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1、滬教版七(下)Unit 2 Travelli ng around the world一. 重要短語1. (be) famous for 以而著名2. department store 百貨商店3. prefer to do更喜歡做某事4. go on holiday 去度假5. go sightseeing 去觀光6. western Europe 西歐7. the capital of 的省城8. place of interest名勝古跡 (復(fù)數(shù))9. such as 比如10. be famous for 因為而著名 well-k nown二、課文語言點1、Travelling arou

2、nd the world(1) around11.in the cen ter of 在中心12.o n the coast在海岸線上,在海岸13. department store 百貨商場14. prefer to do更喜歡做某事15. try doi ng 嘗試做某事 (try to do)16. be close to 接近于17. be differe nt from 不同于18. be far away from 遠離 19. make grape vine 釀造葡萄酒prep: 圍繞;在周圍” Eg The earth goes around the sun地球圍繞太陽轉(zhuǎn)adv

3、 : 大約,到處” Eg The bag is around three kilos這個包大約有三公斤2、The French flag 法國國旗(1) Frenchadj:法國的,法國人的,法語的 Eg: Do you like French dishes?你喜歡法國菜嗎?n:法語/法國人Eg: The villagers spoke French 村民們講法語On my way home, I met a Frenchman在回家的路上,我遇到了一個法國人3、Don be silly 別說傻話(1) Silly adj:糊涂的,沒頭腦的Eg: Oh,how silly you all ar

4、e!哦,你們都那么傻常用句式:be silly to do sth = its silly of sb to do sth 做某事是愚蠢的Eg: You are silly to spend so much money on clothes= Its silly of you to spend so much money on clothes你花那么多錢買衣服,真是愚蠢4. Franceisin Western Europe.western adj.西面的,西部的 ” west n.西方Western 歐美的,西方的 ” eg. the Western countrie西方國家 Western

5、 culture 西方文化eg. My house is in the western part of the tow n.拓展詞根-ern表示方位。eg.eastern東方的,東部的 southern南方的,南部的northern 北方的,北部的southeastern東南的,東南部的 southwestern西南的,西南部的n orthwester n西北的,西北部的 northeastern東北的,東北部的5. Here you will find many famous places of interest such as the Eiffel Tower.a. Here 指代 “In

6、 Paris ”b. Places of interest 名勝古跡 interest Un.興趣,趣味There are many places of interest in Beijing.His interest is reading.c. such as例如用來補充說明前面的事物 eg. They pla nted flowers such as roses in the garde n.區(qū)分:such as & for examplesuch as用來列舉整體之中的部分同類事物,插在被列舉事物與前面的名詞之間。其后面 不可有逗號,后接n&n詞組,還可以與and so on連用,可以舉

7、多個例子eg. I visited some cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Dalian.for example可縮寫成e.g.用來列舉說明。在句中多作插入語,可置于句首,句中,句末 其后需有逗號。常用來舉一個例子eg. Id like to kefor example,a dog.6. France is very famous for its wine. be famous for 因而聞名eg. Chi na is famous for the Great Wall.be famous as 以(身份)而出名 eg. MoYa n was fa

8、mous as a writer.區(qū)分:be famous for & be famous asa. 當(dāng)主語時表示人的名詞時,be famous for表示 因作品或特征而出名”,be famous as則 表示作為某種身份而出名”eg. He is famous for his great inven tio ns. He is famous as a great inven tor.b. 當(dāng)主語時表示地點的名詞時,be famous for表示因某種特點(產(chǎn)品。建筑。名勝)而 出名be famous a表示 以什么產(chǎn)地/地方而出名”eg. France is famous for its

9、fine food and wine. The town is famous as a wine-producing place.7.and farmers grow grapes to make excellent French wine.a. excelle nt adj.= very good/w on derful 優(yōu)秀的,極好的。Be excelle nt at/i n sth 在某方面優(yōu)秀eg. She is excelle nt at sports.b. make wine 釀造葡萄酒 These wines are all made from grapes.拓展make制作構(gòu)成

10、以下句式A. be made by sb 由某人制成eg. This coat was made by my mother.B. be made of sth 由 制成(制成品能看出原材料 ) eg. Our desks are made of wood.C. be made from由 制成(制成品看不出原材料)eg. This kind of paper is made from grass.D. be made into 被制成 eg. Wood can be made into many kinds of furniture.E. be made in在 地方制作或生產(chǎn) Eg. Thi

