職稱英語考試理工類B級押題高分班【內(nèi)部資料 嚴防外泄】_第1頁
職稱英語考試理工類B級押題高分班【內(nèi)部資料 嚴防外泄】_第2頁
職稱英語考試理工類B級押題高分班【內(nèi)部資料 嚴防外泄】_第3頁
職稱英語考試理工類B級押題高分班【內(nèi)部資料 嚴防外泄】_第4頁
職稱英語考試理工類B級押題高分班【內(nèi)部資料 嚴防外泄】_第5頁
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1、2013年職稱英語考試理工類b級押題高分班【內(nèi)部資料 嚴防外泄】(一) 1、lt is ridiculous to dispute about such things a:foolish b:shocking c:frightening d:amusing 本題正確答案為:a 本題解析:題干的意思是:就這些事情進行爭論,真是可笑。ridiculous:可笑的,荒謬的。 amusing指“引人發(fā)笑的,有趣的。 2、it was obvious that she was not going home a:evident b:necessary c:possible d:probable 本題正確答

2、案為:a 本題解析:題干的意思是:顯然她沒有回家。obvious:明顯的,明白的。四個選項中只有 evident意思和它相近。又如:it was obvious to everyone that the child had been badly treated眾所周知,這個孩子受到了虐待。 3、he replied that this was absolutely impossible a:stated b:answered c: said d:claimed 本題正確答案為:b 本題解析:題干可直譯為:他答復道,此事絕不可能。reply:回答,答復。answer也表示“回答,答復的意思,與其

3、意思相同,所以選項b為最佳答案。state用作動詞表示“陳述,說明”,say是“說,講的意思,claim的意思是“主張”。 4、he confesses that he has done it a:agrees b:alleges c:admits d: answers 本題正確答案為:c 本題解析:題干的意思是:他承認是他干的這件事。confess的意思是“承認,坦白”,較正式,如向警察承認自己干了非法的事情。四個選項中只有admit(承認,接受)與其意思相 近,allege表示“主張,宣稱”。 5、he iacked the strength to deal with all these

4、problems a:think of b:talk about c:copy down d: cope with 本題正確答案為:d 本題解析:題干的意思是:他缺乏處理所有這類事情的能力。注意,此句中strength原表示“力量,實力”,這里可以理解為“能力”。deal with:處理,安排,與選項中的cope with意思相近。copy with還有“與競爭”的意思。 6、he purchased a ticket and went up on the top deck a:bought b:took c:showed d: made 本題正確答案為:a 本題解析:題干的意思是:他買了一張

5、票,到頂層的甲板上去了。purchase:購買,與buy意思相同,只是用法上較為正式。又如:they purchased the land for$1 million他們花1百 萬美金買了這塊地。 7、foreign money can be converted into the iocai currency at this bank a:written b:changed c:moved d:reported 本題正確答案為:b 本題解析:題干的意思是:在這家銀行,外幣可以兌換成當?shù)刎泿?。convert:轉換,兌換。意思同change。故選項b為最佳答案。 8、he looks like a

6、 crazy man a:lazy b:patient c:mad d:happy 本題正確答案為:c 本題解析:題干可直譯為:他看上去像一個瘋子。crazy:發(fā)狂的,指“愚蠢的或精神不正常。mad:瘋狂的,發(fā)瘋的,意思與crazy相近。再舉一例:she must be crazy to lend himmoney她把錢借給他,一定是瘋了。 9、we cannot permit such conduct a:movement b:words c:principle d:behavior 本題正確答案為:d 本題解析:題干的意思是:對這種行為,我們是不允許的。conduct在這里用作名詞,意思是

7、“行為”或“舉止。behavior意思與其相同,常泛指某種“行為或“舉止,當然也可指某種具體行為,conduct通常指某人在某具體場合的行為或舉止。principle表示“原則”。 10、she started to clean the kitchen a:stopped b:began c:continued d:kept 本題正確答案為:b 本題解析:題干的意思是:她開始清掃廚房。start是個常用詞,與begin意思相同。 11、 john talked over the new job offer with his wife a:discussed b:mentioned c:acce

