1、unit 3 standardizing the structure 規(guī)范合同結構 topical highlights單元要點 theme presentation主題描述 1.preamble of a contract合同的前言 2.main body of a contract合同的正文 3.final clauses合同的結尾 useful words and phrases常用詞語 reflections and practice思考與實踐 back theme presentation主題描述 國際商務合同種類繁多,標的各異,但就其結構而言,一般由三部分組成:前言、正文、結尾。
2、1. preamble of a contract 合同的前言 國際商務合同的前言部分,主要包括兩方面的內(nèi)容:其一,主要載明合同當事人的名稱或者姓名、國籍、主營業(yè)務或者住所(the corporate or personal names of the parties to the contract and their nationalities, principal places of business or residential addresses);其二,合同簽訂的日期、地點(the date and place of signing of the contract)。以上兩項內(nèi)容主要解
3、決以下法律問題:合同的主體是誰;訂約人是否具有合法主體資格,合同及合同爭議應適用的法律;合同履行地點;合同生效、終止、履行日期及爭議時的司法管轄權等等。 【例1】本合同由中國abc公司,總公司設于中國上海(以下簡稱賣方)與美國xyz公司,總公司設于美國紐約州紐約市(以下簡稱買方)于1998年3月29日訂立于中國上海,雙方同意按下述條件買賣下列貨物: this contract is made this 29th day of march1998 in shanghai, china by and between abc corporation, china (hereinafter refer
4、red to as “seller”), a_ corporation having their principal office in shanghai, china who agrees to sell, and xyz corporation (hereinafter referred to as “buyer), a_ corporation having their principal office in new york, n. y. , usa, who agrees to buy the following goods on the terms and conditions a
5、s below: 【例2】合同號碼:(經(jīng)合字)第0081號 簽約日期:1998年3月29日 簽約地點:中國上海 賣方:中國abc公司 地址:中國上海街號 公司屬國:中華人民共和國 電傳: 傳真: 郵編: 電子信箱: 買方:美國xyz公司 地址:美國紐約州紐約市街號 公司屬國:美利堅合眾國 電傳: 傳真: 郵編: 電子信箱: contract number: jh zi,no0081 date of execution of contract:march,29,1998 place of execution of contract: shanghai, china seller: abc cor
6、poration, china address: no,st,shanghai, china country of corporation: peoples republic of china telex: fax: postcode: e-mail: buyer: xyz corporation, usa address: no,st, new york, n. y. usa country of corporation: united states of america telex: fax: postcode: e-mail: 2. main body of a contract 合同的
7、正文 國際商務合同的正文部分是合同的實質性條款,通常由以下內(nèi)容組成: (1)the type of contract and the categories and scope of the object of the contract(合同的類型和合同標的的種類、范圍) 起草這部分內(nèi)容,應注意下列問題:第一,合同的類型是指合同是屬于國際貨物銷售合同(contract for international sale of goods)、專有技術許可證合同(license/know-how contract)、成套設備技術引進合同(contract for introduction of compl
8、ete plant and technology)還是其他合同(other contracts);第二,合同標的是指合同當事人各方權利、義務所指向的對象,沒有標的或標的不明確的合同是無法履行的。起草合同時,應明確標的種類是物、行為、勞務還是無形財產(chǎn)以及標的物的范圍。 (2)the technical conditions, standards, specifications, quality, and quantities of the object of the contract(合同標的技術條件、質量數(shù)量、標準規(guī)格) 合同標的的數(shù)量和質量,是確定合同標的特征的最重要的條件。涉外合同要有明確
9、、具體的數(shù)量和質量要求。標的的技術條件、標準和規(guī)格構成了合同的品質。涉外合同中表示標的的品質方法多種多樣,可以由當事人協(xié)商確定。 (3)time limit, place and method of performance(合同履行的期限、地點和方式) 履行期限主要指履行合同義務的時問界限,這是確定合同是否按時履行或遲延履行的標準。履行地點是指約定履行義務的地方。國際商務合同的履行地點往往涉及到不同國家或地區(qū),直接關系到當事人各方所應承擔的風險責任和費用。在起草合同時,要根據(jù)合同的性質約定出合理的合同履行期限和地點。關于履行方式,是指完成合同約定義務的方式方法,貨物支付是一次性履行還是分期分批
10、履行。 (4)the price terms, amount to be paid, ways of payment, and various types of additional charges (合同價格條件、支付金額、支付方式和各種附加的費用) 這項內(nèi)容實質上由兩部分組成,即:價格條款和支付條款。價格條款(terms of payment)往往涉及許多復雜的內(nèi)容。有時,它不僅是個價格問題,而且涉及合同各方應承擔的責任、風險和費用等問題。如國際貨物銷售合同中常用的兩個價格術語:fob和cif,當事人選擇不同的價格術語,其承擔的責任是截然不同的。因此,價格條款往往是雙方當事人商談的重點。支
