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1、畢 業(yè) 設(shè) 計(論 文)題 目:中式快餐發(fā)展策略分析以保定“老驢頭”為例院 系:文學(xué)與傳媒學(xué)院專 業(yè):廣告學(xué)班 級:2007級2班姓 名:戶衛(wèi)邦學(xué) 號:200701020052指導(dǎo)教師:辛志英2011年5月05日- 2 -中式快餐發(fā)展策略 以保定“老驢頭”為例【摘要】中華美食博大精深,源遠(yuǎn)流長,近年來中華美食在世界各地都非常流行,而且獲得了世界的認(rèn)可和美贊。但是中式快餐的發(fā)展卻一直舉步維艱,造成這種狀況的原因,一方面是中式快餐自身缺乏一些整體策略,尤其缺乏品牌意識與廣告的傳播意識。另一方面,肯德基、麥當(dāng)勞等國際快餐巨頭在我國的登陸和迅猛發(fā)展,極大的阻礙了中式快餐的發(fā)展,使我國中式快餐生存環(huán)境更

2、為局促。可喜的是以保定“老驢頭”為代表的幾家中式快餐店,成為中式快餐發(fā)展中的勁旅。 目前關(guān)于中式快餐的研究主要是在國內(nèi)領(lǐng)域,而且對其研究沒有形成完整的理論體系,只是基于某些方面的研究,例如對產(chǎn)品、服務(wù)、標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化生產(chǎn)等方面的研究,這些研究都在某些方面促進(jìn)了中國快餐業(yè)的發(fā)展,但要形成一個完整的理論體系還有很長的路要走。 本文主要以保定“老驢頭”為例,分析其經(jīng)營狀況和經(jīng)營策略,以及利用案例分析和對比的方法,分析中式快餐發(fā)展的現(xiàn)狀以及外國快餐在中國的發(fā)展情況,通過對二者的比較找出中式快餐的優(yōu)勢與劣勢,找出外國快餐值得借鑒的地方。從而為中式快餐的發(fā)展,提出一些可行性的建議與策略。【關(guān)鍵詞】中式快餐 發(fā)展策

3、略 品牌策略 “老驢頭” 查詢中心碩士研究生考場 姓名:戶衛(wèi)邦 考生編號100331020320205考點:河北師大附中 考點地址:中山東路315號 考場:023座次:21i“the small stature” has “the big wisdom”to discuss the livelihood of the people news two times to leap【abstract】the livelihood of the people news was our country in recent years a prosperous national headlines typ

4、e, each kind of media took it in the keen competition attracts day by day readers important means that and has made the very good progress. strictly speaking, the livelihood of the people news is pays attention to the common people basic necessities of life the news, is reflects the common people la

5、ughter, anger, sorrow and happiness the news. the news basic function is the convey information, the monitor social environment, sends out the early warning signal promptly, guides the people to make use of favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable conditions. the livelihood of the people news expr

6、ession public opinion, is the public mind exchange platform. as the sociological significance in “the safety valve”, it collects the popular feelings and through the feedback mechanism, realizes the opinions and requirements of the masses made known to the upper levels or informs subordinates about

7、policies, regarding the dispel prejudice and the misunderstanding, the melt contradiction, maintains the society stably to have the indispensable influential role harmoniously. therefore, detected that the livelihood of the people news in the present worlds significance, the research livelihood of t

8、he people news has the development process to be very meaningful. in recent years, the livelihood of the people news is in fashion the nation, already became media and so on television, newspaper a unique scenery. the livelihood of the people news attention public sentiment, the public opinion, the

9、focusing society hot spot, the difficulty, the showing service livelihood of the people, the humanist dissemination idea, receive the audience and readers widespread approval and unprecedented welcome. but along with the livelihood of the people newss prosperity, mediocre, the trivial fragmentation,

10、 homogenization questions and so on entertainment also accompanies lives, these questions are puzzling the livelihood of the people news healthy development seriously. to further rich connotation, the development space, the promotion quality, fully realize the effective dissemination, presently to t

11、he livelihood of the people newss in development two promotion, as well as in this promotes the dissemination study value which contains and so on.【key words】the peoples livelihood news public news post-modern peoples livelihood news目 錄引言1一、民生新聞的涵義1(一)“民生”一詞的由來1(二)民生新聞的含義1(三)民生新聞的歷史淵源1二、第一次飛躍:從民生新聞到

