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1、2001年5月專(zhuān)業(yè)四級(jí)考試:Write on ANSWER SHEET ONE a note of about 50-60 words based on the follow ingsituati on:Yesterday you failed to turn up for the appo in tme nt with your teacher,Professor Wang. Write him a note of apology and make a request for ano thermeet ing. You should also suggest the time for the

2、 requested meeti ng.Marks willbe awarded for content, orga ni zati on, grammar and appropriate ness.Format2003年5月專(zhuān)業(yè)四級(jí)考試:SECTION B NOTE-WRITING 10 MIN. Write a note of about 50 - 60 words basedon the follow ing situati on:You have heard that your friend, Jack, wishes to sellhis walkma n. Write him a

3、note express ing your in terest i n it, ask ing him aboutits condition and offering a price for it. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.Headi ng=solutati on英語(yǔ)應(yīng)用文寫(xiě)作之便條寫(xiě)法(03/02)便條是一種簡(jiǎn)單的書(shū)信。雖然內(nèi)容簡(jiǎn)單,但卻有其獨(dú)特的風(fēng)格。主要目的是為了盡快地把最新的信息、通知、要求或者活動(dòng)的時(shí)間、地點(diǎn)轉(zhuǎn)告給對(duì)方。常見(jiàn)的便條有欠條、留言和請(qǐng)假條等。特

4、點(diǎn):文內(nèi)語(yǔ)言盡量通俗口語(yǔ)化,簡(jiǎn)單扼要,直截了當(dāng),無(wú)需使用客套語(yǔ)言。In aroun dabout way便條雖簡(jiǎn)單,但中心務(wù)必突出,更要注明活動(dòng)的時(shí)間及地點(diǎn)。便條不需郵寄,不用信封。通常請(qǐng)人代為轉(zhuǎn)交。有時(shí)可寫(xiě)在留言板和留言簿上?;緦?xiě)作格式便條內(nèi)容和類(lèi)型不盡相同,可以靈活變通。但各類(lèi)便條必須包括以下幾個(gè)基本要素;1)Date :便條日期 2)Salutation :稱(chēng)呼 3) Body :正文 4) Sig nature :署名樣例欠條;留下字據(jù),表示欠某人某物。條據(jù)上需寫(xiě)明錢(qián)物名稱(chēng)和數(shù)量、立據(jù)人及日期。不得涂改。Sept. 16th, 2002Borrowed from the Foreig

5、 n Lan guage Departme nt Refere nee Librarythree books as follows: A copy of En glish History and An thology of En glish Literatureby Wu Weiren A copy of A Survey of America n Literature by Chang Yaox in A copy ofWorld Literature by Jia ng Chengen.Wu ZhuoFor the Office ofSocialScience Departme nt留言;

6、用書(shū)面留下要說(shuō)的話(huà)。留言涉及的方面很多,包括約會(huì),通知,請(qǐng)求等任何可 用便條留下的口信。uesdayDear Li,As the Spring Festival is draw ing n ear, Im very glad to in vite you to come to adinner party with several other frie nds of ours. I m sure we will have a very happy time and enjoy ourselves thoroughly. Would you like to come on time at 5:00

7、 p.m. today, to Room 6 of Liji ng Hotel?Yours always,Jiaya ng請(qǐng)假條:往往指由于生病或特殊情況不能親自當(dāng)面請(qǐng)假,用假條的形式告假。所以, 請(qǐng)假條大多是病假條??梢宰詫?xiě),也可請(qǐng)他人代寫(xiě)。寫(xiě)假條最重要的是說(shuō)明原因和請(qǐng)假的 期限。an. 10thDear Ms. Jia ng,I am terribly sorry that I shall be un able to atte nd this morning two periods of En glish Class due to a bad cold and high fever. En

8、 closed is a certificate from the doctor who said I must stay in bed for a few days. I will go back to school as soon as I recover.Yoursrespectfully,ian Ye英語(yǔ)應(yīng)用文的常用句型:一、邀請(qǐng)信1、Id like .to come to dinner非常希望共進(jìn)晚餐2、request the pleasure of3、The favor of a reply is requested敬賜復(fù)函4、May I have the honor of you

