unit4 global warming 單元要點講述_第1頁
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unit4 global warming 單元要點講述_第5頁
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1、Revision of words & phrases 1,consume consumer (商店)顧客,主顧(商店)顧客,主顧 Customs 習(xí)慣,習(xí)俗,風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣習(xí)慣,習(xí)俗,風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣 n./v. 購買,采購,購買物購買,采購,購買物 2,renewable re開頭的詞開頭的詞 3, n. 溫室;花房溫室;花房 green fingers green boy My grandfather is in a green old age green eyed green with envy vt. 消費;消耗;耗盡;吃完消費;消耗;耗盡;吃完 n. 顧客,消費者顧客,消費者 customer

2、海關(guān),進口稅海關(guān),進口稅 custom purchase 2,能再生的;可更新的,能再生的;可更新的 Rebuild refresh renew 3,greenhouse (園藝園藝)技能技能 賈寶玉賈寶玉 怡紅公子怡紅公子 我爺爺仍是老當(dāng)益壯。我爺爺仍是老當(dāng)益壯。 “眼紅眼紅” 嫉妒、眼紅嫉妒、眼紅”,4,come about How does it come about that When it comes to Come out Come up (with) come to oneself come to life come to power come into being come a

3、cross4,發(fā)生;造成,發(fā)生;造成 是怎么回事是怎么回事 提提/談到談到,涉及到,涉及到, 來來臨臨 出現(xiàn);顯露;出版;結(jié)果是出現(xiàn);顯露;出版;結(jié)果是 走近;上來;提出走近;上來;提出 蘇醒蘇醒, 醒悟;醒悟; 活躍起來活躍起來 當(dāng)權(quán);上臺當(dāng)權(quán);上臺 形成;產(chǎn)生形成;產(chǎn)生 (偶然)遇見;碰見(偶然)遇見;碰見5,graph6, adj. 胡亂的;任意的胡亂的;任意的 at random7,phenomenon (復(fù)數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)-ena) Situation atmosphere condition circumstance5,n. 圖表;坐標圖;圖表;坐標圖;曲線圖曲線圖6,random 任意地,

4、隨便地任意地,隨便地; arbitrary7,n. 現(xiàn)象現(xiàn)象 處境處境 氣氛,氛圍氣氛,氛圍 條件,狀況條件,狀況 n. 環(huán)境;情況環(huán)境;情況 8,subscribe subscribe to subject subjective submit submarine substance substantial subway subtitle heading subtle substitute suburb vi. 同意;捐贈;訂閱同意;捐贈;訂閱 vt. (簽署簽署)文件;捐助文件;捐助 同意;贊成;訂購?fù)猓毁澇?;訂?n. 題目,主題,學(xué)科,主語,主體題目,主題,學(xué)科,主語,主體 adj.主

5、觀的,個人的主觀的,個人的 vt.遞交;呈遞(文件等)遞交;呈遞(文件等) n./adj./ v. 潛水艇,海底生物,水下的,海底潛水艇,海底生物,水下的,海底的的 用潛水艇攻擊,在下疾行,在下滑動用潛水艇攻擊,在下疾行,在下滑動 n. 物質(zhì),實質(zhì)物質(zhì),實質(zhì) 主旨主旨 資產(chǎn)資產(chǎn) adj. 大量的,實質(zhì)的,內(nèi)容充實的,大量的,實質(zhì)的,內(nèi)容充實的,n. 本質(zhì),本質(zhì),重要材料重要材料 n.地下人行道;地下人行道;地鐵地鐵 .n.副標題,說明或?qū)Π椎淖帜父睒祟},說明或?qū)Π椎淖帜?v. 在在上印字上印字幕,給幕,給加副標題加副標題 n. 標題標題 adj.微妙的;精巧的;技藝精湛的微妙的;精巧的;技藝精

6、湛的 n. 代替者;代用品代替者;代用品 vt.用用代替代替 n. 郊區(qū),邊緣郊區(qū),邊緣 9,fuel 10,byproduct 副作用副作用 副總統(tǒng)副總統(tǒng) 11,quantity 大量的大量的 12,tend n. 傾向;趨勢常與傾向;趨勢常與to/towards連用連用 have a tendency to do attend to trend 9, n. 燃料燃料 v.加燃料加燃料 10, n. 副產(chǎn)品副產(chǎn)品 Side effect Vice-president 11,n. 量;數(shù)量量;數(shù)量 quantities of 12,vi. 趨向;易于;趨向;易于;照顧照顧 vt. 照顧;護理照

