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1、WY英語(yǔ)(選修七)Module 1 Basketball經(jīng)典例文范文背誦假定你是李華,昨天Friday2nd May 2014你參加了你校舉辦的以Yesterday afternoon I attended“我最喜歡的一本書(shū)”the English speech contest held為主題的英語(yǔ)演講比賽。by my school. The topic of it is請(qǐng)你寫(xiě)一篇英語(yǔ)日記,要“The book I like best”.點(diǎn)如下:;1. 描述當(dāng)時(shí)比賽的情況;2. 你的表現(xiàn)和感受。 注意:1.詞數(shù)100左右(開(kāi) 頭已經(jīng)給出,但不計(jì)入總 詞數(shù));When I knew that t

2、he first five candidates performed very well,I felt a little worried. At the thought of the words I can do I became calm a lot.2可以適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫。Friday 2nd May 2014Yesterday afternoon I attended the English speech contest held by my school. The topic of it is The book Ilike best. Soon it was my turn,

3、 when I said The book I like best is Three Days to See written by Helen Keller. From the book, I realize that it would be an excellent rule to live happily each day as if we should die tomorrow. my teachers and classmates cheered for me. I gained much confidence and went on to do my best. Finally I

4、won first prize. Be happy every day and try my best to do everything. 1*11 keep it in my mind and make it come true.SHUO JI CHU課前預(yù)習(xí)讀教材基/礎(chǔ)僦/理一、重點(diǎn)單詞1. professional職業(yè)球員2. valued _仇伉有價(jià)值的3. motivation -動(dòng)力4. deserve p. 應(yīng)得;值得5. outstanding _仏么杰出的;優(yōu)秀的;出色的6. dominate p.支配;控制7. con siderate _ a妙體諒的,考慮周到的8. ad

5、equate奶適當(dāng)?shù)?,足夠?. abrupt仇伉突出的,出其不意的10. accelerate p. 加速,加快11. defend p.防守defence/defense n.防衛(wèi),辯護(hù)12. talented _ 龍有天資的;有才能的talent n.才能;天分f gifted(同義詞)有才華的,有天賦的13. instant仇伉立刻的f instantly %立刻14. appointv.任命,委派fappointment n約會(huì),預(yù)約15. apologiseV.道歉;謝罪fapology n.道歉二,必備短語(yǔ)1 遼 the history of2. grow up3 with an

6、 average of4. Theres no doubt that*.5. all the time6. if 11 ecessary7. be rude to在歷史上成長(zhǎng),長(zhǎng)大平均為毫無(wú)疑問(wèn)一直如果有必要的話對(duì)粗魯.be used to9. draw sbJs attention to10. take possession of11. rely on12. be similarto13. provide sth. for sb.14 be basedon15. look forward to習(xí)慣于(某事物) 引起某人注意(某事物) 占有,占據(jù),擁有 依賴,依靠 和相似 給提供 根據(jù),以為基

7、礎(chǔ) 盼望著三、經(jīng)典句式1. Michael Jordan is considered as one of the most successful players in the history of the basketball game.邁克爾喬丹被認(rèn)為是籃球比賽史上最成功的選手之一。2. The team,known as “the Dream Teamwon another title.被稱為“夢(mèng)之隊(duì)”的那支球隊(duì)又一次獲得了冠軍。3. By the time he retired,Wilt held many NBA records.一直到退役,威爾特還保持多項(xiàng)NBA紀(jì)錄。4 . But

8、there is no doubt that he deserves thetitleoutstanding player of his generation.但是毫無(wú)疑問(wèn),他無(wú)愧于“一代杰出球員”這一稱號(hào)。5. It is not in his nature tobe selfish and rude.他天生就不自私粗野。說(shuō)考點(diǎn)SHUO KAO DIAN拓展延伸串知識(shí)知/識(shí)/整洽第一講重點(diǎn)單詞1. defend v.防守;保護(hù),保衛(wèi);捍衛(wèi),維護(hù);為辯護(hù)歸納拓展defend sb/sth. (from/againsLe.)保護(hù)某人/某物(免遭)defend oneself自衛(wèi);為自己辯護(hù) in

