1、2019北京豐臺區(qū)高三二模 英語 2019. 05 本試卷滿分共120 分考試時間 100 分鐘 注意事項: 1. 答題前,考生務(wù)必先將答題卡上的學校、年級、班級、姓名、準考證號用黑色字跡簽字筆填寫清楚,并認 真核對條形碼上的準考證號、姓名,在答題卡的“條形碼粘貼區(qū)”貼好條形碼。 2. 本次考試所有答題均在答題卡上完成。選擇題必須使用2B鉛筆以正確填涂方式將各小題對應(yīng)選項涂黑, 如需改動,用橡皮擦除干凈后再選涂其它選項。非選擇題必須使用標準黑色字跡簽字筆書寫,要求字體工整、字 跡清楚。 3. 請嚴格按照答題卡上題號在相應(yīng)答題區(qū)內(nèi)作答,超出答題區(qū)域書寫的答案無效,在試卷、草稿紙上答題無 效。 4
2、. 請保持答題卡卡面清潔,不要裝訂、不要折疊、不要破損。 筆試(共三部分120 分) 第一部分知識運用(共兩節(jié)45 分) 第一節(jié)語法填空(共10 小題;每小題1.5 分,共 15 分) 1 個適當?shù)膯卧~,在給出提示詞的空白處 閱讀下列短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容填空。在未給提示詞的空白處僅填寫 用括號內(nèi)所給詞的正確形式填空。 A There was a farmerwho always sold a pound of butterto a baker.One day the baker decidedto weigh the butterto see ifhe was gettinga pound an
3、d found thathe was not.This angered1 (he),so he took the farmerto court.The judge asked the farmer2he had a measuring tool. The farmerreplied,“have a pairof scale.I have been buying a pound of bread from him. When the baker3(bring)me the bread,I always put iton my scale and givehim the same weightof
4、 butter.” B ParrotsarefoundincountrieslikeBrazil,Australiaand India.They usuallylive4 largegroupsand because theyliketo eatfruit,theyare sometimes a problemforfarmers.There are differentkindsof parrots,butthey allhave strongbeaks and feet,which theyuse for5 (climb)and holdingfood.The biggestparrotsc
5、an liveforup to 80 years.They are6(noise), butthey are cleverbirdsand itiseasy to teachthem to talk.Some zoos have parrotshows, where you can see the birdsdoing things they have learned. C Kiteflyingis populararound China.Itis known as zhiyuan , as kites were made of paper7 when theyfly,theyare like
6、eagles.Kites8(use)formilitarypurposein thebeginning. Laterkiteflyinggraduallybecame a verypopularrecreationalactivity.In the past,people9 (fasten)a bamboo-made whistleonto a kite.Whileflyingthroughthe wind,itmade sound likethe music10(produce)by guzheng, a traditionalChinese musicalinstrument.Theref
7、ore,ithas itsmodern name as fengzheng. 第二節(jié)完形填空(共20 小題;每小題1.5 分,共 30 分) 閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,從每題所給的A、B、C、 四個選項中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂 黑。 Countingthe votestook about fiveminutes,but itseemed likean hour forme. Captainofthe cheerleadersisquitean honor.At leastthat what Iwas11. As Coach Maguire appeared,alleyes zer
8、oed in12her. “Girls, ” she began. “It my pleasureto announce thatTerryShaw has been electedCaptain of the cheerleadingteam.” A greatcheer was heard throughoutthe gym. How13thisbe? I hadn14a practice,or a game, in the threeyears.Was everyoneblind?Didn they realizethatI had worked threeyears to15the t
9、itle? Allthe way home, I sobbed. The next morning,I held my uniformcloseto me. I knew I couldn 16. As heartbrokenas I was,my truelovewas 17withmy teammates. How very18itwas to go to thatfirstpracticeafterTerryhad been named captain.When I arrived,Terryasked me ifI had any ideas on how to improve our
10、 routinesand talkedabout how we couldmake the team better.We? Was she kidding?I justwanted to19her and she kept making itharderand harderforme to do that.Itwasn justthatshe showed interestin me her interestwas warm and20. Terryalways made sure to21me when discussingchanges in our routineand eventual
11、lyI 22myselfand we grew to be very close friends. At the end of the year,the annual SportsAward Banquet was organized.We decoratedthe hall, talkingabout allthe good times we had23duringour lastyear together.I justwanted to 24thatmoment in time. Laterin the eveningwe arrivedand listenedas the various
12、trophieswere awarded to the most valuableplayerof each sportsteam. Of course the team captainsallreceivedtrophiestoo.With great25I cheered forTerry. Just as Terrywalked offthe stage,Coach Maguire stepped up to the microphone again and announced thattherewas one finaltrophyto be awarded. The cheerlea