11、付條款也是涉外合同中較敏感的條款,它不僅涉及到不同國家的貨幣、外匯制度,還涉及到結算方式等一系列復雜的問題。 因此,在起草這部分條款時,應詳細規(guī)定支付金額(amount of payment)、支付工具(instrument of payment)、支付時間(time of payment)、支付地點(place of payment)和支付方式(method of payment)。 (5)whether or not the contract may be assigned or the conditions for assignment(合同能否轉讓和合同轉讓的條件) 合同轉讓實質上是一
12、種特殊的合同變更,即合同條款一方將合同中的權利或義務的全部或部分轉讓給合同另一方或合同以外第三方,是主體的變更。在起草這部分內(nèi)容時,可以明確約定合同可以轉讓以及轉讓合同的條件和程序,但這些約定必須依法進行。例如:中外合營企業(yè)合同中可以規(guī)定:“合營一方如向第三方轉讓其全部或部分出資額,須經(jīng)合營他方同意,并經(jīng)審批機構批準。合營一方轉讓其全部或部分出資額時,合營他方有優(yōu)先購買權。合營一方向第三方轉讓出資額的條件,不得比向合營他方轉讓的條件優(yōu)惠。違反上述規(guī)定的,其轉讓無效”(if one party to the joint venture intends to assign all or part
13、of its investment subscribed to a third party, consent shall be obtained from the other party to the joint venture and approval from the examining and approving authorities is required. when one party assigns all or part of its investment subscribed to a third party, the other party has pre-emptive
14、right when one party assigns its investment subscribed to a third party, the terms of assignment shall not be more favorable than those to the other party to the joint venture .no assignment shall be effective should there be any violation of the above stipulations)。 (6)the compensation and other li
15、abilities for breach of contract(違反合同的賠償和其他責任) 違反涉外合同的責任是指涉外合同的當事人不履行合同、不完全履行合同、不符合雙方在合同中約定的條件時,依有關法律的規(guī)定或合同的約定應當承擔的賠償責任或其他經(jīng)濟責任。在涉外合同中明確約定違反涉外合同應承擔的經(jīng)濟責任,對于保證合同的履行,促使合同當事人全面履行合同中約定的義務有著重要的意義。 至于當事人,若一方違反涉外合同應承擔的責任和承擔責任的方式,當事人可以在合同中約定違約金(penalty),也可以約定賠償損失(compensation for losses),也可以約定支付利息tract perfor
16、mance)或解除合同(cancellation of the contract)。 (7)methods,for resolving disputes arising under the contract(合同發(fā)生爭議時的解決方法) 中華人民共和國合同法第128條規(guī)定:“當事人可以通過和解或者調節(jié)解決合同爭議。涉外合同的當事人可以根據(jù)仲裁協(xié)議向中國仲裁機構或者其他仲裁機構申請仲裁。當事人沒有訂立仲裁協(xié)議或者仲裁協(xié)議無效的,可以向人民法院起訴” (the parties may settle their contract disputes through conciliation or med
17、iationthe parties to a contract involving foreign interests may, in accordance with an arbitration agreement, apply to a chinese arbitration organization or other arbitration organizations for arbitration. if the parties have not concluded an arbitration agreement or if the arbitration agreement is
18、invalid, they may file a suit with a peoples court)。 根據(jù)以上規(guī)定,涉外合同發(fā)生爭議時,其解決的方法有四種,即:和解(conciliation)、調解(mediation)、仲裁(arbitration)和訴訟(1awsuit)。在起草涉外合同時,應明確約定爭議的解決方法,而不同的解決方法將導致不同的法律后果。 (8)the limits of the risks to be borne by the parties in performing the object and the coverage of insurance of the o
19、bject(明確風險責任,約定保險范圍) 國際商務合同的履行,大多數(shù)時限長,路途遠,可能受到多種因素的干擾,產(chǎn)生各種不測的事件,如洪水、火災、盜竊、海難、經(jīng)營不善等。這類風險一旦發(fā)生,可能造成損失,從而產(chǎn)生承擔風險損失的責任問題。因此,明確風險責任,避免引致不必要的爭議,對于國際商務合同的各方都是十分重要的。風險往往和保險是聯(lián)系在一起的,為了使風險造成的損失及時得到經(jīng)濟上的補償,就需要辦理保險。辦理保險的實質是一旦發(fā)生風險責任,當事人可以將其轉移給保險公司。因此,在正文中明確約定保險范圍對于確定當事人的投保責任、避免引致不必要的爭議,對于國際商務經(jīng)濟合同的各方都是十分重要的。辦理保險是在正文中