9、r company at dinner?敬備菲酌,恭請(qǐng)光臨5、Thank you for inviting us to dinner謝謝您邀請(qǐng)我們共進(jìn)晚餐6、I hope you re not too busy to come.我期望您會(huì)在百忙中光臨7、The reception will be held in .,on 招待會(huì)定于.在舉行8、We sincerely/faithfully hope you can attend 我們期待您的光臨9、We are looking forward to .我們期待著.10、We have decided to have a party in ho

10、nor of the occasion為此我們決定舉辦一次晚會(huì)11、Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience是否參加,請(qǐng)?jiān)缛崭嬷?、感謝信1、Thank you very much for .十分感謝.2、Many thanks for your .非常感謝您3、Please accept my sin cere appreciati on for .請(qǐng)接受我對(duì)真摯的感謝4、I am truly grateful to you for .為了,我真心感激您5、It was good (thoughtful) o

11、f you .承蒙好意(關(guān)心).6、You were so kind to send .承蒙好意送來(lái).7、Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and I am looking forward to seeing you soon.再次感謝您的盛情款待,并期待不久見(jiàn)到您8、I find an ordinary tha nk-you en tirely in adequate to tell you how much.我覺(jué)得一般的感謝的字眼完全不足以表達(dá)我對(duì)您多么地.9、I sincerely appreciate .我衷心地感謝.10、I

12、 wish to express my profound appreciation for .我對(duì).深表謝意11、Many thanks for you generous cooperation謝謝貴方的真誠(chéng)合作常用句子: I shall feel obliged if you will favor me with a call at your earliest convenience.女口您方便,請(qǐng)?jiān)缛諄?lái)電,我將不勝感激。 Delighted! Will call at 2 p.m. tomorrow. 來(lái)?xiàng)l收悉,定于明天下午兩點(diǎn)拜訪(fǎng)。 Encl.: Doctors Certificate

13、of Advice.附;醫(yī)生證明 I shall be very happy to call at yourhouse at 6:30 this evening. Un til the n,.我定于今晚 6 : 30 去你家,望等候。 En closure Upon receivi ng this no te, please come to my office.見(jiàn)條后,請(qǐng)立即來(lái)我辦公室。 Mr. Li sta nds in urgent n eed of your service. 李先生急需你的幫助。 I happe n to be in urgent n eed of 200 yua n.

14、我因有急事 , 需200 元。留言和一張入場(chǎng)券均 Your note with an admissi on ticket en closed is much appreciated. 已收到,不勝感激。 I m very grateful to you for your kind invitation, and Im sure to come to see yourconcert.承蒙邀請(qǐng)觀看你們的音樂(lè)會(huì),我一定按時(shí)到場(chǎng)。 Please accept this little gift as a small toke n of my esteem for you.奉上這小小的禮物,以表達(dá)我對(duì)您的

15、崇高敬意。Toke n=symbol 結(jié)束語(yǔ) I trust my absenee will not cause you any serious inconvenience.望我的缺席不會(huì)給你帶來(lái)太大的不便。(11) Please favor me with an early reply.敬請(qǐng)?jiān)鐝?fù)。(12) Hoping that the matter will be dealt with as soon as possible.希望能及早處理此事。(13) Please give an exte nsion of leave for three days.請(qǐng)準(zhǔn)予續(xù)假三天為盼。范文(1)A.

