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1、Unit 3 What color is it ?(The 1st period section A lalc)Teaching aims (教學(xué)目標(biāo))1、學(xué)會(huì)識(shí)別顏色和談?wù)撐矬w顏色2、學(xué)會(huì)字母SsZzlanguage points(語言點(diǎn))1、要求掌握以下句式: What color is it? Its red .2、要求掌握以下字母:Ss T t V v V v W w X x Y y Z z3、要求掌握以下詞匯:red green blue yellow white blackTeaching steps1、warming- up and revision (課前熱身和復(fù)習(xí))1)Dai

2、ly greetings to the students (日常問候)T:Good morning/afternoonHow are you today?How about you, Jim ?How is your mother? 如S1:Good morning. S2:Good morning.S1:How are you today? S2:Im fine, thanks, How about you? 2) Revision (復(fù)習(xí))A). T:Whats this in English?S1:Its a bag. S2: Its a hat. B)T:Whats this?S1:I

3、ts A Or T:Wheres A?S1:Its here. .2、Presentation(呈現(xiàn)新知識(shí))T:(從復(fù)習(xí)中引出)Whats this?S:Its U . T:What color is it? S:Its red .(通過這個(gè)句型引出要學(xué)的新字母和六種顏色,可以做字母卡片,并在每個(gè)字母上涂上一種要學(xué)的顏色。)3、work on la ( 完成P12 1a )T:Now lets listen to the tape and repeat Please try to imitate them . Tape script A :Whats this ? B : Its V .A :

4、 What color is it ? B : Its red.4、Work on 1 b ( 完成P13 1b )T:Match the words with the colors(給學(xué)生兩分鐘時(shí)間來完成此項(xiàng)任務(wù),并讓同桌學(xué)生討論,校對答案)T:Now lets check the answers5、Practise1) GamesT:Lets look at our classroom and find the colors T:red red a red flagS1:red red a red hatT:green green S3:green green a green S4:2)c

5、hantred red a red pengreen green a green tree white white a white kiteblack black a black catblue blue a blue ruleryellow yellow a yellow pillow6、work on 1c (完成P131c)T:Now you see many things in our classroom . Look, whats this? S:Its a pencil-box. T:what color is it ? S:Its black.(引導(dǎo)學(xué)生參考教室里的物體,運(yùn)用上面

6、的句型編類似的對話)7、work on 2a(完成P142a)T:Listen and repeat the letters(學(xué)生在跟讀字母時(shí),可適時(shí)教他們字母的發(fā)音拼讀如Sses、Tt t+ i: ti: )8、Work on 2b ( 完成P142b)T:Now lets play the game “Who can find your partner fastest?”T : Look at the picture in 1a . Find the big letters for these small ones .( 給學(xué)生一分鐘時(shí)間完成任務(wù),然后校對答案。)9、work on 2 c

7、 ( 完成P142c)T:listen and number the letters you hear.(可以根據(jù)情況播放2遍,第一遍學(xué)生聽后寫上順序,第二遍邊聽邊校對答案)10、Work on 2d( 完成P15 2d)T:Whats the small letter for S? Can you write it?(在黑板的三線格上,教學(xué)生書寫這幾個(gè)字母的大小寫)T:Now who can come here and write on the blackboard?(讓學(xué)生上來寫在黑報(bào)上,然后評論并糾正書寫的錯(cuò)誤,使學(xué)生印象深刻)11、Follow up(進(jìn)一步擴(kuò)展)T:Do you kn

8、ow what these letters mean?S/M/L UFO CCTV UN(先出示字母組合,讓學(xué)生猜出其代表的意思,然后出現(xiàn)相應(yīng)的圖片給學(xué)生直觀上的感受)T:Do you know these?CH AME AD ID WC(老師補(bǔ)充其它字母組合,讓學(xué)生猜出其意思)T:Do you know other letters like these?S:KFCT:What do they mean?S1:肯德基(可用漢語表達(dá))。12、Homework :Oral work(1)Listen to la and repeat .(2)Make up your dialogues with

