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1、土石方工程施工合同(中英文)CONTRACT OF EARTHWORK CONSTRUCTION本合同系中譯英,翻譯:張?jiān)栖奣ran slated from Chin ese to En glish by Mr. Chang Yunejune.日期:The date of甲方:Party A乙方:Party B甲方委托乙方負(fù)責(zé)完成土石方工程(包括挖土、填土、石方爆破鑿除、外運(yùn))。 就施工中的有關(guān)事項(xiàng),經(jīng)雙方友好協(xié)商,達(dá)成如下協(xié)議。Party A hereby commissi oned party B resp on sible for completi on and accomplishme

2、nt of earthwork including excavation, filling, chiseled rock blasti ng and conveying out. Parties hereto, through amicable negotiations,reach the agreement on the respected items of constructionas follows:第一條 工程范圍 Article One Project Scope 以甲方提供的地勘資料、原始地形地貌自然地面標(biāo)高圖以及場(chǎng)內(nèi)地面的設(shè)計(jì)標(biāo) 高施工圖(設(shè)計(jì)標(biāo)高是指總平面圖室外地面設(shè)計(jì)標(biāo)高)為

3、依據(jù),完成地面設(shè)計(jì) 標(biāo)高以上的挖運(yùn)土方(石方爆破鑿除)及地面設(shè)計(jì)標(biāo)高以下回填夯實(shí)土方。Party B should complete the earthwork excavation and transport out include rock blast chiseling and earth backfill compaction under the around elevation by design on the basis of data which provided by party A , on the geological survey, the original natura

4、l ground elevation topography mapsand the ground floor elevation design construction plans (design elevation refers to the total outdoor floor plan design elevation).第二條 施工內(nèi)容 Article Second Construction Contents一、地表青苗、雜物及垃圾 ( 遷墳) 等清運(yùn)紅線外,挖土 (或石方爆破鑿除 )、邊 坡修整(如果需要 ) 、裝卸、運(yùn)輸。乙方自我合理確定紅線內(nèi)土方平衡調(diào)配施工 方案,高挖低填、分

5、層攤土 (含人工攤土 ) 、分層碾壓 (或夯實(shí))平整,余土和爆 破后的石頭 ( 塊)或石渣外運(yùn)至紅線外棄土石堆放點(diǎn)。Removal of seeding, debris and garbage, graves migration, excavation (or chiseled rock blasting), slope trimming , if required, load and unload, transportation, Party B at its sole option determine the construction program of earth balance wi

6、thin the red line, to deploy high-digging low fill, layered soil booth (include manpowersoil), leveling by the layered grinding (or tamp), remained soil and stones (block) after blasting or gravel conveyed to discarded stone pile outside the red line point.二、做好工作區(qū)內(nèi)所需的臨時(shí)道路的修理、維護(hù) ( 包括鋪防滑、防陷材料 ) 。做 好場(chǎng)內(nèi)

7、土石方施工期間排水。Do the repair and maintenance of temporary road within the work zone include laying the material for anti-slip and anti-pit trapping, as well as drainage during construction within work zone.Article price, total price, settlement第三條單價(jià)、總價(jià)、結(jié)算 Article Three Unit Price, Total Price andSettleme

8、 nt一、綜合包干單價(jià): Lump sum price1挖(爆破)土石方(含紅線內(nèi)運(yùn)輸回填壓實(shí)):_ 元/立方米The price of digging ( blasting) earthwork includingtransportationand backfill compact ion withi n red line:Yua n / Cubic Meter.2、剩余土石方(挖或爆破)外運(yùn)紅線外: 元/立方米The price of tran sportati onof rema in earth (digg ing or blasti ng)bey ondred line :Yua n

