An Analysis of Body Language in Intercultural Communication分析跨文化交際中的身勢語_第1頁
An Analysis of Body Language in Intercultural Communication分析跨文化交際中的身勢語_第2頁
An Analysis of Body Language in Intercultural Communication分析跨文化交際中的身勢語_第3頁
An Analysis of Body Language in Intercultural Communication分析跨文化交際中的身勢語_第4頁
An Analysis of Body Language in Intercultural Communication分析跨文化交際中的身勢語_第5頁
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1、 xx學院畢業(yè)設計(論文)任務書分 院 外國語學院 專 業(yè) 英語 班 級 英本0803班 學 生 學 號 08401123 指導教師 設計(論文)題目 an analysis of body language in intercultural communication 1、設計(論文)的主要任務及目標寫出一篇不少于5000實詞的畢業(yè)論文,檢驗學生大學四年來的學習、研究和實踐能力??疾鞂W生的創(chuàng)新思維,創(chuàng)新意識及發(fā)現(xiàn)、分析和解決實際問題的能力。 2、設計(論文)的主要內(nèi)容1. introduction1.1 research background and necessities of study

2、ing body language1.2 organization of the present thesis2. review of body language2.1 definition of body language2.2general characteristics of body language2.2.1 differences of nonverbal communication in different areas2.2.2 universal of nonverbal communication3. cultural differences and similarities

3、 of body language3.1 cultural differences of body language3.1.1 eye language3.1.2 facial expressions3.1.3 gestures3.1.4 touch3.2 similarities of body language4. principles of reducing barriers in communication4.1 knowing more about different countries body language4.2 being tolerant and avoiding pre

4、judices4.3 appreciating similarities and accepting differences5. conclusion 3、主要參考文獻1 david,mcneill. hand and mind: what gesture reveal about thoughtm. chicago: the university of chicago press, 1992.2 ekman p. facial expressionm . chichester, england: john wiley & sons ltd , 1999.3 fowler h w & fowl

5、er f g. the concise oxford dictionary of current englishm. new york: oxford university press, 1951.4 li s g. cultural differences in nonverbal communication and college english teachingd . nan jing: school of foreign language southwest university, 2006.5 liu yongfa & liu xuanen. the practical body l

6、anguagem . beijing: hua wen press, 1997.6 li li-na & li hua & yao shanglian. the meanings and application of body languagej . journal of xichang agricultural college, 2003(2): 12-14.7 samovar l.a. understanding intercultural communicationm. wadsworth publish company, 1988.8 畢繼萬、胡文仲.跨文化非語言交際m. 上海:上海外

7、語教育出版社, 1999.9 范杏麗.不同文化背景下的非語言交際對比j. 華中理工大學學報, 2000(1): 2.10 黃紅霞.身勢語中的文化差異j. 武漢交通科技大學學報, 2000(2): 134-139.11 賈玉春.跨文化交際學m. 上海:上海外語教育出版社, 1997.12 喻碩豐.淺談身勢語在跨文化交際中的作用j. 沈陽教育學院學報, 2005(7): 1.13 趙艷萍.文化與交際m. 北京:中國人民大學出版社, 1999.14 張建青.淺談身勢語j. 山東師范大學外國語學院學報, 2004(6): 2. 4、設計(論文)進度安排設計(論文)各階段名稱起 止 日 期1選題,填寫畢

8、業(yè)論文任務書2011年11月1日-11月18日2收集整理資料撰寫開題報告并開題2011年11月19日-2011年12月10日 3撰寫初稿,并請導師審查2011年12月11日-2012年2月29日4完成修改稿,并請導師審查,送分院審閱2012年3月1日-5月6日5論文答辯,完成定稿2012年5月7日-5月23日 注:一式三份,學院、指導教師、學生各一份。 畢業(yè)設計(論文)開題報告分院: 外國語學院 2011年 11 月 28 日題 目an analysis of body language in intercultural communication 學生姓名專業(yè)班級英本0803課題類型應用研究

9、指導教師職 稱 課題來源自擬1. 選題背景(含國內(nèi)外相關研究綜述及評價)與意義 選題背景:人類對身勢語的研究可以追溯到希臘的亞里士多德,而正式研究身勢語應當從達爾文開始。當前人們已經(jīng)對身勢語進行了多方面的研究,比如從語言符號,交流溝通,文學作品,以及體現(xiàn)文化特征等方面進行了研究。 選題意義:身勢語是非語言交際的重要組成部分并和文化緊密聯(lián)系在一起。由于地域,種族,文化習俗的差異,不同文化的身勢語有許多差異。它們由文化制約并擁有獨特的文化內(nèi)涵。也就是說,同樣的身勢語在不同文化背景下有不同的含義,為了在跨文化交際中能夠成功地進行交流,我們應該了解不同文化的身勢語。2. 選題研究的方法與主要內(nèi)容 研究