16、Title: What Will Happen If China En ters WTO?B. Word Limit: about 200 wordsC. Your compositi on should be based on the Outl ine give n in Chin ese below:1. 每個(gè)中國(guó)人都盼望中國(guó)加入世界貿(mào)易組織。2. a.加入世貿(mào)組織,國(guó)家和人民都將大大受益;b.加入世貿(mào)組織,也會(huì)帶來(lái)一些不利影響,如國(guó)有企業(yè)將面臨更大的挑戰(zhàn)。3. 對(duì)中國(guó)加入世貿(mào)組織感到欣喜之余,我們也應(yīng)看到隨之而來(lái)的一些挑戰(zhàn)。What Will Happen If China En ter

17、s WTO?Every Chin ese is look ing forward to Chin as en try into WTO, widely see n as abless ing and a promise of prosperity. It seems to be so at first sight, however, on reflect ion, were convinced that its just ano ther coin with two sides.On the one hand, both the n ati on and people will ben efi

18、t greatly from Chin asen try into WTO. Shut out of WTO, China used to be deprived of equal trade opport un ities and was placed at a dist inct disadva ntage in world trade. This situati on will cha nge if China en ters WTO. In additi on, foreig n compa nies will stream into China and offer great job

19、 opport un ities, which, in a sen se, will relieve the un employme nt problem.On the other hand, the entry will impose some n egative effects on China.State-ow ned en terprises in China are un derg oing great difficulties, which will be more acute with the flow of foreig n competitors into Chi na.In

20、 short, excited about the adva ntages caused by the en try, we should not lose sight of the severe challe nges posed by it.范文(2)A. Title: Fast FoodB. Word Limit: about 200 wordsC. Your compositi on should be based on the Outl ine give n in Chin ese blew:1快餐在中國(guó)十分流行,它是現(xiàn)代快節(jié)奏社會(huì)的最佳反映。2. a.快餐受歡迎有兩條原因:b.然而

21、,從營(yíng)養(yǎng)角度來(lái)講,快餐卻差強(qiáng)人意。3. 對(duì)快餐還是以偶爾品嘗為宜。Fast FoodFast food is beco ming more popular in China, especially among childre n and teen agers. Today, its certa inly difficult to think of any other sin gle thing that represe nts the fast pace of moder n society as powerfully as fast food.There are several reas o

22、ns for its popularity. First, it is very convenient and saves a lot of time. The trends of moder n society seem to all point to one ultimate goalsavi ng time, and fast food well serves this purpose. You just go into a fastfood restaura nt, order your food, and your food is ready in no time. You can

23、either eat it there or take it away. Secon d, its popularity is also attributed to the clea n and comfortable en vir onment of fast food restaura nts, the excelle nt service, and the guara nteed quality of food.However, i n terms of nu tritio n, fast food is far from satisfactory. It usually does no

24、t compose a bala need diet and is low in nu triti onal value. Thus, doctors suggest that people, especially childre n, eat fast food as little as possible. Although cook ing at home is time-c onsuming and the follow ing wash in g-up tiresome, it offers healthy and delicious meals your body likes and

25、 n eeds. Fast food is on ly a good choice whe n you are in a hurry and turn to it once in a while.范文(3)Directions:A. Cars play an importa nt role in moder n society. But they are also resp on sible fora good part of air polluti on in big cities. Write an essay of about 200 words on car and air pollu

26、tio n on the followi ng topic:Cars and Air Polluti onB. Your essay must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.Outli ne:1. the serious problem of air polluti on caused by cars;2. your suggesti ons on how to deal with the problem.Cars and Air PollutionToo many cars have created a lot of serious problems

27、 in our world. Besides con gestio n, accide nts and fast fuel con sumpti on, cars are resp on sible for a good part of air polluti on in big cities. All the time, they are pump ing huge amounts of waste gases into the atmosphere. These gases are very harmful, caus ing disease and eve n death. Last w

28、in ter, car fumes formed heavy smog over Beiji ng, making the sky gloomy for weeks and deteriorat ing peoples health.One possible soluti on is to desig n and develop clea n cars and clea n fuels. In Tsin ghua Uni versity, campus buses are drive n by electricity .In Beiji ng some of the public buses

29、begi n to run on n atural gas, which does not give off as much carb on dioxide as the petrol. But it may take decades for the new models of clea n cars to completely replace the traditi onal on es.Ano ther soluti on is to develop moder n public tran sportati on systems and restrict the use of privat

30、e cars. If the price of petrol rises con sta ntly and the public vehicles are efficie nt and convenient eno ugh, most people will not private cars. And the total nu mber of cars in big cities will reduce greatly.On the whole, the elim in ati on of air polluti on n eeds the co-efforts from the gover