9、 / Cubic Meter.綜合包干單價(jià)不分土壤(淤泥)及巖石類別,不分含水率(干濕程度),不 論挖填土和石方爆破鑿除深度(高度)、不分運(yùn)距,以及現(xiàn)場(chǎng)地表地下的實(shí)際情 況,均按第二條施工內(nèi)容,包括但不限于人工費(fèi)、機(jī)械費(fèi)、材料費(fèi)、管理費(fèi)、 利潤(rùn)、規(guī)費(fèi)、水電費(fèi)、稅金以及有關(guān)部門收取的渣土垃圾處理費(fèi)等,并已充分考慮了必要的施工費(fèi)用增加及所有不可預(yù)見費(fèi)用(含風(fēng)險(xiǎn)包干費(fèi))在內(nèi),綜合 單價(jià)一次包干,結(jié)算時(shí)不作調(diào)整。The unit price of comprehe nsive lump sum shall, regardless of the category of soil/silt, moistu

10、re (in which wet and dry degree), regardless of depth / height of digging or fillingchiseled, regardless of transportdista nee and actual situati on on and un der ground at site, be subject to the stipulations of ArticleSecond thereby any and all fees includinglabor, machinery , material,management,

11、 profits, miscellaneous, water/ electricity, taxes, and fees of garbage / waste disposal charged by authority. The lump sum, includingall costs and fees and has been takenfull con siderati on of n ecessary in crease for con structi on and all un foresee n costs, shall not be made any adjustme nt.、合同

12、總價(jià):Lump Sum of Con tract計(jì)算程式:土石方總量x綜合包干單價(jià)Calculation: gross earthwork xlump sum price工程量計(jì)算原則:根據(jù)甲方提供的原地形地貌標(biāo)高圖和施工后的設(shè)計(jì)標(biāo)高 圖計(jì)算挖(爆破)土石方量。計(jì)價(jià)時(shí)只有挖 (爆破)及紅線范圍內(nèi)土石方平衡后 剩余外運(yùn)土石方量才計(jì)算工程量,回填土石方已經(jīng)在包干單價(jià)里已綜合考慮, 不再不計(jì)算工程量。Principle of calculation of engineering sum shall be pursuant to the original elevation topography ma

13、ps and elevation after construction design diagram by which to calculate the earth amount of digging (blasting). Respect to price calculation only digging (blasting) and out-transportation of remain earthwork after balance within red line shall be calculated into engineering sum. Earth backfill has

14、been taken into account in the lump sum price so shall not be calculated again.三、結(jié)算 Settlementl 、結(jié)算總價(jià)原則上不變,只有下列情況存在時(shí)才可以調(diào)整。The total price of contract is unchanging in principle, only except following circumstances, may be adjusted:A 、當(dāng)設(shè)計(jì)標(biāo)高發(fā)生變更。 Where the design elevation having been alteration or am

15、endment.B 、土石方運(yùn)出紅線外。 Translation of earthwork to beyond red line.C甲方提供的原地形地貌標(biāo)高圖,乙方進(jìn)場(chǎng)施工時(shí)甲乙雙方和勘測(cè)單位聯(lián) 合重新測(cè)量核對(duì)標(biāo)高確實(shí)存在差距的。Actual existence of diversity and difference being found between the original terrain elevation chart provided by party A and the elevation of united re-measurement by parties hereto jo

16、inting surveying company at the time of party B s entering for construction.D 乙方不全面履行合同。Party B s failure of full performanee ofcontract.2、如果因工程設(shè)計(jì)變更(標(biāo)高發(fā)生變化)或剩余土石方運(yùn)出紅線外產(chǎn)生的 費(fèi)用按天然實(shí)方體積乘以綜合包干單價(jià),即得合同調(diào)整價(jià)。Any and all costs which occurred arising out of alteration or modification of engineering design (eleva

17、tion changes) or tran sportati on of earthwork bey ond red line shall be calculated by the meansof multiplyingthe actual volume by lump sum, viz. the calculationthereby is equal to the adjusted price of con tract.3、竣工驗(yàn)收合格后,乙方編制結(jié)算書報(bào)甲方審核。Party B should, after final accepta nee, make preparati on of Se

