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1、 名 詞 名詞的數(shù) 可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞的區(qū)別 定義: 可數(shù)名詞:普通名詞中的個體名詞和集體名詞可以用數(shù)目來計算,有單復數(shù)之分 不可數(shù)名詞:沒有單復數(shù)之分,物質(zhì)名詞和抽象名詞屬于不可數(shù)名詞 可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞的主要區(qū)別: 可數(shù)名詞可以被 a/an 修飾,且有復數(shù)形式,而不可數(shù)名詞不可以被a/an 修飾,且沒有復數(shù)形式 有些限定詞只能修飾可數(shù)名詞,某些則只能修飾不可數(shù)名詞,而某些則既能修飾可數(shù)名詞又能修飾不可數(shù)名詞 只能修飾可數(shù)名詞的有:few, many= a number of, a great/good many, a great many of 等 只能修飾不可數(shù)名詞的有:much,

2、little, a large amount of, a great deal of 即可修飾可數(shù)名詞又可修飾不可數(shù)名詞的有:some, any, plenty of, a lot of, a large quantity of 只能修飾可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)的有: many a, more than one 有些不可數(shù)名詞有相應的名詞表其個體: Bread- a loaf, work- a job, clothing- a garment, poetry- a poem, traffic- a vehicle, jewellery- a jewel 有些不可數(shù)名詞加 s,含義發(fā)生變化。如: 1 / 1

3、2 Time 時間- times 時代;paper 紙-papers 文件,報紙,論文,卷紙;manner 方式- manners 禮貌, water 水- waters 水域 可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)的構(gòu)成規(guī)則如下: 大部分名詞構(gòu)成復數(shù)時,在詞尾加 s,如: Cup cups, truck-trucks 以因素s z t?d? ? ,結(jié)尾的名詞構(gòu)成復數(shù)時,在詞尾加- es,如, Bus- buses, box-boxes, bridge bridges, watch- watches 以輔音字母加 y 結(jié)尾的名詞構(gòu)成復數(shù)時,直接加 s,如: City- cities, party- parties, b

4、ody- bodies 以元音字母加 y 結(jié)尾的名詞構(gòu)成復數(shù)時,直接加 s,如: Boy- boys, play- plays, day- days, key- keys 以輔音字母加 o 結(jié)尾的名詞構(gòu)成復數(shù)時,通常在詞尾加 es,也有特殊情況,如: Hero- heroes, potato- potatoes, tomato- tomatoes, negro- negroes, mango- mangoes, buffalo- buffaloes, echo(回聲)-echoes, tornado(龍卷風)- tornadoes, torpedo(魚雷)- torpedoes, domino

5、(多米諾骨牌)- dominoes, veto(否決,否決權)- vetoes, mosquito(蚊子)- mosquitoes 一些外來詞,特別是音樂方面的詞,在詞尾加 s,如: Piano- pianos, solo(獨唱,獨奏)- solos, concerto(協(xié)奏曲)- concertos, tobacco- tobaccos, motto(座右銘)-mottos, cello(大提琴)- cellos 一些縮寫詞和專有名詞,在詞尾加 s,如: Kilo( kilogram)-kilos, photo( photograph)- photos, memo(memorandum)-

6、memos 2 / 12 以元音字母加 o 的名詞構(gòu)成復數(shù)時,直接加 s,如: Video- videos, radio- radios, studio- studios, folio(對開紙)- folios, oratorio(清唱劇)- oratorios, embryo(胚胎)- embryos, zoo- zoos, bamboo(竹子)- bamboos, kangaroo- kangaroos, taboo(戒律)- taboos 注:有些以 O 結(jié)尾的單詞,即可加 s 也可加 es,如: volcano 一些以 f, fe 結(jié)尾的名詞構(gòu)成復數(shù)時,把 f, fe 變成 v, 再加

7、 es,如: Half- halves, leaf- leaves, knife- knives, thief- thieves,self-selves, life- lives, wife- wives, shelf- shelves, loaf- loaves, wolf- wolves 口訣:為了自己活命,小偷和他的妻子手里拿著刀子和一片樹葉站在架子上,把狼劈成了兩半 一些以 f, fe 結(jié)尾的名詞構(gòu)成復數(shù)時,直接加 s,如: Gulf(鴻溝)-gulfs, serf(農(nóng)奴)-serfs, belief- beliefs, chief(酋長)- chiefs, cliff(懸崖)- cl

8、iffs, proof- proofs, roof- roofs 口訣:海灣農(nóng)奴信酋長,懸崖證據(jù)上房頂 注:以上兩種情況均可的 Wharf(碼頭), dwarf(侏儒), scarf(圍巾), handkerchief(手絹), 名詞變復數(shù)不規(guī)則變化大體有以下變化 單復數(shù)形不同,如 Man men, woman- women, foot- feet, tooth- teeth, mouse- mice, child- children, emphasis( 強調(diào))- emphases 注:以 man 構(gòu)成的合成詞,是 man 變成 men 如: Englishman- Englishmen,