9、 defense of為了保衛(wèi);辯護(hù),擁護(hù)They needed more troops to defend the border against possible attack.他們需要更多的部隊(duì)來(lái)保衛(wèi)邊境地區(qū)免受可能的攻擊。He has two guns and laser eyes to help you defend yourself when you go outside with him.他有兩把槍和一雙激光眼,有他陪著出門時(shí)你一定能保護(hù)好自己。What points can be raised in defense of this argument?有什么論點(diǎn)能夠提出來(lái)為這個(gè)說(shuō)法

10、辯護(hù)呢?【詞語(yǔ)辨析】defend指積極地抵抗、防御或挫敗迫在眉睫的危險(xiǎn)或侵 襲,也可指為某人或論點(diǎn)辯護(hù)。guard指為了保證安全而站立守衛(wèi),含有警惕之意,意 為“保衛(wèi);警衛(wèi),看守”。;protect指借助某種東西作為防御、保護(hù)工具,使人或物 免受傷害。;Our soldiers are determined to defend the island against invasion.我們的戰(zhàn)士決心保衛(wèi)這座島嶼不受侵犯。The dog guarded the child day and night.狗日夜守護(hù)著那個(gè)孩子。He protected his hands from the cold w

11、ith gloves. 他用手套保護(hù)手不受凍。即境活用完成句子(1) She spoke her religious beliefs.她為其宗教信仰辯護(hù)。選詞填空(defend/guard/protect)(2) To herself from being bitten,she had toherself against the dog.答案(l)in defence of (2)protect; defend; guard2. attend vt.出席,參加;照顧,護(hù)理;注意vi.專心; 留意attend a meeting/a lecture/a wedding/a movie 參加會(huì)議/

12、 聽(tīng)演講/參加婚禮/看電影attend on/upon sb伺候某人;照顧某人attend to處理;注意傾聽(tīng);專心于;照料Recently,I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting.最近,我乘飛機(jī)去拉斯維加斯出席一個(gè)會(huì)議。She was praised for having attended on her sick mother-in-law for over thirty years.她伺候生病的婆婆三十多年,受到人們的稱贊。特別提示attend to作處理講時(shí),與do(deal) with近義;作照|: :I1 顧講時(shí),與 take care of

13、look after 近義。attend 側(cè)重參 |: :II加”之意。I- :Iattend主要指參加會(huì)議、儀式、婚禮、葬禮、典禮或上i |課、上學(xué)、做禮拜、聽(tīng)報(bào)告等,強(qiáng)調(diào)的是“參加”這一動(dòng)作| 【本身,不強(qiáng)調(diào)參加者在活動(dòng)中的作用。 I join表示加入某個(gè)團(tuán)體、組織等,并成為其中一員。I1Ijoin in參加某些小型的活動(dòng)或比賽等,也可以用于join iI1I1II1I:sb. in sth. oI1I1Itake part in參加群眾性活動(dòng)、會(huì)議等,參加者持積極態(tài)|1I II度,在活動(dòng)中起作用。IIi即境活用完成句子(1) 1 may be lateI have got one or

14、two thingsto 我也許會(huì)遲到我有一兩件事要處理。(2) The nurse the old lady day and night.那位護(hù)士日日夜夜照料這個(gè)老婦人。選擇“特別提示”中的詞或短語(yǔ)填空(3)His brotherthe army two years ago.(4) M町 I your discussion?(5) Many athletes will the Asian Games inJilin this year.(6)1 a wedding yesterday.答案(l)attend to (2)attended on (3)joined(4)join in (5)t

15、ake part in (6)attended3. instant adj.立刻的,立即的;(食品等)速食的n.瞬 間,剎那歸納拓展an instant reply/response 立即回答instant coffee/noodles 速溶咖啡/方便面in an instant立即;馬上the instant(=instantly=as soon as) 就for an instant 片刻;一瞬間His new book became an instant success.他的新書(shū)立即獲得成功。In an instant,he took off his coat and jumped in