20、明確約定保險范圍,對于確定當事人的投保責任、避免風險發(fā)生后,產(chǎn)生保險責任糾紛都有著重要的法律意義。 (9) a period of validity for the contract and the conditions for contractual extension and contractual termination before its expiration(合同的有效期限,以及可以延長合同期限和提前終止合同的條件) 對于需要較長期間連續(xù)履行的合同(a contract which needs to be performed continuously over a long per
21、iod),當事人可以約定合同的有效期限,并可以約定有效期限屆滿時,延長合同期限的條件或提前終止合同有效期的條件。需要較長期間連續(xù)履行的合同,主要指合資經(jīng)營企業(yè)合同(contracts for sino-foreign joint ventures)、合作經(jīng)營企業(yè)合同(contracts for sino-foreign contractual joint ventures)、成套設備技術引進合同(contracts for introduction of complete plant and technology)、國際承包工程合同(contracts for works of civil e
22、ngineering construction)等。 【例3】 1)貨物名稱 2)規(guī)格、數(shù)量和單價 3)總金額(按美元計) 4)生產(chǎn)國和制造商: 5)包裝:包裝必須適于海上運輸、堅固、耐野蠻裝運。緊壓打包、外加緊箍,內(nèi)層防水,外層為優(yōu)質帆布。箱子或其它外包裝體積要盡量小,并能確保貨物安全。每件包裝的兩側和一端須完整刷上標志和裝運號碼,采用優(yōu)質印色,字大而清晰。每包均須標明“請勿用鉤”。 6)裝運嘜頭 xyz 0081 new york no1100 notes 7)裝運期:2000年3月下旬裝運。但要以賣方2000年1月下旬以前收到可接受信用證為條件,不允許分批裝運。 8)裝運港; 9)目的港
23、; 10)支付條款:憑一流銀行開出的不可撤銷的即期信用證付款,信用證以賣方為受益人,并按照貨物金額100開據(jù)。 11)保險:按發(fā)票金額110投保水漬險和偷盜及提貨不著險和戰(zhàn)爭險,若發(fā)生索賠,則在紐約以美元支付。 戰(zhàn)爭險保費按01計算,若成交后,保費超過01,其超額部分由買方負擔;若戰(zhàn)爭險無人承保,賣方可不保此險。 因此,信用證必須規(guī)定:“若戰(zhàn)爭險保費超過01,受益人有權收取超過信用證金額部分的保險費,或不投保此險?!?12)單據(jù):賣方應準備以下單據(jù)提交買方: (1)商業(yè)發(fā)票_份; (2)全套清潔已裝船提單,提貨人為_; (3)保險單; (4)質量檢驗證; (5)原產(chǎn)地證; (6)裝箱單; (7
24、)裝船通知; (8)以下其他單據(jù):_ 13)過期利息: 如買方未能按期支付到期款項,買方應付賣方從到期日算至實際支付時間,年利率為的過期利息。一經(jīng)賣方提出,買方應支付該過期利息。 14)檢驗: (1)賣方應在裝運前向檢驗機構申請貨物質量、規(guī)格、 數(shù)量、重量、包裝及涉及安全和衛(wèi)生保健方面要求的檢驗,該檢驗將根據(jù)_標準。 上述檢驗機構出具的檢驗證書將是議付時提交的必備單據(jù)之一。 檢驗機構為:_ (2)為了確保貨物要求和其他要求,買方有權利在貨到最終目的地后向檢驗機構申請貨物的復檢驗。 復檢驗機構為:_ 15)違約金: (1)未按期交貨 如果賣方由于自身原因未能按合同規(guī)定按期交付全部貨物,賣方應向買
25、方支付約金。違約金將在遲延交貨后每天按所遲交貨物總價的_ 收取,但違約金不能超過遲交貨物總價的_。為了便于計算違約金,不足 天的小數(shù)天數(shù)按_天計算。 (2)未按期開立信用證 如果買方由于自身原因未按合同規(guī)定及時開立信用證,買方應支付賣方違約金。違約金將在遲延開立信用證天按信用證金額的收取,但 違約金不能超過買方應開立信用證總金額的。為了便于計算違約金,不足 天的小數(shù)天數(shù)按_天計算。 (3)上述遲延所引起的損失的賠償將僅限于第15條第1款和第15條第2款中所示的違約金。 16)不可抗力: 任何一方如果由于洪水、火災、地震、雪暴、雹暴、龍卷風、戰(zhàn)爭、政策禁令或其他在合同執(zhí)行時無法預見并不能控制、不
26、可避免或無法克服的事件致使不能或遲延履行合同的全部或一部分時,該方不承擔責任。但是,受不可抗力影響的一方應立即通知另一方,并不晚于事件發(fā)生后15天向另一方航空郵寄有關當局或獨立的中立第三方出具的發(fā)生此種事件的證明書或文件。 17)索賠: (1)除了第三方應負責任的索賠,如發(fā)現(xiàn)貨物的質量、規(guī)格、數(shù)量、重量、包裝及涉及安全或衛(wèi)生保險等方面和合同的規(guī)定不一致,買方應對賣方發(fā)出書面通知并有權根據(jù)第14條第2款中所述的有關檢驗當局出具的檢驗證書對賣方提出索賠。索賠應在卸貨港卸貨完成后21天內(nèi)提出。如發(fā)生不一致,賣方應立即修理或更換這些貨物或補足數(shù)量。如果買方未在上述期限內(nèi)提出索賠,則買方將視放棄對貨物數(shù)
27、量不足或明顯的質量瑕疵索賠的權利。 (2)賣方應不晚于收到第14條第2款中所示的檢驗機構出具的檢驗證明后7日內(nèi)答復買方的索賠,如果賣方未能在上述時限內(nèi)答復,則視為已接受索賠。 18)合同的解除: 除非雙方另有約定,該合同將在下述情形之下解除: (1)雙方共同達成書面協(xié)議; (2)如果另一方未能在合同規(guī)定的時限內(nèi)履行其義務,并且在收到末違約方的通知后7天內(nèi)未能消除違約或采取補救措施,在此情況下,未違約方應書面通知違約方解除合同。 19)通知:以后雙方之間所有的通知都應書寫、或手交、或傳真、或電傳、或快傳郵遞,以此種方式進行的傳遞,當手交時,或傳真或電傳發(fā)出一天后,或郵寄收妥時,將被認為是已交出。
