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1、關(guān)于買(mǎi)衣服的英語(yǔ)對(duì)話精選關(guān)于買(mǎi)衣服的英語(yǔ)對(duì)話一 a:where is your dressing room b:right over there. b:(person a comes out of the dressing room)how did you like the sweater a:i loved it. ill take it. b:great. i can ring you up over here. it comes to $87.04. a:here you go b:do you have a credit card with us a:no i dont. b:if y

2、ou open up a card, you can save 10% on all your purchases today. a:not today. thanks though. b:no problem. we always have this offer, so when ever you decide to, just let us know. a:sure. b:is there anything else i can help you with a:yeah. i was looking at some of your pants, but they are all a bit

3、 too long. do you have alteration services here b:yes. it cost $7, and it takes one day. a:great. thanks for your help. b:thank you, and have a great day.關(guān)于買(mǎi)衣服的英語(yǔ)對(duì)話二 a:would you like to see our new shirts 你想看看我們的新款襯衫嗎 b:sorry, but im not really that interested in those things. 對(duì)不起,我對(duì)這些東西真的不是很感興趣。 a:

4、well, they are very nice you know. 嗯,它們真的很不錯(cuò)。 b:really 真的嗎 a:and not expensive either. 而且也不貴。 b:oh, i dont care about that. 哦,我不在意這些東西。 a:everybody is buying them. 很多人都在買(mǎi)這些襯衫。 b:are they 是嗎 a:yes, they are very fashionable, you see. 是的,您看,它們都很時(shí)尚。 b:i am afraid i am not interested in fashion. 恐怕我對(duì)時(shí)尚不

5、感興趣。 a:i see. 我知道了。 b:but thank you very much all the same. 但還是謝謝你。 a:sorry i couldnt help you. 很遺憾沒(méi)能給您提供任何服務(wù)。關(guān)于買(mǎi)衣服的英語(yǔ)對(duì)話三 a:can i help you 您要買(mǎi)什么嗎 b:id like to buy a skirt. 我想買(mǎi)一條裙子。 a:what style would you prefer 您喜歡什么樣的款式 b:i like one with flowers on its brim. 我想要一條帶花邊的。 a:do you like this one 您喜歡這條嗎

6、 b:it seems too short. 似乎太短了。 a:what about this one 這條怎么樣 b:it looks nice. how much is it 看起來(lái)很好。多少錢(qián) a:70 yuan. 70元。 b:is there any cheaper one 有沒(méi)有便宜些的 a:this one is only 50 yuan. 這一條只要50元。 b:i think id better take that one you showed me just now. it is better than this one although this one is cheaper. 我想我最好買(mǎi)剛才你給我看的那條,雖然這條便宜,但那條好一點(diǎn)兒。 a:all r


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