1、MBA專業(yè)術(shù)語匯總AAbility-to-pay prin ciple能力納稅原則The idea that taxes should be levied on a pers on accord ing to how well that pers on can shoulder the burde nAbsolute adva ntage絕對(duì)優(yōu)勢The comparis on among producers of a good accord ing to their productivityAggregate-dema nd curve總需求曲線theA curve that shows th
2、equantity of goods and services that households, firms, andgover nment want to buy at any price levelAggregate-supply curve總供給曲線A curve that shows the qua ntity of goods and services that firms choose to produce and sell at any levelAppreciati on 升值A(chǔ)n in crease in the value of a curre ncy as measure
3、d by the amount of foreig n curre ncy it can buyAutomatic stabilizers 自動(dòng)穩(wěn)定器Chan ges in fiscal policy that stimulate aggregate dema nd whe n the economy goes into a recessi on without policymakers havi ng to take any deliberate acti onAverage fixed cost平均固定成本Fixed costs divided by the qua ntity of ou
4、tputAverage revenue 平均收益Total revenue divided by the qua ntity soldAverage tax rate平均稅率Total taxes paid divided by total in comeAverage total cost 平均總成本Total cost divided by the qua ntity of outputAverage variable cost平均可變成本Variables costs divided by the qua ntity of outputAccelerator 加速數(shù)the effect
5、on GDP of the in crease in in vestme nt that results from an in crease in output. For in sta nee, the greater output leads a firm to believe that the dema nd for its products will rise in the future; the result ing in crease in in vestme nt leads to growth in output and still further in creases in i
6、n vestme nt, accelerati ng the expa nsion of the economyAcquired en dowme nts后天稟賦resources a country builds for itself, like a n etwork of roads or an educated populati onAdaptive expectati ons適應(yīng)性預(yù)期expectati ons based on the extrapolati on of eve nts in the recent past into the futureaggregate expe
7、nditures schedule總支出曲線a curve that traces out the relati on ship betwee n expe nditures-the sum of con sumpti on,in vestme nt, gover nment expe nditures, and net exports-a nd the n ati onal in come, at a fixed price levelan titrust laws反托拉斯法laws that discourage monopoly and restrictive practices and
8、 encourage greater competiti onarbitrage 套禾 Uthe process by which assets with comparable risk, liquidity, and tax treatment are priced to yield comparable expected retur nsadverse selecti on逆向選擇prin ciple that says that those who most want to buy in sura nee tend to be those most at risk, but charg
9、ing a high price for in sura nce (to cover the high risk)will discourage those at less risk from buying in sura nce at allasset 資產(chǎn)any item that is Ion g-lived, purchased for the service it ren ders over its life and for whatone will receive whe n one sells itassista nce in kind實(shí)物援助public assista nce
10、 that provides particular goods and services, like food or medical care, rather tha n cashasymmetric in formati on信息不對(duì)稱a situation in which the parties to a transaction have different information, as when theseller or a used car has more in formati on about its quality the n the buyeraut onom ous co
11、n sumpti on自主消費(fèi)that part of con sumpti on that does not depe nd on in comeaverage costs 平均成本the total costs divided by the total outputaverage productivity平均產(chǎn)量total qua ntity divided by the total qua ntity of inputBBen efits prin ciple受益原貝 UThe idea that people should pay taxes based on the ben efit
12、s they receive from gover nment servicesBo nd債券A certificate of in debted nessBudget con stra int預(yù)算約束The limit on the con sumpti on bun dles that a con sumer can affordBudget deficit 預(yù)算赤字An excess of gover nment spe nding over gover nment receiptsBudget surplus 預(yù)算盈余An excess of gover nment receipts
13、over gover nment spe ndinbarriers to entry 進(jìn)入障礙factors that preve nt firms from en teri ng a market, such as gover nment rules or pate ntsbasic competitive model基本競爭模型the model of the economy that pulls together the assumptions of self-interested con sumers, profit maximiz ing firms, and perfectly c
14、ompetitive marketsbequest savi ngs motive儲(chǔ)蓄的遺產(chǎn)動(dòng)機(jī)people save so that they can leave an in herita nee to their childre nBertra nd competiti on伯特蘭競爭an oligopoly in which each firm believes that its rivals are committed to keeping their prices fixed and that customers can be lured away by offeri ng lowe
15、r pricesbilateral trade 雙邊貿(mào)易trade betwee n two partiesboom 繁榮a period of time when resources are being fully used and GDP is growing steadilyCCapital 資本The equipme nt and structures used to produce goods and servicesCapital flight 資本外流A large and sudde n reducti on in the dema nd for assets located