12、公共新聞n(一)民生新聞的特質(zhì)n(二)民生新聞的誤區(qū)n(三)公共新聞n(四)民生新聞與公共新聞的關(guān)系n1. 民生新聞與公共新聞的區(qū)別n2. 民生新聞與公共新聞的聯(lián)系n3民生新聞對公共新聞的合理借鑒n三、第二次飛躍:從民生新聞到后民生新聞n(一)公共新聞理念的弊端n(二)后民生新聞的出現(xiàn)n(三)后民生新聞的特質(zhì)n(四)后民生新聞的作用n四、民生新聞兩次飛躍的傳播學(xué)價值n(一)傳播理念:以受眾為中心n(二)傳播內(nèi)容:以民為本n(三)傳播價值:多元化n結(jié)論n參考文獻(xiàn)n致謝 nv石家莊學(xué)院畢業(yè)論文引言近幾年,民生新聞風(fēng)行全國,已經(jīng)成為電視、,對于消除偏見和誤解、化解矛盾,維護(hù)社會的穩(wěn)定和諧具有不可或缺







19、益求精的工作作風(fēng),深深地感染和激勵著我。從課題的選擇到項目的最終完成,田老師都始終給予我細(xì)心的指導(dǎo)和不懈的支持。三年來,他不僅在學(xué)業(yè)上給我以精心指導(dǎo),同時還在思想、生活上給我以無微不至的關(guān)懷,在此謹(jǐn)致以誠摯的謝意和崇高的敬意。在此,我還要感謝在一起度過愉快的大學(xué)三年生活的同學(xué)們,正是由于你們的幫助和支持,我才能克服一個一個的困難和疑惑。在論文即將完成之際,我的心情無法平靜,從開始進(jìn)入課題到論文的順利完成,有多少可敬的師長、同學(xué)、朋友給了我無言的幫助,在這里請接受我誠摯的謝意!最后我還要感謝培養(yǎng)我長大含辛茹苦的父母,謝謝你們!- 5 -附件六:畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)英文樣例畢 業(yè) 設(shè) 計 (論 文)

20、題 目:(題目為宋體小三號字左對齊)院 系:(以下內(nèi)容宋體小三號字居中)專 業(yè):班 級:姓 名:學(xué) 號:指導(dǎo)教師:年月日a dissertation for the b.a. degreeon advertisement translation in theprospect of functional approachesbycheng zhihuasupervisor:prof. cao ming.research direction:translationspecialty:english language and literaturedepartment( or sub institut

21、e):foreign languages departmentshijiazhuang collegeapril, 2008acknowledgementsi wish to express my profound indebtedness to professor hu weigao, my supervisor. in the last two months, he has given me indispensable and comprehensive help in many ways, from the first outline of the dissertation to its

22、 final completion. the present work could not have been in this present form without his guidance, help and unreserved trust in me.i am grateful to professor liu and wang for their scholarly advice, generous help and kind encouragement in the past two months.i would like to express my heartfelt than

23、ks to professor li, who enthusiastically provided me with information, and kindly read my thesis, and helped me to polish its language.and finally, i would express my sincere thanks to my friends, kang lixiu, ma yunxiang, li bo, and jia zheng for their support, kindness and understanding.(四號字 times

24、new roman)摘 要(三號黑體,上下各空1行5號,中間空2漢字)伴隨著早期的移民拓荒、定居北美,清教主義已廣泛傳播并滲入于美國的文化和文學(xué)中。作為一種教義,清教主義不再具有原有的意義,但它對新英格蘭乃至整個美國由來已久的影響,卻在美國這個因追尋清教理想而誕生的國度形成了一種特殊的文化氛圍,它不僅與美國人性格中的個人主義有聯(lián)系,對美國文學(xué)的發(fā)展和特點也起著重要作用。論文通過審視清教徒及清教思想對美國文化的影響以及它在文學(xué)作家和作品中的體現(xiàn),來探討清教思想的重要性以及它對早期美國文學(xué)的具體作用。本文由四個部分構(gòu)成。第一部分重點討論清教徒及清教思想的特點;第二部分則著重討論清教主義盛行于早期美