7、顧;護理 Tendency 有做有做的傾向、趨勢的傾向、趨勢 處理,照顧,照看處理,照顧,照看 n. 趨勢;傾向;走向趨勢;傾向;走向Aircraft sometimes fuels while in the air.13,go up Go through Go over Go ahead14,measurement15,資料;數(shù)據(jù),資料;數(shù)據(jù)16,導(dǎo)致,導(dǎo)致, 17,catastrophe 上升,上漲上升,上漲 經(jīng)歷,經(jīng)受,瀏覽經(jīng)歷,經(jīng)受,瀏覽 復(fù)習(xí),仔細檢查復(fù)習(xí),仔細檢查 14,測量,測量15,data16,lead tocauseresult inas a result of resul

8、t fromn. 大災(zāi)難;浩劫大災(zāi)難;浩劫, 18, The river had burst its banks and _河水沖破堤岸河水沖破堤岸,淹沒了山谷。淹沒了山谷。 _whenever it rains heavily. 一下大雨洞里就灌滿了水。一下大雨洞里就灌滿了水。 flooded the valley.The hole floodsI continued to measure his progress against the charts in the doctors office.我繼續(xù)比照醫(yī)生辦公室里的圖表來判斷他病情的發(fā)展。我繼續(xù)比照醫(yī)生辦公室里的圖表來判斷他病情的發(fā)展。

9、 measure 測測 to judge the importance, value or effect of sth. 估量判定(重要性,價值或影響等)估量判定(重要性,價值或影響等)If you measure the quality, value, or effect of something, you discover or judge how great it is. balance 平平 to compare the relative importance of two contrasting things 比較兩個相對的事物,比較兩個相對的事物,權(quán)衡重要性權(quán)衡重要性If you

10、balance one thing against another, you consider its importance in relation to the other one. weigh 稱重,掂量稱重,掂量to consider sth. carefully before making a decision 認真考慮,權(quán)衡,斟酌認真考慮,權(quán)衡,斟酌If you weigh the facts about a situation, you consider them very carefully She spoke very slowly, weighing what she wou

11、ld say. 她講話時斟酌再三,說得非常慢。她講話時斟酌再三,說得非常慢。 The cost of obtaining legal advice needs to be balanced against its benefits. 法律咨詢的費用與其效益需要權(quán)衡一下。法律咨詢的費用與其效益需要權(quán)衡一下。 I continued to measure his progress against the charts in the doctors office. 我繼續(xù)比照醫(yī)生辦公室里的圖表來判斷他病情的發(fā)展。我繼續(xù)比照醫(yī)生辦公室里的圖表來判斷他病情的發(fā)展。 If he spends much t

12、ime in _ gains and losses, he will get nothing at last. A、 balancing B、weighing14,oppose be opposed to opposed be opposite to object to sth./doing15,mild Gentle Tender Slight light16,environmentalenvironmentalist 17,consequence14,vt. 反對;反抗;與(某人)反對;反抗;與(某人)較量,只用作較量,只用作及物動詞及物動詞,接名接名詞、代詞、動名詞作賓語。詞、代詞、動名

13、詞作賓語。 反對反對 adj. 反對的;對立的反對的;對立的 與與 . 相反;相反; 與與 . 相對相對 15,adj. 溫和的;溫柔的;淡的溫和的;溫柔的;淡的, 16, adj. 環(huán)境的環(huán)境的 n. 環(huán)境保護論者環(huán)境保護論者 17,n. 結(jié)果;后果;影響結(jié)果;后果;影響18,state in a terrible state It is stated that19,range beyond the range of out of ones range 從從到到不等不等 在在范圍內(nèi)波動范圍內(nèi)波動20,keep on Keep off Keep away from Keep+賓語賓語+賓語補足

14、語賓語補足語 Keepfrom doing Keep up18, vt. 陳述;說明陳述;說明 狀態(tài)不佳狀態(tài)不佳 有人聲明有人聲明/說說/19, n. 種類;范圍種類;范圍 超越超越的范圍的范圍 某人達不到的某人達不到的 range from to / between and vary from 20,繼續(xù),繼續(xù) 遠離,勿踏,勿踩遠離,勿踏,勿踩 遠離遠離 阻止阻止做做 保持,繼續(xù),維持保持,繼續(xù),維持這家商店商品品種多。這家商店商品品種多。The shop keeps a wide range of goods老師領(lǐng)其學(xué)生沿著小徑排隊。老師領(lǐng)其學(xué)生沿著小徑排隊。The teacher ran