16、in a countryCartel卡特爾A group of firms act ing in unisonCatch-up effect 追趕效應(yīng)The property that coun tries that start off poor tend to grow more rapidly tha n coun tries that start off richCentral bank中央銀行An in stituti on desig ned to oversee the banking system and regulate the qua ntity of money in th
17、e economyCeteris paribus其它條件相同A Latin phrase, translated as other things being equal, used as a reminder that all variables other tha n the ones being studied are assumed to be con sta ntCircular-flow diagram循環(huán)流向圖A visual model of the economy that shows how dollars flow through markets among househo
18、lds and firmsClassical dichotomy古典二分法The theoretical separation of nominal and real variablesClosed economy圭寸閉經(jīng)濟(jì)An economy that does not in teract with other econo mies in the worldCoase theorem 科斯定理The propositi on that if private parties can barga in without cost over the allocati on of resources,
19、 they can solve the problem of exter nalities on their ownCollective barga ining集體談判The process by which unions and firms agree on the terms of employme ntCollusi on 勾結(jié)An agreement among firms in a market about quantities to produce or prices to chargeCommodity money 商品貨幣Money that takes the form of
20、 a commodity with intrin sic valueCommon resources共有資源Goods that are rival but not excludableComparable worth 同工同酬A doctri ne accord ing to which jobs deemed comparable should be paid the same wageComparative adva ntage比較優(yōu)勢The comparis on among producers of a good accord ing to their opport un ity c
21、ostCompe nsati ng wage differe ntial補(bǔ)償性工資差另 UA differe nee in wages that arises to offset the nonmon etary characteristics of differe nt jobsCompetitive market 競爭市場A market with many buyers and sellers trad ing ide ntical products so that each buyer andseller is a price takerCompleme nts 互補(bǔ)品Two good
22、s for which an in crease in the price of one good leads to a decrease in thedema nd for the other goodCon sta nt returns to scale規(guī)模收益不變The property that long-run average total cost stays the same as the quantity of output changesCon sumer price in dex消費(fèi)物價(jià)指數(shù)A measure of the overall cost of the goods
23、and services bought by a typical con sumerCon sumer surplus消費(fèi)者剩余A buyers willi ngn ess to pay minus the amount the buyer actually paysCon sumptio n 消費(fèi)Spending by households on goods and services, with the excepti on of purchases of newhous ingCost成本The value of everyth ing a seller must give up to p
24、roduce a goodCost-be nefit an alysis成本一收益分析A study that compares the costs and ben efits to society of providi ng a public goodCrowdi ng-outeffect擠出效應(yīng) The offset inaggregatedema nd that results whe nexpansionaryfiscalpolicy raises the interestrate andtherebyreduces investmentspe ndingCurrency 通貨The
25、paper bills and coins in the hands of the publicCyclical un employme nt周期性失業(yè)The deviatio n of un employme nt from its n atural ratecapital gain 資本增值the in crease in the value of an asset betwee n the time it is purchased and the time it issoldcapital market 資本市場the market in which savi ngs are made
26、available to in vestorscategorical assista nee分類幫助public assista nee aimed at a particular category of people, like the elderly or the disabledcausati on 因果關(guān)系relati on ship that results whe n an cha nge in one variable is not only correlated with but actually causes the cha nge in ano ther onecen tr
27、al pla nning中央計(jì)戈 Uthe system in which cen tral gover nment bureaucrats (as opposed to private en trepre neurs or even local gover nment bureaucrats) determ ine what will be produced an how it will be producedcen tralizatio n集權(quán)organizational structure in which decision making is concentrated at the t
28、opcen trally pla nned economy中央計(jì)劃經(jīng)濟(jì)an economy in which most decisi ons about resource allocati on are made by the cen tral gover nmentcertificate of deposit (CD) 存單account in which money is deposited for a preset length of time, that must yield a slightly higher retur n to compe nsate for the reduce
29、d liquiditycircular flow 循環(huán)流程how funds move through the capital, labor, and product markets between households, firms, the gover nment, and the foreig n sectorclassical econo mists古典經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家econo mistsprevale ntbefore the Great Depressi on who believed that the basiccompetitive model provided a good des