18、ttleme nt Report for party A s audit and check.4、投標(biāo)和簽訂合同前,乙方已認(rèn)真詳細(xì)地踏勘了施工現(xiàn)場(chǎng),投標(biāo)時(shí)也充分 考慮了各種費(fèi)用及風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。因此不論現(xiàn)場(chǎng)實(shí)際情況如何,均不應(yīng)簽證增加工程費(fèi) 用或調(diào)整綜合包干單價(jià)。Party B, prior to biddi ng and sig nature of con tract,has bee n makecarefuland detail rec onn aissa nee of the con structi on site in additi on to take full con siderati on

19、 of all costs and risks thereof, accordi ngly none of any added con struct ion cost or adjustme nt of lump price shall be sig ned or agreed.5、結(jié)算時(shí)提交竣工結(jié)算調(diào)查審批表。To submit the Stateme nt of Survey / Approve for Completi on Settleme nt.第四條 工期、質(zhì)量 Article Four Project Term and Quality一、日歷工期總天數(shù): 天。開工時(shí)間以甲方通知為

20、準(zhǔn)。The total cale ndar days of project term : days. The date of commencement shall sub ject to the Party A s notice.、挖土質(zhì)量和石方爆破鑿除要求The requirement of excavation and rock blasting chiseling.l 、控制挖土和石方爆破鑿除標(biāo)高,盡量避免設(shè)計(jì)標(biāo)高以下的土或巖石受到 擾動(dòng)。To control the elevation of excavation and rock blasting chiseling and use

21、its reasonable efforts to avoid the disturbance of soil and rock bellow the designed elevation.2、異常地段應(yīng)采取可靠的措施,確保邊坡不塌方。Taking reliable measurement in the abnormal area for ensuring no collapse of slope.3、清底平整后的地面應(yīng)滿足設(shè)計(jì)標(biāo)高要求。The ground after leveling off should be satisfaction of designed level requirem

22、ent.4、挖土和石方爆破鑿除后的的邊坡應(yīng)確保平整,否則由此增加的邊坡修整 等處理的費(fèi)用由乙方承擔(dān)。The slope after making excavation and rock blasting chiseling should ensure smooth and level off, otherwise, added cost for slope trimming shall be born by party B.三、填土質(zhì)量要求 Quality Requirement of Filling1、填土密實(shí)度應(yīng)達(dá)到 90以上。 每層應(yīng)按規(guī)定進(jìn)行密實(shí)度檢驗(yàn)。 密實(shí)度沒 有達(dá)到 90的應(yīng)補(bǔ)夯

23、碾壓,達(dá)到要求后才能進(jìn)行上一層回填。Filling density should reach more than 90%. The test of density of each level should be carried out. Provided that if failure of density reaching 90%, should be re-tamped and grinding to reach the requirement before backfilling.2、填土之前,將洼坑內(nèi)的雜物、淤泥清理干凈,不得有積水All debris, silt in the hol

24、low pit should be cleared and moved, without water, before felling.3 、以粘性土為填料,碎石、草根、樹木含量不大于8 。If, with clay as filler among which the content of gravel, grass, trees should be less than 8 %.4、人工蛙式夯實(shí)每層20-30CM 夯3-4遍。機(jī)械碾壓每層30-50CM夯6-8 遍。Each level of 20-30CMfilling should be tamped by artificial breast

25、stroke compaction for 3-4 times in addition to each level of 30-50CM filling should be tamped by machine compaction for 6-8 times.四、其他技術(shù)要求按土方與爆破工程施工及驗(yàn)收規(guī)范GBJ201-83執(zhí)行。The executions of other technical requirement shall subject to EARTHAND BLASTING CONSTRUCTION AND ACCEPTANCE NORMS (GBJ201-83).第五條 工程款支

26、付 Article Five Payment for Project1 、甲方不支付工程預(yù)付款。 No advance payment for project by party A.2、完成至總工程量的 20時(shí)支付合同總價(jià)的 15。!5% of total price of project shall be paid by party A for party Bsaccomplishment of 20% amount of total project.3、完成至總工程量的 50時(shí)支付至合同總價(jià)的 4040% of total priceof project shall be paid by