15、ged his students along the path.21,, glance22,steady steadily 23,on the whole 24,economical economic economy, financial 21,vi. 看一下;掃視看一下;掃視 n. 一瞥一瞥22, adj. 平穩(wěn)的;持續(xù)的;穩(wěn)固的平穩(wěn)的;持續(xù)的;穩(wěn)固的 adv. 平穩(wěn)地;持續(xù)地平穩(wěn)地;持續(xù)地23,大體上;基本上,大體上;基本上24, adj. 節(jié)約的;經(jīng)濟的節(jié)約的;經(jīng)濟的 經(jīng)濟的經(jīng)濟的”(即與國計民生有即與國計民生有關(guān)的關(guān)的)外外,還表示還表示“經(jīng)濟上經(jīng)濟上有收益的有收益的,有利可圖的有利可

16、圖的”; n. 經(jīng)濟;節(jié)約經(jīng)濟;節(jié)約 adj. 經(jīng)濟的;經(jīng)濟的;廉價的廉價的 財政的財政的,財務(wù)的財務(wù)的,財力的財力的 25,existence 存在存在26,on behalf of 27,advocate anecdote 28,commitment Commit 委員會,全體委員委員會,全體委員 commit a crime commit murder25, n. 生存;存在生存;存在 in existence Come into existence There exists26,代表,代表一方;一方; 作作為為的代言人的代言人27, vt. 擁護;提倡;主張擁護;提倡;主張 逸聞趣事逸

17、聞趣事28,n. 承諾;交托;信奉承諾;交托;信奉 v. 犯罪;承諾;委托;托付犯罪;承諾;委托;托付 committee 犯下罪行犯下罪行 謀殺謀殺29,put up with put aside put awayput downput off put out put up 30,electrical Electric Electronic Electricity31,appliance apply32,casual 29,忍受;容忍,忍受;容忍, 節(jié)??;節(jié)省; 儲存儲存 寫下寫下 延期延期 熄滅熄滅 舉起舉起30,adj. 電的;與電有關(guān)的電的;與電有關(guān)的,電器的電器的 adj. 電的電的

18、 adj.電子的電子的 n.電,電流電,電流31,n. 用具;工具;器具用具;工具;器具32, adj. 隨便的;漫不經(jīng)心隨便的;漫不經(jīng)心的;偶然的的;偶然的33,refresh 34,educatorn.受過良好教育的受過良好教育的33, vt. 使恢復(fù);使振動使恢復(fù);使振動34, n. 教育工作者;教育家教育工作者;教育家education be well educatedThe photo refreshed my memory of my childhood.高考鏈接 _, my room is still a bit of small. 與他的房間相比,我的房間還是小了一點。與他的房

19、間相比,我的房間還是小了一點。 _with the cost of living in other places, you will find that it is cheaper here.比較這里和其它城市的生活成本,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)這里比較這里和其它城市的生活成本,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)這里還是便宜一點。還是便宜一點。Compared with his roomComparing the cost of living here1,Before he died he had _a large quantity of alcohol.2,The hotel was quickly consumed by fire

20、.3,Small cars are economical of fuel , so they have more appeal for_.4, It is my _to go for a walk before breakfast.5,The _officer inspected my passport suspiciously. 6, Brown asked his friend to go in with him on the of a ship. 1,consumed 2, consumed 3, consumers 4, custom5, customs6, purchase 高考鏈接

21、高考鏈接Its already 10 oclock. I wonder how it _ that she was two hours late on such a short trip. (湖北湖北2006)A. came over B. came out C. came about D. came up Please tell me how the accident _. I am still in the dark. (2005 江西江西) A. came by B. came out C. came to D. came about高考鏈接1. The flood _a conside

22、rable reduction in production. 這次水災(zāi)造成相當(dāng)大的減產(chǎn)。這次水災(zāi)造成相當(dāng)大的減產(chǎn)。2. The quarrel _the house. 爭吵導(dǎo)致了他母親離家出走。爭吵導(dǎo)致了他母親離家出走。resulted in his mother leavingresulted inThe husband strongly _therealone. 丈夫極力反對妻子單獨去那個地方。丈夫極力反對妻子單獨去那個地方。In fact everything he does _what isconsidered normal behaviors 事實上,他所做的一切都與人們認為是正常的