16、to thewaten他立即脫下大衣,跳進(jìn)了水里。The instant I saw him,I knew he was the manthe police were looking for.我一看到他就認(rèn)出他正是警方在尋找的那個(gè)人。Just for an instant I thought he was going to refuse. 剎那間我以為他會(huì)拒絕。特別提示,一些名詞短語(yǔ),如the instant, the moment, i: ! : !:the minute等可作連詞,引導(dǎo)時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句;一些副詞,如I: !I:instantly, directly, immediately 等

17、也可作連詞,引導(dǎo)時(shí)間: :I狀語(yǔ)從句,意義都相當(dāng)于as soon as。即境活用Did you remember to | her?Yes. I gave it to her _答案 the instantgive Mary the money you owedI saw her.4. appointvt.約定,指定(時(shí)間、地點(diǎn)等);任命,委任Well have to appoint him(as/to be)chair man.我們將不得不委任他擔(dān)任主席。任命某人擔(dān)任appoint sb. as/to be appoint sb. sth.appoint sb. to do 指定某人做app

18、oint sb. to some place委派某人去某地任職 appointed adj.指定的,約定的 appointment n.約會(huì);指定a time for sth. 亠 亠亠上匚-(2) appointa place for sth確定某事的時(shí)間/地點(diǎn)(3) make/have/fix an appointment with 與預(yù)約keep/break an appointment 守約/違約即境活用完成句子車間主任下令這項(xiàng)工作在兩天之內(nèi)完成。The head of the workshop (appoint) that thework should be finished in

19、two days.答案與解析appointed appoint意為“確定,指定,約定”。第二講必備短語(yǔ)1draw sb.s attention to引起某人注意(某事物)歸納拓展catch/attract sbJs attention 吸引某人的注意 bring sth. to sb.fs attention 吸引某人注意某事 pay attention to 注意 devote sb.s attention to 專心于 focus sb/s attention on把注意力集中在turn sb.fs attention to 將注意力轉(zhuǎn)向He drew his attention to t

20、he rising unemployment.失業(yè)率日漸升高引起了他的注意。He waved his hand to catch my attention.他揮手以吸引我的注意力。The matter was first brought to my attention earlier this year.今年較早時(shí),我第一次注意到這個(gè)問(wèn)題。He can always devote his attention to listening attentively in class.他在課堂上總能專心于聽(tīng)課。即境活用完成句子(1) The article was intended to thesitu

21、ation in Iraq.這篇文章旨在呼吁人們關(guān)注伊拉克局勢(shì)。(2) Donft him一hes always sayingstupid things.別對(duì)他太在意他總是在說(shuō)些蠢話。(3) She tried to她設(shè)法吸引服務(wù)員的注意。earlier(4) The matter was first this year.今年早些時(shí)候,我第一次注意到這個(gè)問(wèn)題。答案 (l)draw attention to (2)pay attention to(3)attract the waiter1 s attention (4)brought to my attention2. take possess

22、ion of 占有(占領(lǐng))Settlers began to move westwards and to take possession of the plains as their own.殖民者開(kāi)始向西遷移,并把平原據(jù)為己有。in possession of sth占有某物in ones possession=in the possession of sb.(某物)為某人所占有(持有)have possession of 擁有come into the possession of sb.=come into sb.fs possession被某人占有;落入某人手中即境活用完成句子(1) T

23、hey the house for ten years.他們擁有這棟房子已有10年了。(2) The young man is the company.The company is the young man.這家公司為這個(gè)年輕人所擁有。答案(l)have had possession of (2)in possession of; inthe possession of3 be based on/upon 以為基礎(chǔ)They based their estimate on the figures for the last three years.他們以過(guò)去三年的數(shù)字為根據(jù)進(jìn)行估算。Her good business was based on good service.她興隆的生意依托于良好的服務(wù)。建立(1) base sth. on/upon以為根據(jù)/基礎(chǔ);把在at the base of在的底部(2) basis n.根據(jù);基礎(chǔ)basic a龍基礎(chǔ)的即境活用完成句子(1) One should always (把觀點(diǎn)建立在事實(shí)的基礎(chǔ)上).(2) Actually teaching is an art (建立在科學(xué)基礎(chǔ)上的).答案(l)base his opinion on


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