8、pted d:rejected 本題正確答案為:a 本題解析:題干的意思是:就給的這份新的工作,約翰和他妻子商量過了。talk over指“就某事進行徹底的討論,以便做出決定”。discuss是個常用詞,與其意思相同,故為最佳答案。reject的意思是“拒絕,否決”。就talk over再舉一例:they talked over the proposal and decided to give it their approval他們就此提議進行了討論,決定批準它。12、i rarely wear a raincoat because l spend most of my time in a c

9、ar a:normally b:continuously c:seldom d:usually 本題正確答案為:c 本題解析:題干的意思是:我極少穿雨衣,因為我多數(shù)時間呆在車里。rarely:很少地,罕見地,等于not very often,與seldom(=not often)意思基本相同,故選項c為最佳答案。 13、we explored the possibility of closer trade links at the conference a:rejected b:investigated c:proposed d:postponed 本題正確答案為:b 本題解析:題干的意思是:

10、會上,我們就建立更加密切的貿(mào)易關系的可能性進行了探討。explore在此句中指“就某一問題進行深入、仔細的研究,表示“探究的意思,與選項中的investigate意思相近。propose用作動詞,表示“提議。就explore我們再舉一例:these ideas will be explored in more detail in chapter 7這些想法將在第7章做更加仔細的討論。 14、he often finds fault with my work a:criticizes b:praises c:evaluates d: talks about 本題正確答案為:a 本題解析:題干的意

11、思是:他經(jīng)常找我工作中的毛病。find fault with的意思是“挑剔,找毛病“,criticize的意思是“批評,提意見,指出毛病,與find fault with意思相近。 15、they agreed to settle the dispute by peaceful means a:complete b:determine c: untie d:solve 本題正確答案為:d 本題解析: 題干的意思是:他們同意采取和平的手段解決這一爭端。settle的意思是“解決,尤指結束某一爭論或爭端,通常和argumentmatter搭配。solve的意思也是“解決”,通常指某一問題,和pro

12、blem搭配。這兩個詞意思上很相近,故選項d為最佳答案。簡答題 第2部分:閱讀判斷(第1622題,每題1分,共7分)下面的短文后列出了7個句子,請根據(jù)短文的內(nèi)容對每個句子做出判斷:如果該句提供的是正確信息,請選擇a;如果該句提供的是錯誤信息,請選擇b;如果該句的信息文中沒有提及,請選擇c。thanksgiving with the watsonspeople came to america from every country in the world and brought the traditions of their ancestors with them. thus, most ame

13、rican traditions are not really american. but thanksgiving (感恩節(jié)) is different because it started in america. so it is a truly american tradition.life provides many good and bad things. every year, in november, thanksgiving day reminds us of the good things in life, and people are thankful. on this d

14、ay people usually eat turkey and great quantities of other foods. jesse has decided to spend thanksgiving with david and elizabeth watson because he likes them, and because he cannot go to his parents home in chicago.elizabeths nickname (昵稱) is betty, and people usually call her that. she is the sec

15、retary of jesses boss. jesse got to know the watsons two years ago and he and dave have become good friends. sometimes they go fishing or to a ball game together.the watsons live in a small apartment in a suburb of new york city. the offices where betty works are in downtown new york, and she has to

16、 take a bus and two subway trains to go to work every day. it takes her about one hour to get there. she finds the trip boring and tiring. she wants to stay home in order to take care of the family and enjoy the children. the watsons have three children. their daughter sue is in the fourth grade and

17、 their son paul is in the second grade. they also have a two-year-old daughter, ann. the children like jesse; he is their hero. he tells them stories about foreign countries, about africa and china, about the pacific and japan; he has never even seen most of these countries. he knows about fast cars

18、 and new inventions. the watson children think that jesse is full of adventures; he is fascinating to them. frequently he takes them to the park and joins them in their games. today jesse brought sue a record of her favorite music, because she has a new record player. he also brought paul a toy truc

19、k and ann a plastic (塑料) book with bright pictures, and betty a bunch of flowers. betty cooked a nice turkey, and they all ate too much. after dinner the children wanted to go out to the park with jesse. but they had to stay home, because it was raining. later, dave and jesse sat down in front of th

