1、內(nèi)容來自冀教網(wǎng) 天地寬大,父母恩大.不錯(cuò),我們應(yīng)當(dāng)體會(huì)到父母對(duì)我們博大而無私的愛. 轉(zhuǎn)眼間,又是一個(gè)母親節(jié)的來到.初二五.六班在英語老師胡老師的倡導(dǎo)下,發(fā)起了我為母親做頓飯.的活動(dòng).要求同學(xué)們每個(gè)人為母親做一頓飯.5月10號(hào)正好是周日,同學(xué)們各顯神通,有的熬粥,有的炒米飯,有的做面條,大家忙得不亦而乎.飯做好了,母親們望者精心準(zhǔn)備的飯菜和滿頭大忙的兒女,一個(gè)個(gè)熱淚盈眶,度過了一個(gè)終身難忘的母親節(jié).同時(shí),同學(xué)們也體會(huì)到做飯的艱辛,母親的不易. 活動(dòng)的效果超出意味.一個(gè)同學(xué)感慨到:滴水難報(bào)涌泉恩,我們應(yīng)當(dāng)努力學(xué)習(xí),來報(bào)答父母!附: 同學(xué)的感受及母親的感言5班學(xué)生&家長(zhǎng) 胡老師您好:我是朱一丹的媽媽
2、,因?yàn)榧依锞W(wǎng)線不通了,所以今天才給您回信。咱們班平時(shí)讓孩子動(dòng)手的活動(dòng)比較多,這樣鍛煉了孩子的自理能力,懂得了珍惜勞動(dòng)。在母親節(jié)這天我感覺到孩子真正的長(zhǎng)大了。從早晨起來,她就說:“媽媽今天你多睡會(huì)吧,我做早飯”。我也沒有想那么多,就又躺下了。孩子做好飯以后叫我起床吃飯,吃飯的時(shí)候孩子說:“媽媽您辛苦了,今天的飯我來做”。我聽了高興地說:“好的,謝謝丹丹啦”。 丹丹這孩子表面上看著很粗心,實(shí)際是個(gè)細(xì)心的孩子。奶奶和爸爸都想從小鍛煉孩子,學(xué)習(xí)之外的事情都要求自己動(dòng)手。我的工作沒有時(shí)間限制,每天要把一天的工作做完才能下班,幾乎每天都要加班,趕上忙的時(shí)候加班通宵是常事,孩子只要看到我晚上回來晚了,第二天
4、時(shí)候,也幫我洗洗衣服,收拾家務(wù),就當(dāng)休息了。孩子長(zhǎng)大了,有自己的思想了,和父母溝通也少了。丹丹是個(gè)不愛表達(dá)自己的孩子,只要自己看到的都能用行動(dòng)為大家做。但是自己有什么事都想自己解決,能不麻煩別人的就不說。作為家長(zhǎng)也想和孩子多說說話,可是孩子在家很少溝通,這也是我們做家長(zhǎng)的失敗之處。在老師不忙的時(shí)候,好好開導(dǎo)一下丹丹,讓她和大家多交流,把自己想的表達(dá)出來。謝謝您老師,孩子不但在學(xué)校學(xué)習(xí)了知識(shí),還學(xué)到了很多做人的道理。朱一丹的媽媽second,cut some ham finely.third,put some oil in the pan.fourth,fry the ham and veget
5、ables lightly.fifth,add some rice slowly.sixth,add some salt .finally,put the fried rice in the bowl.媽媽感受:孩子長(zhǎng)大了懂事了這份禮物很特別李依楠first,cut some eggs,ham and cucumbervery finely.next,put some oil in the pan.then,fry the eggs,ham and cucumberlightly.after that,add the rice slowly.finally,add some salt. 母親的
6、感受: 有點(diǎn)淡,但還是很好吃。平時(shí)經(jīng)常吃了,但這一次最好吃。這個(gè)母親節(jié)我很難忘。-楊修文today is mothers day.i cooked fried rice for my mother. first,cut some aggs and cooked meat. next,put some oil in the pan. then,fry the meat ang eggs lightly. after that,add the rice slowly. finally,add some salt. 媽媽 感受:孩子長(zhǎng)大了,懂事了,這份母親節(jié)禮物很特別。媽媽很高興。 李悠 5月10日
7、 this sunday is mothers day.i cooked a dinner for my mother.she looked very happy and she said:我非常高興,這是我一生中吃過的最好的一次飯。”武志丹first,wash some vegetables.second,cut some ham finely.#p#副標(biāo)題#e# third,put some oil in the pan.fourth,fry the ham and vegetables lightly.fifth,add some rice slowly.sixth,add some s
8、alt .finally,put the fried rice in the bowl.媽媽的感受:今天做的飯放鹽少,吃起來比較淡,但是媽媽還是開心地吃了,還夸我做的很好。我知道媽媽是為了安慰我,不讓我太難過,畢竟是第一次做飯。以后,我要多幫助媽媽做家務(wù),體會(huì)媽媽的辛苦。最后,我想在母親節(jié)的夜晚,說:“媽媽,我愛您!”劉曉媛first,wash some vegetables carefully.second,cut vegetables and ham finely.next,put some oil in the pan.then,fry them lightly.after that,a
9、dd the rice slowly.finally,add some salt.媽媽的感受:心情激動(dòng)!一種幸福包圍了我!張華first, cuts some cooked meat and green onion very finely. next, put some oil in the pan. then, fry the meat lightly. after that, add the rice and green onion very slow.finally, add some salt. 母親的感受:以前孩子很少幫我干活,但在這個(gè)母親節(jié)里,我發(fā)現(xiàn)孩子變了,希望這個(gè)變化能一直持續(xù)
10、下去趙倩first,wash some vegetables carefully.second,cut vegetables and ham finely.next,put some oil in the pan.then,fry them lightly.after that,add the rice slowly.finally,add some salt.媽媽的感受:味道不錯(cuò),孩子大了,可以自己做一些事了,感到很欣慰.-郭偉棟today is mothers day.i got up very early then prepare some eggs and some vegetable
