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1、1Intercultural Communication in Business2nWe are now in a quite different world before, which is sometimes referred to as a “global village”. It naturally follows that intercultural contact has become more frequent, more abundant and more significant than ever before.3nNow that we will conduct more

2、and more intercultural communication, the problem we are facing is how to do it, and how to do it well. A good knowledge of English is indispensable. But language alone does not ensure successful communication, especially intercultural communication. 4Lets look at some of the communication cases bet

3、ween people from Chinese and English cultures:1) One cold winter day in a Chinese city, Li Mei on her way to the library met an American professor who knew very little about China. After greeting him, Li Mei said, “ Its rather cold. Youd better put on more clothes.” But the professor didnt appear ha

4、ppy on hearing this. Why?52) You are the only Chinese among some Americans. One of them is telling a joke. You feel good because you understand every word. All of sudden, everyone is laughing. Everyone except you. Why?63. There has been a very famous brand of battery in China: White Elephant. Suppos

5、e this product is to be exported to the UK or the USA, it is very likely to fail without change its band name. Why?7Clue:In each of the above situations, theres something “wrong”. But this has nothing with the language, the problem lies in culture in which the language is used.8Reasons:In the first

6、case, Americans (and many Westerns too) dont like to be told what to do as they tend to be independent; while Chinese are in the habit of showing and accepting concerns.The second case tells us that sometimes connotations(隱含意義) of words are key to understanding.In the third case, a white elephant, a

7、rousing beautiful association in the minds of Chinese, stands for something big but useless in the English culture.9Conclusions: From these simple cases, its not difficult to see what an important role culture plays in communication and why language alone doesnt guarantee successful intercultural co

8、mmunication.10Culture? Whats it?nCulture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions(制度) and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable(同一的) group of people.11Elements of CulturenProductsliteraturefolk

9、lore民間傳說 artmusicartifacts手工藝品 nIdeasbeliefsvaluesinstitutionsnBehaviorscustomshabitsdressfoodsleisure12What is communication?nCommunication is a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behaviors, or the exchange of thoughts, messag

10、es or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior.13Intercultural CommunicationnIntercultural communication is the communication between persons of different cultures, or different cultural backgrounds.14nWhat barriers do you think there are in intercultural communication?Barriers in In

11、tercultural Communication15 Jose and Jim work together in a restaurant and had become friendly because both of them were also studying. One day, as they were leaving work, Jim asked Jose, “Jose, I need a favor. I have no change. Could you lend me a dollar so I can take the bus to get home? Ill pay y

12、ou back tomorrow.” “Sure, Jim. No problem. You dont have to pay me back”, said Jose, as he handed Jin a dollar. Next day, Jim went over to Jose and handed him a dollar, saying, “Thanks, Jose. I really appreciated this last night.” “Forget it,” said Jose, as he handed Jim back his dollar. “No, I insi

13、st. I dont want to take advantage of a friend. What if I needed to borrow money again sometime? If I didnt pay you back, I would feel wrong asking to borrow money again,” said Jim, as he put the dollar into Jose pocket. Jose answered, “But thats what friends are for. In Spanish, we have a saying, to

14、day for you, tomorrow for me. If you pay me back, I will feel that I wont be able to ask you for money when I need it. I will feel like you are closing the door on me, that there is no trust between us. I thought we are friends. How can I take the money?” Jose handed back the dollar. “But I wont fee

15、l right if you dont take it!” said Jim.16Explanation: nFor Jose, in his culture it is very important to be generous. Generosity and respect for others generosity are two values that explain many Hispanic and Middle Eastern customs and attitudes. That why Jims refusal to accept Jose generosity made J

16、ose question their friendship. In such a culture, most people dont like to think themselves as stingy(吝嗇的) and these are terrible insults to a Hispanic or Arab.17nAmericans see it all differently. They see the value of self-reliance as very important. Owing too many favors means dependent. American

17、cannot respect themselves if they feel too much “in debt” to other people, financially or otherwise. Instead, they prefer to be “free” of obligations to others. To let someone else pay for them is “to take advantage of”, which is wrong.18Now study the following proverbs and which value they represen

18、t, which of them are strong in the American culture and the Chinese culture respectively.n1) Blood is thicker than water.n Value: family; loyalty Origin: Scotlandn2) Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander(雄鵝).nValue: fairness Origin: Englandn3) Too many cooks spoil the broth(肉湯).nValue: the ind

19、ividual Origin: Englandn4) The early bird catches the worm.nValue: action Origin: Englandn5)God helps those who help themselves.nValue: self-help Origin: Greece19n6) Haste makes waste.nValue: patience Origin: Englandn7) Time is money.nValue: efficiency Origin: USAn8) Thinks three times before you ta

20、ke action.nValue: caution Origin: Chinan9) Modesty makes you progress; conceitedness(自負) makes you lag behind (落后).nValue: modesty Origin: China20Hofstede lists five main barriers in five areas, which can help us have a better idea of the barriers we have in intercultural communication and thus, overcome it.nLanguage differences Language learning is not only the learning of new vocabulary and grammar, but also the acquisition of culture competence: knowing what to


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