



1、亞當(dāng)和夏娃日記在馬克 ?吐溫的諸多名著中, 亞當(dāng)和夏娃日記可以 說是較為不起眼的一本, 但可別因此而錯(cuò)過了它。 這是馬克 ? 吐溫的晚年之作,采用日記體的形式,以細(xì)膩、溫情又不失 幽默的筆觸描寫了人類第一對夫妻亞當(dāng)和夏娃的愛情 故事,語言樸實(shí)簡練,內(nèi)蘊(yùn)卻豐富深沉。故事中的亞當(dāng)是個(gè)大大咧咧的憨小伙,有點(diǎn)孩子氣,有 點(diǎn)一根筋,有點(diǎn)不解風(fēng)情;而夏娃則是個(gè)初涉世事的年輕姑 娘,多愁善感,執(zhí)著地追求著美和愛。兩人從初識到逐漸了 解再到深深相愛,其間充滿了幽默和溫馨。作者把亞當(dāng)和夏 娃的心理刻畫得細(xì)致入微,兩人相處的過程折射出兩性交往 的諸多方面,有好奇、疑慮、誤會,也有贊賞、依戀、愛慕, 實(shí)則是對兩性關(guān)

2、系的一個(gè)頗為獨(dú)特的探討。此外,書中也通 過亞當(dāng)和夏娃天真無瑕的視角表現(xiàn)了對自然和生命單純的 探索。本書被視為馬克 ?吐溫致亡妻奧莉維婭的一封情書, 融入 了作者對亡妻的深深哀思,感情真摯動人。文末那句“哪里 有她,哪里便是伊甸園” ,余韻裊裊,令人深為動容。Perhaps I ought to remember that she is very young , a mere girl ,and make allowances. She is all interest, eagerness,1) vivacity , the world is to her a charm , a wonder,

3、 a mystery , a joy; she cant speak for delight when she finds a new flower ,she must pet it and 2)caress it and smell it and talk to it, and pour out 3 ) endearing names upon it. And she is color-mad : brown rocks , yellow sand, gray moss, green foliage , blue sky; the pearl of the dawn, the purple

4、shadows on the mountains, the golden islands floating in 4 )crimson seas at sunset, the 5)pallid moon sailing through the 6 )shredded 7) cloud-rack , the starjewels glittering in the 8 ) wastes of space none of them is of any practical value , so far as I can see, but because they have color and maj

5、esty, that is enough for her, and she loses her mind over them. If she could quiet down and keep still a couple of minutes at a time , it would be a 9) reposeful spectacle. In that case I think I could enjoy looking at her; indeed I am sure I could , for I am coming to realize that she is a quite re

6、markably 10)comely creature11)lithe , slender, trim, rounded, shapely,12)nimble, graceful;and once when she was standing marble-white and sun-drenched on a boulder, with her young head 13 )tilted back and her hand shading her eyes, watching the flight of a bird in the sky , I recognized that she was

7、 beautiful.也許我應(yīng)該想到她還非常年輕,只是個(gè)小姑娘,我應(yīng)該 體諒她。她對身邊的事物滿懷興趣,洋溢著熱情和活力。這 世界對她來說,是一個(gè)魅力之鄉(xiāng),是一處奇跡、一道謎題、 一片歡樂所在。每當(dāng)她發(fā)現(xiàn)一朵從未見過的花兒,喜悅便難 以言喻, 一定會愛不釋手, 會輕撫它, 去聞聞它, 跟它說話, 再給它起上一連串惹人愛憐的名字。她對所有色彩都感到著 迷:褐色的巖石、黃色的沙礫、灰色的苔蘚、綠色的葉子、 蔚藍(lán)的天空;還有晨曦的珍珠色,山巒的紫色暗影,日落之 時(shí)漂浮在緋紅海面上的金色島嶼,在縷縷浮云間劃過的蒼白 月亮,浩淼的太空中如珍寶般閃亮的星星一一在我看來,所 有的這些都沒有實(shí)際的價(jià)值,但因?yàn)?/p>

