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1、FDKInstallation and maintenance manual1. Security indication , Warning symbol signification1.1 Security in dicati onAtte nti on! Please do not op erate the gen sets before you fully un dersta nd the op erati on manu al. If aga inst the op erati on manual it may bring fire; get an electr onic shock,

2、damage accide nts or in duce the broke n of the gen sets. Keep the maunal well and review it freque ntlya. Know more about your gen sets.b. personal safetyrestrictioB ap dlicati on andFor your personal safety, read the manual carefully and un dersta nd the gen setsthe releva nt poten tial dan ger.As

3、 the running no ise is high, whe n you are in the op erati on, you have to wear ear defe nder.You can not touch the high temp erature spare parts un til the gen sets cool dow n, whe n you rep air the gen sets, you n eed to wear the glove and use the tools.Please do not wear loose garme nts. Bracelet

4、, n ecklace, fin ger ring, barrette, for falli ng in the running po siti on. When you are in op erati on,c. Keep clea ns with the gen sets house and gen sets. No smok ing no fire in the gen sets house.d. only relative people can en ter the gen sets room in case of accide nts, Do not let the kid app

5、roach the gen sets.e. Work ing un der the gen sets p ermit load, Please do not work overload.f. Cut the po wer supply and stop the gen sets, in sulate charge gen sets or the accessories in stall on the engine. After that you can start maintain.g. For the maintenance of the high temp erature spare pa

6、rts n eed to cut the supply po wer and stop the gen sets till cooli ng dow n.h. As the gen sets in the running, out put loop, part measure and con trol l oop have 400V alter native voltage; pl ease do not touch the out part of the metal duri ng this segme nt circuit. Otherwise can bring the body inj

7、ure.i. Only qualified people or empo wered by the manu facture, otherwise pl ease do not disc onnect function parts orrep laci ng the p arts of the app aratus of the electric con trol system. lest work facility atta int.j. P lease do not cut the battery supply po wer loop, whe n the gen sets in runn

8、ing, otherwise can make facility broke n.k. Do not make bold to cha nge the gen sets connection, if n ecessary adjust the altitude of the gen sets, n eed to adjust the engine and gen sets at the same time and the altitude must be same. Can not only adjust one of them. better con tact with us.l. Othe

9、rs, Please checks other p arts.401.2. Warning symbol significationSymbol cutl ineA lANGER1 WIINraHWDm TmKiSigni ficati onWarning symbol !High temperature , prohibit touch ! Touch may make damage to you ! DANGBi1 血 OANGEffKUJHGHMLihtaWarning symbol !Running part, forbidden touch ,keep on distanee, be

10、 careful engulf!Dangerous for nipping hand !A1DANGPWiWUSWarning symbol. !Forbidden touch !Touch may work damage of bodynwu nwH WWWWarning symbol !Electrification !Get a electric shock riskWarning symbolUrge nt stop, Emerge ncy use, can stop the gen sets.!A 1MCVK MgWarning symbol ! Electric earth sym

11、bol !廣片OUT凸INOil outlet symbol !Oil come out here. !Oil in let symbol. ! Fill oil/fuel here. !。Forklift convey !Can use forklift to convey. !Have quite great noise !May have affect ion for the auditi on, op erati on and n eed to wear ear defe nder.May work damage to the body or broke n the gen sets。

12、Op erati on n eed to wear glove!May stimulate the eyes or affect eyesight, to wear eyeglass when operating.!1.3 Code name for genset :F 口 GD 0/0LCode Name:1.4銘牌含義A-Automatic B-Hood typeY T1-Si ngle beari ng trailer typeY T2-Double beari ng trailer typeY Z-Vehicle carried T-Sp ecial gen set J-So und-

13、proof type Bla nk-Basic modeE-Electric injectio n type P-P articalar type G-Gas mode Bla nk-Basic mode Rate Reserving Power (LTD ) : KW Short for Ge nsetEngine code: C -Short for Cummi ns P -Short for Perki ns N -Short for Ma n I - Short for Iveco L -Short for Lovol Short for Fudia nkangType code:ri

14、lMlBMDOBMW CLJ( GCKSCV ML M1E0 PDWCB STMlOBV POVCB rSQUICV mCR rC1D( WCIOiTHTD1III0FDK - Company logoCE- CE certificate.STANDARD CODE-The gen sets accord with the code gradesP ERFORMANCE CLASS - Fu nctio n.VOLTAGE - Un it for volt.GENSET No-Ge nsets Code.CURRENT-Un it (a mp.)RATED PO WER -P rime po

15、wer, unit( KW)MAX - The maximum altitude of the work ing con diti on, un it (meter).STANDBY POWER - Un it for KW.AMBIENT TEMP ERATURE-The sta ndard worki ng environmentFREQIENCY-U nit (Hertz)SIZE - The outside feature dime nsio n. Uni t (mm).PO WER FACTORWEIGHT -Gen sets weight, Uni t(KG).MFD-Ma nuf

