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1、比爾蓋茨演講稿比爾蓋茨演講稿【一】Ive always been an optimist and I supposed that isrooted in my belief that the power of creativity andintelligence can make the world a better place.我天生樂觀,堅(jiān)信人類憑創(chuàng)造力和聰明才智能夠讓世界日益美妙,這個(gè)設(shè)想一直根植于我的內(nèi)心深處。For as long as I can remember, Ive loved learning newthings and solving problems. So when

2、 I sat down at a computerfor the first time in seventh grade, I was hooked. Its was aclunky and teletype machine that barely do anything comparedto the computer we have today. But it changed my life.自從記事起,我就熱衷于接觸新事物、挑戰(zhàn)難題。可想而知,我上七年級時(shí)第一次坐在計(jì)算機(jī)前是何等著迷,如入無我之境。那是一臺鏘鏘作響的舊牌機(jī)器,和我們今天擁有的計(jì)算機(jī)相比,它相當(dāng)遜色幾乎一無所用,但正是它改變

3、了我的生活。When my friend Paul Allen and I stared Microsoft 30 yearsago, we had a vision of a computer on every desk and inevery home, which probably sounded a little too optimisticat a time when most computers were the size of refrigerators.But we believe that personal computer would change the world.An

4、d they have.30 年前,我和朋友保羅 艾倫創(chuàng)辦微軟時(shí),我們幻想實(shí)現(xiàn) 在每個(gè)家庭、在每張辦公桌上都有一臺計(jì)算機(jī) ,這在絕大部分的計(jì)算機(jī)體積如同冰箱的尺寸的年代,聽起來有點(diǎn)異想天開。但是我們相信個(gè)人電腦將改變世界。今天看來果真如此。And after 30 years, Im still as inspired by computers asI was back in seventh grade.30 年后,我仍然象上七年級的時(shí)候那樣為計(jì)算機(jī)而狂熱著迷。I believe that computers are the most incredible tool wecan use to

5、feed our curiosity and inventiveness-to help ussolve problems that even the smartest people couldnt solveon their own. Computer have transformed how we learn, givingkids everywhere a window into all of the worlds knowledge.Theyre helping us build communicates around the things wecare about and to st

6、ay close to the people who are importantto us, no matter where they are.我相信計(jì)算機(jī)是我們用來滿足好奇心及發(fā)明創(chuàng)造的最神奇的工具 - 有了它們的協(xié)助,甚至是最聰明的人憑自身力量無法應(yīng)對的難題都將迎刃而解。計(jì)算機(jī)已經(jīng)改變了我們的學(xué)習(xí)方式,為世界各地的孩子們開啟了一扇通向大千世界知識的窗戶。它能夠幫我們圍繞我們注重的事物建立 群 ,讓我們和那些對自己重要的人保持密切聯(lián)系,不管他們身處何方。Like my friend Warren Buffett, I feel particularly luckyto do somethin

7、g every day I love to do. He calls it tap-dancing to work. My job at Microsoft is as challenging asever, but what makes me tap-dancing to the work is when weshow people something new, like a computer that can recognizeyour handwriting or your speech, or one that can store alifetimes worth of photos,

8、 and the say : I didnt know youcan do that with a pc!就像我的朋友沃倫 布非一樣,我為每天都能做自己熱愛的事情而感到無比幸運(yùn)。他稱之為 踢踏舞工作 。我在微軟的工作永遠(yuǎn)充滿挑戰(zhàn),但使我一直堅(jiān)持 踢踏舞工作 的是我們向人們展示某些新成果的那些時(shí)刻,當(dāng)他們看到計(jì)算機(jī)能辨認(rèn)筆跡、語音或者能存儲(chǔ)值得保留一輩子的照片時(shí)就會(huì)贊不絕口: 我不敢相信個(gè)人電腦竟如此萬能 。But for all the cool things that a person can do with apc, there are lots other ways we can put

9、 our creativity andintelligence to work to improve our world. There are stillfar too many people in the world whose most basic needs gounmet. Every year, for example, millions of people die fromdiseases that are easy to prevent or treat in the developedworld.但是,除了能用電腦做出很酷的事情之外,我們還能通過很多別的方式在工作中發(fā)揮自己的創(chuàng)