10、方法:文獻資料分析法、觀察法、經(jīng)驗總結法、舉例法,等。 主要內(nèi)容:首先介紹身勢語的研究背景,研究必要性及論文結構,然后描述身勢語的定義及特點,并從面部表情,身體接觸,眼神接觸,手勢等方面介紹身勢語的類型及其應用,通過正確理解身勢語的差異并以正確態(tài)度對待文化差異,接受文化差異存在的事實,并對不同文化采用包容態(tài)度,最后總結研究身勢語的意義。3.課題設計(或研究)的內(nèi)容 1 引言1.1研究背景及研究身勢語的必要性1.2論文結構2 身勢語的介紹2.1身勢語的定義2.2身勢語的特點3 身勢語的文化差異及相似性3.1身勢語的文化差異3.2 身勢語的相似性4 減少跨文化交際中交流障礙的原則4.1 了解更多不

11、同國家的身勢語4.2采用包容的態(tài)度對待文化差異并避免偏見4.3 欣賞身勢語的相似性并接受分歧5 總結3. 研究條件和可能存在的問題 研究條件:擁有豐富的文獻資料可供查閱,有大量有關身勢語的著作和論文研究可供借鑒和參考。可能存在的問題:可能存在研究不夠徹底、全面的問題。5. 參考文獻1 david,mcneill. hand and mind: what gesture reveal about thoughtm. chicago: the university of chicago press, 1992.2 ekman p. facial expressionm . chichester,

12、england: john wiley & sons ltd , 1999.3 fowler h w & fowler f g. the concise oxford dictionary of current englishm. new york: oxford university press, 1951.4 li s g. cultural differences in nonverbal communication and college english teachingd . nan jing: school of foreign language southwest univers

13、ity, 2006.5 liu yongfa & liu xuanen. the practical body languagem . beijing: hua wen press, 1997.6 li li-na & li hua & yao shanglian. the meanings and application of body languagej . journal of xichang agricultural college, 2003(2): 12-14.7 samovar l.a. understanding intercultural communicationm. wa

14、dsworth publish company, 1988.8 畢繼萬、胡文仲.跨文化非語言交際m. 上海:上海外語教育出版社, 1999.9 范杏麗.不同文化背景下的非語言交際對比j. 華中理工大學學報, 2000(1): 2.10 黃紅霞.身勢語中的文化差異j. 武漢交通科技大學學報, 2000(2): 134-139.11 賈玉春.跨文化交際學m. 上海:上海外語教育出版社, 1997.12 喻碩豐.淺談身勢語在跨文化交際中的作用j. 沈陽教育學院學報, 2005(7): 1.13 趙艷萍.文化與交際m. 北京:中國人民大學出版社, 1999.14 張建青.淺談身勢語j. 山東師范大學外

15、國語學院學報, 2004(6): 2.6. 擬解決的主要問題和預期的結果 擬解決的主要問題:通過對這一課題的研究,分析跨文化交際中身勢語的差異,從而提出正確運用身勢語、減少交流障礙的方法和途徑。預期的結果:本研究可以解決以上研究問題,實現(xiàn)研究目標。指導教師意見: 同意開題 指導教師簽字: 2011年 12 月 1 日教研室意見同意開題 教研室主任簽字: 2011年 12月 3 日 an analysis of body language in intercultural communication分析跨文化交際中的身勢語分 院 外國語學院 專 業(yè) 英 語 班 級 英 本 姓 名 指 導 教 師

16、 2012 年5 月21 日an analysis of body language in intercultural communicationby zhang supervisedby xxxx university may 2012 摘 要 自從語言產(chǎn)生以來,言語交際便在人類交際中扮演最主要的角色,但它并非是交際的唯一手段。起輔助作用的身勢語在人類交流中也起著不可忽視的作用。在跨文化交際中它幫助人們傳情達意,突破語言障礙,促進交流。身勢語,作為一種非語言符號系統(tǒng),面部表情,姿勢,身體動作和姿勢變化的集合,是非語言交際的重要組成部分,并和文化緊密聯(lián)系在一起。隨著國際經(jīng)濟文化交流的加深,由于

