



1、精品教學教案設(shè)計| Excellent teaching plan教師學科教案20 -20學年度第學期任教學科:任教年級:任教老師:xx市實驗學校育人猶如春風化雨,授業(yè)不惜蠟炬成灰r - 二r國培計劃(2015)-省學院與農(nóng)安合作培養(yǎng)鄉(xiāng)村教師項目“影子培訓”初中英語教學設(shè)計時間:12月10日教學內(nèi)容Unit 10 You re supposed to shake han ds.授課教師張雪年級九年級課型寫作課教材分析課程標準強調(diào)通過學習培養(yǎng)學生綜合語言運用的能力,強調(diào)語言的實踐性,主張 學生在語境中接觸、體驗和理解真實的語言并在此基礎(chǔ)上學習和運用語言。本單兀的 話題目標是禮儀、習俗。了解各國風

2、俗習慣,文化習俗,餐桌禮儀以及人們在不同場 合應該做的事情。通過了解各國文化背景、禮儀習俗,尊重不同的文化習俗,學會在 不同場合的得體表現(xiàn),培養(yǎng)跨文化交際能力。學情分析九年級的學生經(jīng)過了兩年的英語學習,聽說讀寫各方面都已經(jīng)有了一定的基礎(chǔ), 并有了一疋的邏輯分析的能力,因此通過本單兀的學習,學生掌握了be supposed to句型和一定的描述變化的語言材料,為寫作提供了大量的語言輸入,通過教師在寫前 進行寫作方法和技巧的指導,學生完全可以在教師指導下寫出符合標準的文章。教學目標1. 知識與技能:能夠運用be supposed to句型和形式多樣的句式,模仿范例框架, 在教師引領(lǐng)和小組互助下獨立

3、起草和修改描述自己變化的短文,并能互相評改賞析,提高美感,總纟口提升與作冃匕力。2. 過程與方法:學生根據(jù)相關(guān)信息和生活體驗,通過思維導圖和頭腦風暴形式再 現(xiàn)描述禮儀和風俗的語言材料,再通過師生問答、賞析和小組合作討論形式激活學生 思維,感知寫作框架和技巧,收集寫作素材,為寫作做好足夠的鋪墊,讓學生的智慧 在指尖靈動。3. 情感態(tài)度與價值觀:通過了解各國文化背景、禮儀習俗,尊重不同的文化習俗, 學會在不同場合的得體表現(xiàn),培養(yǎng)跨文化交際能力。教學重點難點重點:能用目標語言再現(xiàn)描述禮儀和風俗,內(nèi)容準確充實,邏輯清晰,根據(jù)自身實際 與出自己的文早。難點:1.學會開頭和結(jié)尾的多樣化句式;2.使用不同句

4、式描述風俗習慣,文化習俗,餐桌禮儀以及人們在不同場合應 該做的事情。教學手段視頻、PPT課件、范文教法學法過程性寫作教學法:寫前:讓學生整體感知文章結(jié)構(gòu)和句式,搜集寫作信息; 寫中:指導寫作技巧,引導學生下筆成文; 寫后:修改賞析,提高美感,總結(jié)提高。頭腦風暴、思維導圖、問答法、練習法、小組合作探究等方法。教學流程Step 1. Warm-up :Greeti ngs.Step 2. Lead in g-i n:Watch a short movie and talk about it.Step 3. Pre-writing:1. Brain storm ing: Use the words

5、and expressi ons to alk about the custom that we know ?Coun triesSocial situati onsfMannersCustomsJStructures2. Make notes : Ask and answer about thcustoms, then finish the letter.Dear,You must to excited about coming to China soon. Let me give you some suggesti ons and advice about Chin ese customs

6、. Whe n yout tmtable,it irripolite tonourhouse, you re supposed toWhenyou go out with people,you should.Havea safe trip,a nd I look forward to meeti ng you soon!Best wishes,3. Writing stragetiesStrategy 1: Three easy ways to start an article:1. 直接引入:You must to excited about coming to China soon. Le

7、t me give you some suggesti ons and advice about Chin ese customs.2. 弓丨起共鳴: Each country has different customs .3. 自問自答:Do you know what are you supposed to do in China?Of course,Strategy 2: Three easy ways to link two paragraphs:個案補改s5 eati ng a11. 列舉事例When you re eating at the table,it s impolite

8、to .In our house, yousupposed .Whe n you go out with people,you should .2. 問句跳轉(zhuǎn). What are people supposed to do in China?3. 設(shè)小標題.Do as they do.Strategy 3: Three easy ways to end an article:1. 呈現(xiàn)結(jié)果 We are supposed to understand the different customs2. 啟發(fā)號召Have a safe trip,a nd I look forward to meeti

9、 ng you soon! The golde n rule is: Watch the other people. Do as they do. Whe n in Rome, do as the Roma ns do.3. 反問自答Its worth the trouble if you want to understand another culture. Dont you think so?Step 4. While-writi ng:1. Watch and write.2. According to the main point to write the article.3. 審題.

10、4. 寫作提綱5. 列出關(guān)鍵單詞和短語.Step 5. Post-writing :1. Find the mistakes with each other.2. Groupwork:Each team choose a best one to share with us, then give comments with the teacher, choose the best team, then praise them Step 5. Summary:Get Ss to sum up what they have lear nt first, the n the teacher adds Step 6. Homework:Write an article: Whe n in Rome, do a


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