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1、初三系列復(fù)習(xí)資料(20)書面表達的考點集匯,講解和訓(xùn)練 二十、書面表達及其解題方法【考點掃描】 書面表達是每年中考必考題型,是考查學(xué)生交際能力的一個重要組成部分。書面表達通常有三種形式:1、書信、日記、通知、留言、假條;2、看圖作文;3、根據(jù)漢語提示作文。 無論是那一種書面表達形式,考生所寫的短文都要緊扣主題、文理通順,要素完整,語言準確、得當、格式正確、無大、小寫和拼寫錯誤,標點符號正確,能達到交際目的?!久麕熃怆y】一. 訓(xùn)練方法1. 記。認真系統(tǒng)復(fù)習(xí)和背誦基礎(chǔ)知識和優(yōu)美的句子、句型。中國有句古話,叫“熟讀唐詩三百首,不會吟詩也會作”。大量的背誦和閱讀是提高寫作能力的有效辦法,同學(xué)們?nèi)粲写罅?/p>

2、的現(xiàn)成語言積累在腦海里,自己寫起文段來,就可以做到脫口而出,或是模仿、套用,甚至發(fā)揮。2. 練。平時可以采用循序漸進、靈活多樣的練習(xí)方式。從根據(jù)提示詞寫單句開始,到寫單句,然后到寫幾句話,最后到寫流利的文段。盡量嘗試多種形式的寫作,如短信、說明、通知、便條、明信片、看圖寫作、根據(jù)表格或記錄寫短文等。3. 寫。要進行實戰(zhàn)寫作。要求自己在20分鐘內(nèi)寫出100個詞的短文,并且質(zhì)量高、內(nèi)容全、形式正確。這樣形成習(xí)慣,考試時就能得心應(yīng)手。 二. 應(yīng)試策略1. 審題目:要切中題意。中考考試說明指出,書面表達要切中題意。怎樣才能切中題意?就是要認真審題,看到考題后,先不要急于動筆,要仔細看清題目要求的內(nèi)容。

3、在自己的頭腦中構(gòu)思出一個框架或畫面,確定短文的中心思想,不要匆匆下筆,看懂題意,根據(jù)圖畫、圖表、提綱或短文提供的資料和信息來審題。審題要審格式、體裁、人物關(guān)系、故事情節(jié)、主體時態(tài)、活動時間、地點等。2. 圈要點:防止遺漏要點。要點是給分的一個重要因素。為了防止寫作過程中遺漏要點,同學(xué)們要充分發(fā)揮自己的觀察力,把情景中給出的各個要點逐條列出。3. 列提綱:為寫作做好準備。根據(jù)文章要點短文的中心思想將主要句型、關(guān)鍵詞語記下,形成提綱。 4. 定基調(diào):定出時態(tài)、人稱、順序、開頭、結(jié)尾。5. 寫全文:寫短文時要做到以下六個方面:(1)避免使用漢語式英語,盡量使用自己熟悉的句型。幾種句型可交替使用,以避

4、免重復(fù)和呆板。(2)多用簡單句型,記事、寫人一般都不需要復(fù)雜的句型??蛇m當多使用陳述句、一般疑問句、祈使句和感嘆句。不用或少用非謂語或情態(tài)動詞等較復(fù)雜的句型。(3)注意語法、句法知識的靈活運用。1)語態(tài)、時態(tài)要準確無誤。2)主謂語要一致,主語的人稱和數(shù)要和謂語一致。3)注意人稱代詞的賓格形式。4)注意冠詞用法,例如: he is an honest student.中的an不能寫成a。5)注意拼寫、標點符號和大小寫,例如:receive, believe, fourteen, forty, ninth, restaurant等。(4)描寫人物時,要生動具體,例如:1)外表特征:tall, sh

5、ort, fat, thin, strong, weak, ordinary-looking 等。2)服飾顏色:red, yellow, blue, white, green, brown, black 等。3)內(nèi)心境界:glad, happy, sad, excited, anxious, interested 等。4)感情描寫:love, like, hate, feel, laugh, cry, smile, shout 等。5)動作描寫:come, go, get, have, take, bring, fetch 等。(5)上下文要連貫。上下文的連貫性也是評分的一條原則,因此同學(xué)們應(yīng)