27、party A for party Baccomplishment of 50% amount of total project.4、完成至總工程量的 80時(shí)支付至合同總價(jià)的 60。60% of total price of project shall be paid by party A for party Bsaccomplishment of 80% amount of total project.5、工程全部完工后,支付至合同總價(jià)的 80。80% of total price of project shall be paid by party A for party Bsaccompl

28、ishment of total project.6、驗(yàn)收合格后,雙方辦理結(jié)算手續(xù),結(jié)算價(jià)確定后,在壹個(gè)月內(nèi)付清工程 款至 95,余下工程款 5的質(zhì)量保證金壹年內(nèi)付清。Parties hereto shall, after acceptance of project, conduct settlement procedures and decide and confirm the settlement price for which shall be paid 95%, however, remain 5 % of quality guarantee shall be fully paid o

29、ff within one year thereafter.第六條 雙方的責(zé)任、義務(wù) Article Six Responsibility and Obligation一、甲方的責(zé)任、義務(wù) Responsibility and Obligation of Party A1、向乙方提供地下管線、臨近構(gòu)筑物等地下情況資料。Shall makeavailable to party B with data and information of underground pipelines and other structures close to the project site.2、進(jìn)行技術(shù)交底,提供

30、施工圖,指定水源、電源接駁點(diǎn)。Making technical clarification, provide construction plans and drawing, appoint water source and power connection point.3、負(fù)責(zé)與設(shè)計(jì)單位及其它單位進(jìn)行聯(lián)系,協(xié)調(diào)有關(guān)事宜Responsible for taking connection with the design unit and other concerned units on related matters.4、提供測(cè)量的地形地貌、自然地面標(biāo)高圖以及地面的設(shè)計(jì)標(biāo)高施工圖Shall mak

31、e available to party B with the elevation maps of topography and natural ground, as well as the construction plans of designed elevation.5、對(duì)施工進(jìn)度及質(zhì)量進(jìn)行監(jiān)督檢查。Making supervision and inspection of construction progress and quality.二、乙方的責(zé)任和義務(wù) Party A s Respons ibility and Obligation 1、編制施工組織設(shè)計(jì)、土方平衡調(diào)配施工及現(xiàn)場(chǎng)排

32、水組織方案,報(bào)甲方審核。 Preparation of the schemeon construction design, earthwork balance and site drainage shall be submitted party A for exam and check.2、乙方負(fù)責(zé)辦理爆破等必要的施工手續(xù), 嚴(yán)格按國(guó)家規(guī)定的 爆破安全技術(shù)操 作規(guī)程作業(yè)。Party B shall be responsible for necessary procedure concerning blasting operation and conduct operations in stri

33、ct abide by RULE OF BLASTING SAFETY TECHNICAL OPERATION stipulated by State.3、必須聽從監(jiān)理、甲方現(xiàn)場(chǎng)工程人員的指揮,配合做好護(hù)坡施工,確保挖土過 程中不發(fā)生塌方。Shall obey the direction of supervisionand party A s engineering andtake coordination of construction of slope protection to ensure no collapse, during the process of excavation, o

34、ccure.4 、對(duì)工程質(zhì)量、進(jìn)度、安全負(fù)有全部責(zé)任。Shall take full responsibility of the quality, schedule and safety related to this project.5、指派現(xiàn)場(chǎng)代表, 按期參加工程例會(huì), 接受甲方的監(jiān)督、 檢查和工作安排。Shall assign the field representative to participate the schedule meeting on project and accept the supervision, inspection and worksarrangement

35、by party A.6 、嚴(yán)格按批準(zhǔn)后土方平衡調(diào)配施工方案進(jìn)行施工。挖土過程中 , 如果出現(xiàn) 異常地質(zhì)情況,應(yīng)及時(shí)通知甲方。Carry out the construction of earth balance subject to in strict the approved program. Where the abnormal geological circumstances occur during the excavation process party B should notice party A with the same.7、除紅線場(chǎng)內(nèi)土石方平衡調(diào)配外,多余的土石方(含地表