30、cription of the economy and that if short periods of unemploymentdid occur, market forces would quickly restore the economy to fullemployme ntclassical un employme nt古典失業(yè)un employme nt that results from too-high real wages; it occurs in the supply con stra ined equilibrium, so that rightwards shifts
31、 in aggregate supply reduce the level of un employme ntcompetitive equilibrium price競爭性均衡價(jià)格the price at which the quantity supplied and the quantity demanded are equal to each othercon sumer protect ion legislati on消費(fèi)者保護(hù)法laws aimed at protect ing con sumers, for in sta nee by assuri ng that con sume
32、rs have more complete in formatio n about items they are con sideri ng buyingcon sumer sovereig nty消費(fèi)者權(quán)益the prin ciple that holds that each in dividual is the best judge of what makes him better offcon sumpti on function消費(fèi)函數(shù)the relatio nship betwee n disposable in come and con sumpti oncon ti ngency
33、 clauses應(yīng)變條款stateme nts within a con tract that make the level of payme nt or the work to be performedcon diti onal upon various factorscorporate in come tax 公司所得稅a tax based on the in come, or profit, received by a corporatio ncorrelati on 相關(guān)relati on ship that results whe n a cha nge in one variab
34、le is con siste ntly associated with a cha nge in ano ther onecost-push in flatio n成本推動(dòng)型通貨膨脹in flati on whose in itial cause is a rise in product ion costsCournot competiti on古諾競爭an oligopoly in which each firm believes that its rivals are committed to a certain level of product ion and that rivals
35、will reduce their prices as n eeded to sell that amountcrede ntials competiti on文憑競爭MBAliomeSay 仙L口 TO Tour Future the trend in which prospective workers acquire higher educational credentials, not so much because of anything they actually learn in the process but to convince potential employers to
36、hire them by signaling that they will be more productive employees than those with weaker crede ntialscredit constraint effect 信貸約束效應(yīng)whe n prices fall, firms revenues also fall, but the money they owe creditors rema ins un cha nged; as a result, firms have fewer funds of their own to in vest. Becaus
37、e of credit rati oning, firms cannot make up the differe nee; accord in gly, in vestme nt decreasescredit rati oning 信貸配給credit is rationed when no lender is willing to make a loan to a borrower or the amount lenders are willing to lend to borrowers is limited, even if the borrower is willing to pay
38、 more tha n other borrowers of comparable risk who are gett ing loa nscross subsidizati on交叉補(bǔ)貝占the practice of charging higher prices to one group of consumers in order to subsidize lower prices for ano ther groupDDeadweight loss無謂損失The reduct ion in total surplus that results from a taxDema nd curv
39、e 需求曲線A graph of the relati on ship betwee n the price of a good and the qua ntity dema ndedDema nd deposits活期存款Bala nces in bank acco unts that depositors can access on dema nd by writ ing a checkDema nd schedule 需求表A table that shows the relati on ship betwee n the price of a good and the qua ntit
40、y dema ndedDepreciati on 貶值A(chǔ) decrease in the value of a curre ncy as measured by the amount of foreig n curre ncy it can buyDepressio n 蕭條A severe recessi onDimi nishi ng marginal product邊際產(chǎn)量遞減The property whereby the marginal product of an in put decli nes as the qua ntity of the in put in creasesT
41、he property that the marginal product of an in put decli nes as the qua ntity of the in putin creasesDimi nishi ng returns收益遞減The property that the ben efit from an extra unit of an in put decli nes as the qua ntity of thein put in creasesDiscou nt rate 貼現(xiàn)率The interest rate on the loans that the Fed
42、 makes to banksDiscouraged workers喪失信心的工人In dividuals who would like to work but have give n up look ing for a jobDiscrimi natio n歧視The offeri ng of differe nt opport un ities to similar in dividuals who differ only by race, eth nicgroup, sex, age, or other personal characteristicsDisec ono mies of
43、scale規(guī)模不經(jīng)濟(jì)The property that l ong-run average total cost rises as the qua ntity of output in creasesDomi nant strategy優(yōu)勢戰(zhàn)略A strategy that is best for a player in a game regardless of the strategies chose n by the other playersdebt債務(wù)capital, such as bonds and bank loans, supplied to a firm by lenders