9、your classmates like 1c .Written work(1)Copy the letters S-Z twice. (大小寫各抄2遍)(2)Copy the six words of colors twice.Unit3 what color is it? ( The 2nd period Section A 4 - 5 )Teaching aims (教學(xué)目標(biāo))1、繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)識(shí)別顏色2、學(xué)習(xí)談?wù)摲块g里物品的顏色Language points (語言點(diǎn))1、要求掌握以下句式:(1)Whats this in English? Its a key.Spell it ,pleas

10、e . K EYWhat color is it? Its yellow.2、要求掌握以下詞匯:color ( V .)Teaching steps (教學(xué)步驟)1、warming- up and revision(1)Daily greetings to the students(2)RevisionT:Whats this? S:Its w.T:What color is it? S:Its black.Well done! Good job! Super! Great! Pretty good!2、Presentation(呈現(xiàn)新知識(shí))(呈現(xiàn)空心字的顏色詞卡片或畫在黑板上或打印在work

11、sheet上)T:Whats this word ? S:Its BLACK.T:Color it black ,please . S1:OK .(老師讓學(xué)生完成在空心字里涂上正確的顏色,并校對)3、Work on 4T:Look at the picture . Whats this ?S:Five RingsT:(給學(xué)生兩分鐘完成任務(wù),然后用CAI來呈現(xiàn)五環(huán)旗的圖片,讓學(xué)生校對)4、Follow Up (1)T:Whats this ?S:Its a Chinese /English / American.flag .T:Can you color it ? S:Yes .(2)T:Tak

12、e out your palette.T:Whats blue and green? Whats red and yellow? Whats black and white? Whats blue and yellow? 5、work on 5T:Look at the picture of a bedroom, whats this? S:Its a bed.T:Spell it, please. S:BEDT:What color is it? S:Its yellow.6、HomeworkOral work:(1)read the words of colors(2)Read and r

13、ecite the dialogue on P15(3)Go on making up your dialogues with your partner and polish it .Written work(1) Draw your bedroom and write about it .(描寫你的臥室里的物品的顏色)為了使學(xué)生盡快進(jìn)入上課的狀態(tài),建議分別向不同的學(xué)生提問以上的問題,也可以設(shè)置情景,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生編出類似的對話。老師運(yùn)用實(shí)物,幻燈片或CAI等手段復(fù)習(xí)學(xué)過的名詞,可以采用快速回答或平面圖猜測等競賽方法,由于這些是已學(xué)過的詞匯,所以應(yīng)采取一些形象、生動(dòng)的方法來鞏固。老師用字母卡片或生活

14、中像字母的東西來復(fù)習(xí)字母讓學(xué)生排成一列或一排,每個(gè)手中拿一字母卡片,被問到的同學(xué)迅速站出來。借助這種方式可以較好地訓(xùn)練學(xué)生的聽力。學(xué)生應(yīng)聽一句跟讀一句,老師強(qiáng)調(diào)學(xué)生對語音語調(diào)的模仿,可讓學(xué)生標(biāo)上語調(diào),先全班跟讀,再讓個(gè)體學(xué)生跟讀,可主用激勵(lì)、競賽等方法,鼓勵(lì)學(xué)生大聲朗讀,模仿到位。引導(dǎo)學(xué)生找教室里的物品顏色,可以采用男女生競賽,小組競賽或Chain Drill等形式,這一步可以發(fā)揮學(xué)生的主動(dòng)性,積極地使用所學(xué)知識(shí)。老師根據(jù)相同的元音編出左邊的Chant,運(yùn)用CAI,形象地展示出來,配上音樂旋律。以此來鞏固上一步驟。老師清楚地示范一兩遍后,放手讓學(xué)生編,然后再檢查三,四組。把學(xué)生分成2組,一組拿