13、ding“SpiritAward” would now be presentedto the girlwho showed the most dedicated26. WhenI heard my name announced I imaginedI was as27. Terrywas coming towardme. We hugged each other,and Terrywhispered,“Nobody28thismore than you. ” Terrynever knew thatquittingwas allI had on my mind the day she was
14、named captain.She read the29in my shallowwords of congratulationsand embraced me in spiteof myself,planting tinyseeds of kindnessand respect.From her effortgrew a30that,to thisday, I hold close to my heart. C. regretting C. with C. might C. missed 11. A. expecting 12. A. for 13. A. dared 14. A. watc
15、hed 15. A. hold B. offering B. on B. would B. accepted B. earn C. give D. designing D. about D. could D. followed D. defend 16. A. quit 17. A. competing B. delay B. studying C. practise C. cheering D. reply D. communicating 18. A. hardB. pleasantC.normalD. unforgettable 19. A. persuade 20. A. wide 2
16、1. A. teach 22. A. punished 23. A. wasted B. inspire B. genuine B. praise B. hid B. shared C. frighten C. proper C. control C. overcame C. needed D. hate D. funny D. include D. embarrassed D. found 24. A. freeze 25. A. confidence 26. A. effort 27. A. nervous 28. A. doubts 29. A. admiration B. recall
17、 B. politeness B. trust B. shocked B. completes B. sympathy C. spare C. enthusiasm C. memory C. determined C. deserves C. courage D. choose D. curiosity D. attention D. proud D. requires D. disappointment 30. A. beliefB. challenge C. promise 第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié) D. friendship 40 分) 第一節(jié)(共 15 小題;每小題2 分,共 30
18、分) 閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、四個選項中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。 A 31. FirstTrack can offervisitors_. A. an earlyvisitB. an ice skatingshow C. a tastylunchD. a freeskiinglesson 32. What is the White Carpet Club specialfor? A. Skillfultrainers.B. Quiet livingexperience. C. Thoughtfulservice.D. Good views over the mou
19、ntain. 33. The passage is writtento _. A. attractvisitorsB. compare differentprograms At Beaver Creek, The ExtraordinaryAwaits You Are no two snowflakesalike?The snowflakeswe see in the winterare most likelycompletelyunique from one other. Beaver Creek is a greatplaceto experiencethe beauty of the s
20、now, withprograms foreveryonefromchildren,teens,and women- only lessonsto smallgroups and private-guidedexperiences. FirstTrack,from Beaver Creek Reserve,letsyou be the firston the mountain,withan adventurethatbegins at 7:30 a.m. when you are met by skiprofessionalsand taken on a private, Once you h
21、ave skied,you are treatedto a guided tour before delicious breakfast the mountain is open to the public. at Allie Cabin. Ifyou are lookingfora higherlevelof comfortthereis the White Carpet Club, from Beaver Creek Reserve.Located in the heartof Beaver Creek Village,itmaximizes your time on the mounta
22、in by streamliningyour access to it.At the club,thereare privatelockersand boot dryers,along withpreferredself-parkingand a slope-sideskiwaiter.A receptionistcan assistwithlift tickets,pass purchases,dinnerreservations,and activityrecommendations. Of course,thereismore to exploreduringthe winterin B
23、eaver Creek as well.There is ice skating,snowshoeing,shopping,and spasyou name it,Beaver Creek has it.Itisthe perfectplace to take advantage of the snow and be in the moment, in the mountains,together. The extraordinaryis a rare combination of one-of-a-kindexperiences designed to be shared with serv
24、icethat exceeds expectation.The extraordinarybrings you closerto one another and offersa specialplace to belong together.Belong in The Extraordinary. C. appeal forsportsD. introducetrainingcourses B I said,“Papi,letme finishschool. ” None of his otherdaughterscompleted more than three grades.“ still