11、s kind of car is made in Beijing.8. The south of France lies on the coast, and it is famous for its wonderful beaches.On the coast 在海岸線上,在海岸 Eg. We live on the coast.9. A French town by the sea is the perfect place for a summer holiday法國的海濱小鎮(zhèn)是夏季完美的度假地(1) by the sea 在海邊;by the river 在河邊 / 備注:by the s

12、ea和 by sea乘船 的區(qū)別Eg: We stayed in the hotel by the sea.He went by sea, and sent his heavy boxes by the sea.10. if yo u prefer to visit Fra nee in win ter,you can try skiing on the mountains in the French Apls. prefer to do sth=like to do sth better 更喜歡做某事eg. He prefers to walk in the rain. I prefer t

13、o spe nd the weeke nd at home.a. prefer + n/ving eg. Do you prefer meat or fish?-Do you like swimming?-Yes, but I prefer skii ng.b. prefer A or B 喜歡 A 勝過 B (A 和 B 可以是 n&vinng )I prefer dogs to cats. I prefer staying at home to going out.c. prefer to do sth rather tha n do sth 更愿意.不愿 .We preferred to

14、 walk rather tha n take a bus.I prefer to go shopp ing rather tha n stay at home.=I prefer going shopp ing to stay ing at home.try doi ng sth嘗試做某事滬教版七下Unit_2_講義加練習(xí)1 usually go there by trai n.Why not try going by boat for a cha nge?區(qū)分:try to do & try doingTry to do表示努力設(shè)法去做某事,試圖,盡力做某事。He tried to cli

15、mb the tree, but he could not.Try doing表示嘗試著去做某事,經(jīng)常表示建議做某事Why don t you try liste ning to some light music?11. Why not visit Fra nee this year? =Why don t you visit France this year?=How/What about visit ing?拓展表示建議的表達有:A. Why not do sth?/ Why don t you do sth什么不.呢?Why not ask for your teacher s help

16、?=Why don foryomuteachers help?B. What/How about (doing) sth? What about going to play football?C. Would you like /love (to do) sth? Would you like to go to the cinema with me?D. Shall I/we do sth?我們做 .好嗎? Shall we go to the park this Sun day?E. Let s do .,shall vke? s listen to musshall we?F. 主語 +h

17、ad better (not) do sth?You d better go to hospital at on ce.You d better not staat home all day.12. It is very different from the buildings in .be different from與不同 ” 反義詞詞組是 be the same as 和一樣”She is different from other girls.她與其他女孩不同。My watch is the same as yours. 我的手表和你的一樣。different的名詞形式為 differe

18、nee 區(qū)別,不同”13. go shopp ing去購物” “ go+v.i ng ”構(gòu)成固定短語,意為“去做某事”,多用于體育 活動或業(yè)余休閑活動。常見的短語有:go swim ming 去游泳 go sightsee ing 去觀光go fishi ng 去釣魚go skating 去滑冰go cycling 去騎自行車 go boating 去劃船14. think of 想起,記起,想出”They thi nk of a wo nderful idea.他們想出一個很妙的主意Think about 思考,考慮” We are thinking about going to Paris

19、.我們正在考慮去巴黎。Think over 仔纟田思考 ” Think it over, and you can find the answer very soon.15、another另外的,又一 ”指三個或三個以上以及不確定數(shù)量中的“另一個,又一個”The other另一個”指兩者當(dāng)中的另一個16、There are many vineyards in the centre of France and farmers grow grapes to make excellent French wine.在法國中部有許多葡萄園,農(nóng)民們種植葡萄來制造法國佳釀。1) in the centre o

20、f意為“在中部,在中心”People s Square is in the centre of Shan gha人民廣場位于上海市中心。2) grow 種植,生長,長大,留(頭發(fā),指甲),變成,開始Pla nts grow from seeds種子長出植物。Claire is growi ng her long hair.克萊爾在留長發(fā)。It bega n to grow dark.天 色開始漸暗。17、 The south of France lies on the coast, and it is famous for its wonderful beaches.法國 南部靠近海岸,以漂亮