23、相反事實上,他所做的一切都與人們認為是正常的相反The proposal_ by the local residents.這個提議遭到當(dāng)?shù)鼐用竦姆磳@個提議遭到當(dāng)?shù)鼐用竦姆磳 _your suggestion.我強烈反對你的建議我強烈反對你的建議opposed his wifes goingis opposite towas opposedam strongly opposed to The gentlemen wrote her a letter _that he did not want her back unless she returned of her own free will

24、. 那位紳士給她寫了一封信,說除非她自愿,否則那位紳士給她寫了一封信,說除非她自愿,否則他不愿意她回來。他不愿意她回來。 In the contract_any dispute between the two parties shall be settled by friendly consultation 在合同里注明雙方之間任何爭議將通過友好協(xié)商在合同里注明雙方之間任何爭議將通過友好協(xié)商解決解決 statingit is stated that an economy class air ticket 經(jīng)濟艙機票經(jīng)濟艙機票 financial crisis 金融危機金融危機 They had

25、 led the country into economic disaster. 他們把國家?guī)肓私?jīng)濟災(zāi)難中。他們把國家?guī)肓私?jīng)濟災(zāi)難中。 When we had done the costing on the project, it was clear that it would not be economical to go ahead with it. 我們計算了成本,清楚表明這項工程不合算。我們計算了成本,清楚表明這項工程不合算。 Economically, the country is in a very healthy state. 從經(jīng)濟學(xué)的觀點來說,國家處于很興旺的狀態(tài)之從經(jīng)濟

26、學(xué)的觀點來說,國家處于很興旺的狀態(tài)之中。中。 1,He glanced briefly down the list of names.2,I only had time to take /have a glance at the newspaper headlines. 3,She glanced round the room before she left.4,He glanced at the envelope and recognized his mums handwriting.5,The women exchanged glances.女人們互使眼色。女人們互使眼色。6,One gl

27、ance at his face told me he was ill.7,At first glance , the figures dont look good , but on closer examination youll find theyre not bad at all. They are looking for someone with a real sense of commitment to the job. 他們正在找一個對這一工作有獻身精神的人。他們正在找一個對這一工作有獻身精神的人。 He made a commitment to pay the rent on t

28、ime. 他保證按時付房租。他保證按時付房租。 He has committed a serious fault. 他犯了嚴重錯誤。他犯了嚴重錯誤。 He has committed himself to support them. 他答應(yīng)負擔(dān)他們的生活。他答應(yīng)負擔(dān)他們的生活。 Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully. 雙方承諾和平解決爭端。雙方承諾和平解決爭端。 The exhibition is interesting to both the enthusiast and the casual vis

29、itor. 熱心的愛好者和碰巧來參觀的人都認為這個展覽熱心的愛好者和碰巧來參觀的人都認為這個展覽有意思。有意思。 dressed casually in jeans and T-shirt 隨便穿著牛仔褲和隨便穿著牛仔褲和T恤衫恤衫 Hes an easy-going, friendly young man with a casual sort of attitude towards money. 他是個隨和、友善的年輕人,不太在意金錢他是個隨和、友善的年輕人,不太在意金錢Key sentences1,We _energy to do many things in our daily live

30、s. For example, energy _and heats our buildings. 2,An energy source_ when supplies of it never run out and non-renewable when one day they will run out.3,That probably doesnt seem much to you or me but it is a rapid increase changes_. So how has this _and does it matter?4,There is no doubt that the

31、earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.5,All scientists _that the increase in the earths temperature _the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy.depend onlights our citie

32、sis renewablewhen compared to other naturalcome aboutsubscribe to the viewis due to6,It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up.7,It was a scientist called Charles Keeling, who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxid

33、e in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997.8,They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide.9,She says, We cant predict the climate well enough to know what to expect, but it could be very serious.“10,On the other hand, there are

34、those, like George Hambley, who are opposed to this view, believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air. They predict that any warming will be mild with few bad environmental consequences.11,It is clear what the effects of global warming will be.12,I am doing a project on behalf of my school about global warming. Sometimes I feel that individuals can have little effect on such huge environmental problems. However, 1 still think people should advoca


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