25、can do my chores( 家務(wù)), ”I toldhim. “Pay forme to finishschool. ” He dug his boot intothe dry earthof Quanajuato,the statehe never leftin his entirelife. But he stillwas the smartestman in our village.He read books about Egypt and knew how to handwrite,unlikemy mother,who never had an education. “Why
26、 do you want to returnto school? ” he said,loweringhis eyes to me. “So you can meet a man, marry,and quit?You want me to pay forthat? ” “No, Papi, ” I said.“ won marry in schooland I promise I llgraduate. ” The wind whistledthroughthe trees.My fathersaw a fishermanwitha pole bent over the riverbank.
27、I said urgently,“Papi, ” and I almost grabbed histhickbrown wrist.In the country, my fatherwould stop and talkwith any stranger,no matterwhat he was doing.He would talkabout the harvest,the weather,the family,but mostly,he would listen. He turned,making his way to the fisherman.I followedbehind him
28、in my open-toedshoes, carefullypickingmy steps.I knew I had losthis attentionand I searched around me forsomething to fillthe time I would spend waiting.But therewas nothingand nobody. “Buenos dias, ” my fathersaid to the fisherman. I took my seat ten feetfrom them. The two men staredacross the lake
29、 and talked.Theirvoices droned on and were blended withthe wind. I daydreamed. “Marta,come here, ” my fathercalledto me. I liftedmyselfup and walked very slowlytoward them withoutliftingmy feetoffthe ground. “Marta, ” my fathersaid,“ have asked Don Toms what he thinksabout your promise. ” I staredat
30、 thisfisherman,thisstranger,and then back at my fatherwithwide eyes. “ toldhim about your promise to stay single,and he toldme lether go. ” The fishermanlooked down at hisworn shoes. “Ifyou want it, ” he saidto the earthbeneath his feet. Later,I became Father only daughterto complete high schooleduc
31、ation,and the only one to leavehis house unmarried. 34. The authorspoke to her fatherto _. A. share her schoollife B. beg forher schoolfee C. learnabout her sisters study D. complainabout the housework 35. The authorfelt_ when her fatherwent over to the fisherman. A. ashamedB. tiredC. angryD. helple
32、ss 36. Why did the author fathertalkwiththe fisherman? A. To offerhelp.B. To talkabout harvest. C. To ask foradvice.D. To get away from the author. 37. The lastparagraphsuggests thatthe author_. A. kept her words B. missed her father C. regrettedthe decision D. liveda comfortablelife C Every year mi
33、gratory( 遷徙的) bats travel from Mexico to Bracken Cave, where they spend the summer consuming insectsthatwould otherwisehungrilyeat commonfood crops.But the bats have been showing up farearlierthan they did two decades ago. In a study,scientistsat Rothamsted Research,an agriculturallaboratoryin Engla
34、nd,used radardata from 160 U.S. weather stationsto analyzeactivityin the Texas bat colonyfrom 1995 through2017. They discoveredthe creatureswere leavingtheirwinterquartersin Mexico earlier and reproducingsooner.They were alsoastonishedto findincreasingnumbers of bats overwintering( 過冬) at Bracken Ca
35、ve instead of heading back to theircold weather quartersin Mexico.Overwinteringis a sign thatwarmer temperatureschange the bats annual rhythms, Rothamsted biologistPhillipStepaniansays. A separatestudy of migratorybats in Indiana,publishedlastyear,found thattemperature variationsaffectedarrivaland d
36、eparturetimes likewisehintingat the potentialinfluenceof climatechange. Joy O Keefe,a biologyprofessorat IndianaStateUniversityand co-authorof that study,says earlyarrivalat their summer habitats( 棲息地) couldexpose these bats to cold snaps(寒 流), and they couldfreezeto death. Joy O Keefe and her colle