10、造力和聰明才智,以改善我們的世界。世界仍有許很多多的人連最基本的生存需求都未能解決。舉例來說,每年仍有數(shù)以萬計(jì)的人死于那些在發(fā)達(dá)國家易于預(yù)防和治療的疾病。I believe that my own good fortune brings with it aresponsibility tp give back to the world. My wife, Melinda,and I have committed to improving health and education in away that can help as many people as possible.我認(rèn)為,我所擁有的

11、大量財(cái)富也使我負(fù)有回饋社會(huì)的責(zé)任。我的妻子梅林達(dá)和我致力于為盡可能多的人改善健康和教育 .As a father, I believe that the death of a child inAfrica is no less poignant. or tragic than the death of achild anywhere else. And that doesnt take much to make animmense difference in these childrens lives.作為一個(gè)父親,我認(rèn)為,非洲孩子死去所引起的痛苦和悲傷絲毫不亞于任何其他的孩子的死亡 ; 我認(rèn)

12、為,使這些孩子們的命運(yùn)發(fā)生翻天地覆的變化并不費(fèi)太大力氣。Im still very optimist, and I believe that progress oneven the worlds toughest problems is possible-and itshappening every day. Were seeing new drugs for deadlydiseases, new diagnostic tools, and new attention paid to thehealth problems in the developing world.我仍是一個(gè)堅(jiān)定的樂觀主

13、義者,我堅(jiān)信即使難題取得進(jìn)展都是有可能的- 其實(shí)每天也都在發(fā)生著這種事情。我們看到治療致命疾病的新藥、新的診斷器械持續(xù)出現(xiàn),而且,發(fā)展中國家的健康問題進(jìn)入了人們的視野并日益得到重視。Im excited by the possibilities I see for medicine, foreducation and, of course, for technology. And I believe thatthrough our natural inventiveness , creativity andwillingness to solve tough problems, were go

14、ing to make someamazing achievements in all these areas in my lifetime.我為醫(yī)藥、教育,當(dāng)然還有技術(shù)發(fā)展的諸多前景而歡欣鼓舞。我相信,憑借人類與生俱來的發(fā)明創(chuàng)造水平和不畏艱難、堅(jiān)忍不拔的品格,在我的有生之年里我們將在所有這些領(lǐng)域都創(chuàng)造出可喜的成就。比爾蓋茨演講稿【二】if we can really see a problem, which is the first step,we come to the second step : cutting through the complexityto find a soluti

15、on.就算我們真正發(fā)現(xiàn)了問題所在,也不過是邁出了第一步,接著還有第二步:那就是從復(fù)雜的事件中找到解決辦法。finding solutions is essential if we want to make themost of our caring. if we have clear and proven answersanytime an organization or individual asks how can i help?,then we can get action and we can make sure that none ofthe caring in the world

16、is wasted. but complexity makes ithard to mark a path of action for everyone who cares andthat makes it hard for their caring to matter.如果我們要讓關(guān)心落到實(shí)處,我們就必須找到解決辦法。如果我們有一個(gè)清晰的和可靠的答案,那么當(dāng)任何組織和個(gè)人發(fā)出疑問“如何我能提供協(xié)助”的時(shí) 候,我們就能采取行動(dòng)。我們就能夠保證不浪費(fèi)一丁點(diǎn)全世界人類對他人的關(guān)心。但是,世界的復(fù)雜性使得很難找到對全世界每一個(gè)有愛心的人都有效的行動(dòng)方法, 所以人類對他人的關(guān)心往往很難產(chǎn)生實(shí)際效果。c

17、utting through complexity to find a solution runsthrough four predictable stages : determine a goal, find thehighest-leverage approach, discover the ideal technology forthat approach, and in the meantime, make the smartestapplication of the technology that you already have whether it s something sop

18、histicated, like a drug, orsomething simpler, like a bednet.從這個(gè)復(fù)雜的世界中找到解決辦法,能夠分為四個(gè)步驟:確定目標(biāo),找到效的方法,發(fā)現(xiàn)適用于這個(gè)方法的新技術(shù),同時(shí)最聰明地利用現(xiàn)有的技術(shù),不管它是復(fù)雜的藥物,還是最簡單的蚊帳。the aids epidemic offers an example. the broad goal, ofcourse, is to end the disease. the highest-leverage approachis prevention. the ideal technology would