15、著大寫字母卡片,另一組拿著小寫字母卡片,在最短的時(shí)候內(nèi)找到相應(yīng)的大小寫字母 讓學(xué)生思考在生活中見到的字母組合,可采用直接分組競賽也可先分組討論再競賽的方法,這個(gè)活動(dòng)可在課前預(yù)習(xí)作業(yè)中布置教師和學(xué)生準(zhǔn)備好一套彩色大小字母卡片,隨意抽出卡片編類似于上述的對話,然后引導(dǎo)學(xué)生同桌或同組問答,再檢查二、三組,檢查時(shí),可用出適當(dāng)?shù)脑u價(jià).通過此方式可進(jìn)一步鞏固字母及顏色的表達(dá)。教師用CAI呈現(xiàn)幾面典型的未涂色的國旗,讓學(xué)生猜測其顏色,然后在worksheet上給國旗涂上正確的顏色,最后與CAI上的圖片校對一下。增強(qiáng)學(xué)生對國旗的認(rèn)識(shí),延伸課外知識(shí)。讓學(xué)生拿出帶來的調(diào)色板和顏料,老師提出一個(gè)問題后,學(xué)生著手調(diào)色

16、,并回答問題,此時(shí)需要教學(xué)一些新的顏色詞:pink , purple , grey . 借助這種方法培養(yǎng)學(xué)習(xí)語言的興趣,提高動(dòng)手能力,同時(shí)很好地對知識(shí)進(jìn)行了延伸。老師利用CAI或掛圖呈現(xiàn)一幅臥室的圖片,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生運(yùn)用上面的句型談?wù)撆P室中的物品及顏色,可以讓學(xué)生到黑板前來指著圖片中的物品進(jìn)行問答。Unit 3 What color is it( The 3rd period Section B 1a2 )Teaching aims ( 教學(xué)目標(biāo))1. 繼續(xù)辨認(rèn)物品及物品的顏色。2. 了解a e i o u 5個(gè)元音字母常見的開、閉音節(jié)的發(fā)音。Language points ( 語言點(diǎn))1. 要求進(jìn)

17、一步熟練掌握以下句式 :Whats this in English ? Its .What color is it ? Its .The key is yellow .(red , white .)2. 要求掌握以下詞匯:red , yellow , green , blue , black , white3. 要求進(jìn)一步了解5個(gè)元音字母及其常見開、閉音節(jié)的發(fā)音。Difficult Points : ( 難點(diǎn)) a e i o u 5個(gè)元音字母常見的開、閉音節(jié)的發(fā)音。Teaching steps (教學(xué)步驟)1. Warming-up and revision (課堂熱身和復(fù)習(xí))1)Daily

18、 greetings to the students (日常問候) T : Good morning / Good afternoon / Hello / Hi ! How are you ? S: Im fine ,thank you . And you? 2) Revision ( 復(fù)習(xí) ) 1. A guessing game :T : I spy a color . It begins with “r”. What color is it ? S1 : I know its red.S1: I spy a color . It begins with “y”. What color i

19、s it ? S2 : I know its yellow.S2: I spy a color . It begins with . What color is it ? S3: I know its .2.A spelling game :T : Whats this color? It begins with “b”. ( T 在黑板上板書b )S: Is there an “l(fā)” in this word ? T : Yes , there is .S : Is there a “u” in this word ? T : Yes , there is.S : Ah, I know it

20、s blue.T : Whats this color ? It ends with “w” .T :There is an “ a ” in the middle. .3. Check homework T :Please show me your pictures of your bedroom . Whats this in English ? S : Its a.T : Spell it , please .S : .T : What color is it ?S : Its .T : Good job ! / Well done ! / Your picture is beautif