28、通訊地址將是本合同的前言所載的地址,即: 中國abc公司 地址:中國上海_街_號 電傳: 傳真: 郵編: 電子信箱: 美國xyz公司 地址:美國紐約州紐約市街號 電傳: 傳真: 郵編: 電子信箱: 20)國際貿(mào)易術語 除非合同中另有規(guī)定,本合同的條款將按國際商會制訂的2000年國際貿(mào)易術語解釋通則(incoterms 2000)來解釋。 21)仲裁:一切因執(zhí)行本合同引起的爭議,均應由雙方友好協(xié)商解決。如協(xié)商不能取得解決,則應提交仲裁,仲裁應在被告所在國進行。如仲裁在中國,應提交上海中國國際貿(mào)易促進委員會對外貿(mào)易仲裁委員會,按照其仲裁規(guī)則進行仲裁。如仲裁在美國,應提交紐約國際貿(mào)易促進委員會對外貿(mào)
29、易仲裁委員會,按照其仲裁規(guī)則進行仲裁。該仲裁委員會的裁決為終局性的,對雙方均有約束力,仲裁費用,除非仲裁委員會另有裁定,概由敗訴方承擔。 1. name of commodity; 2. specifications, quantity and unit price; 3. total value (usd); 4. country of origin and manufacturers; 5. packing. packing must be suitable for ocean shipment and sufficiently strong to withstand rough hand
30、ling. bales must be press-packed and hooped, with adequate inside waterproof protection and the outer wrapping must comprise good quality canvas. cases or other outside containers must be externally of the smallest cubic dimension consistent with adequate protection of the goods. package must bear f
31、ull marks and shipping numbers stenciled in good quality stencil ink in large plain characters on two sides and one end of each package. all bales must be marked use no hooks. 6. shipping mark: xyz 0081 new york no. 1 - 100 7. time of shipment: shipment within the last ten-day period of march 2000,
32、subject to acceptable letter of credit reaches sellers before the last ten-day period of january, 2000, and partial shipment is not allowed. 8. port of shipment; 9. port of destination; 10. payment: by a prime bankers irrevocable sight letter of credit in sellers favor, for 100% value of goods. 11.
33、insurance: insurance to cover w.a. plus t.p.n.d. and war risk for 110% of cif value and to provide for claims if any, payable in new york in u.s. currency. war risk premium is calculated at 0.1%, if it is higher than 0.1% after the conclusion of the contract, the excess premium shall be for the buye
34、rs account and if war risk insurance is not obtainable, the seller may be exempted from providing such insurance. therefore, the letter of credit must include the following clause: if war risk premium is higher than 0.1%, beneficiary is authorized to draw the difference in excess of the letter of cr
35、edit amount, or to exempt from providing such insurance. 12. documents: the following documents shall be prepared by the seller and submitted to the buyer: (1) commercial invoice in _copy (ies) ; (2) full set of clean on board ocean bills of lading made out to _; (3) insurance policy; (4) quality in
36、spection certificate; (5) certificate of origin; (6) packing list; (7) notice of shipment; (8) the following other documents:_ 13. overdue interest: if the buyer fails to pay any amount when due, the buyer shall be liable to pay to the seller overdue interest or such unpaid amount from the due date
37、until the actual date of payment at the rate of _percent per annum. such overdue interest shall be paid upon demand of the seller. 14. inspection: (1) the seller shall, before the time of shipment, apply to inspection organization for inspection of the quality, specification, quantity, weight, packa