8、它們有了色彩,是如此 壯麗,那對她就已經(jīng)足夠了,她會為它們心魂俱醉。如果她 能安靜下來,有時(shí)候有那么一小會兒默不做聲,那將會是一 個(gè)寧馨的場景。那樣的話,我想我會深情地凝視她。真的, 我肯定會這樣做的,因?yàn)槲覞u漸意識到她是一個(gè)十分秀麗的 可人兒一一柔媚、纖弱、充滿活力、身型玲瓏有致、動作輕 盈優(yōu)雅。有一次,她站在一塊巖石上,身體如潔白的大理石 般沐浴在陽光之下,青春的頭顱向后微傾,手搭涼棚,凝望 空中的飛鳥,那一刻我意識到她是美麗的。When I look back , the Garden is a dream to me. It was beautiful , surpassingly b

9、eautiful , enchantingly beautiful ; and now it is lost , and I shall not see it any more.The Garden is lost , but I have found him , and am content.He loves me as well as he can; I love him with all the strength of my passionate nature, and this, I think , is proper to my youth and sex. Then why is

10、it that I love him ? Merely because he is 14) masculine, I think.At bottom he is good , and I love him for that , but I could love him without it. If he should beat me and abuse me , I should go on loving him. I know it. It is a matter of sex , I think.He is strong and handsome, and I love him for t

11、hat , and I admire him and am proud of him , but I could love him without those qualities. If he were plain , I should love him ; if he were a wreck, I should love him ; and I would work for him , and slave over him, and pray for him , and watch by his bedside until I died.Yes, I think I love him me

12、rely because he is mine and is masculine. There is no other reason, I suppose. And so I think it is as I first said : that this kind of love is not a product of reasonings and statistics. It just comes none knows 15) whenceand cannot explain itself. And doesn t need to.當(dāng)我回首往事, 伊甸園對我就像夢一樣。 它是那么美麗,無與倫

13、比般美麗,動人心魄般美麗,但現(xiàn)在我失去了它,我 再也見不到它了。雖然失去了伊甸園,可是我找到了他,便已心滿意足。 他盡其所能地愛著我,我也用我熱情天性中全部的情感力量 來愛著他,我想,這正是因?yàn)槲业哪贻p和性別吧。那我為什么愛他呢?僅僅是因?yàn)樗哪凶託飧虐?,我想。說到底他是個(gè)好人,我愛他就是因?yàn)檫@個(gè),可即使他不 好我也會愛他。就算他打我罵我,我也會依然愛他。我知道 我會的。我想這僅僅是因?yàn)樾詣e吧。他強(qiáng)壯英俊,我愛他就是因?yàn)檫@個(gè),我仰慕他,為他感 到驕傲,但是如果他沒有這些品質(zhì),我還是會愛他。如果他 其貌不揚(yáng),我會愛他;如果他身體羸弱,我也會愛他。我會 為他操勞,為他做牛做馬,為他祈禱,在床邊看護(hù)

14、他,直到 我死去。是的,我想我愛他只因?yàn)樗俏业模?還有他的男子氣概。我覺得沒有其他的原因了,所以我想這就像我一開始說的: 這種愛不是推理和數(shù)據(jù)統(tǒng)計(jì)的產(chǎn)物。它就那么來了,沒有人 知道是什么原因,它無從解釋,也不需要解釋。It is my prayer , it is my longing , that we may pass from this life together a longing which shall never perish from the earth, but shall have place in the heart of every wife that loves ,u

15、ntil the end of time ; and it shall be called by my name.But if one of us must go first , it is my prayer that it shall be I; for he is strong , I am weak, I am not so necessary tohim as he is to me life without him would not be life ; how could I endure it? This prayer is also immortal , and will not cease from being offered up while my race continues. I am the first wife ; and in


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