11、s i cooked fried rice for my mother.first cut som vegetables next add som oil in the pan then fly t he vegetables and aggs lightlyafter that add the rice slowlyfinally add some salt媽媽的感受: 孩子真是長(zhǎng)大啦,能夠感受到那份心-路俊峰first , cut ham and eggs finely. next , put some oil in the pan. then , fry ham and eggs ver
12、y lightly. after that , add the rice slowly. finally , add some salt. my mother was very surprised and eyes filled with tears.(任鵬) first,cut ham,big onions and egg finely. next,put a pan on the cooker and put some oil in the pan. then,fry ham,big onions and egg very lighly. after that,addthe rice sl
13、owly.then,add some salt.finally,put them on the plate. i think cooking is not easy.but my mother cook everday.i think mom worked hard. 媽媽的感受:媽媽說這是我第一給她做飯,感到很驚喜。雖然說鹽放多了,但很不錯(cuò)了。媽媽說這是最有意義的母親節(jié)。 賈璐today i went home, my mother did not at home.so i decided to cook for her.at the english class, the teacherto
14、ld us how to make porridge, so i want to make porridge.first,i puttedthe pot on the cooker.then boiled water slowly. next added the rice lightly .after 3-5 minutes,i putted the poeeidge into the bowl and waitted my mom come back.媽媽說:這是第一次做飯,比較成功。以后應(yīng)多多鍛煉。-韓朔體驗(yàn)做飯母親節(jié)獻(xiàn)禮今天是母親節(jié)按照胡老師所說我給母親做了炒大米,具體步驟如下:firs
15、t,cut some cooked meat very finely. next put some oil in the pan.then, fry the meat lighely. after that, addd the rice slowly. finally, add som salt.最終,母親吃到了我做的炒米飯,她很高興!吃后感言:兒子長(zhǎng)大拉!很懂事,老師這次活動(dòng)很好!-孫寧感恩母愛today is mothers day.i got up very early.i cooked fried rice for my mother.first,cut some cooked mea
16、t very finely.next,put some oil in the pan.then,fry the meat lightly.after that,add the rice slowly.finally,add some salt.母親的感受:恩!還是能吃的!不過放的鹽太多了!繼續(xù)努力吧! #p#副標(biāo)題#e# 申菲5月10日first,perpare some eggs ,vegetables and rice.next,cut some vegetables.then,fry the eggs.after that,add the rice and vegetables.fina
17、lly,add some salt and some gourmet powder.母親的感受: 孩子長(zhǎng)大啦!雖然做的不是那么好,但是心意很好。-韓凱軒today is mothersday.i cooked fried rice for her. first,cut the cooked meat very finely. second,put some oil in the pan. next,fry the meat lightly. then,add the rice slowly. after that,add some salt. finally,put it out. 感受:感謝
18、老師給孩子布置了這樣一個(gè)特殊的作業(yè)。我想通過這一次活動(dòng),孩子們會(huì)理解母親每天做飯的不易。 今年母親節(jié)過得很有意義。張新-毛琤 today is mothers day.i give my mother cook fried rice .first,cut some cooker meat finely.next,i needto put some oil inthe pan.then,fry the meat lightly. after that,add the rice siowly. finally,add some salt and sugar.媽媽的感受: 首先謝謝老師給孩子布置得這
19、個(gè)非常有意義的作業(yè),讓我們當(dāng)母親感到非常溫馨,不管孩子做的味道怎么樣,但是吃起來特別好吃,美味。通過這一次,我想孩子也會(huì)學(xué)著慢慢的長(zhǎng)大了,也學(xué)著體諒母親了。這個(gè)母親節(jié)過得很有意義。尹靜today was the mothers day, mrs. hu has kept a meaningful work to us, made for mother the food, what i did was the fried rice .although the rice does a little sticks, but looks that mother can be popular the f