21、ul! (教師及時(shí)予以評價(jià)鼓勵(lì)) 2.Work on 1a on P16 (完成 P16 1a )Task One :( 任務(wù)一:教師讓學(xué)生辨認(rèn)1a 圖片中的物品名稱。)T: Now please open your books and turn to page 16.Whats this in English in the picture ?S: Its a pen . T: And whats this ?S: Its a key .T: Whats this?S: Its a ruler . (可由學(xué)生兩人一組對話形式辨認(rèn)圖片中的物品名稱。)Task Two: ( 任務(wù)二:對第16頁上面

22、的1a進(jìn)行聽音涂色。)T: First listen to the tape carefully .( 第一遍讓學(xué)生認(rèn)真。)T : Now listen again ,take out your color pencils to color the things in the picture.( 第二遍,讓學(xué)生根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容開始涂色。) Tape script A : Whats this in English ?B : Its a key .A : What color is it ?B : Its yellow .A : Whats this ?B : Its a ruler .A : Wh

23、at color is it ?B : Its blue.A: Whats this ?B : Its a pen .A : What color is it ?B : Its red . 3.Work on 1b on P16 (完成 P16 1b)T : Listen again and complete the sentences .( 讓學(xué)生再聽1a的錄音材料,在空格內(nèi)寫下該物品的顏色的單詞。) Answer 1. The key is yellow.2. The ruler is blue .3. The pen is red . 4.Work on 2 P16 ( 完成 P16 2

24、 )Task One : Revise 26 letters . ( 復(fù)習(xí)26個(gè)字母 )T : Look at the letter cards and read aloud like this : aa, b b , c c .Task Two : Pronounce the 26 letters.T : Now this read the letters like this :a ei / b b+ i: bi: / c s + i:si: / d d+ i: di: / f e + fef / . ( T helps Ss to say and pronounce the 26 lett

25、ers .)Task Three : T : Now lets play a game“ Grouping the letters (字母分組游戲)”Get 26 students with 26 “l(fā)etter caps “ on their heads to come to the blackboard one by one . Others read aloud the letters . Then arrange the 26 students into 7 different groups containing the same sounds . They are ei i:e ai

26、 ju: u and :. ( copy these sounds on blackboard.) Aa Hh Jj Kk Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz Ii Yy Uu Qq Ww Oo Rr Tell Ss to memorize the chart in the way of pronouncing the 26 letters.Get Ss to arrange their own 26 cards into 7 groups on their desks.Task Four: Listen and repeat.T : No

27、w open their books , listen and repeat the tape . (讓學(xué)生聽音跟讀P16 第2部分,并找出不同的發(fā)音規(guī)律性。)Read aloud the words in the top row .Get Ss to repeat. Check pronunciation and correct if necessary. Make sure students understand the difference between the two “a” sounds. Repeat for the next rows. T Can give Ss the ph

28、onetics of these sounds.Task Five : Exercises 1. 聽下列各組字母,含有相同音素的劃“ ”號,不同的劃 “”。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( Recording : 1. KG 2. BE 3. SM 4. JG 5. AI Answer : )2. 讀下列每組字母和單詞,含有相同元音音素的劃“ ”號,不同的劃 “”。 1. K Dale ( ) 2. Frank thanks ( ) 3. E pen ( ) 4. map Grace ( ) 5. Q blue ( )( Answer : )5.Homework:1. Oral work :

29、 Listen to the chart on 2 P16, read and recite it .2. Written work :(1) Make up dialogues according to 1a picture and write them down.(2) Describe your own bedroom , eg:“ In my bedroom , the desk is white , the jacket is red , the key is green . ”Unit 3 What color is it( The 4th period Section B 3a4

30、 )Teaching aims (教學(xué)目標(biāo)) 1. 熟練掌握26個(gè)英文字母 2. 進(jìn)一步掌握5個(gè)元音字母。Language points (語言點(diǎn))4. 26 個(gè)字母5. 5個(gè)元音字母 : a e i o u Teaching steps (教學(xué)步驟)1.Warming-up and revision (課堂熱身和復(fù)習(xí))T : Good morning / Good afternoon / Hello / Hi ! How are you? Whats this in English?S: Its a pen.T: Spell it, please.S:P-E-N .T: what colou