25、國的社會及歷史根源,即清教主義能夠影響早期美國文學(xué)的原因;第三部分詳論了清教主義對早期美國作家及作品的具體影響;最后一部分從宏觀的角度對清教思想和美國文學(xué)進(jìn)行了闡述。論文最后認(rèn)為清教思想和早期美國文學(xué)之間是一種源與流的關(guān)系。從某種意義上說,是清教主義孕育了美國文學(xué),也正是清教主義使得美國人民和美國文學(xué)有了自身的特點。關(guān)鍵詞: (加黑,加冒號) 清教主義; 美國文學(xué); 上帝; 象征主義(加分號,字間2空)abstract (三號字,居中,上下空5號字)with the immigration and settlement of early puritans in north america, p

26、uritanism has permeated widely in american culture(五號,隔一行,空四字母). as a religion, puritanism has lost its original meaning, but formed a particular cultural atmosphere in america, the country founded on mythological idealism. it has truly exerted an extensive influence on the formation and development

27、 of american literature. from the perspective of the influence of puritanism on american culture and its embodiment in literature, this graduation paper will discuss the great importance of puritanism and how it influences early american literature. it includes four parts, with the first part focusi

28、ng on the characteristics of puritans and puritanism which are reflected in early american literary works; the second part discusses the social causes for the prosperity of puritanism and the reason why puritanism can influence american literature so much; the third part analyzes the specific influe

29、nces of puritanism in some typical literary works; and the last part addresses the relationship between puritanism and early american literature on the whole. this paper is intended to give a complete introduction of puritanism and to provide the reader with different perspectives from which to view

30、 american literature.key words:(加黑,加冒號)puritanism; american literature; god; symbolism(加分號,字間2空)contents(三號字)1. introduction12. social causes for the prosperity of puritanism in early american literature2.1. the immigrants religious beliefn2.2. historical reasonn2.3. the early american literature fo

31、rmn3. the specific influence of puritanism on early american literaturen3.1. significant influence from the great biblen3.2. puritan beliefs influencen 3.2.1 puritan beliefs influencen3.3. formulating the writing skill of symbolismn4. conclusion nreferencen(五號字 times new roman)1. introduction(標(biāo)題, 居中

32、,加黑,三號,times new roman,下空一行五號。以后所有章節(jié)各級標(biāo)題都同此。但是,不可用“一、”等漢書形式)(所有段落開頭都空四個字母。正文1.5倍行距,5號字,times new roman,各段之間不空行,各章之間空一行)puritanism is the practices and beliefs of the puritans. there they meant to prove that they were gods chosen people enjoying his blessing on this earth as in heaven.therefore, it i

33、s safe to say that only have a comprehensive and systematic knowledge of puritanism; people can truly understand the american culture and literature.(下空一行)2. social causes for the prosperity of puritanismin early american literature2.1. the immigrants religious belief (小四號,加黑,左對齊)the first permanent

34、 english settlement in north america was established at jamestown, virginia in 1607. naturally, the religious belief that puritans advocated became the most popular one during that period of time.2.2. historical reasonif the time, especially the religion which control peoples mind does not have any

35、important change, peoples thought will alter little. these were the puritan values that dominated much of the earliest american writing, including the sermons, books, and letters of puritan clergymen.3. the specific influence of puritanismon early american literaturesince the first group of pilgrims

36、 landed on american soil, they brought not only religion but also literature. the pilgrims who are puritans established schools and encouraged education, which contributed to the development of literature.3.1. significant influence from the great bibleit is a critical commonplace now that american l

37、iterature is based on a myth, that is, the biblical myth of the garden of eden. fired with such a sense of mission, the puritans looked even the worst of life in the face with a tremendous amount of optimism. all this went, in due time, into the making of american literature ( 1999:234).this is made

38、 clearer and more eloquent in john winthrops a model of christian charity. the first governor of the massachusetts bay .the god for this work of building a new garden of eden in the new world:“the lord will be our god and delight to dwell among us, as his own people, and willcommand a blessing upon

39、us in all our waysfor we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are upon us ”(1630: 56).during the colonial period, some puritan poets also appeared on the literary stage. among them, edward taylor is the most accomplished poetic craftsman. 3.2. puritan beliefs influencein the eighteenth century, puritanism has been planted deeply in american minds. thus for a long time the hope kept floating before the people, keeping them happy and optimistic about the future. 3.2.1. puritan beliefs influence (三級標(biāo)題,5號,加黑,左對齊) the american puritans metaphorical mode


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