21、的海灘聞名。1) on 意為“ at or near a place “在,接近” 的意思north (北)northwest (西北)(東北)northeast2)方向west (西) southwest(西南)3) lie位于,坐落在”;“躺,撒謊”lie的lied (撒謊)He lied to his mother.sou(東)east southeast 東南)原形含義過去式過去分詞現(xiàn)在分詞1lie躺;位于laylainlyi nglie說謊liedliedlyi nglayr放置;下蛋l(fā)aidlaidlayi ng她躺在草地上lay (躺,位于) she lay on the gra

22、ss.(南)分詞是lying 他對他媽媽撒謊18 .very bori ng非常無聊boring adj.無聊的,令人厭倦的” This is a boring book.這是一本乏味的書辨析:boring 與 boredbori ng “無聊的, 無趣的,乏味的”一般修飾物 bored “無聊的,無趣的,厭倦的” 一般修飾人19. far away from the sea 遠離大海 Far away from 表示離某處有多遠用beaway from遠,遠離” away可以省略。The factory is 500 meters away from our school .那家工廠離我們學(xué)

23、校 500 米遠。 20. close to the sea 靠近大海 Close to 靠近” 相當(dāng)于 next to,Close adj 近的,接近的”;“親密的,密切的”I have spme close friends 我有一些親密的朋友Close 作動詞 “關(guān),關(guān)閉”反義詞 open Close the window, please 請關(guān)上窗戶21. Kelly enjoys skii ng in wi nter.凱利喜歡在冬天滑雪。enjoy “喜歡,享受的樂趣”Do you enjoy worki ng in Chi na?你喜歡在中國工作嗎?注意:enjoy doing sth

24、喜歡做某事 ”1 enjoy playing computer games.Enjoy on eself =have fun=have a good/great/w on derful time 過得快樂,玩得愉快。We enjoy ourselves on Su ndays.在星期天我們玩得很開心。22. in the north of在的北部”,介詞in在此表示方位。辨析:方位介詞in, on與to、in表示“在某個范圍之內(nèi)”I,Suzhou is in Jia ngsu Provin ce. 蘇州位于江蘇省in “on表示“在某個范圍之外,兩地接壤”一 一Jia ngsu is on t

25、he south of Shandong蘇位于山東南咅 Eto表示“在某個范圍之外,兩地不接壤”toJapan is to the east of Chi na 日本在中國的東邊。 單元語法:1)人名,地名:Jenny珍妮Smith史密斯 Chi na中國 Asia亞洲Lon don倫敦一、專有名詞1、定義:專有名詞表示特定的人名、地名或組織機構(gòu)的名稱,專有名詞一般具有獨一性。2)組織機構(gòu)、時間、書籍報刊等名稱:the Uni ted Natio ns聯(lián)合國Ba nk of Chi na中國銀行May五月份Sun day星期天Time時代周刊 the New York Times紐約時報3)家

26、庭關(guān)系名稱、個人頭銜: Mum 媽媽 Grandpa 爺爺 Doctor Black 布萊克先 生Captain Grey 格雷船長 /機長Mr Hopkins 霍普金斯先生 Miss White 懷特小姐2、專有名詞注意事項:1)A :因為專有名詞具有專有獨一性, 所以一般情況下, 專有名詞的第一個字母要大寫,不能在專有名詞前面加不定冠詞 al an,也不能在專有名詞詞尾加上表示復(fù)數(shù)形式的 “-s”Beiji ng is the capital of Ch in a.北京是中國的首都。B:有時專有名詞可以轉(zhuǎn)化成普通名詞,轉(zhuǎn)化后它便具有普通名詞的特性了,即可在前面 加上不定冠詞a/an,在詞尾

27、加上表示復(fù)數(shù)形式的“ -s”。A Mr Green called just now. 剛才有位格林先生打來電話。此時, a Mr Green 相當(dāng)于 a man called Mr Green。2) 姓氏是專有名詞,一般沒有復(fù)數(shù)形式,而且也不能加定冠詞“the”。但是,當(dāng)姓氏前 面加定冠詞“ the”,在后面加“ -s”時,就表示一家人的意思。The Blacks moved house three weeks ag 布萊克一家三周前搬走了。3)有些專有名詞表面上看是復(fù)數(shù)形式,但是在實際應(yīng)用中謂語動詞通常用單數(shù)形式。The Un ited Natio ns looks after the wh