20、e tv to watch a football game. 1 6 thanksgiving is not a truly american tradition a right b wrong c not mentioned17 thanksgiving day falls on the 4th thursday in november. a right b wrong c not mentioned18 the turkey is a most popular food on thanksgiving day a right b wrong c not mentioned19 jesse

21、and his boss are good friends. a right b wrong c not mentioned20 elizabeth enjoys going to work in downtown new york a right b wrong c not mentioned21 the children like jesse because he once traveled around the world a right b wrong c not mentioned22 jesse had a good time in his friends home a right

22、 b wrong c not mentioned 第2部分:閱讀判斷 16 b 17 c 18 a 19 c 20 b 21 b 22 a 16 本題的意思是:感恩節(jié)不是真正的美國人的傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日。這句話不符合原文的意思。原文第一段最后一句已經(jīng)明顯指出了感恩節(jié)確實是美國人的傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日。這句話的原文是:so it(指前面的thanksgiving)is a truly american tradition 17 本題的意思是:感恩節(jié)的日子是(每年)11月的第四個星期四。原文雖然講了感恩節(jié)的來歷,以及人們?nèi)绾芜^感恩節(jié),但并沒有介紹感恩節(jié)是在哪一天。所以這句話的信息應視為“沒提到”(not mention

23、ed)。 18 本題的意思是:火雞是感恩節(jié)最受歡迎的一種食品。感恩節(jié)人們吃什么這條信息在文中的第二段提到了。原文是這樣說的:(感恩節(jié))這一天,人們通常吃火雞或其他大量的食品。題句的意思與原文的意思相符,故選a。 19 本題的意思是:jesse和他的老板是好朋友。這句話的信息文中沒有提到。雖然文中提到了jesse和他的老板(文中第三段提到elizabeth是jesse的老板的秘書),但并沒有介紹他們之間的關系如何。因此這句話的信息應視為沒有提到。 20 本題的意思是:elizabeth喜歡到紐約的市中心去工作。這句話的信息與原文的意思正好相反。原文說elizabeth家住市外,每天到城里工作很辛

24、苦,又是坐汽車,又是乘地鐵,很累很煩(見原文第三段中間),所以本題選項為b。 21 本題的意思是:孩子們喜歡jesse是因為他曾周游世界。這句話的信息也是錯誤的。原文雖然談到孩子們喜歡jesse,是因為jesse給他們講了很多有關外國的故事,其實他自己并未到過這些國家(見原文第四段),題句與原文意思不相符,故選b。22 本題的意思是:jesse在他朋友家里過得很愉快。這句話的意思雖然文中沒有明說,但我們還是可以推斷出來:betty給jesse他們做了美味火雞,大家吃得很多,由于下雨,他們在betty家里呆了下來,一起看足球比賽。通過這些文字我們可以推斷jesse在他朋友家里過得很愉快,所以應該

25、選a。理工類b級押題高分班第2講課件講義(考試吧職業(yè)教育在線) 模擬試題第一套(二)第3部分:概括大意與完成句子(第2330題,每題1分,共8分) 下面的短文后有2項測試任務:(1)第2326題要求從所給的6個選項中為第25段每段選擇1個最佳標題;(2)第2730題要求從所給的6個選項中為每個句子確定1個最佳選項。science fiction1 amongst the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction. hundreds of tit

26、les are published every year and are read by all kinds of people. furthermore, some of the most successful films of recent years have been based on science fiction stories.2 it is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new development in literature, but its ancestors祖先 can be found in books

27、written 幾百hundreds of years ago. these books were often concerned with the presentation of some form of ideal society, a theme which is still often found in modern stories.3 most of the classics of science fiction, however, have been written within the last hundred years. books by writers such as ju

28、les verne and h.g. wells, to mention just two well-known authors, have been translated into many languages.4 modern science fiction writers dont write about men from mars(火星)or space adventure stories. they are more interested in predicting the results of technical developments on society and the hu