6、把寫好的句子,根據(jù)故事情節(jié),事情發(fā)生的先后次序(時間或空間),使用一些表示并列、遞進等過渡詞進行加工整理,使文章連貫、自然、流暢。同學(xué)們應(yīng)注意下面過渡的用法:1)表示并列關(guān)系的:and, as well as, or 2)表示轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系的:but, yet, however 3)表示時間關(guān)系的:when, while, after, before, then, after that 4)表示因果關(guān)系的:so, therefore ,as a result 5)表示目的的:in order to, in order that , so as to, so that 6)表示列舉的:for exam

7、ple , such as 7)表示總結(jié)性的:in general, in all, in a word, generally speaking (6)不會表達,另辟蹊徑。中考作文給分是以要點和語言準確度而定,不以文采打分。造句越簡單準確越好,造復(fù)合句容易出錯,容易被扣分,閱卷場上有句話:“錯誤面前人人平等,文采好不加分”。如遇到個別要點表達不出來或難以表達,可采用變通的辦法,化難為易,化繁為簡。總之,所造句子要正確、得體、符合英語表達習(xí)慣。(6)改病句:認真檢查,改正錯誤。中考作文時,由于時間緊、內(nèi)容多,同學(xué)們出錯在所難免。因此,改錯這一環(huán)節(jié)必不可少。中考作文評卷是根據(jù)要點、語言準確性、上下

8、文的連貫性來給分,根據(jù)錯誤多少來扣分。因此,中考時花幾分鐘時間用來檢查錯誤顯得尤為重要。檢查錯誤應(yīng)從以下幾個方面入手:1)格式是否有錯。2)拼寫有無錯誤。3)語言是否用錯。4)時態(tài)、語態(tài)錯誤。5)標點錯誤。6)人稱是否用錯。三. 注意事項書面表達要特別注意書寫工整,卷面整潔。每年閱卷老師在十來天的時間里要看十幾萬考生的作文,工作量之大,時間之緊,可想而知。書寫是否工整,卷面是否整潔與得分高低直接有關(guān)?!局锌挤独浚?004年陜西省中考試題)vii. 書面表達(共1題,計10分)假如你叫張強。請根據(jù)下面美國朋友bob的來信內(nèi)容,結(jié)合你自己的情況寫一篇語言連慣、符合邏輯的英文回信。要求:1. 認真

9、閱讀來信的內(nèi)容,從中獲得你需要的信息。2. 詞數(shù):80左右?;匦诺拈_頭、結(jié)尾已給出,但不計入總詞數(shù)。注意:回信中不得出現(xiàn)你的真實地址和所在學(xué)校的名稱。dear friend,hello!im your new friend. my name is bob. im fifteen. im american. i live in new york.i am a middle school student. im good at maths. it is very interesting. my favourite sport is basketball. and i am not only a b

10、asketball fan but also a good player. i like pop music. my friends and i often sing pop songs together.after school, i am interested in getting on-line. i have known a lot about china from the internet. now im learning chinese. i hope i will visit your country one day.please write to me and tell me

11、something about your life. im looking forward to hearing from you.yours,bobdear bob, i got your letter yesterday. im very glad to be your pen friend. my name is zhang qiang. im fifteen years old, too. i live in shaanxi. im a middle school student, too. i like english and physics very much. i also li

12、ke sports, but im good at drawing. i know a little about america. could you tell me something more about your country in your next letter?i hope well meet in china some day. im sure well have a good time together.please write (to) me soon.yours,zhang qiang【滿分演練】 (1)華山是中國名山之一。假設(shè)外國友人到你校參觀后,準備去旅游。請根據(jù)以下

13、要點向外國友人簡單介紹華山(the hua mountain)1位于陜西東部,是中國著名的旅游勝地,每年有大批中外游客前去旅游觀光。2乘汽車去大約要花1個小時;也可以乘火車去。3登山便可領(lǐng)略其云海(the sea of clouds)、奇松(wondrous pines)、怪石(unique rocks)等秀麗的風(fēng)景及清晨美麗的日出。注意: 1字數(shù):80詞左右。2請不要逐字翻譯。 (2)根據(jù)提示和要求完成下面短文假如你(li lei)在去年夏令營認識的一個朋友jim從英國給你寄來一件禮物 一件紅色的襯衫,并附有一封信。在信中他向你問好,他想知道你近來在忙些什么。請你給他寫一封回信(100個詞左