16、acture dateOn the top of the brand will be the n ame of the company.At the bottom of the brand will be the company address, tele phone and fax.2. Gensets p erformance and technical p arameterGB1105、 ISO3046.2.1 Gensets running environment conditionsFDK series diesel gen erator using environmen tal i

17、n line withStan dard en viro nmen tal con diti ons are as follows:Absolute Temp erature p ressure: 89.9k Pa (or 1000m above sea level).Environmental temperature: 313K (40 C )Environmental humidity 0 r:60%If any sp ecial request p lease con tact us.2.2 Diesel generator po wer descri ption*Rated sta n

18、dby po wer (Limited tran smitti ng po wer / LTP)It means that in a st ipu lated rep airi ng week and en vir onmen tal situati on, the gen sets can continu ously tran smit300 hours. It can supply its highest power of 500 hours per year, without over-load and transmitting with any electrical n etwork.

19、*P erma nent Reservi ng Po wer (Basic po wer/ PRP)It means that i n a stimulated rep airi ng week and environmen tal situati on, it can reserve as the largest po wer in an unlimited repetitive power sequenee. In such a situation, in a 12-hour stimulated week, a capacity of 10% overload in one hour i

20、s available.*P erma nent Po wer (C OP)It means that in a stimulated rep airi ng week and environmen tal situatio n, it can con ti nu ously supply po wer in an un limited time per year.All the data is tested un der sta ndard environment.2.3 Gensets performance levelAccord with BG/T2820-1997 G3 class.

21、2.4 Electrical performance indicatorsFDKseries gen set meet the B/T.2820.3;ISO8528 /3 G3class and also meet the requestof Posts and Telecommunications DEP s YD/T502-2000A. Basic P arameter400v/230v, 3-phrase, 4 lin e, neutral poi nt con tact50HZ/60HZRated po wer factor: 0.8 (laggi ng)Total wave dist

22、ortion : 5%Tele phone in flue need factor (TIF) : 50%Tele phone homophonic factor (THF) : 2%The electromag netic comp atibility accords with: BS 800 Stan dard/ VDE Grade: Grade NB. Voltage Features:Voltage United Scope ( Us): 5%Sudden United Voltage Deviation (SUdyn) : -15% +20%Time of V oltage Un i

23、ted (tu): 4sSteady Voltage Deviation (SUst) : w 1%Voltage Un bala need Rate (Su 2.0 ): 1%C. Freque ncy Feature:Freque ncy Falli ng (Sft): 3%Steady Frequency Belt ( 3 f): 0.5%Sudden Frequency Deviation (Sfdyn): -7% +10%Time of Frequency Regained ( tf.de): 50 #4-4-10 #-5 -14-20 #-14-29-35 #-30-44-50 #

24、3.2 Lubricating OilPlease apply the lubricating oil which accords with the standard of API GB7631.3, M IL-L-2104 etc, and for all lubricating oil, choose the suitable brand of viscosity (see below Picture ) according to the temperature of the work p lace.L+ + H -r3.3 CoolantAdd an ti-cooli ng and an

25、 ti-rotte n additive to the water.a、Soft Water: Use clarified rain or clean and soften water with PH value of 6.5-8 only.b、Add a proportion ate an ti-cooli ng and an ti-rotte n additive. Gen erally the quotati on must be decided accord ing to the lowest temp erature of the work p lace and un der the

26、 in dicatio n of the an ti-cooli ng fluid sold.c、 Even in the work place of high temperature without preventing cold, it rather necessary to apply the coola nt so as to prevent the part from gett ing rusty and air-brake destroyed.d、If can tpu rchased , pl ease contact our Dept. of Tech no logy, FDK

27、Co. Customers are free to con sult us about tech no logical p roblems at any mome nt.e、After compounded, the coolant can be added to the water tank.Atte nti on: Coola nt harmful to healthy, be careful whe n use it.3.4 The gen sets p laced en virome nt con diti onIn order to prevent the damage from t

28、he humidity and insulation,itat the room where is clean, ventilated, dry, and no erode air. Using to cover the beari ng and the ring collect electricityshould be In stalledthe antirustobject3.5 The gensets conveyTo convey the gen sets can use the forklift manu al, and must be atte nti on do not turn

29、 dow n the gen sets,and crane. The operationDo not open the gen sets or stack.must obey the Security(picture 2)4. Main parts-ftHIEI1*JJr411KrTItemP arts n ameFunction1Base frameSupport the gen set2Gen eratorSupply electricity3Circuit breakerOver curre nt and over voltage p rotecti on4Con trol panelC

30、on trol and p rotectio n5EngineSupply the po wer of gen set6Cooli ng systemCool engine cooli ng liquid5. Genset Installation:5.1 Requirements for Ground Base of Generator RoomIf no p articular base, it can be in stalled on the horiz on tal plane and the strong con crete surface. And rubberized pad w

