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1、護理英語第六小組陳雅玲飾病人P兼拍攝視頻鄧翠琴飾醫(yī)生D甘雪連飾預(yù)約和藥房護士N1凌昭梅飾前臺護士N2李華玲飾病人朋友F兼PPT制作make an appointmentN:Good morning.This is Doctor Dengs office.What can I do for you?F:Yes,this is Miss Li. Id like to make an appointment for my friend to see the doctor tomorrw morning.N:Well,let me see.Im afraid she is fully booked o

2、n tomorrow morning.F:How about afternoon?N:Oh,gerat.Doctor Deng will be available tomorrow afternoonF:Thats five.Thank you.We will come then.Receiving the patient N:Good afternoon.whats the matter with you? P:Good morning.I have a terrible headache. N:When did you begin feeling sick? P:About two day

3、s ago. N:Im going to take your temperature. P:Is it serious? N:You had have a influenza.What symptoms do you have beside this? P:Yesterday I have a running nose,but now my nose is stuffed up,I have a sore throat. N:Have you ever taken any medicine for it? P:No,I havent. N:There is nothing to worry a

4、bout.It doesnt sound serious.The doctor will come over and give you an examination. P:Thank you very much.Examination D:Good afternoon.What troubling you? P:Good afternoon,doctor,I have a terrible headache. D:All right.Tell me how it got started. P:Yesterday I had a running nose.Now my nose is stuff

5、ed up.I have a sore throat,I feel terrible. D:Dont worry.Let me give you an examination.First let me take a look at your throat.Open your mouth and sayAh p:Ah D:Good.Now put your tongue out.All right.Let me examine your chest.Please unbutton your shirt.Let me cheak your heart and lungs.Take a deep b

6、reath and hold it.Breath in and out.By the way,do you have a history of tuberculosis? P:No,definitely not. D:Look,your throat is inflamed.And your tongue is thickly coated.You have all the symptomes of flu. P:What am I supposed to do? D:A good rest is all you need and drink more water.Ill write you

7、a prescription.Here you are. P:Thank you.At the pharmacy F:My friend had have the flu.Here is her prescription. N:Just a moment,please.Here you are.Take two of these tablets three times a day after meals F:Ok.What can we do to prevent the flu? N:You can do such as Im merse feet in warm water,open wi

8、ndows to get fresh air,do exercises everyday,drink more water and so on. F:I know,thank you. N:You are welcome.make an appointment 預(yù)約see the doctor看醫(yī)生available adj.可獲得的,有空地,能找到的 take your temperature.給.量體溫 serious嚴重的,認真的stuffed up 塞滿 stuffy不通氣的,鼻塞的tongue 舌unbutton vt解開,打開,表露,吐露tuberculosis n肺結(jié)核,癆,癆病

9、 inflamed adj發(fā)炎的,紅腫的 flu prescription 處方,處方藥 prevent 預(yù)防,阻擾 examination 檢查,考試,詢問,審問 three times a day =tid每日三次whats the matter with you=whats wrong with you=what happened to you=whats the trouble=whats up. By the way 順便說,完全 all the way 一直,完全 by way of 經(jīng)過,經(jīng)由,通過.的方法 give way 讓步,讓路,屈服 in a way 在某種程度上,從某

10、一點上看 go out of ones way 特地,不怕麻煩地 in the way 妨礙某人的 make ones way 去,前往,行進 under way 在進行中 out of the way 被處理好,得到解決 no way 無論如何不,不可能 make way讓路,騰出地方或位置過去完成時 過去完成時用以表示在過去的過去發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài),由“助動詞had+過去分詞”構(gòu)成,無人稱和數(shù)的變化,可與by,after,when,until,once,as soon as等構(gòu)成的時間狀語連用。一.過去完成時的形式(以I,do為例) 肯定式 I had/Id done. 否定式 I h

11、ad not/hadnt done. 疑問式 Had you done.? 否定疑問式 Had you not/hadnt you done.? 被動語態(tài) .had been done.二.過去完成時的用法1.表示在過去某一段時間以前已經(jīng)完成的動作。We had learned all the nursing skills by the end of last month.I had finished the exam before 10:00 this morning.2.表示在過去的動作之前已經(jīng)完成的動作,常用said,told,heard,knew,thought等動詞后面的賓語從句中。

12、The patient had just had his breakfast when the doctor came in.He said that he had spent his holiday in france.3.下列句式常用于過去完成時Hardly+過去完成時+when+過去時No sooner+過去完成時+than+過去時It was+時間段+since(過去完成時),It was the first(second,third,ect.)time+從句(過去完成時)。三.過去完成時與一般過去時、現(xiàn)在完成時的區(qū)別1.一般過去時表示過去發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài),和現(xiàn)在不發(fā)生關(guān)系。He played basketball yesterday.There was a hospital here ten years ago.2.現(xiàn)在完成時強調(diào)過去發(fā)生的動作對現(xiàn)在造成的影響和結(jié)果,或表示由過去延續(xù)到現(xiàn)在的動作。I have called the doctor.She has worked


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