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1、LM35D引腳及功能介紹 來源:網絡作者:未知 LM35引腳及功能介紹 LM35D是把測溫傳感器與放大電路做在一個硅片上,形成一個集成溫度傳感器 (見圖1)。 4-3CV Tlr . Y 2-輸出 C V精度為 1 C。最大 線性誤差為 0.5 C;靜態(tài)電流為80uA。該器件如塑封三極管(TO-92)。 2)。 該溫度傳感器最大的特點是是使用時無需外圍元件,也無需調試和較正 (標定),只要外接一個1V的表頭(如指針式或數(shù)字式的萬用表),就成為一 個測溫儀(見圖 指針式 萬用表 III 所生產的溫度傳感器,其輸岀電壓與攝氏溫標 10mV 。 溫度傳感器LM35 LM35 是由 National

2、Semiconductor 呈線性關系,轉換公式如式,0時輸岀為0V ,每升高1C,輸岀電壓增加 LM35有多種不同封裝型式,外觀如圖所示。在常溫下,LM35不需要額外的校準 處理即可達到 1/4 C的準確率。其電源供應模式有單電源與正負雙電源兩種,其接 腳如圖所示,正負雙電源的供電模式可提供負溫度的量測;兩種接法的靜止電流- 溫度關系如圖 所示,在靜止溫度中自熱效應低(0.08 C ),單電源模式在25 C下靜止電流約 50卩A,工作電壓較寬,可在4 20V的供電電壓范圍內正常工作非常省電。 吆皿(廠)- Plastic Package Small Outline Molded Packag

3、e 十蘇 Vqut gnd BOTTOM VIEW 恤一 1 2 a N.C. 2 1 NC 3 E GNQ 4 5 NC Ni.C, NLC, TO-92 封裝引腳圖 SO-8 IC 式封裝引腳圖 Plastic Package* Metal Can Package* BOTTOM VIEW TO-46 金屬罐形封裝引腳圖 TO-220 塑料封裝引 腳圖 (4V TO ZOV) + V5 正負雙電源模式 Vflur 單電源模式 供電電壓 35V 到-0.2V 輸岀電壓6V至-1.0V 輸岀電流10mA 指定工作溫度范圍 LM35A -55 C to +150 LM35C, LM35CA -4

4、0 C to +110 C LM35D 0 C to +100 C 封裝形式與型號關系 TO-46金屬罐形封裝引腳圖 LM35H丄M35AH丄M35CH丄M35CAH丄M35DH TO-220 塑料封裝引腳圖 LM35DT TO-92封裝引腳圖 LM35CZ丄M35CAZ LM35DZ SO-8 IC 式封裝引腳圖 LM35DM Parameter 參數(shù) Con diti ons 條件 LM35A LM35CA Units (Max.) 單位 Typi cal 典型 Tested Limit 測試極 限(注4) Desig n Limit 設 計極限 (注5) Typ ical 典型 Test

5、ed Limit 測試 極限 (注4) Desig n Limit 設 計極限 (注5) TA=+25 C 0.2 0.5 - 0.2 0.5 - C Accuracy 精度 TA=-10 C 0.3 - - 0.3 - 1.0 C (注 7 ) TA=TMAX 0.4 1.0 - 0.4 1.0 - C TA=TMIN 0.4 1.0 - 0.4 - 1.5 C Non li nearity 3) 非線性(注 TMIN TA TMAX 0.18 - 0.35 0.15 - 0.3 C Sen sor Gain 傳感器增益 TMIN TA TMAX + 10.0 +9.9, - + 10.0

6、- +9.9 (Average Slo pe)平均斜 率 1 - + 10.1 - - - + 10.1 mV/ C 電氣特性(注1,6 ) Electrical Characteristics _oad Regulatio n負載調 TA=+25 C 0.4 1.0 - 0.4 1.0 - mV/mA 節(jié)(注 3) 0 IL 1mA TMIN TA TMAX 0.5 - 3.0 0.5 - 3.0 mV/mA _ine Regulati on 線 TA=+25 C 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.05 - mV/V 1 路調整(注3) 4v VS 30V 0.02 - 0.1 0.02 0

7、.1 mV/V VS=+5V, +25C 56 67 - 56 67 - 卩A Quiesce nt Curre nt 態(tài)電流(注9) 靜 VS=+5V 105 - 131 91 - 114 卩A VS=+30V, +25 C 56.2 68 *6.2 68 - 卩A VS=+30V 105.5 133 |91.5 - 116 卩A Cha nge of Quiesce nt Curre nt變化靜態(tài)電流 I 4V VS 30V, +25 C 0.2 1.0 - 0.2 1.0 - 卩A (注3) 4V VS 30V 0.5 - 2.0 0.5 2.0 卩A Temp erature Coef

8、ficie nt of Quiesce nt Curre nt 電流/溫度系數(shù) 靜態(tài) - +0.39 - +0.5 +0.39 - +0.5 A/C Min imum Temp erature for Rated Accuracy 低溫度額定精度 最 n circuit of Figure 1,IL=0 + 1.5 - +2.0 + 1.5 - +2.0 C -ong Term Stability 期穩(wěn)定性 長 T J=TMAX,for 1000 hours 1 0.08 r - 0.08 - - C Electrical Characteristics 電氣特性(注1,6 ) Paramet