28、ole world 聯(lián)合國要守護全世界。 這里把the United Nations看成一個整體。二、連詞and、but、 so與or (我們可以用連詞來連接兩個意思緊密的句子,也可以連接兩個相 同的成分。)1、and的用法:1)and是“和,還,而且”的意思,用于連接形容詞、副詞、名詞或句子。Ive got a red and blue shirl我有一件紅藍相間的襯衫。(連接兩個形容詞)Please do your homework slowly and carefully .請慢慢,仔細地做你的家庭作業(yè)。(連接兩 個副詞)Bob and Janet da nee鮑勃和珍妮特跳了舞。(連接

29、兩個名詞)I met John and we talked for a while我遇到了約翰,還聊了一會兒。(連接兩個句子)2)當(dāng)and用于連接兩個句子或短語時,我們可以省略重復(fù)的部分。He is sitti ng there and (he is) watchi ng TV他正坐在那里看電視。I n eed to go to the post office and (to) the library我 要去郵局和圖書館。3) 在連接兩個單詞或簡短的句子時,and前不用加逗號。I bought a hat and a scar我買了一頂帽子和一條圍巾。4) 如果and連接的內(nèi)容超過兩個,則需要

30、使用逗號,但and前不適用逗號。I bought a hat, a scarf and a coa我買了一頂帽子,一條圍巾和一件外套。5)忘記使用and是一個常見的錯誤。He bought chicke n win gs, hot dogs to the barbecue錯誤)He bought chicken wings and hot dogs to the barbecu(e. 正確)2、or 或者,否則,表示選擇。Get up early, or you ll be Wfeich do you prefer, this one or that one?注:當(dāng) or 表示“和”時,用于否

31、定句或疑問句中;而 and 用于肯定句中。3、but的用法:1) but 意為但是,可是。用于連接前后內(nèi)容不同或相反的句子,表示轉(zhuǎn)折的含義。Joan can sing but she cada nee瓊會唱歌,但不會跳舞。(肯定 +but+否定)Our flat is new but very smal L我們的公寓很新,但很小。(好 +but+壞)2) 我們還可以用but來比較句子的主語。和and樣,使用but時,也要避免重復(fù)相同 的部分。Sally likes swimming but Doris doesn like swimming).薩利喜歡游泳,但多利不喜歡。3) 有時候,我們也可

32、以把否定的部分置于but的前面。Martin isnhappy but I am馬丁不開心,但我很開心。4、so的用法:意為因此,所以,表達的是結(jié)果。so不能放在句首原因結(jié)果It rained heavily,雨下地很大, I enjoy drawing, 我喜歡畫畫,so we stayed at hom斬以我們呆在家里。 so I am in the Art Club所以我參加藝術(shù)社。Because意為因為,由于,表達原因。在一個句子不能同時出現(xiàn)because和so。He was hun gry, so he ate a Io他餓了,所以吃了很多東西。課堂練習(xí)一、詞語運用1、Hangzho

33、u is the palace to gthis summer.2、 Which park is the most bin Dalian?3、Beijing is the cof China4、 We are going to visit the scie nee mn ext Sun day.5、The word emeans very good.6、 Germany as well as France is acountry(west)7、There is afilm tonight. Lets go and see it .(wonder)8、My grandpa was ain the

34、 past.(farm)9、Hainan is famous for its.(beach)10、Why not trya card yourself?(make)11、 People fromspeak. (French, France)12、This story is about three . (French, Frenchman, Frenchmen)13、France is famousits food. (as, for)14、Tom jumpsthan me. (taller, higher)15、Don t be. (fool, silly)二、選詞填空(必要時,須改變單詞的形

35、式。)support remember forget encourage simplecelebrate special gift perfect plan1. Don tto turn off the light when you leave the room.2. Sorry, I can this name. Please tell me again.3. We area trip to Beijing this summer.4. Do you know the saying that practice makes?5. Don t lose heart ” motherme.6. T

