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1、精品文檔新路徑英語(yǔ)五年級(jí)下冊(cè)第一單元綜合測(cè)試班級(jí):姓名:得分:圈出你聽(tīng)到的單詞。(10分)river mountain turtleshell basketball6歡迎下載flowerfeather fursquirrelleoparddiganimalplantgrasslandstampcamelputforest sea earth spot stripe聽(tīng)句子,選單詞。(10分))1、a、basketball b 、volleyball c 、football dbaseball、beachc、river c、shipc、hate c、peach c 、b 、australia c(

2、)2、a、peach b()3、a、lake b()4、a、sheep b()5、a、likeblovely()6、a、catchb()7、a、americaasiabench d 、 teach、sea d 、earth shape d 、 shop、loved、maths d 、music、africad、()8、a、phone b 、photo c 、plant d 、put()9、a、swallows b 、snakes c 、stripes d、spots()10、a、today b 、tuesday c、two days d、turtle三、聽(tīng)句子,排序。(10分)() monke

3、ys live in the tree.()put the earth back.()zebras have stripes.()i love dolphins best.() we live on the earth.()they are playing table tennis.()spring i coming.() mum likes to eat peaches.()elephant live in the forest.() we will have a big dinner.四、聽(tīng)句子,選擇答語(yǔ)。(10分)()1、a、sharks live in the sea. b 、shar

4、ks live inthe river.、i mreading books.、they can dance.、ok, here you are.、it s a tree.()2、a、you re reading books. b()3、a、i can dance.b()4、a、oh, it s so cute. b()5、a、it s spring.b五、完成下列各題。(10分)(-)選出讀首的一項(xiàng)。(5分)()1、a、peach b、cherryc、cat()2、a、too b、lovec、poor()3、a、know b 、nowc 、how()4、a、are b、lakec、cake()

5、5、a、photo b、phonec、horse(二二)恭走出/、同類(lèi)的一項(xiàng)。(5分)()1、a、football b、flower c、basketball()2、a、bird b、furc、feather()3、a、america b、australia c、sea()4、a、monkey b、riverc、lake()5、a、sing b、swimc、sea六、選擇題。(10分)()1、想問(wèn)別人正在做什么? a、what are you going to do? b 、what are you doing?()2、where do giraffes live 、a、they live i

6、n the sea. b、they live in thegrassland.()3、do you like koalas?a、yes ,i do.b、no ,i don t.()4、there is an apple the table.a、on b 、at c 、middle()5、do you know how plant trees?a、to b 、on c 、in()6、tree-planting day is march 12 th.a、on b 、at c 、in()7、what animals do you like best?a、goldfish b 、spot c 、fur

7、()8、這里有好多的鮮花。a、there is a flower. b 、 there are some flowers.()9、a cat has.a、two eyes b 、two nose c 、two tails()10、zebras eat.a、cheese b 、grass c 、bananas七、連線(xiàn)題。(10分)、because they have hard、thank you.、it s under thed we are going to、i am reading a1、here you are.ashells.2、why do you like turtles?b3、wh

8、at are you doing ?cchair.4、what are you going to do?swimming.5、where is the dog?e book.八、寫(xiě)出下列英語(yǔ)單詞、句子的漢語(yǔ)意思。(10分)1、plant trees 2、seven leopards3、 big squirrels 4、 a beautifulbird5、friendly 6、a rich dinner7、what a poor fish!8、water the roses.9、look at the peach.10、we live on the earth.九、連詞成句。(10分)1、you

9、 where live do ?2、 are clever dolphins and friendly3、 lakesfrog andliveriversin .4、zebras do you love why5、are playtogoingfootballthey .十、閱讀理解。(10分)spring is coming.my friends and i are going to have apicnic (里子餐).we climb the mountains on sunday.wetake (帶) bread,eggs,chips,peaches and water.some girls are playing badminton.some boys are playing cards.i am planting a tree with my brother.we are all happy !1、what are we going to do?a、have a picnic.b、plant a tree.2、do we eat fruit?a、yes ,we do.b、no,we dont.3、what are girls doing


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