38、ging and requirements for safety and sanitation/hygiene of the goods in accordance with_ standards.the inspection certificate issued by the said inspection organization shall be an integral part of the documents to be presented for payment.inspection organization: _ (2) for the purpose of warranty a
39、nd other claims, the buyer shall have the right to apply to the inspection organization for the re-inspection of the goods after the arrival of the goods at the final destination. re-inspection organization: _ 15. penalty: (1) failure to make timely delivery. in the event the seller for its own sake
40、 fails to make delivery of all the goods on time as stipulated in this contract, the seller shall pay a penalty to the buyer. the penalty shall be charged at the rate of_%of the amount of the delayed goods for every _days of delay in delivering the goods, however, the penalty shall not exceed % of t
41、he total value of goods involved in the late delivery. any fractional days less than _ days shall be deemed to be_ days for the calculation of penalty. (2) failure to timely open the letter of credit in the event that the buyer for its own sake fails to open the letter of credit on time as stipulate
42、d in this contract, the buyer shall pay penalty to the seller. the penalty shall be charged at the rate of _% of the amount of the letter of credit for every _days of delay in opening the letter of credit, however, the penalty shall not exceed _ % of the total value involved in the letter of credit
43、amount. any fractional days less than _ days shall be deemed to be _ days for the calculation of penalty. (3) the penalty provided for in clause 15.1 and/or 15.2 shall be the sole compensation for damages caused by such delay. 16. force majeure: neither party shall be held responsible for failure or
44、 delay to perform all or any part of this contract due to flood, fire, earth-quake, snowstorm, hailstorm, hurricane, war, government prohibition or any other events that are unforeseeable at the time of the execution of this contract and could not be controlled, avoided or overcome by such party. ho
45、wever, the party whose performance is affected by the event of force majeure shall give a notice to the other party of its occurrence as soon as possible and a certificate or a document of the occurrence of the force majeure event issued by the relative authority or a neutral independent third party
46、 shall be sent to the other party by airmail not later than 15 days after its occurrence. 17. claims: (1) except those claims for which a third party is liable, should the quality, specifications, quantity, weight, packing and requirements for safety or sanitation/hy-giene of the goods be found not
47、in conformity with the stipulations to this contract, the buyer shall give a written notice of claims to the seller and shall have the right to lodge claims against the seller base on the inspection certificate issued by the inspection. organization provided in clause 14.2 to this contract within 21