36、青苗、雜物及垃 圾等)乙方必須將其運(yùn)至紅線外,自找丟棄場(chǎng)地,運(yùn)輸中如果造成道路污染, 責(zé)任自負(fù),費(fèi)用自理。Party B should, except to earth balance within red line, transport the remain earth including seeding, debris and garbage, etc. to outside red line and find dump place at its own discretion, if, any road being contaminated in transportation, the l

37、iability and fees thereof shall be on party B.8、甲方將施工場(chǎng)地移交給乙方后,乙方應(yīng)對(duì)施工場(chǎng)地發(fā)生的一切負(fù)責(zé),若 發(fā)生非政府原因(如當(dāng)?shù)鼐用窕蜷e雜人員干擾施工),或非甲方指令影響施工 而導(dǎo)致工期拖延及財(cái)產(chǎn)的損失,由乙方自行承擔(dān)。Party B should, after party A transfer the construction site to party B, take full responsibility for any and all matters occurred in site, in addition to bear the

38、 liabilities which occurred in case of non-authority reason such as interference to construction by local residents or non-staff, or non- party A s direction which prejudice or affect construction and bring on delay of work and loss / damage of property.9、合同規(guī)定由乙方完成或提供配合的工作,如乙方拒絕完成或不能按約定 完成,甲方即可安排其他單

39、位完成, 為此支付的相關(guān)費(fèi)用 (另加 15的管理費(fèi)), 應(yīng)從乙方當(dāng)期工程款中扣出,影響工期的責(zé)任由乙方負(fù)責(zé)。Any work which should be completed or being provided cooperation by party B in accordance with contract, however if, party B refuse or fail to complete pursuant to contract, party A may assign other contractor to do the sameand the related costs

40、which have been paid by party A therefore in addition to 15%fee of managementshall be deducted from work payment of current term and the liability prejudicing work term shall be on party B.10、制定合理的土石方平衡調(diào)配施工方案,做到文明施工,確保場(chǎng)內(nèi)安全暢 通。The preparation of reasonable schedule of earth balance construction and d

41、o civilization construction to ensure safe and unblocked within Site.1l 、施工中如果損壞他人建筑物或其他物品,應(yīng)按實(shí)際價(jià)格賠償。Provided that party B during construction damage others building oritems, party B shall makecompensation on the actual price of the damaged objects.12、乙方人員發(fā)生工傷事故或因乙方原因給他人造成傷害的, 承擔(dān)全部責(zé)任, 賠償經(jīng)濟(jì)損失。In case

42、of any job injure to party Bs person or other person s injure by the party B s reason, party B should assume full responsibility and make compensation of economic loss incurred in consequence thereof.13、施工過程中,如果因乙方原因,引起附近住戶投訴,造成當(dāng)局部門干預(yù)施 工相關(guān)事宜,乙方自行處理并承擔(dān)相關(guān)費(fèi)用。Provided that if party B s reason during con

43、struction cause nearbyresident s complaint and authoritys intervene to related issues ofconstruction, party B shall deal with and bear corresponding cost.14、施工報(bào)批備案等手續(xù)及費(fèi)用自理。The procedures of application for construction approval / filing and fees therewith shall be on party B itself.15、乙方必須遵守甲方的施工現(xiàn)場(chǎng)管

44、理規(guī)定。Party B should comply with the rules of site management stipulated by party A.16、乙方接到開工令 3 天內(nèi),若不能按投標(biāo)時(shí)承諾的機(jī)械數(shù)量進(jìn)場(chǎng)施工, 每拖延一個(gè)機(jī)械臺(tái)班罰款 1000美元;經(jīng)書面要求改正后, 7 天仍無(wú)實(shí)質(zhì)性改進(jìn) 的,甲方有權(quán)單方面解除合同。乙方接到書面通知三天內(nèi)必須無(wú)條件退場(chǎng),并 接受其它違約條款的處理。Provided that if party B, within three days upon receipt of Commencement Order, fail to enter s