20、ragrant appearance, at heart warm .今天是母親節(jié),胡老師給我們留了一項(xiàng)有意義的作業(yè),為媽媽做一頓飯,我做的是炒米飯.盡管米飯做得有點(diǎn)糊,但看著媽媽吃得香香的樣子,心里還是暖暖的。母親:謝謝胡老師給孩子留了一項(xiàng)有意義的作業(yè),現(xiàn)在的孩子只懂得怎么享受而不懂得怎么為他人付出,你看看,李皓羽好不容易做了回飯,結(jié)果還糊了,但是說實(shí)話,是孩子做的飯即使是糊了家長(zhǎng)吃的也香,畢竟是孩子的一番心意嘛,家長(zhǎng)也不忍心批評(píng)??!-李浩羽happy mothersday today i cooked a special breakfast for my mother. to thank
21、you forher supplies. this morning i got up early.then,i began to cook .at first,i was very nervous.but i thought she did everything for me.i believed never mind.i cut the cooked meat very finely. and cooked very carefully. #p#副標(biāo)題#e# few minutes later, my mother got up. she was very moved.of courseit
22、s our duty to make her happy.especially on the mothers day.母親感言:謝謝聰聰,讓媽媽過了一次特殊的母親節(jié),孩子真的長(zhǎng)大了。a special dinner today is mothers day. today is also her birthday. i had a special dinner for her mother. ihave made the porridge and the vegetables. i think is very delicious. and my mother think so. i am ver
23、y happy .我媽媽:“孩子做的很好吃,我自己吃掉了一整盤。繼續(xù)加油!”today,i cooked a special dinner for my mother.its fried rice.i learned it from the english book.its very easy.first,cut some cooked meat.next,put some oil in the pan.then,fry the meat lightly.after that,add th-e rice slowly.finally,add some salt.i put them into
24、the bolwand gaveit to my mother.i think this is my fi-rst time to make food for my mother,she will be very surprised.after she tasted the rice,she said,than-k you for giving me the delicious fired rice,im proud of you!i believe that ill give more for her. 媽媽嘗過我的炒米飯后,心情異??涨皏ery激動(dòng)。因?yàn)檫@是我第一次為她做飯。她感到非常幸福
25、。 today is mothers day.ifeel veryhappy.becausei cooked fried rice for my mother. first,cut some aggs .next,put some oil in the pan.then,fry ang eggs lightly.after that,add the rice slowly. finally,add some salt.媽媽的感受:孩子懂得心疼幫助父母了,這次的母親節(jié)是最有意義的!謝謝老師。 張?zhí)鹛鹑尉?today,i make many delicious food for my mother
26、.i make the fried rice.the steps of making fried rice is: first,cut some cooked meat very finely. next,put some oil in the pan. then,fry the meat lightly. after that,add the rice slowly. finally,add some salt. i am very excited.and i think it is the most delicious food in the word. 媽媽說:“孩子真是長(zhǎng)大了,雖然這次
27、的飯有點(diǎn)咸,但再咸只要是孩子做的就都會(huì)很香。畢竟這是一份孩子的一份心意,也謝謝老師給孩子這樣一個(gè)機(jī)會(huì)。6班學(xué)生:today is mothers day.its a western festival,but many western festivals are popular in china now.our english teacher,ms.hu,told us to cookfried rice as a special gift for mother.we were excited,andwe believed we can cook it well.my mother is a a
28、ccountant(會(huì)計(jì)),and sheworks very hard.she is a great mother,i think.when she heard the news,she was happy.she helped me to buy the ham,cabbage and so on.i was thanksful for her preparation. first,i added an egg and fryed it quickly.second,i added ham.next,i added cucumbers(黃瓜),then,iadded cabbage and onions.after that,i added the rice slowly.finally,i added some salt.i put it for three bowls.my parents were all surprise
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