31、ill be supp lied with the gen set.5.2 Size of Generator RoomIf place big eno ugh, the n you may arrange in the same room, the diesel gen set, together with its fuel tank,ATS, con trol cab in et, etc. While in stalled, the gen set as well as its accessories must be away from each with in at least 1 m

32、eter, so as to be checked, maintained and rep aired in a good con diti on5.3 Ventilation for Generator RoomThe room must have eno ugh fresh air so as to be burnt and cooled by the gen set while it works. If n eeded, the air pip eli ne can be in stalled to stre ngthe n ven tilati on. The area for ven

33、 tilatio n must occ upy at least twice of the water tank (radiator)The gas run off the respi rator of the engine must be first in duced before the radiator, and the n out of the room so as not to p ollute the resp irator and lower the function of cooli ng.The gen set exhaust pip eli nes must be wrap

34、ped up by heat in sulati on materials. If p ermitted, p lace the muffler and the larger part of the pip eli nes as out of the gen erator room as p ossible.The Shutter:The effective area must be at least 70% and have good obstruct ion of streamli ne and dep ressi on, with its in side in stalled n its

35、 for preven ti ng from birds, rats and injurious in sects, etc. But n ever p reve nt itself from cooling and streamline on the move. Between the shutter and the water tank, some soften materials for heat-resisti ng and oil-preven ti ng, such as can vas, must be conn ected.5.4 Installation of Exhaust

36、 Pip eline:a) Ge nerally, the exhaust valve, will be comb ined first with the bellows, the n with the muffler through other steel pip eli nes.b) The exhaust pip eli ne system is gen erally fixed by hanging frames fixed on ceili ng. If not allowed on the site, some support on the ground must be arran

37、 ged (exce pt the small power gen sets).c) The end of dischager cannot Vertical up ward so as to prevent from rain, snow or other foreig n matter. If up wards,rain-proof caps must be in stalled.c) Whe n more gen sets arran ged in the same room, the exhaust pip eli nes must be in stalled sep arately

38、in stead of coming together into one, otherwise the diesel gen set will cause breakdow n.d) T he diameter of the exhaust pip eli ne at the back of the muffler must at least in the size of the diameter of the muffler exit. If thers is lots of pip eli ne elbows , the diameter of the exhaust pip eli ne

39、 must be enl arged to avoid gen sets po wer dow n.e) To further low dow n gen sets no ise, the 2nd class muffler can be in stalled. Please refer to illustrati on 3 & 4muffle r-卜fflA. The exhaust pip eline can be moved freely within the frame.B. The frame can suppo rt the muffler,but the two cannot b

40、e fixed.C. BellowLined board1IIIIBracketHeat-preventing materialsrBracketGenset(con sult Picture 3 and picture 4)(Picture 4)(Picture 3)5.5 PI ease refer to illustration 5 for gensets installation5.6 For installation under the sp ecial conditionP lease refer to illustrati on 6 & 7 for collocati on of

41、 move tank and heat excha nger. PI ease con tact us for tech ni cal in formatio n if n ecessary.07inner and outer guardsexhaustpip eli neKexhaust mufflercable ditch to theIpo wer distributi onIroomsoun dproof doorpip eline for fuel conveyer(while using the oil storage tank),xhaust pipeli ne hanging

42、rack50mm thermal in sulati on materials and alloy outer guardsbellowiiKHairflowshuttercable ditchFILE NoPQ-tt?rn Sign1 1DdturiDRfbWlNGAncjriTCADSccleEjniDNDesiznCojrttersigri=roafDATEs 1RateNo:Sppria.ityFTia 弓 puFFDK深圳富電康柴油發(fā)電機(jī)有限公司FUDIANKANG DIESEL GENSETS COLTD.(Picture 5)cooling for far -p laced wa

43、ter tankinflation water tankaradiator fan by motor startNote :The heifht for radiator installation is hinged on the type of gensetventilation fan for genset roomJ: TPl-4Genset po wer-su ppiy cable by radiator fan startCooling for far -p laced water tank-high-pl acewholly-sealed and far-pl ace water

44、tankroofIlliNote :The height for radiator installation is henged on the situation of installationsofe connectionwater tank for genset cooling and supplying loopThe circulation of air in thegenerator room must be inbetter condition so that theradiated heat can be takenheat convertermotor pumpstopping

45、 valvesofe connectionaway from the genset and the air for burning in genset8_-Tx-囂” SIIA- .S. ? .h Hh 逐 I _ .嚥-fi I 弓-.-I d I -PPG-lECT NAME:Nc :FILE NoPflttprn Sign1 1Spec iQili-tyPhaseLa+urE導(dǎo)代討INGAnouritCADcJLeSheetEUITIDNDesignC o jn-tersiQriFDK深圳富電康柴油發(fā)電機(jī)有限公司FUDIANKANG DIESEL GENSETS COLTD.ProDf皿TECensorPass 1Wtp(P icture6)cooli ng water towerHP”f-watert


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