45、ite for construction with fullamount of machineswhich as commitment by party B when its bidding, each delaying set/work day shall pay a fine of 1,000 US Dollar, if, party B has no substantial improvement after giving seven days written notice of correction,party A is entitle to make unilateral termi

46、nation of contract. Party B should, within three days upon receipt of written notice, unconditionally exit site and accept the settlement pursuant to other default term hereof.17、工程竣工驗(yàn)收并達(dá)到合同驗(yàn)收要求,乙方不得因經(jīng)濟(jì)糾紛而拒絕交付 工程。The acceptance of project completion should be satisfaction to the requirements of acce

47、ptance, party B should not refuse to deliver the completed project by the reason of economic dispute.18、竣工時(shí)必須進(jìn)行場(chǎng)地5米X 5米方格網(wǎng)的標(biāo)高測(cè)量驗(yàn)收,并繪制竣工圖, 達(dá)不到設(shè)計(jì)標(biāo)高要求的,必須整改至符合要求為止,否則甲方不予驗(yàn)收結(jié)算。The acceptance of elevation measurement with 5 X 5 (meter) square grid in site should at the time of completion be carried out i

48、n addition to built drawings. Provided that if failure of satisfaction to the design requirement, necessary remedy and correction should be proceed till to in conformity of the requirements, otherwise party A in entitle to refuse to make acceptance and settlement.19、只有當(dāng)紅線內(nèi)填方區(qū)壓實(shí)平整達(dá)到設(shè)計(jì)標(biāo)高后,不需要土石方,挖方 區(qū)內(nèi)

49、的土石方才可運(yùn)至紅線外。The compaction and level of the filled zone within red line have been reached to the design elevation and no need of earth again, the earth within earth excavation can be transported to outside red line.第七條 處罰 Article Seven Breach Penalty一、乙方有下列情形之一者,按違約論處,甲方有權(quán)處以罰款,但總額不 超過合同總價(jià)的 20:Any of

50、 the following events by party B shall deemedas default and breach of contract for which party A has right to put punishment of fine which amount not exceed 20 % of total contract price.1、未按規(guī)定時(shí)間向甲方提供施工組織設(shè)計(jì)、土石方平衡調(diào)配施工方案的, 按合同總價(jià)罰 1。Failure within the stipulated time to submit Construction Design, Sched

51、ule of Earthwork Balance shall be under punishment of fine which equal to 1 % of total contract price.2、未按批準(zhǔn)的土石方平衡調(diào)配施工方案施工的,按合同總價(jià)罰1Failure of construction pursuant to the Schedule of Earthwork Balance shall be under punishment of fine which equal to 1 % of total contract price.3、運(yùn)出紅線以外的雜質(zhì)土或石塊,若給甲方造成

52、經(jīng)濟(jì)損失的由乙方全額承 擔(dān)。Provided that if transportation of wasted earth or rock by party B bring out economic loss and damage to party A , party B shall take full responsibilities therewith.4、不服從甲方合理安排, 或在設(shè)計(jì)標(biāo)高以下挖土的, 按合同總價(jià)罰款 1。If, refusing to obey party As reasonable arrangement o r excavationconducted under d

53、esign elevation shall be under punishment of fine which equal to 1 % of total contract price.5、沒有按甲方要求或合同工期完成任務(wù),拖延工程總進(jìn)度,每拖延一天按 暫定合同總價(jià)罰款 0.5 ,以此類推。Failure to complete the commission under party As requirement orcontract ter m and delay Work s progress, each and every day of delay charged a fine of 0.5 % of total contract price, and so on by analogy.6、待整體工程交工驗(yàn)收后,任何一處因回填土密實(shí)度不夠,導(dǎo)致地面下沉 而引起上部構(gòu)筑物破壞的,乙方自費(fèi)進(jìn)行整改,質(zhì)保金罰沒。Provided that after acceptance and delivery of overall project anywhere insufficient of compactionness of backfill compaction and bring on ground subsidence which


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