31、r is it?S: Its blue.(2.Work on 3a on P17 ( 完成 P17 3a )Task One : (任務(wù)一:教師使用26張字母卡片隨意抽出讓學(xué)生認(rèn)讀)T: What are these?S: They are letters .Theyre English letters .(學(xué)生不會(huì)說letters,教師可帶著學(xué)生說。)T: How many?S: Twenty-six.T: Whats this?S: Its D ( A 、C|、B、X.) (可由學(xué)生兩人一組對話形式辨認(rèn)卡片上的字母。)Task Two: ( 任務(wù)二:聽音跟讀、模仿第17頁上面的3a )T:

32、 Now please open your books and turn to page 17.Listen and repeat the 26 English letters . Tape script A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Task Three : Finding the letters ( T draws the sticking figures on the blackboard . Get Ss to find the letters in the alphabet, the more, the bet

33、ter.)T: Please look at the picture, can you see “A” ? S: Yes, its here.T: Can you see “H”?.Task Four: Recognizing the letters. ( 辨認(rèn)字母游戲 )T: Now, look at me and guess what letter it is. S: Is it T?T: No, it isnt.S: Is it Y ?T: Yes, it is .3.Work on 3b P17 (完成P 17 3b) Task One : Listen and learn the a

34、lphabet song .(讓學(xué)生學(xué)唱字母歌,幫助學(xué)生熟練記憶26個(gè)字母。)T: Now first just look at the song on P17, listen to it carefully.( 第一遍讓學(xué)生靜聽,了解歌曲的旋律。) This time, lets follow the tape and sing aloud.(第二遍讓學(xué)生跟著磁帶唱。) Now, lets sing along with the tune.( 讓學(xué)生跟著伴奏帶唱。)Task Two: Lets play a singing game. I sing “ ABCD” , you sing “E

35、FG”. Tom (班級里的一學(xué)生)sings “ OPQ” , you sing “ RST ”. Got it ? (讓學(xué)生玩唱歌游戲,一個(gè)學(xué)生唱出歌中的任何一句或半句,另一學(xué)生接唱下一句或下半句。)Task Three: Now, lets play another game “Say the next letter” .If I say “A” , you say “B” . If I say “H” , you say “I” . ( 讓學(xué)生玩“說下一個(gè)字母”的游戲。) 4Work on 4 P 17 ( 完成P17第4部分)Task One: Get Ss to say the f

36、ive vowels.( 讓學(xué)生回顧5個(gè)元音字母。)Task Two : Listen and read the chant .T : First , Just listen carefully and enjoy the lyrics in the book .( 第一遍,讓學(xué)生感受節(jié)奏) Now follow the lyrics in the book. ( 第二遍,讓學(xué)生跟著吟唱。) (在學(xué)生反復(fù)跟著吟唱后,可進(jìn)行比賽。)Task Three : Get S to think more words with the five vowels .(讓學(xué)生想出更多的含有這5個(gè)元音字母的單詞。

37、Then make a similar chant in groups, Get Ss to show their new chant and perform in front of class. ( 讓學(xué)生分小組編類似的chant,然后展示他們的作品,并表演出來。 )5.Homework :Oral work : (1) Sing the alphabet song.(2) Recite the English alphabet.Written Work : (1) Copy 26 letters and 5 vowels.(2) Make a similar chant.Unit 3 Wh

38、at color is it( The 5th period self-check )Teaching aims (教學(xué)目標(biāo))1.檢查前一天布置的chant作業(yè)。2.通過小測驗(yàn)來復(fù)習(xí)本單元所學(xué)過的內(nèi)容。3.學(xué)會(huì)談?wù)撟约鹤钕矚g的顏色及描繪美好的環(huán)境 。(根據(jù)班級學(xué)生接受能力情況來確定。)Language points (語言點(diǎn))1.名詞:sea , water , sky , tree ,flower , sun 2. Whats this in English? Its .What color is it? Its .Whats your favorite color? Red.The sky