9、Frenchman- Frenchmen, dustman- dustmen 但 German- Gemans, human- humans 因為他們不是合成詞 3 / 12 單復數(shù)詞形相同,如 Deer, sheep, fish, works,(工廠) means( 方式、途徑), Chinese, Japanese, Swiss, bellows( 風箱), series, crossroad, horsepower 及由漢語拼音拼出的計量單位,如: yuan, li, jin,英語中原有的計量單位不在此列,如:dollar- dollars, pound- pounds, metre-m

10、etres 除上述情況外,關于名詞數(shù)的問題還應注意以下幾個方面 A pair of glasses, two suits of clothes 注意:此時謂語動詞和前面的量詞保持一致。如 A pair of glasses is on the table Two pairs of glasses are on the table 有些名詞只有復數(shù),沒有單數(shù) Police, people, cattle 有些集合名詞即可做單數(shù),指整體;又可作復數(shù),指該集體的成員,指整體時,謂語用單數(shù);指成員時,謂語用復數(shù)。常用的名詞有: Family, class, group, team, party, pu

11、blic 等。 比較下列句子 The team is made up of 12 members The team are having a bath now My family is going to move to My family usually watch TV after supper 合成名詞的復數(shù)形式,通常將其中所包含的中心詞變?yōu)閺蛿?shù),如 passer-by 變成 passers-by, grown-up 變成 growns-up, father in law 變成 fathers -in law, boy student- boy students 4 / 12 以 s 結(jié)尾

12、的專用名詞,如: the New York Times, the United Nations, the United States 等,表示事物的整體,謂語用單數(shù),但有些表示群島,山脈的專有名詞,謂語常用復數(shù)。如: The is a highly developed country The Alps are in 字母、數(shù)字、引語或縮略(詞)語的復數(shù)形式是在其后加s 或 s, 如 There are two fs in the word ”office” 名詞作定語,通常用單數(shù)形式,即使在意義上是復數(shù)的(如 shoes)或總用作復數(shù)的名詞(如 trousers)也是如此如: There ar

13、e twenty boy students in our class They are his girl friends Trouser pockets 注意: 當 sports, customs, arms, clothes, sales 和 accounts 做定語時,不能變成單數(shù)修飾名詞,如 A sports car 一輛賽車,a customs officer 一個海關官員,arms production 武器的生產(chǎn),a clothes shop 一家服裝店,a salesgirl 一個女售貨員, an accounts department 一個會計部門 但當 man, woman

14、作定語時,如果被修飾的名詞是復數(shù),man 和woman 也要變成復數(shù)。如: A woman doctor, two women doctors; a man teacher, two men teachers 不可數(shù)名詞的數(shù) 不可數(shù)名詞一般情況下沒有復數(shù)變化。物質(zhì)名詞需要計數(shù)時,通常用起量詞作用的名詞詞組來表示,如 5 / 12 A piece of advice/ work/ news/ meat/ coal/ music A cup of tea/ coffee/ water/, two bottles of milk, a bag of rice A set of furniture,

15、two drops of water 注意: 1. 有些不可數(shù)名詞是以 s 結(jié)尾,不要誤以為是可數(shù)名詞,如 News, maths, physics, politics 等,它們?nèi)缱髦髡Z,謂語用單數(shù) 2. 在有些情況下,名詞作定語,和 of 作定語,含義不同,如 A cup of coffee 一杯咖啡, a coffee cup 咖啡杯 名詞的格 現(xiàn)代英語名詞有兩個格,通格和所有格。當名詞在句中做主語,賓語或補語時,名詞無詞性變化,稱之為通格,當一個名詞去修飾句中另一個名詞時,有時用通格,有時用s 屬格,或 of 屬格 所有格的構(gòu)成 在名詞后加s,如 Marys books, the boy

16、s girl friend 如果名詞以 s 結(jié)尾,變復數(shù)時再詞尾的 s 右上方加 The students desks, these girls mother 如果名詞復數(shù)是不規(guī)則名詞,所有格的構(gòu)成是加s, 如 The Childrens Palace, womens clothes 當 and 連接兩個或幾個并列名詞時,如果所有格后的名詞為兩人或幾人共同所有,只將最后一個名詞變成所有格,如: Tom and Marys books; Jean and my sisters books 如果所有格后的名詞為兩個或幾個分別所有,則在每個名詞后都加s,如: 6 / 12 Toms and Mary