37、aguesalso found thatchangingbat migrationtimescan also clash withrainfallpatterns.Many insectsthatbats eat breed in seasonallakes and puddles.Ifthe bats arrivetoo earlyto benefitfrom summer rainfalland the resultingabundance of insects,they may struggleto feed their pups(幼崽) or skip reproduction alt
38、ogether,O Keefe says. She fearsthis shiftcouldcause Midwesternbats to decrease toward extinction,which would be bad news forhumans. “Declinesin bat populationscould have severe effectsforcrop success, ” she says,adding that bats also “controlsignificantdiseasevectors,such as mosquitoes. ” However, s
39、cientistsare not certainthatclimatechange alone iscausingthe Bracken Cave bat colonyto migrateearlier.They have found a directlinkbetween seasonaltemperaturesand bird migration,but bats are alsoinfluencedby factorssuch as changes in wind speed and direction.And thereare othercomplications.“Bats are
40、mysteriouslittleanimalsthatmove mostlyat nightand are difficultto observe and track, ” Stepaniansays.“We have thisconceptualpictureof what might be happening,but reallytyingitto the cause is the next step. ” 38. Scientistsat Rothamsted Research found that_. A. bats prefer B. bats delay colder their
41、weather reproduction C. warming affectsbat migration D. radarcan be used to observe bats 39. Joy O Keefe discoveredthat_. A. bats are used to livingin rainfallseasons B. bats earliermigrationmight harm farming C. insects reproductionhelpsto spread disease D. insectsshortagemakes bats reproduceearlie
42、r 40. What does the lastparagraph want to tellus? A. Wind speed and directionaffectbats. B. Itis difficultto observe and trackbats. C. Climatechange makes bats migrateearlier. D. Furtherresearchon the cause isnecessary. for 41. What is the best title A. Bats habitats the passage? B. Endangered bats
43、C. Bats scheduleD. Bats,our good friends D On March 18, 2018, ElaineHerzberg was crossinga road in Tempe, Arizona,when a Volvo SUV hit and killedher.Althoughshe was one of thousands of U.S. pedestrianskilledby vehiclesevery year, one distinctiveaspectset her death apart:Nobody was drivingthatVolvo.A
44、 computer was. Just a couple of months later,a survey by AAA (AmericanAutomobileAssociation)revealedthat 73 percentof Americans were too scared to zip around in a totallyautonomous ride 10 percent increasefrom a similarpolltaken beforeHerzberg death.Actually,self-drivingcars are alreadycruisingour s
45、treets,theirspinninglasersand othersensorsscanningthe world around them. But what makes some of us stillso wary of theseroboticchauffeurs,and how can they earn our trust? To understandthese questions,itfirsthelpsto considerwhat psychologistscallthe theoryof mind. Put simply,it the recognitionthatoth
46、erpeople have brainsin theirheads thatare busy thinking,justlikeours (usually)are.The theorycomes in handy on the road.Before we venture intoa crosswalk,we might firstmake eye contactwitha driverand then think, He sees me, so I safe,or He doesnt,so I not. It a techniquewe likelyuse more than we real
47、ize,both behind the wheel and on our feet.But you can make eye contactwith an algorithm( 計算程序 ). When a car is in self-drivingmode, the computer in charge.“We re going to have to learna theory of the machine mind, ” says Azim Shariff,a professorof psychologyat the Universityof British Columbia.What
48、thatmeans in practiceis thatself-drivingcars willneed to provideclear signals and not justturnsignals toletthe publicknow what thatmachine mind isplanning. However, thatdoesn mean we want itto mimic exactlyhow humans thinkand act whiledriving. In fact,the promise of travelingby autonomous car isthat
