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1、雙語寓言小故事雙語寓言的閱讀,既可以豐富孩子的知識,又可以提高孩子的英語閱讀理解能力,以下是小編整理的雙語寓言小故事,歡迎參考閱讀!1、Elephant and Friends 大象和朋友們大象和朋友們大象和朋友們One day an elephant wandered into a forest in search of friends。有一天,一只大象到森林里去找朋友。He saw a monkey on a tree。他看見樹上有一只猴子?!癢ill you be my friend?” asked the elephant。“你是我的朋友嗎?”大象問。Replied the monke

2、y, “You are too big。 You cannot swing from trees like me?!薄澳闾罅?,你不能像我一樣在樹上蕩秋千?!焙镒踊卮鸬?。Next, the elephant met a rabbit。 He asked him to be his friend。然后,大象遇到了一只兔子。他問兔子能不能做他的朋友。But the rabbit said, “You are too big to play in my burrow!”但是兔子說:“你太大了,不能到我的兔子洞里一起玩耍!”Then the elephant met a frog。大象又遇到了一只青蛙

3、?!癢ill you be my friend?” He asked。“你會成為我的朋友嗎?”他問。“How can I?” asked the frog?!拔以趺茨艹蔀槟愕呐笥涯??”青蛙說?!癥ou are too big to leap about like me?!薄澳闾罅?,不能像我一樣跳來跳去?!盩he elephant was upset。 He met a fox next。大象很傷心。他遇到了一只狐貍?!癢ill you be my friend?” he asked the fox?!澳銜蔀槲业呐笥褑??”他問狐貍。The fox said, “Sorry, sir, you

4、 are too big?!焙傉f:“對不起,你太大了?!盩he next day, the elephant saw all the animals in the forest running for their lives。第二天,大象看到森林里的小動物都在拼命地跑。The elephant asked them what was the matter。大象問他們發(fā)生了什么。The bear replied, “There is a tiger in the forest。 Hes trying to gobble us all up!”熊說:“森林里有一只老虎。他要把我們都吃掉!”The

5、 animals all ran away to hide。小動物們都四處奔跑想要藏起來。The elephant wondered what he could do to solve this problem for everyone in the forest。大象覺得,他可以做些什么來幫助森林里的小動物。Meanwhile, the tiger kept eating up whoever he could find。同時,老虎把他能找到的小動物都吃了。The elephant walked up to the tiger and said, “Please, Mr。 Tiger, do

6、 not eat up these poor animals。”大象走到老虎跟前,對他說:“老虎先生,不要再吃這些可憐的小動物了。”“Mind your own business!” growled the tiger?!瓣P(guān)你什么事兒!”老虎吼道。The elephant had no choice but to give the tiger a hefty kick。大象便給了老虎重重的一踢。The frightened tiger ran for his life。老虎害怕得跑了。The elephant ambled back into the forest to announce th

7、e good news to everyone。大象走回森林里,告訴了所有的小動物這個好消息。All the animals thanked the elephant。所有的動物都非常感謝大象。They said, “You are just the right size to be our friend?!彼麄冋f:“你這么大,當(dāng)我們的朋友正好!2、A Friend in Need is A Friend Indeed 患難見真情獅子和小老鼠獅子和小老鼠Once upon a time there lived a lion in a forest。 One day after a heavy

8、meal, it was sleeping under a tree。 After a while, there came a mouse and it started to play on the lion。從前,有一只獅子住在森林里。有一天,它在飽餐一頓之后,在一棵樹下休息。過了一會兒,來了一只小老鼠,它跑到了獅子身上玩耍。Suddenly the lion got up with anger and looked for those who disturbed its nice sleep。 Then it saw a small mouse standing, trembling wi

9、th fear。 The lion jumped on it and started to kill it。突然,獅子醒了,它非常生氣地看著這個打擾了自己美夢的小老鼠。它看到這個小老鼠害怕得站在那里顫抖著。獅子跳了起來,想要吃掉它。The mouse requested the lion to forgive it。 The lion felt pity and left it。 The mouse ran away。小老鼠請求獅子原諒它,獅子起了憐憫之心,于是就走了。小老鼠跑走了。On another day, the lion was caught in a net by a hunter

10、。 The mouse came there and cut the net。 Thus it escaped。又是一天,獅子被一個獵人用網(wǎng)抓住了。老鼠過去幫它把網(wǎng)弄開了。獅子逃了出來。There after, the mouse and the lion became friends。 They lived happily in the forest afterwards。從此以后,獅子和老鼠成了好朋友,它們快樂地一起生活在森林里。Moral: A friend in need is a friend indeed。俗語:患難見真情。3、The Sun and The Wind 太陽和北風(fēng)太

11、陽和北風(fēng)太陽和北風(fēng)Once The Sun and The Wind happened to have a quarrel。 Both of them claimed to be stronger。 At last they agreed to have a trial of strength。從前,太陽和風(fēng)吵了起來。它們都覺得自己更強大。最后它們決定比試比試,看看到底誰更強。“Here comes a traveler。 Let us see who can strip him of his cloak?!?said the Sun?!翱?,來了一個旅行的人。我們來看看誰能讓他脫下衣服?!碧?/p>

12、說。The Wind agreed and did choose to have the first turn。風(fēng)同意了,決定它先來。He blew in the hardest possible way。風(fēng)使出最大的勁兒刮了起來。As a result, the traveler wrapped his cloak even more tightly around him。結(jié)果,旅行者把自己的衣服裹得更緊了。Then it was the turn of the Sun。 At first he shone very gently。 The sun went on shining brighter and brighter。 The traveler felt hot。然后,輪到太陽了。剛開始,他很溫柔,然后他越來越亮,旅行者感到熱了


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