, large, vast 第45頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Detailed reading Comparison:small, little, tiny e.g. Could I have a hamburger and a small Coke please? small

48、: It refers to size and is the usual opposite of “big” or “l(fā)arge”. e.g. They live in a beautiful little village. little: It refers to size but it also expresses the speakers feelings. 第46頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU part vt. (to cause to) separate or be no longer together e.g. To be parted from him even for onl

49、y two days made her sad. Tony bent to look out of the window, parting the curtains with one hand. Detailed reading Derivations: parted adj. parting n./adj. e.g. On his wall he has a poster of Marilyn Monroe, her lips forever parted (= separated) in anticipation. The pain of parting had lessened over

50、 the years. 第47頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Detailed reading Translation: 結(jié)婚這三十年間他們幾乎從未分開過(guò)。 The sunlight flooded the room when he parted the curtains. 他拉開窗簾,屋里頓時(shí)充滿了陽(yáng)光。 They were hardly ever parted in thirty years of marriage. 第48頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU bring back 1) cause to return Detailed reading-bring e.g. All libr

51、ary books must be brought back before the end of the term. Detailed reading 2) obtain and return with e.g. He always brings me back something nice when he goes abroad. Travellers brought back news of the outside world. 3) cause to return to the mind e.g. The photos brought back some wonderful memori

52、es. Seeing her again brought all the sweet memories back. 第49頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU 4) start to do or use something that was done or used in the past Detailed reading-bring e.g. Few politicians are in favour of bringing back the death penalty. He wants to bring back the glamour of the old Hollywood films.

53、 Detailed reading in on away up with back into Exercise:Fill in the blanks with one of the following prepositions. 1. People arrived at the site of the fire and began clearing the debris. away_ 第50頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Detailed reading-bring Detailed reading in on away up with back into He threw himself

54、wholeheartedly the fight against fascism. The storekeeper knew exactly where everything was and could lay his hands what he wanted in the dark. The fire heats the room within minutes. I wrote to Donna several months ago, but she hasnt written yet. This cakes very light compared the last one you made

55、. Ive got a pain my back. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. into_ on_ up _ back _ _ with_ in_ 第51頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Detailed reading-S_ Detailed reading . before your mother was even a dream. Paraphrase: . before your grandma and I could think about having a daughter/long before your mother was born. 第52頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, S

56、CNU Detailed reading-S_ I Detailed reading I used to watch him pick roses for his mother. Translation: 過(guò)去,我??吹剿麨樗赣H采摘玫瑰花。 Explanation: The word watch can be followed by the “object + infinitive (without to)” or “object + -ing” structure, but there is often a difference in meaning. The use of an infi

57、nitive indicates the whole of an action or event, and that of an -ing form suggests part of an action or event. I watched her cross the road. (from one side to the other) I watched her crossing the road. (in the middle of the road, on her way across) 第53頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Detailed reading-S_ Take Deta

58、iled reading Take that special hello and lock it away within you in that place in your heart where summer is an always time. Paraphrase: Bear that special hello in your mind and never forget it so that you will be always filled with the joy and happiness of summer. Explanation: Note that the word “a

59、lways” is usually an adverb, rarely used as an adjective. However, it is used as an adjective in this sentence by the writer in the meaning of “everlasting.” 第54頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Detailed reading-S_ Take Detailed reading Translation: 請(qǐng)將那特別的問(wèn)候深藏于心珍藏在你內(nèi)心那充滿永 恒夏日陽(yáng)光之處。 第55頁(yè)/共75頁(yè) SFS, SCNU Detailed readin

60、g-S_ Detailed reading When you and your friends must part, I want you to reach deep within you and bring back that first hello. Paraphrase: When you and your friends must separate, I hope that you can recall the joy and happiness you got when you first greeted each other. Translation: 在你必須與你朋友分別時(shí),希望


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