17、s mother;Johns and Jeans photos 表示店鋪、醫(yī)院、診所、住宅等所有格后的名詞可省略,尤其當后面的名詞是表示處所的名詞 At the doctors, at the tailors, at the teachers, at the barbers s 屬格與 of 屬格的通用和區(qū)別 一般來說, s 屬格多用于有生命的名詞,而 of 屬格則主要用于無生命的名詞(但在現(xiàn)代英語中,這一界限已被打破,如:Newtons laws, 也可以說成 the laws of Newton; the rules of the game, 也可以說成 the games rules)

18、注:a) 有生命的名詞也可用 of 所有格形式,如:a photo of the baby b) 但當s 屬格表示“類別”屬性,不可用 Of 屬格,如: A doctors degree 博士學位,a teachers book 教師用書 如果s 屬格表示的是具體名詞“個別”的屬性,可用 of 屬格,如: The doctors arrival= the arrival of the doctor 注:a doctors degree, a teachers book 表示的是“泛指類別” ,沒有具體指哪個人,而 the doctor s arrival 表示的是“具體的特征” ,譯成“那位醫(yī)

19、生的到來” ,可以換成 the arrival of the doctor 名詞通格作定語和s 屬格作定語的差別。 名詞通格作定語表示泛指的類別, s 屬格作定語表示具體的特指。如: Car engines are made in this factory(轎車發(fā)動機,不是其他類別的發(fā)動機) That cars engine needs repairing(那臺轎車的發(fā)動機,具體特指) They are having afternoon tea(他們在喝午茶) Yesterdays afternoon tea has gone bad(昨天的午茶壞了) 7 / 12 表示時間、距離、國家、城市

20、等無生命的東西的名詞,也可以在詞尾加s 或構(gòu)成所有格如: 用于時間 an hours ride 用于度量 thirteen tons weight 用于價值 a hundred yuans order 用于天體 the earths satellite 用于國家 Belgiums capital 用于城市 Changchuns agriculture 注:當 today, yesterday, tomorrow 分別表示“現(xiàn)在,過去,將來”時,只能用 of 屬格,如: 地點加s 作定語,表示的關系是“所屬”和范圍,相應形容詞作定語,說明的是屬性和性質(zhì)。如: Chinas resources(資

21、源世界各國都有,Chinas resources 指在中國范圍內(nèi),屬于中國的資源) s agriculture, s industry, s streets Chinese history(世界各國都有本國的歷史, Chinas resources 是闡述中國的歷史,說明歷史的屬性) s food, Chinese food 雙重所屬格 構(gòu)成 A /two/this/that/these/those+名詞+of+所有格/名詞性物主代詞。如: That invention of his will greatly benefit the whole world I dont like that d

22、aughter of yours. 8 / 12 He is a friend of my fathers. 雙重所有格與所有格的區(qū)別 He is my fathers friend. 他是我父親的朋友(說明一件事實) He is a friend of my fathers. 他是我父親的一個朋友(強調(diào)數(shù)量,相當于 He is one of my fathers friends) His invention will greatly benefit the whole world(說明事實) That invention of his will greatly benefit the who

23、le world。 (帶有贊揚的感情色彩) 注:有些名詞,在 of 后面有所屬格和普通格,含義不同。常用的這類名詞有 opinion(意見)/portrait/ picture/ photo/ criticism(批評) 。比較: An opinion of the teacher 對教師的意見 An opinion of the teachers 教師的意見 A portrait of my father,我父親的肖像 A portrait of my fathers 我父親收藏的肖像 A photo of him 一張他的照片 A photo of his 他所擁有的一張照片 A crit

24、icism of the headmaster 對校長的批評 A criticism of the headmasters 校長的批評 單項選擇 It is known to all that an ant has _. ( ) A. a stomach B. two stomach C. two stomaches D two stomachs _ like eating_ . ( ) 9 / 12 A. Heroes, potatos B. Negroes, potatoes C. Heros, potatos D. , potatoes The housewives cooked two

25、 _ and she asked us to help ourselves to some_. ( ) A. chicken, chickens B. chickens, chickens C. chickens, chicken D. chicken, chicken I saw _ lying on the ground. ( ) A. a ten- pound note B. a ten- pounds note C. ten-pound note D. ten- pounds notes These _ are playing with these _. ( ) A. babys, m

26、onkeys B. babies, monkeis C. babies, monkeys D. babys, monkies Long live the friendship between _ of and ! ( ) A. two people B. the two people C. the two peoples D. two peoples We had many _ taken on the Great Wall. ( ) A. photos B. a photo C. photo D. pieces of photos Some _ lay eggs in the water,

27、others produce living young. ( ) A. fish B. fishes C. fishs D. kind of fish Mr. Smith goes to church on _. ( ) A. a Sunday B. Sundays C. the Sunday D. the Sundays Ill give you _ to finish the work. ( ) A. two weeks time B. two weeks time C. a two- week time D. two weeks time We must find _ to reach him 10 / 12 A. way B. a means C. a mean D. meaning Father bought _ for us the other day A. t


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