17、語言和文化差異而產(chǎn)生的障礙隨時都可能存在,在跨文化交際中,消除這些障礙最有效的方法就是了解身勢語的含義。然而即使我們對常用的身勢語有所了解,我們?nèi)匀幻媾R著一些困難,即使同一身勢語在不同的文化背景也會有不同的含義。本文通過從面部表情,身體姿態(tài),目光語,手勢語等方面對不同文化的身勢語進行對比,目的在于通過列舉身勢語的文化差異與共性,提出交際中應當遵循的原則,從而促使人們有效地進行跨文化交際,避免出現(xiàn)誤解。關鍵詞: 非語言交際;身勢語;文化異同;交際原則abstract since language has been created, it plays a commanding role as a

18、means of communication, but it is not the only means of communication. body language also takes an important role to help people transfer information and improve human communication, which is an indispensable power to break up language obstacles in intercultural communication. body language, as a no

19、n-verbal symbol system and a collection of facial expressions, gestures, body movements and posture changes, is an important part of the non-verbal communication and connects with culture. with the deepening of international economic and cultural exchanges, there appear more obstacles caused by the

20、differences of language and culture. in intercultural communication, the most effective way to deal with the obstacles is to master the meaning of body language. however, even if we understand the meaning of some general body language, there are also some difficulties to master it thoroughly. becaus

21、e even the same body language have different meanings in different cultural backgrounds. this article makes a comparison and contrast of body language in different cultures in terms of facial expressions, physical contact, eye language, gestures, and etc. it aims to illustrate the differences and si

22、milarities of body language and put forward the principles of reducing barriers in intercultural communication so that people can achieve efficient communication and avoid misunderstanding.key words: nonverbal communication, body language, cultural differences and similarities, communicative princip

23、lesii商丘學院本科畢業(yè)論文(設計) contents摘 要iabstractii1. introduction11.1 research background and necessities of studying body language11.2 organization of the present thesis22. review of body language22.1 definition of body language22.2general characteristics of body language32.2.1 differences of nonverbal com

24、munication in different areas42.2.2 universal of nonverbal communication43. cultural differences and similarities of body language53.1 cultural differences of body language53.1.1 eye language53.1.2 facial expressions63.1.3 gestures73.1.4 touch73.2 similarities of body language84. principles of reduc

25、ing barriers in communication94.1 knowing more about different countries body language94.2 being tolerant and avoiding prejudices104.3 appreciating similarities and accepting differences115. conclusion11bibliography13acknowledgments1415 1. introduction 1.1 research background and necessities of stud

26、ying body language when people speak of the communication, first they will think of the language, which is the verbal behavior. the verbal behavior is a process relying on the language instrument, including text (written languages) and verbal (oral language) to carry through communion delivering ide

27、a and transferring information. language is an important tool of human communication, but it is not the only tool of communication. in fact, in addition to language, there is a more abundant content of the means of communication that is non-verbal. the non-verbal communication is the language of all

28、 the acts of communication; it is very frequent in the frequency of daily life. a smile, a look, and a gesture belong to non-verbal behavior. it is difficult to fancy and cannot be processed that the communication between the people just depend on words without any accompanying gestures or postures.

29、 that, at least, is not a sufficient communication. it is impossibility not to have the verbal behavior in humans communication, but the non-verbal communication goes with the verbal communication. both of them formed the complete process of communication and also have their own features and functio

30、ns. non-verbal communication can represent peoples psychological activities richly and accurately. as the main component of non-verbal communication, body language has its own trait, effect, and function. it must comply with the “principles of cooperation” just as verbal communication. in modern soc

31、iety, most countries in the world communicate with each other frequently, at the same time, the people speaking different languages have different cultural background, way of living, faith of religion,personal values and so on, which take intervene to the communication of people coming from differen

32、t country. when a chinese meet an american friend, would the kissing each other be offensive for the chinese? if two young friends of the same sex walk with their arms around each others shoulders would this be regarded as being proper by english-speaking people? does nodding head mean yes and shaki

33、ng means no in all cultures? im afraid nobody can give a positive or negative answer about the above questions .because the same behavior in different culture has different meanings. language is an important tool in intercultural communication, but not the only communicating means, when people talk

34、with each other, there always accompany with some gestures and poses, which we call body language, which is composed of body distance, facial behavior, eyes contact and so on. so the study of body language should not only be the complementary to the study of language but also can help us go out of m

35、isunderstanding zone in intercultural communication. the traditional culture and national spirit of every nation come out from specific culture environment, we cant copy simply. we must understand the specific meaning under their background of culture firstly, and then we can understand the meaning

36、of body language under different culture background.1.2 organization of the present thesisthe thesis is mainly composed of six chapters. the first chapter serves as the research background and the necessities of studying body language in cross-cultural communication. the second chapter presents the