9、er參數(shù) Con diti ons 條件 LM35 LM35C, LM35D Units (Max) 單位 Typ ical 典型 Tested Limit 測試 極限 (注4) Desig n Limit 設 計 極限 (注5) Typ ical 典型 Tested Limit 測試 極限 (注4) Desig n Limit 設 計 極限 (注5) TA=+25 C 0.4 1.0 - 0.4 1.0 - C Accuracy, 精度 TA=-10 C 0.5 - - 0.5 - 1.5 C lM35, LM35C (注 7) TA=TMAX 0.8 1.5 - 0.8 - 1.5 C T

10、A=TMIN 0.8 - 1.5 0.8 - 2.0 C Accuracy, 精度 M35D ( 注 7) TA=+25 C 0.6 1.5 - C TA=TMAX - 0.9 - 2.0 C lM35D (注 7) TA=TMIN 0.9 - 2.0 C Nonlin earity非線性 (注8) T MIN TA TMAX 0.3 1- 0.5 0.2 - 0.5 C Sen sor Gain傳感器 T MIN TA TMAX + 10.0 +9.8, - + 10.0 - +9.8, mV/ C 增益(Average Slope) -1 + 10.2 - - - + 10.2 平均斜率

11、_oad Regulati on負 載調節(jié)(注3) 0w IL w 1mA TA=+25 C 0.4 2.0 - 0.4 2.0 - mV/mA T MIN w TAw TMAX 0.5 - 5.0 0.5 - 5.0 mV/mA -ine Regulati on線路 調整(注3) TA=+25 C 0.01 0.1 - 0.01 0.1 - mV/V 4V w VSw 30V 0.02 - 0.2 0.02 - 0.2 mV/V Quiesce nt Curre nt 靜態(tài)電流(注9) VS=+5V, +25C 56 80 - 56 80 - 卩A VS=+5V 105 - 158 91 -

12、 138 卩A VS=+30V, +25C 56.2 82 - 56.2 82 - 卩A VS=+30V 105.5 - 161 91.5 - 141 卩A Cha nge of Quiesce nt Curre nt變化靜態(tài)電 流(注3) 4Vw VSw 30V, +25 C 0.2 2.0 - 0.2 2.0 - 卩A 4Vw VSw 30V 0.5 - 3.0 0.5 - 3.0 卩A emp erature Coefficie nt of Quiesce nt Curre nt 靜態(tài)電流溫度系數(shù) II +0.39 - +0.7 +0.39 - +0.7 A/C Min imum Tem

13、p erature for Rated Accuracy最低 溫度額定精度 In circuit of Figure 1,IL=0 + 1.5 - +2.0 + 1.5 - +2.0 C -ong Term Stability 長期穩(wěn)定性 T J=TMAX, for 1000 hours 0.08 - - 0.08 - - C Cw TJ +150C for the 注 1 : Unless otherwise注 d, these specifications apply: -55 LM35 and LM35A; -40 w TJ w +11C for the LM35C and LM35CA

14、; and 0 w TJ w +10C for the LM35D. VS=+5Vdc and ILOAD=50卩 A, in the circuit of C to TMAX in the circuit of Figure Figure 2. These sp ecificati ons also apply from +2 1. Sp ecificati ons in boldface apply over the full rated temp erature ran ge. 注 2: Thermal resista nee of the TO-46 p ackage is 400C

15、/W, jun cti on to ambie nt, and 24 C /W jun cti on to case. Thermal resista nee of the TO-92 p ackage is 180 C /W jun cti on to ambie nt. Thermal resista nee of the small outl ine molded p ackage is 220 C /W jun cti on to ambie nt. Thermal resista nee of the TO-220 p ackage is 90 C /W jun cti on to

16、ambie nt. For additi onal thermal resista nee in formati on see table in the App licati ons secti on. 注 3 : Regulation is measured at constant junction temperature, using pulse testing with a low duty cycle. Chan ges in out put due to heat ing effects can be comp uted by mult iplying the in ter nal

17、diss ip ati on by the thermal resista nee. 注 4 : Tested Limits are guaranteed and 100% tested in production. 注 5: Design Limits are guaranteed (but not 100% production tested) over the in dicated temp erature and supply voltage ran ges. These limits are not used to calculate outgo ing quality levels

18、. 注 6: Specifications in boldface apply over the full rated temperature range. 注 7: Accuracy is defi ned as the error betwee n the out put voltage and 10mv/ times the device f voltage, curre nt. s case temperature, at specified conditions o and temperature (expressed inC ). 注 8 : Nonlinearity is def

19、ined as the deviation of the out put-voltage-versus-te mp erature curve from the best-fit straight line, over the device s rated temperature ran ge. 注 9 : Quiesce nt curre nt is defi ned in the circuit of Figure 1. 注 10: Absolute Maximum Rati ngs in dicate limits bey ond which damage to the device may occur. DC and AC electrical sp ecificati ons do not apply whe n op erat ing the device bey ond its rated op erati ng con diti ons. See注 1. 注 11 : Huma n body model, 100 pF discharged through a 1.5kW resistor. 注 12: See


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