



1、convenient的用法和樣例:用作形容詞 (adj.)Internet makes it convenient for us to get in touch with each other. 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)使得我們相互聯(lián)系便利了。 Please come whenever it is convenient to you. 方便的時候,請隨時來。 常見句型用作形容詞 (adj.)用作定語+ n. A good toolbox is a convenient thing to have in the house.家里預備了一個好的工具箱就方便多了。 I have to find a convenien

2、t location for the shelves.我得找一合適的地方放這些書架。 She should dress in convenient clothes for cold weather.她應該穿適于寒冷天氣穿的衣服。 This is a convenient tool for hair-cutting.這是一種極便利的理發(fā)工具。 The school is at convenient distance from my home.學校在我家附近。 The post office is at a convenient distance from our school.郵局離我們學校很近

3、。 It is useful to have a convenient supermarket.附近有家超級市場實在方便。 n. +Well find a place convenient for lunch.我們要找一個近便的地方吃飯。 Well find a place convenient for our get-together.我們要找一個方便聚會的地方。 用作表語 S+be+I cant see him now; its not convenient.我現(xiàn)在不方便見他。 If it is convenient, please in future write to us in Eng

4、lish.如果方便的話,以后來函請用英語。 The corner shop is convenient if you forget to get something in town, although you pay through the nose for anything you buy there.如果你在鎮(zhèn)上忘了買什么,在這個拐角商店里可非常方便地買到,然而價格要貴得多。 S+be+ prep .-phrase When else shall we meet again, if Sunday is not convenient for you?要是星期日對你不方便,那么另外什么時候再碰

5、頭呢? Sunday is convenient for him.他星期天有空。 Our house is very convenient for the shop.我們的房子離商店很近。 Everything is convenient for our use.每樣東西我們用起來都方便。 The place is convenient for bathing.這地方適合游泳。 E-mails are convenient for sending information.電子郵件傳遞信息很方便。 Will Friday be convenient for you?星期五對你合適嗎? If it

6、 is convenient for you, call me at two oclock, please.如果你方便的話,請你兩點鐘來電話。 If its not convenient to you, dont come to my house and fetch me.如果不方便的話,就不要來我家接我。 This arrangement is convenient to everyone.這樣的安排對誰都方便。 The hotel is convenient to all transportation.該旅館交通十分方便。 查看更多It is/was+to- v Its convenien

7、t to be able to step in these shoes without having to fasten them.在沒把鞋帶系緊以前,腳很容易穿進鞋里。 It is/was+for sb+to- v Is it convenient for you to start work now?現(xiàn)在就開始工作你方便嗎? It will not be convenient for me to have meeting tomorrow.明天開會對我不方便。 It is not convenient for me to ring him up.我現(xiàn)在不方便給他打電話。 We dont know if it is convenient for you to come.不知道你來這里是否方便。 It is/was+that-clauseIt was convenient that she went to school from here.她從這里上學很方便。 用作賓語補足語S+V+O+Please call


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