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1、初中英語形容詞、副詞比較級、最高級專項練習(帶答案) (形容詞、副詞)比較級、最高級專項練習及答案 一.寫出以下各形容詞的比較級和最高級: 1. n ice _ 2. fat _ 3. slow _ 4. dry 5. happy _ 6. wet _ 7. much _ 8. ill _ 9. little 10. bad 11. thin 12. far 13. early 14. careful 15. excit ing 16.well 17.frie ndly 18. gree n 19. few 20.busy - - 根據(jù)句意, 用所括 號內(nèi)所級形容詞的比較等級形式填空: 1.

2、Mr smith is man in this office. (rich) 2. Win ter is season of the years. (cold) 3. This radio is not so as that one. (cheap) 4. Tt is much today tha n yesterday. (hot) 5. She is a little tha n her classmates. (careful) 6. people came to the meeting than last time. (many) 7. Which book is ,this one

3、or that one? (easy) 8. My room is tha n yours (small) 9. HaiNa n is from BeiJi ng than HuNa n. (far) 10. Skating is _ than swimming. (exciting) 11. JIM is _ than all the others. (honest) 12. Things are getting _ and _ . (bad) 13. The higher you climb, the _ it will be. (cold) 14. Now our lives are b

4、ecoming _ and _ . (good) 15. There are _ boys than girls in our class. (few) 16. The _ (hard) you work, the _ (happy) your pare nts will be. 17. He is _ (tall) of the two. 18.0f all the subjects, he likes en glish _ (well). 19. He runs _(fast) of the three. 20. He got _ (good) grades in his class. 、

5、用適當形式填空: 1 Bob is (young ) tha n Fred, but _ (tall) tha n Fred. 2. Jim is not as (tall) as jack. 3. Almos t all the stude nts faces are the same ,but Li Deming looks (fat ) ) tha before after the summer holidays. 4.Which is (heavy), the hen or the chicke n? 5.- - How (tall) is sally? -She s 1.55 Met

6、res (tall). what about XiaoLi ng? -She s on ly 1.40 Metres (tall) Sh is much (short) tha n Sally. She is also the (short) girl in the class. 6. He is (bad) at learni ng maths. He is much (bad) at Chin ese and he is the (bad) at En glish. 7. Ann ie says sally is the (ki nd) pers on in the world. 8.He

7、 is one of the (frie ndly) people in the class, i thi nk. 9. A dictionary is much (expe nsive) tha n a story-book 10. An orange is a little _ (big) than an apple, but much _ _ (small) than a watermelon. 11. The changjiang river is the _ (long) river in china. 12. Sue is a little _ (beautiful) than h

8、er sister. 13. My room is not as _ (big) as my brother s. 14. -How difficult is physics? -I m not sure. -Is it _ (difficult) than maths? - I don t thi nk so. 15. - Annie plays the piano _ very (well). - Sue plays it (well) tha n annie. and sally plays it the (well). 16. Saturday is my (busy) day in

9、a week. 17. Her mother is gett ing (fat) and (fat). 18. I think it s too expe nsive. i d like a (cheap) one. 19. He comes to school much (early) tha n i. 20. This book is not as (in teresti ng) as that one. 21. Your classroom is (wide) and (bright) tha n o urs. 22. Practise as (much) as you can. 23.

10、 The (much), the (good). 24. Nowadays(在) En glish is ( importa nt )tha n any other subjec t, I thi nk.25. Most t of the stude nts thi nk a lion is much (da nge rous) tha n a bear and it is the (da ngerous) animal in the wor ld 26. My brother is two years (old) tha n me. 27. Tom is as (fat) as Him. 2

11、8. Is your sister _(youn g) tha n you? yes,she is. 29. Who is (th in ),you or Hele n? Hele n is. 30. Whose pencil-box is (big),yours or hers? hers is. 31. Mary s hair is as (lo ng) as lucy s. 32.Be n (jum (high) tha n some of the boys in his class. 33. nancy sing (well) tha n hele n? yes, she 34.Fa

12、ngfang is not as (tall) as the other girls. 35.My eyes are (big) than (she). 36.Which is (heavy),the elepha nt or the pig? 37.Who gets up (early),tim or tom? 38. the girls get up (early) tha n the boys? No,they 39. Jim runs (slow). but ben runs (slow). 41.He is as (careful) as me, but mary does n t

13、do her homework as as me. 四. 用 of, than, in, as 填空。 1 This table is as big that one. 2. The yellow book is bigger the blue one. 3. Tom is the best stude nt the class. 4. This less on is more interesting that one. 5. This apple is the largest all the apples. 6.He is the most popular the three. 7. all

14、 the stude nts, he studues the hardest. 8.He is the most athletic all. 9. He lives much farther me. 10.Please do carefully as me 五. 單選 。 ( )1 Joh n is my frie nd of all the classmates. a. good b).better c. best d. the best ( )2 E-maili ng is much tha n long-dista nee calli ng. a. cheap b. cheaper c.