49、siliconbrainswon do dumb things such as textand drive,or drinkand drive,or rocketdown the highway whileupset aftera breakup. (Carsdon date.)“ believethatthey have the potentialto be saferthan regularcars, ” says MarjoryS. Blumenthal,a seniorpolicyanalystat the RANDCorporation.But she says there not
50、enough good data yet to know forsure. One practicalway to createa reputationforsafetyisto startslow.The Universityof Michigan pairof self-drivingshuttlesgo just12 milesper hour.Huei Peng, a professorof mechanicalengineering,says the researchteam behind the projectisbuildingtrustby not asking too muc
51、h: The predeterminedrouteisjustabout a milelong,so they re not exactlyspeedingdown a highway in the snow. “We re tryingto push the envelopebut in a very carefulway,” Peng says. Indeed,the publicisn homogeneous, says Raj Rajkumar,who directsthe Metro21.He notices threecategoriesof potentialusers:tech
52、 skeptics,earlyadopters,and people who are stressedby driving.The earlyadopterswillbuy in first,followedby the folkswho justdislikedriving,and then finallythe skeptics,he argues.“So it a long process. ”Trustgrows likea self-driving shuttledrives:slowly. 42. What did the survey by AAAshow? A. The wid
53、e use of self-drivingcars. B. The growingdoubts on self-drivingcars. C. The urgentneed forlaws on self-drivingcars. D. The rapidriseof deaths caused by self-drivingcars. 43. The theoryof mind ismentioned to show _. A. human mind makes drivingeasier B. communication C. communicative takes skills away
54、 drivers attention can be improved by practice D. self-drivingcars are not as safe fortheirmachine mind 44. Paragraph 4 wants to tellus thatself-drivingcars _. A. willreplaceregularcars B. couldn act likehumans C. could be saferthan regularcars D. should learnto thinklikehumans 45. What is the autho
55、r attitudetowardsthe futuredevelopmentof self-drivingcars? A. Cautiousbut optimistic.B. Puzzled but hopeful. D. Skepticalbut interested. C. Concerned but pessimistic. 第二節(jié)(共 5 小題;每小題 2 分,共 10 分) 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的七個選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項。選項中有兩項為多余選項。 Develop Note-TakingSkills Speech studentsare oftenamazed at ho
56、w easilytheirteachercan pickout a speaker main points,evidence,and techniques.Of course,the teacherknows what to listenforand has had plentyof practice.But the next time you get an opportunity,watch your teacherduringa speech. Chances are she or he willbe listeningwithpen and paper.46 Unfortunately,
57、many people don take notes effectively.Sometryto writedown everythinga speaker says.They view note takingas a race,pittingtheirhandwritingagility( 敏捷) against the speaker rateof speech.47But soon the speaker iswinningthe race.The speaker pullsso farahead thatthe note takercan never catchup. Finally,
58、the note takeradmits defeatand spends the restof the speech grumblingin frustration. 48They arrivearmed withpen, notebook,and the best of intentions.They know they can writedown everything,so they settlecomfortablyin theirseatsand waitforthe speaker to say something thatgrabs theirattention.Every on
59、ce in a whilethe speaker rewards them witha joke,a dramaticstory,or a startlingfact.Then the note takerseizespen, jotsdown a few words, and leans back dreamilyto await the next fascinatingtidbit( 趣聞). By the end of the lecturethe note takerhas a set of tidbitsand littleor no recordof the speaker imp
60、ortantideas. As these examples illustrate,they don know what to listenfor,and they don know how to recordwhat they do listenfor.49But once you know what to listenfor,you stillneed a sound method of note taking. Althoughthereare a number of systems,most studentsfindthe key-wordoutlinebest for listeni
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