19、 be a vaccine thatgives lifetime immunity with a single dose. so governments,drug companies, and foundations fund vaccine research. buttheir work is likely to take more than a decade, so in themeantime, we have to work with what we have in hand andthe best prevention approach we have now is getting

20、people toavoid risky behavior.艾滋病就是一個(gè)例子。總的目標(biāo),毫無疑問是消滅這種疾病。效的方法是預(yù)防。最理想的技術(shù)是發(fā)明一種疫苗,只要注射一次,就能夠終生免疫。所以, 政府、制藥公司、基金會(huì)應(yīng)該資助疫苗研究。但是,這樣研究工作很可能十年之內(nèi)都無法完成。所以,與此同時(shí),我們必須使用現(xiàn)有的技術(shù),當(dāng)前最有效的預(yù)防方法 就是設(shè)法讓人們避免那些危險(xiǎn)的行為。pursuing that goal starts the four-step cycle again. thisis the pattern. the crucial thing is to never stop thin

21、kingand working and never do what we did with malaria andtuberculosis in the 20th century which is to surrender tocomplexity and quit.要實(shí)現(xiàn)這個(gè)新的目標(biāo),又能夠采用新的四步循環(huán)。這是一種模式。關(guān)鍵的東西是永遠(yuǎn)不要停止思考和行動(dòng)。我們千萬不能再犯上個(gè)世紀(jì)在瘧疾和肺結(jié)核上犯過的錯(cuò)誤,那時(shí)我們因?yàn)樗鼈兲珡?fù)雜,而放棄了采取行動(dòng)。the final step after seeing the problem and finding anapproach is to mea

22、sure the impact of your work and shareyour successes and failures so that others learn from yourefforts.在發(fā)現(xiàn)問題和找到解決方法之后,就是最后一步評估工作結(jié)果,將你的成功經(jīng)驗(yàn)或者失敗經(jīng)驗(yàn)傳播出去,這樣其他人就能夠從你的努力中有所收獲。you have to have the statistics, of course. you have tobe able to show that a program is vaccinating millions morechildren. you hav

23、e to be able to show a decline in the numberof children dying from these diseases. this is essential notjust to improve the program, but also to help draw moreinvestment from business and government.當(dāng)然,你必須有一些統(tǒng)計(jì)數(shù)字。你必須讓他人知道,你的項(xiàng)目為幾百萬兒童新接種了疫苗。你也必須讓他人知道,兒童死亡人數(shù)下降了多少。這些都是很關(guān)鍵的,不但有利于改善項(xiàng)目效果,也有利于從商界和政府得到更多的協(xié)助。

24、but if you want to inspire people to participate, youhave to show more than numbers; you have to convey the humanimpact of the work so people can feel what saving a lifemeans to the families affected.但是,這些還不夠,如果你想激勵(lì)其他人參加你的項(xiàng)目,你就必須拿出更多的統(tǒng)計(jì)數(shù)字 ; 你必須展示你的項(xiàng)目的人性因素,這樣其他人就會(huì)感到拯救一個(gè)生命,對那些處在困境中的家庭到底意味著什么。i remembe

25、r going to davos some years back and sitting ona global health panel that was discussing ways to savemillions of lives. millions! think of the thrill of savingjust one persons life then multiply that by millions. yet this was the most boring panel i ve ever been on ever.so boring even i couldn t bea

26、r it.幾年前,我去瑞士達(dá)沃斯旁聽一個(gè)世界健康問題論壇,會(huì)議的內(nèi)容相關(guān)于如何拯救幾百萬條生命。天哪,是幾百萬 ! 想一想吧,拯救一個(gè)人的生命已經(jīng)讓人何等激動(dòng),現(xiàn)在你要把這種激動(dòng)再乘上幾百萬倍 但是,不幸的是,這是我參加過的最最乏味的論壇,乏味到我無法強(qiáng)迫自己聽下去。what made that experience especially striking was that ihad just come from an event where we were introducing version13 of some piece of software, and we had people j