15、 cheapest d. the cheapest ( )3 BeiJi ng is one of citi i in china. a. Very beautiful 1 b much beautiful c. more beautiful 4O.The most beautiful the (fast) as the stude nts. child does n t (write) as d. )4. The yellow river 7 丄 isn t so as the cha ngjia ng river. a. a. long )5.The coat I d Like a. sm

16、all )6. a. )7. Fast )8. b. to Who tall Of He is all b. has Ion gest bought last c. longer d. the Ion gest week is too big for me. cha nge it b. larger the b. taller for c. jim, c. one. n icer Li Lei or tallest d. smaller Ling Feng? d. much taller the stude nts. faster grow n c. to wu dong runs faste

17、st take care d. most fast of himself. a Tall eno ugh b eno ugh tall c. old eno ugh d. eno ugh old ( )9. Tom draw better tha n his brother. a. more b. most c. many d. much ( )10. Who does homework iyour class? a. Carefully b. most carefully c. more carefully d. as carefully as 三)、翻譯句子: 1、誰比 Jim 年紀大?是

18、你。 _ is _ than m ? _ are 2、 誰比 David 更強壯?是 GaoShan. _ _ than David? GaoShan _ . 3、 誰的鉛筆更長,他的還是她的?我想是她的。 _ pencil is _ , _ or _ ? _ is, I think. 4、 誰的蘋果更重,你的姐姐的還是你的弟弟的? 我的弟弟的。 _ apples _ _ ,your _ or your _ ? my _ _ . 5、 你和你的叔叔一樣高嗎?是的。 _ _ as _ as your uncle? Yes,l am. 6 他和他的朋友 Jim 一樣年輕。 He _ as _ as

19、 _ _ m. 7. 她和她的雙胞胎哥哥一樣胖嗎?不,她比他瘦。 _ _ as _ as _ twin _ ? no, _ _ than him. 8. Ya ng Li ng 每天睡得比 Su Yang 晚。 Yang Ling _ to _ _ than Su Yang every day. 9. 我跳得和 Mike 一樣遠。 I _ as _ as Mike. 10. Tom 比你跑得快嗎?不是的,他和我跑得一樣快。 _ Tom _ _ than you? No,He _ . He _ as _ as _ 11. 多做運動,你會更強壯。 _ more exercise, you ll _

20、 _ soon. 12. 我的科學很好,但是語文不好。 I _ _ at science.but I don t _ well in chinese. 13. 你放風箏比王兵放得高嗎?不,我比他放得低。 _ you _ the kite _ than wang bing?no,l _ it _ than _ . 14. 我喜歡游泳。我所有的朋友都游得比我慢。 I like _ .all my _ _ _than me. 15. 我的姐姐起得比我早。 My _ _ up _ than me. 16. 女孩比男孩唱得好嗎?是的。 _ the girls _ _ _ the boys? Yes,th

21、ey _ . 17. 她不擅長體育。但我跳得沒有她高。 She doesn t _ _ in pe. but I don t _ _ than _ . 18. 你足球踢得比你的同班同學好嗎?不,他們踢得和我一樣好。 _ you _ football _ than your classmates? No,they _ as _ as me. 19我母親比我父親年紀小。 My _ _ _ than my _ . 20.她的毛衣和我的一樣重。 _ sweater _ as _ as _ . 答案:一.略 二.1.the richest 2.the coldest 3.cheap 4.hotter 5

22、.more careful 6.more 7.easier 8.sma ller 9.father 10.more excit ing 11.h on ester 12.worse,worse 13.colder 14.better,better 15.f ewer 16.harder,happier 17.the taller 18.best 19the fastest 20.the best 1.y oun ger,taller 2.tall 3.fatter 4.heavier 5.tall,tall,tall,shorter,shortest 6.bad wors e worst 7.

23、k in dest 8.frie ndliest 9.more expe nsive 10.bigger 11on gest 12.more beautiful 13.big 14.more difficult 15.well,better ,best 16.busier 17.fatter,fatter 18.cheaper 19.ear lier 20.i nteresti ng 21.wider brighter 22.much 23.more,better 24.more importa nt 25.more dan gerous ,most dan gerous 26.older 27.fat 28y oun ger 29.thi nner


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