14、右)表示感謝?;匦乓ㄒ韵聝?nèi)容:1. 向jim問好并對他表示感謝。2. 禮物是你最喜歡的顏色,尺寸很合適,你非常喜歡。3. 告訴jim你近來很好,上周剛過完生日,生日聚會很熱鬧。詢問jim的近況,并表示希望他能來中國。注意1. 信的格式已經(jīng)給出。 2. 信中不得使用真實的人名、地名。 (3)根據(jù)中文意思和英文提示詞語,寫出意思連貫、符合邏輯的英文文段。所給英文提示詞語必須都用上,中文提示內(nèi)容不必逐句翻譯,每組英文提示所寫出的句數(shù)不限。今天是6月23日星期日,天氣晴朗。你和你的同學(xué)張宏參觀了西安市動物園。那里的動物十分有趣,人見人愛。當你看到有位游客在向猴子投喂食物時,就上前阻止并說請你用英文

15、寫一篇日記,記述今天的經(jīng)歷。(請注意日記格式)1fine day, sun, bright2visit, beijing zoo3animal, so interesting, people, love4see, visitor, throwto, stop, say (4)根據(jù)中文設(shè)置的情景、英文提示詞語以及表格所提供的信息,寫出語法正確、意思連貫、符合邏輯的英文文段。注意1. 字數(shù)6080。 2. 所給的英文提示詞語及表格所提供的信息必須都用上。(可適當發(fā)揮)3. 發(fā)言稿的開頭和結(jié)尾已給出。假設(shè)你是張斌,今年暑假你將參加學(xué)校組織的赴加拿大“綠色之旅”夏令營活動。請你準備一篇在開營式上的自我

16、介紹發(fā)言稿。name, zhang bin, fifteen years old, live in xian, favorite subject, biologyinterest free time activities future job hope drawing go camping,draw pictures of plants,enjoy the singing of birds in nature biologist,grow up good friends,do ones best,make the earth dear friendsim very glad to introd

17、uce myself to you._ _thats all. thank you for listening. (5) 根據(jù)中文提示和英文提示詞語寫一篇短文。 今年暑假,有一批美國中學(xué)生要來你們學(xué)校訪問。請你寫一篇有關(guān)西安的簡介,以便和他們交流。 注意:1.字數(shù)100左右; 2.必須使用所給英文提示。capital of shaanxi,lie in the northwest,many places of interest,autumn, best season (6)看圖寫話。 根據(jù)以上四幅圖和提示詞語,寫出一篇語法正確、意思連貫、語句通順、符合邏輯的短文,開頭已給出。要求:1. 敘述要

18、用第三人稱。2. 詞數(shù)6080個左右。3. 要表達自己的看法或想法。4. 選用下列詞語:rush hour, cross, make sure, come over, traffic rules last monday, tim got up at 7:40 in the morning._ 【練習(xí)答案】 (1)參考答案: the hua mountain is one of the most famous mountains in china. it lies in the east of shaanxi. every year thousands of chinese and foreig

19、ners pay a visit there. its not far from here. it takes you about one hour to get there by bus. you can also go there by train. when you are at the top of the mountain, youll find clouds, wondrous pines and unique rocks around you. in the early morning when the sun rises, the sky looks very beautifu

20、l. its really a nice place to visit. (2)參考答案:36 zhonghua streetxi;an, chinajune21st, 2004dear jim:how are you? many thanks for the shirt! im very happy to hear from you again. i love the shirt very much, jim, and red is my favourite colour! you remembered! its just my size. every time i wear it, i w

21、ill think of you.im fine here in china. last week i had a birthday party. many of my classmates came and my mother made us a lot of good food. we really had a wonderful time together. how are you doing in england, jim? i miss you very much. i always miss the days we were together last summer. i hope

22、 you can come to china someday.please write back soon.your friend,li lei (3)參考答案:sunday june 23rdit was a fine day today and the sun was bright. i visited xian zoo with my classmate, zhang hong. the animals there were so interesting that all the people loved them. when i saw a visitor throwing food

23、to the monkeys, i went/ran to stop him/her and said, “animals are our friends and we must take good care of them.” (4)參考答案:dear friends, im very glad to introduce myself to you. my name is zhang bin. im fifteen years old. i live in beijing. one of my favorite subjects is biology. im interested in dr

24、awing. in my free time, i often go camping, draw some pictures of plants, and enjoy the singing of birds in nature. i want to be a biologist when i grow up.i feel lucky to join you. i hope we can be good friends and do our best to makethats all. thank you for listening. (5)參考答案: xian is the capital of shaanxi with a long history. there are many places of


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