29、man mind; or in imagining future worlds which are a reflection of the world which we live in now. because of this their writing has obvious political undertones(涵義).5 in an age where science fact frequently overtakes(超過) science fiction, the writers may find it difficult to keep ahead of scientific

30、advances. those who are sufficiently clear-sighted to see the way we are going, however, may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the problems which society will inevitably face as it tries to master its new technology. 23. paragraph 2_e 24. paragraph 3_c 25. paragraph 4_f 26 . paragraph 5_

31、 d a. popularity流行度 of science fiction科幻小說 b. a fairly相當?shù)?new development c. classics古典 經(jīng)典的 of science fiction d. difficulty困難 in keeping ahead of scientific adventure e. origin起源 of science fiction f. themes主題 of modern science fiction現(xiàn)代科幻小說 27 . some form of ideal society理想的社會is _a 28 . books writ

32、ten by j. verne are_f 29 . people enjoy_c 30 . works of modern science fiction have_d a a recurrent(反復出現(xiàn)的)theme b concerned with the problems that we have to solve in the future c reading books of science fiction喜歡科幻小說 d political 政治implications(涵義) e a current theme現(xiàn)代的主題 f read worldwide全世界閱讀 第3部分:

33、概括大意與完成句子 23 e 24 c 25 f 26 d 27 a 28 f 29 c 30 d 23 第二段第一句講的是科學幻想常被認為是文學中較新的一種事物,但它的先驅(qū)可以在許多年以前寫的書中找到o but在這里起轉折作用,后面的敘述也是圍繞but以后的這個 句子的信息展開的。這個句子的中心詞是ancestors,與origin意思較近,通過它,我們得知這段是在介紹科幻小說的起源。故選項e為正確答案。 24 第三段主要介紹的是經(jīng)典的科幻小說,因此選項c為正確答案。 25 第四段的主題可通過a theme which is still often found in modem storie

34、s(一個現(xiàn)代故事中仍然能夠找到的主題),故選項f為正確答案。 26 短文最后一段的主題是:科學發(fā)展一日千里,科幻小說的作家是跟不上科學發(fā)展的步伐的。選項d中的幾個詞已經(jīng)在文中出現(xiàn)了,所以本題比較容易作。 27 選項a中的theme這個詞在原文中可以找到出處:a theme which is still often found in modem stories這句話換一種說法就成了a recurrent theme(一個反復出現(xiàn)的主題),故選項a為正確答案o 28 jules verne是個有名的作家,他寫的書被譯成了多種語言,世界上許多國家的人都能讀到他的書,故選項f為正確答案。 29 enj

35、oy可以跟名詞及名詞短語,還可以跟動名詞短語,在所給的幾個選項中選項c為動名詞短語,可以跟在enjoy之后,意思也與原文相符,故選項c為正確答案。 30 第四段最后一句話是這么講的:because of this their writing has obvious political undertones由于這一原因,他們的作品帶有明顯的政治含義。undertone與implication這 兩個詞意思相同,故選項d為正確答案。 第4部分:閱讀理解(第3145題,每題3分,共45分) 下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道題。請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,為每題確定1個最佳選項。 第一篇 the olympic

36、gamesthe olympic games are the greatest festival of sport in the world. every four years, a hundred or more countries send their best sportsmen to compete for the highest honors榮譽 in sport. as many as 6,000 people take part in over 20 sports. for the winners贏家, there are gold medals and glory. but t

37、here is honor, too, for all who compete, win or lose. that is in the spirit of the olympicsto take part is what matters.the olympic games always start in a bright color and action. the teams of all the nations parade in the opening ceremony開幕式 and march round the track. the custom慣例 is for the greek

38、 team希臘隊 to march in first. for it was in greece that the olympics began. the team of the country where the games are being held - the host country - marches in last.the runner with the olympic torch (火炬) then enters the stadium and lights the flame. a sportsman from the host country takes the olymp

39、ic oath (宣誓) on behalf of all the competitors. the judges and officials also take an oath宣誓. after the sportsmen march out of the stadium, the host country puts on a wonderful display. the competitions begin the next day. there are usually more than twenty sports in the games. the rule is that there

