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1、關(guān)于商店購物的英語情景會(huì)話一 a:are you being served, madam 有人招待你嗎,女士 b:no. um, do you carry any padded coat 沒有。你們有沒有棉衣賣 a:yes, what size is in your mind 有的,要什么尺寸的 b:small size. 小號(hào)的。 a:any particular brand 要什么牌子的 b:whatever. you know, im thinking of a gift for my mother. its her 60 birthday next friday. could you

2、give me some advice you are the expert. 隨便。我想給我母親買件禮物。下周五是她的60大壽。你能建議一下嗎你是行家。 a:how about this one its the latest design, simple but elegant. 這個(gè)怎么樣這是最新設(shè)計(jì),簡單而高雅。 b:looks nice. how much do you charge 看上去不錯(cuò)。你賣多少錢 a:$ 100. 100美元。 b:thats sheer robbery. im sure you can do better than that. 簡直是搶劫價(jià)。我想你肯定能便

3、宜一點(diǎn)。 a:how much would you say 你說多少 b:$80. 80美元a二 a:id like to buy some jewelry. 我想買首飾。 b:what kind of jewelry do you like to have 你想要什么首飾 a:some bracelets. 手鏈。 b:may i show you gold ones or platinum ones 黃金的還是白金的 a:gold ones, please. 黃金的。 b:pure gold or carat 要純金的還是k金的 a:pure gold ones, please. 請(qǐng)拿純金

4、的。 b:yes, madam. are these ones fit for you 好的,夫人。這一副適合你嗎 a:no, they seem to me too old fashioned. 不,我覺得似乎太老式了。 b:what about these they are very nice and of the latest style. 這一副怎樣既美觀又是最新款式的。 a:they fit me well. how much do you charge for it 很合適。多少錢 女店員b:one thousand and two hundred dollars. 一千二百美元。

5、 a:its too expensive. i can only pay you one thousand dollars. 太貴了,我只能出一千美元。 b:sorry, madam, our shop doesnt ask two prices. 對(duì)不起,太太,本店不二價(jià)。三 a:may i help you, madam 你想買點(diǎn)什么,夫人 b:yes. im trying to find a pair of earrings to match my necklace. can you recommend some to me 是的。我想買對(duì)耳環(huán)配我的項(xiàng)鏈。你能給你推薦一下嗎 a:yes.

6、 your gold necklace has a diamond pendant, and your eardrops should be 好的。你的金項(xiàng)鏈帶一個(gè)鉆石墜,那么你的耳墜也應(yīng)鑲有鉆石。你看這對(duì)怎樣studded with diamond. what do you think of this pair b:these look wonderful. do these come with a guarantee of quality 好極了。有質(zhì)量保證書嗎 a:of course. if there is anything wrong with them, you can come back and show me the guarantee of quality, a


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