27、umping andshouting with excitement. i love getting people excited aboutsoftware but why can t we generate even more excitementfor saving lives?那次經(jīng)歷之所以讓我難忘,是因?yàn)橹拔覀儎倓偘l(fā)布了一個(gè)軟件的第 13 個(gè)版本,我們讓觀眾激動(dòng)得跳了起來,喊出了聲。我喜歡人們因?yàn)檐浖械郊?dòng),那么我們?yōu)槭裁床荒軌蜃屓藗円驗(yàn)槟軌蛘壬械礁蛹?dòng)呢 ?you can t get people excited unless you can help themse

28、e and feel the impact. and how you do that is a complexquestion.除非你能夠讓人們看到或者感受到行動(dòng)的影響力,否則你無法讓人們激動(dòng)。如何做到這個(gè)點(diǎn),并不是一件簡單的事。still, i m optimistic. yes, inequity has been with usforever, but the new tools we have to cut through complexityhave not been with us forever. they are new they can helpus make the mos

29、t of our caring and that s why the futurecan be different from the past.同前面一樣,在這個(gè)問題上,我依然是樂觀的。不錯(cuò),人類的不平等有史以來一直存有,但是那些能夠化繁為簡的新工具,卻是最近才出現(xiàn)的。這些新工具能夠協(xié)助我們,將人類的同情心發(fā)揮的作用,這就是為什么將來同過去是不一樣的。the defining and ongoing innovations of this age biotechnology, the computer, the internet give us a chanceweve never had b

30、efore to end extreme poverty and end deathfrom preventable disease.這個(gè)時(shí)代無時(shí)無刻不在涌現(xiàn)出新的革新生物技術(shù),計(jì)算機(jī),互聯(lián)網(wǎng)它們給了我們一個(gè)從未有過的機(jī)會(huì),去終結(jié)那些極端的貧窮和非惡性疾病的死亡。sixty years ago, george marshall came to thiscommencement and announced a plan to assist the nations ofpost-war europe. he said : i think one difficulty is thatthe prob

31、lem is one of such enormous complexity that the verymass of facts presented to the public by press and radio makeit exceedingly difficult for the man in the street to reach aclear appraisement of the situation. it is virtuallyimpossible at this distance to grasp at all the realsignificance of the si

32、tuation.六十年前,喬治馬歇爾也是在這個(gè)地方的畢業(yè)典禮上,宣布了一個(gè)計(jì)劃,協(xié)助那些歐洲國家的戰(zhàn)后建設(shè)。他說:“我認(rèn)為,困難的一點(diǎn)是這個(gè)問題太復(fù)雜, 報(bào)紙和電臺向公眾源源持續(xù)地提供各種事實(shí),使得大街上的普通人極端難于清晰地判斷形勢。事實(shí)上,經(jīng)過層層傳播,想要真正地把握形勢,是根本不可能的?!眛hirty years after marshall made his address, as my classgraduated without me, technology was emerging that would makethe world smaller, more open, more

33、 visible, less distant.馬歇爾發(fā)表這個(gè)演講之后的三十年,我那一屆學(xué)生畢業(yè),當(dāng)然我不在其中。那時(shí),新技術(shù)剛剛開始萌芽,它們將使得這個(gè)世界變得更小、更開放、更容易看到、距離更近。the emergence of low-cost personal computers gave rise toa powerful network that has transformed opportunities forlearning and communicating.低成本的個(gè)人電腦的出現(xiàn),使得一個(gè)強(qiáng)大的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)有機(jī)會(huì)誕生,它為學(xué)習(xí)和交流提供了巨大的機(jī)會(huì)。the magical thing

34、 about this network is not just that itcollapses distance and makes everyone your neighbor. it alsodramatically increases the number of brilliant minds we canhave working together on the same problem and that scalesup the rate of innovation to a staggering degree.網(wǎng)絡(luò)的神奇之處,不但僅是它縮短了物理距離,使得天涯若比鄰。它還極大地增加了懷有共同想法的人們聚集在一起的機(jī)會(huì),我們能夠?yàn)榱私鉀Q同一個(gè)問題,一起共同工作。這就大大加快了革新的進(jìn)程,發(fā)展速度簡直快得讓人震驚。at the


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