39、 is blue .The water is green .The tree is green. The .Teaching steps (教學(xué)步驟)1. Warming-up and revision (課堂熱身和復(fù)習(xí))1)Daily greetings to the students (日常問候) T : Good morning ! S : Good morning ! T : My name is . What is your name? S : Im . T : Nice to meet you . S : Nice to meet you , too . T : Good morn

40、ing / Good afternoon / Hello / Hi ! How are you ? S: Im fine ,thank you . And you? ( If possible , teach some alternatives of Im fine . eg. Im Okay. Im not feeling well. Im so-so. I feel great.)2) Revision ( 復(fù)習(xí) ) T: Now show me your chant. Read it aloud. Lets enjoy it!(Get S to show their new chant

41、and read aloud in front of class.)T : Good job ! / Well done! / Excellent! (教師及時(shí)予以評價(jià)鼓勵(lì))2.Work on 1 on P18 ( 完成 P18 1 )Check the letters and words you know. T : Now please open your book , read the letters and words in Part 1 by yourself .Tick the letters and words you know and circle the letters and

42、 words you dont know . (讓學(xué)生讀P18 1中的字母及單詞,挑出自己已會(huì)的內(nèi)容。)3.Work on 2 on P18 (完成 P18 2 )T: Now write five new words in your Vocab-Builder .(讓學(xué)生記錄本單元所學(xué)的5個(gè)單詞,也可鼓勵(lì)學(xué)生記錄自己課外學(xué)到的詞匯。)4.Work on 3 on P18 ( 完成 P18 3 )Task One : Get Ss to recite the English alphabet and 5 vowels . (讓學(xué)生背誦字母表及5個(gè)元音字母) Task Two : Get Ss

43、to fill in the missing letters in P 18 3 .Then read all the letters .( 讓學(xué)生填入表中所缺的字母,然后朗讀出來。) Answer b, e , g , h , k , m , p , q , s , u , w , y 5.Work on 4 on P18 ( 完成 P18 4 ) Get Ss to work in pairs , use colored pens to write down the letters their partner says .( 讓學(xué)生兩人一組說寫單詞。一位學(xué)生說出自己喜歡的字母與顏色,另一位

44、用該顏色的彩筆寫下該字母。)T : Now you work in pairs .One says “ Green A ”. Your partner writes down the letter in this color .( 教師在學(xué)生完成此項(xiàng)任務(wù)時(shí),可走入學(xué)生座位檢查學(xué)生的發(fā)音或提供幫助。)6.Follow up : ( 進(jìn)一步擴(kuò)展)1) T : Now you have many colorful letters on your books . Now I want to know whats your favorite color ? ( to S1 ) Whats your fa

45、vorite color ? S1 : Red .T : ( to S2 ) Whats your favorite color ?S2 : Green .2) Get Ss to ask and answer in pairs about their favorite color .7.Enjoy just for fun on P18 ( 欣賞 P18的just for fun )T : What color do the birds see ? Lets read “Just for fun ”.(Get Ss to read aloud the dialogue . Help Ss u

46、nderstand the dialogue .Help Ss learn some new words : bird , water , sea , whale ,)8.Follow up : ( 進(jìn)一步擴(kuò)展 )Get Ss to draw a picture of beautiful environment with blue sky , bright red sun , blue sea , green water , green trees , colorful flowers , white birds . Then describe the picture .“ This is our home .The sky is blue .The sea is blue. The water is clear .The tree is green . I like them .”9.Dictation :( 聽寫下列字母和單詞)1A a 2. Ii 3.E e 4.Rr 5. Oo 6.Ll 7.Uu 8. Vv 9. Yy 10. J j11. Gg 12. Zz 13. Qq 14. red 15. green 16. blue 17. yellow 19.white 20.color10


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