36、hank you .Youwill be great help for us.7. How did youMay Day this year?8. It is a birthdayfor my brother.9. He told us his idea inEnglish. We could understand him.10s there anything _n the papers today?Be famous for departme nt store prefer to why not try skii ng the capital of1. Washington D.C isth

37、e USA.2. visit the Summer Palace this weekendThat s really a od)idea.3. Beiji ngits an cie nt places of in terest such as the Great Wall and ThePalace Museum.4. -Shall wein Switzerla nd this wi nter holiday?-Wow, that II be really nice .5. Tokyo is an Asian city with many huge, so a lot of tourists

38、go there toshop every year.6. I dstay at home because it is too hot outside.三、單項選擇()1. Ill stay in Changchunat least three days.A . About B.for C. AroundD. Over.()2.-Joh n, Why notthe Great Wall this holiday?-Great, We can tryto the top.A. visit , climbing B. visiting , climbingC. visiting , climb D

39、. visit , climb()3.Harbi n lies in theof Chi naA. eastB. southC.west( )4.How about going to Hong Kong? It has for every one.A. everyth ing B. someth ingC. anything()5.You can buy MP4you like liste ning to music.A. andB. ifC. when()6. Helivi ng in the country to the city.A. likesB.prefersC.enjoys()7.

40、 All this gracious (優(yōu)裕的)living is not for me. Ithe simple life.A. haveB. n eedC. think D. prefer()8. They often goin December because s a very good sport.A. shopp ingB. sighti ng C. skii ngD. boat ing()9. There are do many steps to the top floor . You can _ the lift.A. get B. Bring C. Carry D take()

41、10. Cold tea makes andrink in summer.A. excelle nt B. in terest ingC. nice D. useful()11.Lon don is capital of the UK.A. The the B. .the. a D. the a()12. those places of in teresti ng in Beiji ng attract a lot of tourists every year. People arein terested invery much.A. itB. its C. they D. them()13.

42、 Shan ghai liesthe coast of East China.A. atB. on C. in D. to()14. If you go to Shanghai , you will find many famous interesting placestheOrie ntal Pearl Tower and Jinmao TowerA. such asB. for exampleC. because of D. full of()15. -Do you know Hemingway ?-Yes, Hea writer andhis works-The Old Man and

43、theSea.A. is famous for, is famous for B. is famous for, is famous asC. is famous as, is famous as ()16. -Hele n, where are youD. is famous as, is famous for?-I hear Kunming is a good place.So I will pay a visit to it.A. going for holiday, goingB. going on holiday, to goC. going for holiday, to goD.

44、 going on holiday, going()17. -Where s your new school-Itin the centre of our city.A. lies B. lay C. lied D. lays四、翻譯Task I.根據(jù)提示填寫單詞或句子1. Please write back to me as soon as可能的).2. rmplanning to travel to(歐洲)next week.3. Noone is完美的),but we should try to be完美的).4. Which cities are in the南方)of China,

45、do you know?5. The oriental Pearl TV (塔)of Shanghai is 468 metres tall.6. (法國)is a wonderful place to go for a holiday .7. Read the介紹)to this book before you buy it.8. It is right and適當(dāng)?shù)模﹖o do this.9. What would you like to do on your(假日).10bought a明信片)yesterdays.11. His report on Beautiful Chi na i

46、s(very good)12. You can play computer games after youyour homework.(complete)13. My mother goes to departme ntand does some shopp ing every Sun day(big shops)14. Write yourclearly at the top of your letter. (n ame of place)15. Which do you,tea or coffee?( like) betterTask II.根據(jù)所給的漢語完成句子翻譯。(每空詞數(shù)不限)1中

47、國有哪些沿海城市?Which cities in Chi na are?2西安是座古城,有很多名勝古跡。Xi an is anwith many.3農(nóng)民種植葡萄釀造葡萄酒。Farmerswine.4法國的A French tow nis the perfect place.5.中國因長城著Chinathe Great Wall.五、同義句改寫1.I prefer spri ngIspri ng2. Gua ngdo ng is in the south of ChinaGuan gdo ngin the south of China.3. Why not go and visit the art museum? Whygo and visit the are museum?4. There is a big department store in the middle of the city.There is a big department store in theof the city.5. Mary is a very good stude nt in our class.Mary isstude nt in our class.六、閱讀理解Hemingway was one of th


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