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1、關(guān)于實用出國旅游常用英語口語一 在飛機上 may i see your boarding pass, please 我能看一下您的登機牌嗎 could you please show me your boarding pass 您能不能出示您的登機牌 boarding pass登機牌 i cant let you in without a boarding pass. 沒有登機牌我不能讓您進去。 let sb. in放某人進入,允許某人進入 please observe the no smoking signs. 請遵守不準(zhǔn)吸煙的告示。 observe v. 遵守,奉行 sign v. 標(biāo)志,

2、告示牌 can you show me the way to my seat 您能帶我去座位嗎 where is my seat 我的座位在哪兒 show sb. the way給某人指路 would you mind exchanging seats with me 您介意和我換位子嗎 youre in my seat. 您坐在我的座位上了。 would you mind doing sth.是您介意嗎,是請別人做事的委婉說法。 can i put it in the overhead compartment 我能把它放迸頭頂行李艙嗎 overhead compartment指(飛機上存放隨

3、身攜帶物品的)頭頂行李艙,其中overhead a. 在頭項上的,compartment n. 隔間。 i feel sick. 我覺得惡心。 im not feeling well. 我覺得不舒服。 im going to throw up. 我要吐了。 my ears are ringing. 我的耳朵在響。 throw up嘔吐 do i have to keep the seat belt fastened at all times 我需要一直系著安全帶嗎 fasten v. 扣緊,系牢 at all times一直,老是,總是 how do i bring my seat back

4、to its full upright position 怎樣將我的椅背回復(fù)到垂直的位置 upright a. 豎起的,垂直的 can i use the toilet now 我現(xiàn)在可以使用衛(wèi)生間了嗎 is the toilet available now 洗手闖現(xiàn)在可以使用吧 toilet n. 衛(wèi)生間 would you please help me adjust the air flow 能幫我調(diào)一下空調(diào)的氣流嗎 adjust v. 調(diào)節(jié),調(diào)整 air flow從座位上端空調(diào)閥吹出來的調(diào)溫氣流 could i have a blanket 可以摹條毯子給我嗎 blanket n. 毯子

5、 can you offer me a snack 能給我份快餐嗎 snack n. 快餐,小吃,點心 will lunch be served in flight 飛機上供應(yīng)年餐嗎 is there a meal served on this flight 飛機上供應(yīng)餐飯嗎 can i have something to drink 能給我點喝的嗎 what kinds of drinks do you serve 你們都供應(yīng)什么飲料二 行李提取 excuse me,where can i get my luggage 請問在哪兒取行李 which carousel is for the b

6、aggage from china 從中國采的行李在哪個行李傳送帶上 carousel n. (飛機場的)行李傳送帶 where is the luggage claim area 請問行李區(qū)在哪兒 claim n. v. 認(rèn)領(lǐng),索賠 luggage claim area(飛機場的)行李領(lǐng)取處 please present your luggage tag. 請出示行李票。 present v.出示,呈現(xiàn) luggage tag行李票 i see our bags on the conveyor belt. 我看見我們的包在傳送帶上了。 conveyor belt傳送帶 can i use t

7、his baggage cart 我能用這輛行李車嗎 where can i find a cart 在哪兒能找到手推車 cart n. 小車,手推車 its incredible that you lost my luggage. 簡直難以置信,你們會弄丟我的行李。 one of my bags seems to be missing. 我的一個包好像不見了 one of my suitcases hasnt come out yet. 我還有一個手提箱沒出來、 incredible a. 難以置信的 my luggage seems to be damaged. 我的行李似乎損壞了。 da

8、mage v. 損害,毀壞 you need to take responsibility for my luggage. 你們要為我的行李負(fù)責(zé)。 responsibility n. 責(zé)任,職責(zé) take responsibility for對負(fù)責(zé)任 please have someone bring my luggage up. 請叫人把我的行李搬上去。 i need someone to help me with the luggage. 我需要有人幫我搬行李, im not happy with the way you handled my luggage. = im not satis

9、fied with the way you dealt with my luggage. 我對你們處理我行李的方式不滿意。 handle v. 對待,處理 deal with處理,對待 theres a rip in my luggage. 我的行李被撕了道口子。 my luggage is damaged. 我的行李受損了 rip n. 裂口,裂縫三 入境檢查 do you have your visa 您有簽證嗎。 this is my visa. 這是我的簽證。 here is my passport. 這是我的護照。 visa n. 簽證(在護照上加蓋的印簽,表示已通過審查,可以過境)

10、 whats your nationality = whats your citizenship 您是什么國籍 ( im) chinese. (我是)中國國籍。 i have british nationality.我有英國國籍。 nationality和citizenship都可表示國籍。 my visa expires in one day. 我的簽證有效期只剩一天了。 my visa is valid for one year. 我的簽證的有效期是一年。 expire v. 期滿 valid a. 有效的 this is my final destination. 這是我的最終目的地。

11、destination n.目的地,終點 how long do you plan on staying 您計劃待多久 how long were you out of the country 您離開這個國家多久了 whats the purpose of your visit for business or for pleasure 您來這里的目的是什么,公務(wù)還是旅游。 purpose n. 目的,意圖 pleasure n. 娛樂,消遣 ill stay here for 3 months. 我會在這里待3個月。 ill leave this country very soon. 我很快就

12、會離開這個國家的。 im leaving the day after tomorrow. 我后天就走。 im planning to stay for 20 days or so. im here on business. 我計劃停留20天左右,我是來出差的。 im here on holiday. 我是來度假的。 ive come for a conference. 我是來開會的。 conference n. 會議 i lost my passport. 我把護照弄丟了。 oh, i dear, i left my passport on the plane. 啊,天哪,我把護照落在飛機上了。 can you wait a second im looking for my passpo


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