44、; the firm promises torepay the amount borrowed with in terestdece ntralizati on分權(quán)化orga ni zati onal structure in which many in dividuals or sub un its can make decisi onsdecisi on tree 決策樹a device for structured decision making that spells out the choices and possible con seque nces of alter native
45、 acti onsdeficit spe nding赤字支出the situati on that exists whe n gover nment expe nditures are greater tha n revenuesdeflation通貨緊縮a persiste nt decrease in the gen eral level of pricesdema nd-c on stra ined equilibrium受需求約束的平衡the equilibrium that occurs when prices are stuck at a level above that at w
46、hich aggregatedema nd equals aggregate supply at the curre nt price leveldema nd-pull in flati on需求拉動(dòng)型通貨膨脹in flati on whose in itial cause is aggregate dema nd exceed ing aggregate supply at the curre nt price leveldemographic effects 人口效應(yīng)effects that arise from cha nges in characteristics of the po
47、pulati on such as age, birthrates,and locati onderegulati on 放松管制the lift ing of gover nment regulati ons to allow the market to function more freelydevaluati on 貶值a reduct ion in the rate of excha nge betwee n one curre ncy and other curre ncies un der afixed excha nge rate systemdeveloped coun tri
48、es發(fā)達(dá)國家或工業(yè)化國家the wealthiest n ati ons in the world, in cludi ng Wester n Europe, the Un ited States, Can ada,Japa n, Australia, and New Zeala nddimi nish ing margi nal utility邊際效用遞減the prin ciple that says that as an in dividual con sumes more and more of a good, eachsuccessive unit in creases her ut
49、ility, or enjoyme nt, less and lessdivide nds 股息that porti on of corporate profits paid out to shareholdersdow nward rigidity of wages工資下降剛性the situation that exists when wages do not fall quickly in response to a shift in the dema nd or supply curve for labor, result ing in an excess supply of labo
50、rdual economy 二元經(jīng)濟(jì)the separatio n in many LDCs betwee n an impoverished rural sector and an urba n sectorthat has higher wages and more adva need tech no logyduopoly雙頭壟斷an in dustry with only two firmsdurable goods 耐用品goods that provide a service over a nu mber of years, such as cars, major applia n
51、ces, and furnituredyn amic con siste ncy動(dòng)態(tài)一致性a policy is said to have dyn amic con siste ncy whe n gover nment announces a course ofMBAliomeSay 仙L口 TO Tour Future action and the n has the incen tives to actually carry out that policyEEconomics 經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)The study of how society man ages its scarce resource
52、sEcono mies of scale規(guī)模經(jīng)濟(jì)The property that l ong-run average total cost falls as the qua ntity of output in creasesEfficie ncy 效率The property of a resource allocation of maximizing the total surplus received by all members of society; The property of society getting the most it can from its scarce re
53、sourcesEfficie ncy wages 效率工資Above-equilibrium wages paid by firms in order to in crease worker productivityEfficie nt scale 有效規(guī)模The qua ntity of output that mini mizes average total costElasticity 彈性A measure of the responsiveness of quantity demanded or quantity supplied to one of its determi nant
54、sEquilibrium 均衡A situati on in which supply and dema nd have bee n brought into bala neeEquilibrium price 均衡價(jià)格The price that bala nces supply and dema ndEquilibrium qua ntity 均衡數(shù)量The quantity supplied and the quantity demanded when the price has adjusted to balancesupply and dema ndEquity平等The fairn
55、ess of the distribution of well-being among the various buyers and sellers; Theproperty of distributi ng econo mic prosperity fairly among the members of societyExcess dema nd超額需求A situati on in which qua ntity dema nded is greater tha n qua ntity suppliedExcess supply超額供給A situati on in which qua n
56、tity supplied is greater tha n qua ntity dema ndedExcludability 排他性The property of a good that a pers on can be preve nted from using itExports 出口Goods and services that are produced domestically and sold abroad; Goods produceddomestically and sold abroadExternality 外部性The impact of one pers ons act
57、ions on the well-be ing of a bysta nderecono mic rents經(jīng)濟(jì)租金payme nts made to a factor that are in excess of what is required to elicit the supply of thatfactorefficie ncy wage theory效率工資理論the theory that pay ing higher wages (up to a point) lowers total product ion costs, forin sta nee by leadi ng to a more productive labor forceecono mies of scope范圍經(jīng)濟(jì)what exists when it is less expe nsive to produce two products together tha n it would be toproduce each one separate
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