48、 days from the date of completion of unloading of the goods at the port of unloading. in the event of nonconformity, the seller shall promptly repair or replace such goods or supply the quantity that is deficient. in the event that the buyer does not make such claim within the above-mentioned time l
49、imit, the buyer shall forfeit its right to make a claim with respect to the quantity deficiency or the apparent quality defect. (2) the seller shall reply to the buyers claim not later than 7 days after receipt of the inspection certificate issued by the inspection organization provided in clause 14
50、.2 to this contract and the claims shall be regarded as having accepted, if the seller fails to reply within the above-mentioned time limit. 18. termination: except as provided elsewhere, this contract may be terminated in either of the following case: (1) through mutual written agreement by both pa
51、rties; (2) if the other party fails to perform their obligation within the time-limit agreed upon in this contract, and fails to eliminate or remedy such breach within 7days following the receipt of the notice thereof from the non-breaching party. in such case the non-breaching party shall give a wr
52、itten notice to the other party to terminate this contract. 19. notice: any notice to be given hereunder shall be written or shall be hand-delivered, transmitted by facsimile or telexed or sent by express airmail, and shall be deemed given when so hand-delivered, or if transmitted by facsimile or te
53、lexed, one day after the date of such facsimile or telex so transmitted, o r if sent by mail when received, to the parties at the address specified at the preface to this contract: abc corporation, china: address: no. _, _st. , shanghai,china telex: fax: postcode: xyz corporation. u. s. a address: n
54、o,st. , new york, n. y, u. s. a telex: fax: postcode: 20.incoterms: unless otherwise stipulated in this contract, the terms and conditions of this contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the international rules for the interpretation of trade terms (incoterms 2000) provided by international
55、 chamber of commerce 21.arbitration: all disputes arising from the performance of this contract should be settled through friendly negotiation. should no settlement be reached through negotiation, the case shall be submitted for arbitration in the country where the defendant resides. if the arbitrat
56、ion takes place in china, the case shall be submitted to the foreign trade arbitration commission of the china council for the promotion of international trade. shanghai and the arbitration rules of this commission shall be applied. if the arbitration takes place in the usa, the case shall be submitted to the foreign trade arbitration commission of council for the promotion of international trade ny and the arbitration rules of this arbi
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