31、nment, the public and the environmen ts. This problem will be solved only with the help of scie nee and tech no logy. (227 words)范文(4)Directio ns:A. Write a letter to your local En glish-la nguage n ewspaper givi ng your view on a discussi on that has arise n as a result of an article they published

32、 en titled Why Do We Need En glish?No.47,B. Your letter must be writte n of about 200 words, excludi ng the addresses, etc.Haidia n Road Haidia n DistrictBeiji ng,China 100086August18,1999The Editor Local En glish DailyWuhua Buildi ng Beiji ng, 100781Dear Sir:I have bee n follow ing with great i nte

33、rest the discussi on in spired by Mr. Wang Lis article Why Do We Need En glish? published in the Local En glish Daily of 20th May, 1999.The one aspect of the En glish Ian guage that most of your corresp ondents seem to be un aware of is its widespread use as the intern ati on al la nguage of diploma

34、cy, commerce and tech no logy. It is the Ian guage of the Un ited Nati ons and its age ncies as well as of many other intern ati onal bodies. We would be foolish to confine our visi on to our n atio nal borders only. We are still, after all, depe ndent on other coun tries for tech ni cal and in dust

35、rial assista nee. How can we hope to be econo mically and tech no logically in depe ndent if we are not able to com muni cate in these areas outside our own coun try?En glish must be taught in all our schools, not only for the above reas ons but also so that our stude nts can go abroad to lear n the

36、 tech niq ues our n ati on so urge ntly n eeds. We also n eed represe ntatives who can comma nd respect at the intern ati onal conference tables of the world. And if En glish is the com mon Ian guage of com muni catio ns for world diplomacy, economics and defe nee, the n let us be as flue nt and pro

37、ficie nt in it as possible, for the sake of our own coun trys adva nceme nt and prestige.YoursLisin cerely,Xiaohua范文(5)Directio n:A. Title: A Matter of ApproachB. Word Limit: about 200 wordsOUTLINE:1. Two sec on dary school teachers I remember2. The differe nces betwee n the two teachers in classroo

38、m attitudes3. Their attitudes to their stude nts4. Their methods of teach ingA Matter of ApproachTwo sec on dary school teachers I remember show how differe nt people can be though en gaged in the same professi on.Mrs. Wang, my philosophy teacher, sent us to sleep less tha n ten minu tes whe n she s

39、tarted talk ing in class. When a head no dded, she would point at the doz ing stude nt and made threate ning remarks. She said that she was bored teach ing us. Some stude nts in her eyes had no desire to lear n. But the other teacher Mr. Li always had bright eyes in a smili ng face and en couragi ng

40、 words which showed that he loved Chin ese history he was teach ing and wan ted us to love it too.When it came to their attitudes to their stude nts, they were differe nt too. After Mrs. Wang fini shed her days less ons she felt that she had fini shed her job. Once whe n I asked her a questi on outs

41、ide class about a term, she continued with preparati on to leave and said that I could bring my questi on to class next week. Before I knew it she had put her keys into her han dbag and walked out of the door. In the history class, however, a questi on even after the bell would still be give n atte

42、nti on to by Mr. Li. He would rush to the board in a last minute attempt to clear up. Often he was see n with a nu mber of stude nts sta nding outside the classroom, discuss ing the days assig nment.Their methods of teach ing were not like as well. Mrs. Wang stuck to the textbook and trained us how

43、to memorize mi nute facts. However Mr. Li brought in films, maps, slides, tapes, anything that would help us lear n. Once the whole class went to see the film Lin Zexu in order to better un dersta nd the history of the Optium War from 1840 to 1842. Owi ng to these con trasts, I do not thi nk I can f

44、orget either of my past teachers.More example of no tes:1) 請(qǐng)假(Asking for Leave )例1Directio ns: You are about to write a Busin ess Leave Note of about 60 words.Please describe this in formati on clearly.1) the reas on you ask for the leave2) the time and how long you will leaveAug.22ndSecretary Li,I