37、definition and the characteristics of body language. the third chapter focuses on the cultural differences of body language, including eye language, facial expression, gestures and touch. the fourth chapter clarifies similarities of body language and their causes. the fifth chapter introduces the pr

38、inciples of reducing communicative barriers in application of body language and the last part summarizes the whole content of this paper and restates the importance of body language in cross-cultural communication.2. review of body language 2.1 definition of body language body language is a term for

39、 forms of communication by using body movements or gestures instead of uttering sounds, or other forms of oral communication ( ekman p 1999:23). it is often called kinesics, composed not only of gestures and posture, but also facial expressions and eye contacts (fowler h w 1951:65). gestures refer t

40、o the movement of hands or arms to express the meaning of a verbal message which is regarded as the central part of our body language. posture is the general way of carrying out ones body, especially the head, shoulders and back when walking, standing, squatting, sitting or lying. eye contact is a v

41、ery important part in body language which refers to the study of messages expressed by eyes, including eye contact, eye movements, staring, gaze, blinks and pupil dilation. the face serves as the most expressive function in our body and it can give us some information about ones character. it should

42、 be mentioned that since diverse and complex factors are involved in the study of body language, a considerable amount of academic arguments exist concerning which definition of body language is the most valid and workable. some scholars claim that body language is the language without words; others

43、 give a similar statement that body language indicates all communicative symbols except oral speech. besides the above mentioned definitions, samovar and porter have made some attempts on a more specific and vivid definition of body language like: body language is the socially, biologically, psychol

44、ogically or culturally framed exchange of valuable messages which are not verbally spoken out but conveyed by the body movements, body gestures, symbols or relevant context and surrounding environment etc (fowler h w 1951:87).also, there is definition written in dictionary: the concise oxford dictio

45、nary of current english defines body language as the process of communicating through conscious or unconscious gestures and poses. 2.2general characteristics of body language some body languages are not only innate but also unconscious and subconscious. take excited people for example, their pupil w

46、ill dilate automatically; eyebrows move when greeting; frown when discontented; yawn when fatigued; bite teeth when anger and usually people smile when happy, cry when sad and blush when shame. however, other body languages are postnatal. various peoples form unique body languages due to the languag

47、e backgrounds of their living. the gesture of britain and american man is totally different when they sit with their legs crossed. american likes shrugging, and they often do a forward body gesture when they speak in future tense. cupped-hand salute is peculiar only in china, we use it in such cases

48、: congratulate when happy get-together; extend ones heartfelt respects when spend festivals; express heartfelt thanks and entrust in some special situations.2.2.1 differences of nonverbal communication in different areas during the communication, people will find out that even they are of the same n

49、ation; they still have some different nonverbal behaviors. this is true for different ages, different jobs in an area, let it alone in different countries. they share the great difference on nonverbal behaviors. in china, there are 56 nations; each of them possesses its own tradition. such as the hu

50、i nation, they don t eat pork, if there is some pork put in front of them; they will keep silent and do not touch it at all. in some countries, smiling, laughing, making gestures are different. each people is culture-bound, they behave unconsciously by their culture. for example, when we want to say

51、 goodbye to others, we often move our hand from left to right for several times, by contrast, in america, they put out their hand with a kiss. 2.2.2 universal of nonverbal communication although nonverbal communication differs in different cultures, some basic actions are the same. such as frowning,

52、 making faces, crying and looking at the watch to show ones anxiety. all of them have the same emotional meaning in intercultural communication. for example, when someone is frowning, we know that this person has something unhappy. when he is looking at the watch, we know that he is anxious for some

53、thing. in addition the people around the world accept some other nonverbal behaviors. for example, shrugging shoulder to show that there is nothing or i have no idea; shaking hands to show our friendship or to welcome someone. besides, we depart index finger and middle finger to make the “v” action

54、to show a victory. it is these colorful actions that complement our culture.3. cultural differences and similarities of body language different believes are the causes of the differences of body language. according to the theories proposed by american anthologists barnettt pearce, verrion cronent, p

55、eoples behavior, the way of thinking and so on are affected by their believes. and every culture has its distinctive belief system. a normal action in this culture will be abnormal in another one. a positive behavior in one culture will be negative in another. people from eastern world advocate mode

56、sty, tolerance, mutual-support and responsibility for the group. but western people admire independence, self-respect, free development, and requiring individual space and so on. next, we will go to the differences of body language from four parts.3.1 cultural differences of body language3.1.1 eye language as saying goes “the eyes ar


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