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1、About Primary Mathematics Teachi ng inclose con tact with the explorati on of real lifeMathematics from life, for life in primary mathematicsteach ing, if stude nts accord ing to the cog nitive characteristics of the mathematicalkno wledgeandstudent life and closely integrated, so, in their eyes, se

2、e mathematics is a See, tangibleand useful subjects, thenu mber is no Ion ger a bori ng game so that stude nts lear n it n aturally feel warm and true, which will also help trainstude nts to use mathematical perspective to observe the things around the in terests, attitudesand aware nessForstude nts

3、 betterun dersta ndmathematics,lear nmathematics, build capacity in developingintelligenee,and promote the overall quality of thedevelopme ntofgreatsig ni fica nee,therefore,asacomb in ati onofclassroom teachersto be goodatteach ingcontenttocapture the phe nomenon of life in mathematics, mathematica

4、l kno wledge mining The mea ning of life.First, the use of stude ntsreal life issues intothe new kno wledge.iiIn the teach ing process, stude nt teachers if they cantake full adva ntage of the phe nomenon of life around thein troductio n of new kno wledge, stude nts of mathematicshave a sense of int

5、imacy, was the same in mathematics and life, not a mystery, an d, i nspired stude nts to explore new kno wledge will be stro ng desire.For example, i n teach ing the basic n ature ofthe meaning and proporti on, I arran ged such a Import:Stude nts, do you know that in our body there are many in teres

6、ti ng tha n it? The fist roll a week, its len gth and foot len gth ratio is about 1:1, Stretch arms len gth and height ratio is about 1:1, the ratio of foot length and height is about 1:7know there are many in terest ing tha n useful.to the store to buy socks, as long as the socks in your fistaround

7、 a week, will know whether this pair of socks to wear for you, if you are a policema n, if they find footpri nts of crim in als, crim in als can estimate the height ofall ofthis, the body is actually using these tha n an in teresti ng compositionto calculate the ratio, and today we cometogether to s

8、tudy the sig nifica neeand fun dame ntaln ature of proporti on through the use of the huma nbody in teresti ng tha nthe phe nomenon of life, leads tothe proportion of learning, so that students have a strong in terest in lear ning, active participati on in the new kno wledge of the inquiry.Second,wi

9、th stude nts inreal life, learnsometh ing n ew.Mathematicsis a highly abstract subject, but theimage of stude nts is the mai n way of thinking, so in order to en able them to more easily graspthe laws ofmathematics teach ing in the classroom, I strive to create content and teaching about thelife.To

10、introducestudents to real life, so that they in practice, through observati onand practice to un dersta nd mathematicalcon cepts, to master mathematics, and gradually develop stude ntsabstract, summary,comparis on,an alysis andsyn thesis capabilities.For example, lear ning decimals, I took stude nts

11、 to the store to un dersta nd the various types of commodity prices, commodity observati on labels for decimal applicati ons in daily life, learni ng the actual measureme nt,I took the measurementtools with students up to theplaygro und measuri ng the dista neebetwee n two poin ts,and organized stud

12、entsto use the pacing method tocalculate the playgro und surface kno wledge. prove n, real life lear ning new kno wledgewith stude nts, teach ing canplay a multiplier effect.Third, the mi ning real life material, con solidatenew kno wledge.Mathematical kno wledge n eeded to con solidate inorder to e

13、nablestudentsto firmly grasp and skilledapplicati on.In teach in g, if comb ined with real life issuesspecific exercises or practice, studentscan develop theability to solve practical problems, so that stude nts in the mathematics used in practice the process of innovation and innovationcapacity to

14、gradually develop. Share infree dow nl oad example, I am teach ingsec ondgrade statistics,coincided with the 29th Olympic Games will be held in China, so I prepared before class Chinese team won the previous two Olympic Games Medals of the situation, class for students to form teams statistics, each

15、 canchoose or desig n their own favorite statistical methods, toconsolidate the new knowledge,studentswith immense in terest, surpris in gly got a lot of un expected results, such as gold, silver, copper, three kinds of medals respectively in yellow, silver, orange to statistics, there are different

16、 patter ns to represe nt the three kinds of medals, and someeve n use their brains, the nu mber of gold medals in theyears that on graph paper and connect them with lines, draw the nu mber of gold is in creas ing every year . Thisis a topic of in terest to stude nts so that they do not feel the prob

17、lem, but problem-solv ing activities in the game, not only trai ning the stude nts to master new kno wledge,but also to en able stude nts to further develop the intellectual, but also enable students to learn by the patriotic educati on.Fourth,in-depthreal-lifestude nts,the7applicati on of new kno w

18、ledge.The new syllabusthat an importantobjective ofmathematics is to use mathematical kno wledge lear ned in their daily life and work to resolve practical problems.Thus, in teaching, learn a new knowledge of each, I will en courage and guide stude nts in-depth real life, to solve some practical pro

19、blems, truly apply their kno wledge.For example, in the teaching end, averaging applicati on questi ons later, I asked stude nts through social surveys, data collecti on and to lear n more about a house, factory, or a team of electricityin daily life, the averagecost of water, their classmates avera

20、ge height,averageage in the yuan, angular, sub-teachinglater, I use mathactivity classes organizethe studentsto simulate thesupermarketshopp ing,stude nt peer whe n thesalespers on and the customer to buy or sell the game, for some less adva need stude nts, I also took They go to the store, buy some

21、 school supplies through, so that they un dersta ndthe yua n, an gular, sub-relati on shipbetwee nthe students to participate in school childrenshow lovefor the Wen chua n eve nt process, I would take the wi nd, to en ablestude ntsto put their small cha ngeMin ato,calculate the total amount of these activi


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