45、m sorry to apply for ten days leave from the Aug. 23rd to sep., 3rd in sta ntly, as the time is urge nt. My father now in the hospital is badly ill and I have to take care of him for a few days, forI m the only child in my family. Iwill show you the telegram about my father s illnesto support myappl

46、icati on. I promise I will do my best to catch the missed less ons on after I come back. Wish for your allowa nee.Yours respectfullyXXX2) 約請(qǐng)(Invitation)例1Directions: You have a ticket to the Russian National Ballet Troupe, which is visit ing and you want to give it to your friend Alice. Write a note

47、 to her and say:1) the time of the show,2) the place where you will wait for herYou should write about 60 words.SundayDear Alice,Here is a piece of good news for you. The Russian National BalletTroupe will give a performa nee in the Beiji ng Grand Theater tomorrowevenin g. I am sure that you will be

48、 happy to watch it andI leave you anadmission card. The performanee will begin at seven o clock sharp. I will waitfor you at the theater entran ce. Please let me know whether you arepreve nted from coming or n ot.XXX3)道歉(Apology )在社會(huì)交往中,人們常常會(huì)出現(xiàn)一些疏忽、過(guò)失等。為了避免誤解,不影響 感情,在這種情況下,應(yīng)寫(xiě)信給對(duì)方予以解釋?zhuān)哉?qǐng)求諒解。例1Directi

49、ons: You have missed a date of your friend, now you have to write aletter for apology in about 60 words.May 20thDear Lily,I am sorry I missed see ing you yesterday. I know that you must have bee n disappo in ted. I also feel worried and an xious in my heart. The fact is that my man ager at the last

50、mome nt asked me to prepare an urge nt pla n while I could not get to a phone to call you and yesterday I have worked late un til about 8:30 p. m. I am terribly sorry. However, I would like to ask you out this weeke nd to make up for yesterday. Please give me a cha nee and I am wait ing for your rep

51、ly.XXXDirections:You have received an in vitati on from your friend, but you havealready had some guests in your house. Please express the reason you can tgo clearly. Please write in about 60 words.6AP rilDear Lucy,I do apologize for hav ing to send this letter about Saturday ni ght.When I accepted

52、your in vitati on, I simply forgot that Saturday was a holidayand that my own guests were no t leavi ng un til Sun day mornin g. It is difficultfor me to make a choice. Though I also won der to meet you very much. Icould not very well go out by myself and leave the guests at my home. I hopeyou know

53、how sorry I am not to be with you this Saturday. Should I make avisit to you in my other spare time?Thank you very much.Directions: You are already have a date with your friend but sudde nly haveanother thing to do and you have to tell your friend that you can t go. Expressyour reas on clearly in ab

54、out 60 words.Mo nday 9:00 a.mDear Jane,I am sorry to tell you that I won t be able to come this after noonbecause I have to go to the airport at 2:00 p. m. to meet an overseas visitorfrom Australia. I really have kept our datd in my mi nd all these days, however,I received my boss -mail this morning

55、, he asked me to go to the airport tomeet on e of his friends from abroad, it s sudde nly and urge nt and I must go.Please forgive me. Would you please ring me up to make ano ther time?Many tha nks.xXX4)借物(Borrowing)例1Directio ns: You are going to write a n ote for borrowi ng sth. please describethe

56、se in formati on clearly.1) the thing you ask2) detailed what you are going to do with it.3) how long will you take it.TuesdayDear Xiao Wang:I won der if I could borrow your electro nic dictio nary for a few days.Now I am tran slati ng some importa nt articles. There are many new words which I have

57、to look up the dictio nary usually. I just have a paper dictio nary but of course it s not as convenient as the electronic one, which has a bad effect upon my velocity of my tran slat ing. So I think your elect onic dict ionary is more suitable for me to complete my work. I promise that I must be very careful of your dictio nary and make no damage done on it. Thank you very much!Yours everXXX5)回復(fù)友人問(wèn)侯(Reply for Regards)例1Directions: You have just had


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