40、 must be at least fifteen. the main events主要事件 are in track and field田徑賽事, but it is a few days before these sports start. each day the competitors take part in a different sport-riding, shooting, swimming, and cross-country running. points are gained for each event. medals are awarded for the indiv

41、idual winners and for national teams.more and more women are taking part in the games. they first competed in 1900, in tennis and golf, which are no longer held in the olympics. womens swimming events were introduced in 1912. but it was not until 1928 that there were any track and field events for w

42、omen. now, they compete in all but half a dozen of the sports. in horse riding, shooting, and boat racing, they may compete in the same events as the men. 31why is there honor for the losers as well as for the winners? abecause failure is the mother of success. bbecause losers need encouragement. cb

43、ecause losers and winners should be equally treated. d because what really matters is take part in the olympic games 32which of the following is a long-established practice in the opening ceremony? arunners enter the stadium with torches. beach team puts on a wonderful display. cthe greek team march

44、es in first. dsportsmen and sportswomen wear magnificent clothes. 33who takes the olympic oath?誓言 aa judge from a foreign country. ban officer from the host country. ca greek sportsman. da sportsman from the host 主辦country國 34what are the most important events最主要的項目 in the olympic games? athe track

45、and field events. bthe horse-riding events. cthe swimming events. dthe boat-racing events. 35when did women start taking part參與 in the olympic games? ain 1912. bin 1900. cin 1928. din 1924. 31 d 32 c 33 d 34 a 35 b 31 該題是根據(jù)第一段最后兩句話設計的:but there is honor,too,for all who compete,win or losethat is in

46、spirit of the olympicsto take part is what matters不過,凡是參賽的人,不管是贏還是輸,也都給予榮譽。因為這符合奧運會的精神:真正重要的是參與。顯而易見,選項d為正確答案o 32 該題是根據(jù)第二段第三句話設計的:the custom is for the greek team to march in first作為一種慣例,希臘隊走在前面。所謂“慣例就是指沒有寫成文的規(guī)則,是“一種長期以來得到公認的做法”。該題實際上是考。custom”在這一句中的意義。因此正確答案是c。 33 該題是根據(jù)第三段第二句話設計的:a sportsman from t

47、hehost country takes the olympic oath on behalf of all the competitors一名來自東道國的運動員代表所有的參賽者立下奧運會的誓言。雖然該段中也提到了其他人也要宣誓,但立下奧運會的誓言的是一名東道國的運動員。所以d是正確答案。 34 題干問的是奧運會中什么項目最重要。該題是根據(jù)第四段第四句話設計的:the mainevents ale in track and field,最主要的項目是在田徑方面,。 “main”跟“most important是一個意思,所以a是正確答案。 35 題干問的是:婦女何時開始參加奧運會?最后一段的第

48、二句話是這么說的:they(指the women)first competed in 1900她們最早是在1900年參賽的。因此,b為正確答案。 第二篇 supermarketmost supermarkets need a very large floor area, sometimes at least ten times as big as that of an ordinary shop. there are usually two doors, one as an entrance and the other as an exit. the rest of the side faci

49、ng the street is largely of plate glass, with goods or advertising material displayed. the other three walls are normally decorated in light colours, giving an impression of cleanliness (清潔) and brightness. most supermarkets are on one floor only, goods being stored存放 in rooms at the back or upstair

50、s.at right-angles to the window stretch long structures about six feet high with a number of shelves on each side. similar shelf units or frozen food containers extend round the walls. broad aisles between the shelf units and ample (足夠的) space between them and the window and also the far wall allow

51、room for the circulation流動 of many people. individual commodities (商品), in tins, bags, boxes or other containers, are stacked (堆放) in groups on the shelves, and each group is labelled with a price ticket. metal baskets near the entrance are taken by the shoppers who collect in them the goods they se

52、lect from the shelves.between the shelf units and the window in one half of the shops are a number of small counters about three feet high. beside each sits a cashier (現(xiàn)金出納員), who operates a machine for totalling the cost of each customers purchases. the customer places the basket at one end of the counter so that it can be emptied被倒空 by the cashier收銀員 who records the price of the commodities one by one, before putting ea


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